
Monday, August 17, 2020

Editorial Review: P.J.C. Vedder's Modern Mushroom Growing - The Content is so Clear and Comprehensive

On March 18, 1966, husband Pieter got a review for his German book about Modern Mushroom Growing.
Mr. Erich Hüllen, Federation of German Mushroom Growers wrote:
'The content is so clear and comprehensive that even the oldest mushroom growers can still learn here. 
Above all, you not only explain how to do it, you also say how not to do it.
Figure 64. in the Dutch version shows husband Pieter to the left.
Converting manure (mainly horse manure at that time) using a special small manure machine at the experimental station in Horst. It is important that the added substances are distributed very well among the manure (photo Brenneker).
Yes, Pieter certainly understood fully what he was writing about!
Having done the entire process himself, gave him good practical insights, which he then could write about in his books and publications for the mushroom industry.
Original content from first hand experience...
Above photo got taken in 1962.
German version of P.J.C. Vedder's book Modern Mushroom Growing
Director of the Centre of the Mushroom Culture School in Horst/Limburg (Holland)
March 18, 1966
Dear Mr. Vedder
I am on holiday for some time and have time and leisure to think about a lot. I feel the need to write to you and say how grateful we are to you for allowing us to publish from your book 'Modern Mushroom Growing'. The content is so clear and comprehensive that even the oldest mushroom growers can still learn here. Above all, you not only explain how to do it, but you also say how not to do it.
I only regret that it was not possible from the publisher to publish a translation of your entire book in German (they were short on funds...).
Thank you again and recommend me to Mr. and Dr. Bels. 
With kind greetings
Your very devoted
Erich Hüllen
This is from the Dutch publication 'Moderne Champignoncultuur' from 1962-3 where husband Pieter 'feeds' Iwan.
Iwan (the terrible) a small converted threshing machine which they used initially.
Later the design for larger scale compost turners became possible.
Yes, those were still the pioneering days!

Related links:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | our book with mention of editorial reviews
The Three Most Important Items for Mushroom Production 'Compost, Compost, Compost!' | Written in 1989 by Tom Gannon and published in CAMPBELL'S NEWSLETTER


  1. Dearest Mariette,
    really interesting post! Your husband did write a lot of very helpful books and publications!
    Thank you for sahring,
    hava a lovley week,
    Love and hugs, Claudia xo

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Yes it is and it is a treasure for having such reviews!
      You at least are able to read this in your mother tongue.

  2. Replies
    1. Cara Olga,
      Grazie e sono molto orgoglioso di lui.
      Un abbraccio,

  3. We take so many things in life for granted. People buy and use mushrooms without realising the science about the industry.

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      With most things that people purchase for wearing or putting in their mouth, they often have no clue what went on before they could do so!

  4. Content clear and comprehensive is very important! Thus practical, the book can be used widely. I think "oldest mushroom growers can still learn" is a great complement!
    That threshing machine looks familiar. Maybe it reminds me of a rice thresher I saw in Japan :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, it is very important for the reader to understand it in clear language by not using words that go over the top of their heads, as many scientists love to do.
      No doubt you recall a very similar rice thresher from Japan! They look so alike.

  5. Hello Mariette, You have shown and discussed such dramatic situations involved with mushroom growing--caves, beds ready to harvest, even as in the above photo of the preparation of the compost, it is a pity that no great artist or photographer specialized in this field. I sense that it still would be a good opportunity for the right artist who can see the drama and beauty (and also the 'cool' factor!) in mushroom culture.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You are so right in this and there would be many possibilities to capture well in drawing or photography.

  6. You married a talented man and shared so many things I know zip about

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Thank you for your compliment and yes, I sure did and am proud of him too.
      Glad you get a little insight into those 'bloody mushies' as you call them down under!

  7. What a nice note from that Hullen guy. Seems he was in awe of Pieter.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Yes, a very nice note and he was speaking on behalf of several German mushroom growers.

  8. Great reviews and compliments on Pieter's mushroom growing books.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Yes, they are and it feels good for having been able to help numerous people all over the world with your teaching advise.

  9. Replies
    1. Dearest Regine,
      It sure is for looking back at in the end of your life...


Thanks for your visit and comment.
