
Friday, September 16, 2022

Fairmont Château Laurier in Ottawa and Parliament Buildings

 On Tuesday, August 18, we got up in time.
Packing up and breakfast at our Novotel in Montréal Center.
Just as I walked with two glasses of grapefruit juice to our table, a kid bumped into me...
Now I had a wet right bosom.
The mother kind of stupidly asked if I wanted water. 
I said rather angry; NO—making it even wetter?!
With a paper napkin in–between to suck up the juice, I drove to Ottawa.
Back then we used the old State Farm map as there was no GPS yet...
It were 160 km on a rather flat area with lots of corn.
We arrived at Rue Rideau 1, where our Fairmont Château Laurier is.
Right on the Rideau Canal, another WORLD Heritage Site.
Lots of road work and also in front of our hotel...
From our room 403, we video taped the Rideau Canal and its sluices with the Ottowa River visible as well.
Then we walk around and taped the Parliament Buildings that were right next door of our hotel, visible to the left in above image.
West Block was adjacent to our Fairmont Château Laurier as part of The Canadian Parliament Buildings – Ottawa, Canada ←click link

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  1. We have visited Ottawa and this area many times, as we have family who live there. I always like to see the beautiful Parliament buildings, and we have done the tour there. At Christmas 2017 we spent several nights at the Fairmont Chateau Laurier to do some Christmas shopping and give our daughter a break without us. The area was under snow, and I have a photo of the same little building beside the canal. I tried to copy it into my comment but it did not work. Well, it is the same but with snow :)

    1. Dearest Patricia,
      Yes, knowing that your daughter lives there, of course you have been there! It is a beautiful area and how considerate for giving your daughter a break that way—and yourself a treat!
      You were brave for being there in winter time; not my favorite time due to the cold.
      No, you can't put any photo in a comment—only a link.

  2. Ugh, sticky grapefruit juice. I understand the mother's first thought, though -- rinse right away to prevent any stains. I expect she meant well.

    I like Ottawa, have been a number of times, have visited the Parliament Buildings too (there used to be a managed feral cat colony there, on the river side, though I believe it's gone now). Byward Market was fun to explore as well, plus there are a number of terrific museums, the National Art Gallery, etc. :-)

    1. Dearest Kim,
      No, it was freshly squeezed grapefruit juice and not sticky. Guess she meant well indeed!
      Sure, as a Canadian, you have been to the Capital and visited there several times.
      We walked around and also visited Holt Renfrew, was looking for a French beret... Learned they closed in 2015. At La Baie department store on Rideau St. we learned that Ottawa at that time had 423,000 inhabitants. We still cherish some nice antique china that we found at Bank Street, Ottawa...
      One could easily linger there for weeks to really visit the museums and galleries!

  3. Canada is a country I've yet to visit, Mariette. What beautiful archetecture!

    1. Dearest Martha Jane,
      You are still young enough and fit for visiting and exploring its beauty!
      The architecture is quite a marvel.

  4. Que bela postagem, amigos...
    Parabéns! O parlamento
    É mais que um monumento,
    Lembra castelos antigos.
    Belos lugares – bemdigo-os.
    O Canadá é um país
    Lindo e, ora, não condiz,
    Parece-me como presidente
    Que me parece, que sente
    Ser como se Rei Supremo...
    Como se fosso ao extremo
    De mandatário inclemente.

    Gosto demais do Canadá. Pena o intenso frio. Mas é lindo, pujante e de futuro. Abraços fraternos. Laerte.

    1. Caro Laerte,
      Sim, isso é certo. O Canadá tem uma arquitetura linda e antiga!
      Nós dois sempre adoramos trabalhar lá e também gostamos dessa viagem, além de trabalhar.
      Sua natureza é outro esplendor e vimos isso no Ocidente no Montanhista Rochoso — o que foi excelente!

  5. I have Portuguese friends who lived in Canada and they say it's a wonderful country. And now with these photos I have a crazy desire to go there on vacation.
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Canada has so much beauty and also natural beauty!
      You already got friends there—so the connection IS there.

  6. Beautiful architecture.

    When you have an incident like the grapefruit juice, people always say silly things. I remember I was walking with my boss by the seaside. A seagull dropped its load on her. She said, "Have you got a paper towel or napkin?"

    I said, "What is the point? The seagull has flown miles away by now!"

    God bless.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Oh, the architecture is indeed beautiful.
      Haha—that was a sarcastic one... But it is true, people often say silly things!

  7. It still has been hot. You could enjoy pleasant days in Canada.

    1. Dearest RTC,
      Yes, those were very pleasant days in Canada and now our fondest memories!

  8. I read somewhere that Canada comes in second as the most beautiful country in the world.

    I enjoyed the lovely photos, Mariette.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest friend.

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      That might well be true as it has beautiful nature and ages old cities with grand architecture.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
