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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Pilot House Tour and Upper Deck of the America

On Tuesday, July 11, 2017 we both walked back from Oak Alley, to the boat an hour before the 'deadline', because it was our final chance for getting the Pilot House tour! Here we are at 11:00 AM...
Husband Pieter loved listening to the Captain!
Behind Pieter you still can see the live oak trees from Oak Alley...
So we went to Oak Alley at 9:00 AM and back in time for the Pilot House Tour, right before lunch...
Both of us were very impressed about the high tech details of this brand-new river cruise ship: America.
Below are the names of the Captain: Capt. Scott Broussard
To the left of Pieter you see Navigation Mate: Brad Vandiver who formerly was with the United States Coast Guard.
FURUNO radar system
SIMRAD Navigation
Computerized high tech maneuvering.
High tech system
Through the window you can see where we walked down to cross the road to Oak Alley Plantation!
On the upper deck in the back of the ship.
It is 11:42 AM and you can see the clouds coming up again, almost every afternoon like that.

Around 11:45 AM on the Mississippi, Vacherie, Louisiana and you can see Oak Alley from the upper deck as I turn around.
At 11:45 AM the weather at Vacherie, Louisiana is a tropical 31ºC and later in the afternoon, as usual thunderstorms.
We must say that American Cruise Lines has arranged all outings in a perfect timing.
Never a problem for not having good weather while out and about.
Coming down the steps from the 6th deck, you find a Spacious Sun Deck on the America, just click the link for more photos.
Sitting for a few minutes under the canopy of the Sun Deck.
If only there were more hours in those sunny mornings...
Quite happy for a few relaxing minutes on the sun deck...
Now off to lunch...
By 2:00 PM we're in Luling, Louisiana and on our way back to New Orleans...
So you don't think we never ate...
Here is the final Dinner Menu on the America...
At 7:00 PM we also were already back in the cruise port of New Orleans
Shrimp and Crab Stuffed Baked Lobster Tail was my choice.
The meals were really excellent and the service OUTSTANDING!
At 8:15 PM we enjoyed 3 of the famous VICTORY BELLES
Yes, 3 very talented singers and dancers kept us entertained.
So ended another perfect and full day with American Cruise Lines aboard the America.
Only one more breakfast in the morning and rather early disembarking.
Stay tuned for more...

Thanks for your visit!

Related links:
Oak Alley Plantation in Vacherie, Louisiana | previous post by me
Baton Rouge and Rosedown Plantation, Louisiana | previous post by me


  1. Dear Mariette,
    What a beautiful sky with the white clouds from the upper deck!The water is so calm.
    Those computerized navigation are great and look powerful!Glad to hear you both have shared such a wonderful trip together. Have a nice day!

    1. Dearest Tomoko,
      Yes, such a modern and high tech boat makes you believe that you are steady on the ground; in a real hotel. Such perfect balance. It was a once in a lifetime experience!
      Hugs and happy new week to you.

  2. Liebe Mariette,

    in gewohnter Schönheit.

    Sonnige Grüße


    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, Danke und die Sonne schicke ich eure Richtung zurück!
      Liebe Grüße,

  3. Hello Mariette, Mark Twain would have been amazed at 21st-century navigation! When he was a Mississippi River pilot, he had to look at such subtle signs as the ripples on the water to gauge depth, plus memorize thousands of known hazards and their associated landmarks on shore. On the other hand, managing such a large boat as the America I am sure takes much skill and experience, even with all the computerized gadgets.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      Well, since the Mark Twain days, we have had revolutionary changes and we can be grateful for that.
      Sure it takes much skill, even if the boat itself is built to perfection with the ability to get so close to the water's edge due to an ingenious built bottom with reinforced plate to make it glide effortless. I'd written to American Cruise Lines with some questions about the technical part but they never ever replied to me...

  4. Dear Mariette,
    Nice cruse, to be quite and sail with the wind ! Superb :)

    1. Dearest Nathalie,
      Yes, it sure was a very quiet experience for gliding over this mighty river.

  5. De foto's van dat dek zo geweldig zal er nu wel even op willen liggen in de zon ...! Het is hier zo erg koud ,maar ook dit gaat weer voorbij ,Groetjes,Joan

    1. Beste Joan,
      Ja, zeg dat wel, als je naar die foto's kijkt in de winter dan verlang je naar de warme zon!
      Bij jullie is het ook wel een heel strenge winter geworden, met zelfs mogelijkheid tot schaatsen...

  6. Wonderful that you had a chance to visit the pilot house and see all that technology.
    Comfortable deck chairs, what a pity you didn't get too much time to enjoy sitting around :)
    Have a nice day Mariette.

    1. Dearest Sami,
      Yes, that opportunity was offered a few times and this was the final chance.
      The purpose of that deck is almost an idle one as none of the guests finds much time aside from the meals and full programs but it is nice to have.
      Happy week ahead and hugs,

  7. You are in a part of the USA that I have yet to visit. Looks so green and clean. You two look very relaxed and tan! Keep relaxing and enjoy your trip!


    1. Dearest Debra,
      Well, we now have been 3 times to New Orleans. In March of 1988, in July of 2017 for this cruise and we just got back from another 3-night visit the end of February! It is such a unique area and you ought to see it at least once.

  8. Liebe Mariette,

    ich mag ja die hohen Temperaturen so gar nicht, aber möglicherweise fühlt es sich auf dem Fluss anders an? Weht immer ein leichtes Lüftchen? Ein Abenteuer war die Reise auf alle Fälle.
    Tolle Bilder und auf den hübschen weissen Korbstühlen muss das Relaxen wunderbar gewesen sein. :-)


    1. Liebe Julia,
      Es ist oft komisch wenn man Menschen aus den Bergen, oder kühleren Gegenden so etwas sagen hört. Wo ich aufgewachsen bin mit Gewächshäuser wo es Mitte Sommer am Mitten vom Tag bis 45ºC werden konnte beim Gurken schneiden oder Cornichons pflücken, ist man gehärtet fürs Leben. Nie habe ich Probleme damit gehabt muß ich sagen. Es kann hier im Süden so bis 45ºC werden und dabei auch noch sehr hohe Lüftfeuchtigkeid und ohne leichtes Lüftchen.
      Aber es ist gut für die Haut!
      Wir hatten nur kaum Zeit um uns in den Korbstühlen zu finden...
      Liebe Grüße,

  9. Dear Mariette,
    You and Pieter's has wonderful relaxing all the time on the sun deck in yum wind Yes!
    Have a wonderful time with both of you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Well, this final full day we indeed made it to the sun deck to see how it looks like.
      So that was only once and for maybe 15 minutes...
      We did enjoy it all though and have the fondest memories.

  10. Dearest Mariette,
    I was so much made mistake this morning your coming my place your nice compliments but I finding it exactly trying to do bad time.
    Hugs and love

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Don't feel bad about anything!
      You are only to be admired considering what you lived through and still manage to be positive most of the time!
      Hugs and admiration,

  11. Looks like it was a great trip. Yes, summer afternoon rains are expected daily there. I lived in Louisiana for many years at different stages of my life. Was working in New Orleans before moving to Kuwait in 1994.

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      It so much reminded both of us to the tropical climate of central Jawa, Indonesia where it poured down every afternoon during the wet monsoon and it rained often during the dry season... Hence the fertility of the land and here in Louisiana it also resulted in great gardens! For you it was a huge change from hot and humid to the desert climate.

  12. Hello dear Mariette,
    Long time since I visited your blog, sorry for that but I am on the roads a lot or trying to sort out my Kenya pics before I am off again to the Okavango and Kalahari end of next month!!
    Your cruise trip is splendid and shows very interesting places through your great photos :)
    I love the Vacherie, what a mansion!
    Warm hugs dear friend and keep well :)

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      No need to ever apologize for not being able to visit. We all at times have lack of time to do it all and for you it means a lot to be able to follow you on your exotic safaris and admiring your great photography skills.
      Stay healthy and safe!

  13. You were sailing a very modern ship and safe for sure. From his deck you saw beautiful oaks again. The weather could have been better, but she is not going, she is. This journey will certainly remain in your memory for a long time. Regards.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      It was indeed a brand-new and very modern ship. For the summer, the weather turned out to be perfect as most on land excursions were done right at 9:00 AM till noon and the rains came later in the afternoon.
      Oh, such fond memories and the story here helps us memorize it even better...

  14. Dearest Mariette,
    I'm sorry I was so much wrong in here I don't understand why is that was? All my son's are I was stopped in here soon. They never ring phone only ones are week in..but stilled good golf all people are I can meat them. I was not played my golf just in case I was keeping my body was still nothing wrong in my body with my foot too!You was told me with my feet was keeping all my life. Thank you so much in the feel years ago!
    Hugs and Love.

    1. Dearest Michiko san,
      You are welcome for as often as you wish to visit or comment!
      And it is tough for being lonely and waiting for the phone to ring... Even your own children at times don't find the time or the urge to do so. They have their job, their family and friends. It consumes most of us these days.
      It would be great if you can play golf regularly and get out with your fiends.
      Yes, you have to look after yourself, we only got this one body and it has to last us a long time!

  15. Magnificas as fotografias e gostei de ver os meus amigos.
    Um abraço e bom fim-de-semana.

    Dedais de Francisco e Idalisa

    1. Dearest Francisco Manuel,
      Glad you enjoyed visiting here and wishing you a happy new week.

  16. Hi Mariette. Pilot tour looks quite interesting!
    I’d love to sit on the chair and relax at the upper deck of the ship. Looks so pleasant there. And the food looks so yummy :-)
    Hope you are having great weekend!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes it was very interesting and so high tech!
      Oh, spending there some hours with a good book would be a dream but there just were not enough hours in the day...
      The food was very good, every meal was different and great service.
      Happy new week to you!

  17. Piękna wycieczka.Urocze zdjęcia chmur.Pozdrawiam serdecznie.

    1. Dearest Malgorzata P,
      Thank you and yes, watching those adorable clouds from the upper deck was very special!
      Hugs and happy Sunday,

  18. OOOhh dat was echt genieten... Ik denk ook nog wel eens terug aan onze cruise Baltische Staten, maar de laatste dag met storm was ik zo zeeziek, dat ik niet meer durf. Dan is zo'n Mississippi cruise natuurlijk wel heel fijn...
    Maar voor ons een beetje te ver :)

    1. Beste Marian,
      Deze boot lag zó stil dat we nooit iets gemerkt hebben van dat we aan het varen waren. Heel erg fijn was dat. Ja op zee zijn met storm weer lijkt me minder leuk...

  19. Vocês estão ótimos nas fotos, Mariette!
    A embarcação parece muito agradável e o dia estava lindo!

    1. Querida Maria Glória,
      Muito obrigado e sim, foi um dia perfeito de muitas maneiras!

  20. hi dear Marietta !! que crucero mas entretenido.. espero que lo estes pasando maravilloso en ese lindo viaje

    1. Querida Angélica,
      Era un tiempo muy maravilloso con muchos recuerdos cariñosos!

  21. My dearest Mariette, having spent so much time in that State I have seen at least some of the places you and Pieter have visited. I would dearly love to have gone on such a vessel instead of the constant driving. What a lovely time, and how well you share it with us. All the details... which are fun for us to see. XX

    1. Dearest Katie Isabella,
      It is a lovely state and we now have completed 3 visits as we did spend the last weekend of February again for 3 nights, flying this time though. We had to go back as they did not include any religion nor history in the final bus tour package that was offered by American Cruise Lines.
      So we completed it and I for sure did not look forward to drive all the way from Georgia again!
      Even while there, a car is an expensive burden, for finding parking space.

  22. Olá, tudo bem?
    Que lindos marinheiros. Que legal poder pilotar um barco e sair sem rumo a viajar. um sonho.
    Bjos tenha uma quinta-feira.

    1. Obrigado pela visita Anajá. Estou bem, apenas muito ocupado com a narração de nossas viagens para que Pieter vai começar a revivê-los! Espero que eu possa terminar e não vai ficar sem tempo...


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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