
Thursday, November 7, 2019

With Dad to Okefenokee on the Georgia/Florida State Line

On December 1, 1990 we drove to the south of our state Georgia, right on the line with Florida.
For a very special visit with Dad!
Here Dad and I are walking some of the board walks with clear blue sky as you see and too harsh light for decent photos...
Sadly, the original boardwalk that we walked with Dad, got lost in the 2007 Big Turnaround Fire...
See this informative 'The Okefenokee Swamp Park' video here.
Pieter and Dad together.
Pieter wearing his leather 'The Bridge' bag, precious gift from friends in Italy...
Okefenokee means 'Trembling Earth' - glad Dad got to experience this!
Enjoy this very short still video from our trip in 1990 with Dad, a guided boat tour down the original Seminole Indian waterways!
It starts out briefly with Dad working in our garden, sawing wood, with the assistance of a friendly neighborhood dog named Ellis...

You get to see a gator as well!

Related links:
Blessing of our New Home with Dad being Present | previous post by me
Visiting Museum of Aviation in Warner Robins, Georgia with Dad | previous post by me
Dad Visiting Chappell Grist Mill Dublin Georgia | previous post by me
Dad did tag along on November 11, 1990 for helping us move into our new home | previous post by me


  1. Liebe Mariette,
    das sind schöne Erinnerungen an Deinen Vater!
    Ich wünsche Dir einen schönen Tag und einen guten Start in ein gemütliches und freundliches Wochenende!
    ♥️ Allerliebste Grüße, Claudia ♥️
    Schade, daß Du nicht mehr bei mir vorbeikmmst ...:O(

    1. Liebe Claudia,
      Ja, es sind sehr schöne Erinnerungen besonders seid er nicht mehr da ist!
      Bin ja 10 Tage unterwegs gewesen, alleine 2,108 Km gefahren. Kann nicht alles tun...
      Liebe Grüße,

    2. Claudia, Entschuldige, 3,801 Km muß das sein... Eine Hochzeit in eine andere Staat und dann wollte ich noch immer gerne meinen Pieter den Blue Ridge Parkway zeigen mit voller Herbstfarben. Habe es geschafft und sogar The Skyline Drive durch Shenandoah National Park. Werde später darüber bloggen...

  2. Hello Mariette, What a variety of places you and your family have experienced. I would love to visit the Okefenokee Swamp, as swamps and bogs are places I find fascinating, with their unique plants and wildlife.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Yes, the variety here in the USA is almost endless and we always have enjoyed showing that to our guests, family or not.
      Okefenokee Swamp is very interesting to visit!

  3. I've never been to Okefenokee but would love to visit there. The boardwalk was beautiful. Too bad it was lost in fire. I love the video -- your dad and Ellis together are so sweet :-) And the boat ride looks very pleasant! I've been to boat ride in swamp before and enjoyed it. I enjoyed seeing wildlife...yes seen gator, too!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Mariette! xo

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, it was a beautiful boardwalk and too bad that is lost in the fire. We're glad that we visited for capturing some very unique memories.
      Hate those gators, they look so prehistoric and knowing what they are capable of doing...

  4. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Yes, they make lovely memories too!

  5. Un giro in barca lo farei volentieri, devono essere molto belli quei corsi d'acqua, mi spiace che non esista più la passerella di legno, mi sono sempre piaciute.
    Buona domenica.

    1. Caro Giancarlo,
      In effetti, molto triste che la passerella di legno si sia persa nel fuoco selvaggio... Abbiamo apprezzato molto il giro in barca in questo palude unico e per vedere gli alligatori da vicino!
      Abbracci e buona domenica!

  6. Dearest Agnes,
    Yes, they are nice and valuable memories now!


Thanks for your visit and comment.
