
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Mount Royal Park and Saint Joseph's Oratory in Montréal, Canada

 We went to the next place that we wanted to explore in Montréal.
Driving our rental car towards Mount Royal and parked on one of its parking areas then walking up.
Jacques Cartier was there way before us, on October 2, 1535...
The park is 200 hectare. 
The view of the Chalet we show on the video and also the Belvédère Kondiaronk lookout over the entire city.
It was incredible, even though the weather was heavy overcast that day but luckily no rain; our Burberry umbrella kept it at bay!
It was 15:30 o'clock when we reached the lookout area.
Beautiful gardens too; with Pieter's favorite Verbena hybrida Lanai 'Upright Red with Eye'.
Guess the climate there is just perfect.
Jacques Cartier came here only 43 years after Columbus...
Both had NO GPS; neither cell phones!
We also visit the World's Largest Shrine; Canada's Largest Church (Saint Joseph's Oratory) ←click for informative video and at 1:30 min. you see how this little 9–year old André Bessette lost his Dad when a huge tree fell upon him. After staying with his mother for two years, she also died...
This shrine is so overwhelming and no wonder it attracts over 2,000,000 visitors annually!
At the gift shop of Saint Joseph's Oratory we bought this little wall hanging.
It was a very lovely and interesting day spend in Montréal!
One final night at the Novotel and we would leave...

Have any of you been here?

Related links:


  1. No non sono mai stata in Canada.Buona giornata.

    1. Cara Olga,
      Sono contento che siamo stati in grado di portarti virtualmente!

  2. Yes, I have been there Mariette. In 2013 we flew into Montreal from Australia, en route to Ottawa to see our daughter. As our plane descended, I saw an enormous green dome and wondered what it could be. Late, family members took us to St Joseph's where we did a guided tour. It is an amazing place, my first experience of a shrine, and a very memorable day. Thanks for the memories!

    1. Dearest Patricia,
      Glad that you have been there and with fond memories.
      You are lucky for having your daughter reside near Ottawa, so that is not far away from all this architectural beauty. I drove from Montréal to Ottawa and that is my next post...

  3. Good Morning Mariette,

    I am up early so I am visiting old friends which would include you.
    Yes, we have been to Montreal. Have stayed right downtown with a fantastic city view and also in old town. We were there with an International Rotary meeting back when Tom was very active. I so remember their featured speaker for the event, Queen Noor of Jordan.I think our last visit was 2012. Toured the whole area and it was wonderful.
    My internal clock is off. Just returned from two weeks in Ireland…Janey
    Have no idea why I show up anonymous?

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Welcome back home and hoping that you soon get back into your time–rhythm!
      Oh, Blogger has been so annoying to so many people.
      I only can comment (also reply to others' comments) in Google Chrome.
      Never in Safari, guess this is a power struggle between the Big Tech guys!
      So happy you had quite some memories there with the International Rotary meeting in Montréal; with Queen Noor being a speaker! And making a tour; that was so special.
      We were just. on our own, in–between some consulting jobs but still we covered a lot and cherish those memories.

  4. Buen recorrido han hecho. Me encanta el paseo por el parque.

    1. Querida Antónia,
      Sí, ese fue definitivamente un hermoso recorrido y un paseo impresionantemente hermoso por ese parque.

  5. As you know, I was there in June 2019 with my dad, cousin and uncle. I wish I could have stayed longer, but they had only a cursory interest. My cousin and his family live in Montreal and had taken Dad and I, with my uncle (his father, visiting from Italy), to various spots, but my idea of time spent at a place and theirs was very different! It was the same with the Botanical Gardens! Even though I had been as a child and then about 15 years ago, I could have stayed the entire day and more.

    1. Dearest Kim,
      Oh, I can feel you... we both also love to linger on our own as it is seldom that others have the same interest for nature and for beautiful architecture.
      But you certainly are not far away from it all; guess you could go there by train.
      That Park was incredible. Pieter mentioned that last night again after I got back from choir rehearsal. So glad we did it back then; to enjoy now...

  6. I've never been to Canada. In fact, I have never left Europe, I hope to do so one day. Who knows...
    Coisas de Feltro

    1. Dearest Christina,
      Hoping for you that in the future you get to visit and see those architectural wonders.

  7. What a lovely place. I enjoyed the video. Thanx.

    God bless always.

    1. Dearest Victor,
      Thank you and yes, it is quite a place!

  8. Querida Mariette, maravilha de viagem!
    Cliquei no link que me levou à Basílica de Montreal para ouvir minha música preferida na voz de meu tenor preferido - Pavarotti!
    Saí encantada, que Santuário fantástico! Visitei outro link que mostrou mais da Basílica.
    Aplausos pela belíssima postagem!
    Abraços ao querido casal.

    1. Querida Taís,
      Obrigado por suas palavras e, de fato, Pavarotti fez quase completamente celestial...
      Tão feliz que você gostou deste post — não escrito em vão e compartilhado com os outros!
      Pieter e Mariette

  9. All your wonderful travel posts make me wanna visit Canada, Mariette.
    I enjoyed the video.

    Hugs and blessings, dearest friend 🌹

    1. Dearest Veronica,
      You certainly would love to go there; such a rich French culture in this part of Canada.


Thanks for your visit and comment.
