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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label United States Citizenship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label United States Citizenship. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


With all that is going on in the United States of America right now—open borders where millions have crossed, one often wonders WHY?!
When we came here, we got checked out thoroughly—checking if we had paid our Dutch taxes and we had to show our diplomas in person to a lawyer that came to our home. No copies!

We only had our B–1 Visa at that time...
You must never have been in any trouble by the law.

So, in November of 1983 going to the town hall in Duiven, Gelderland. 
Yep, another trip across the Atlantic
On to the municipality in Bergen and Arcen for a certificate of good conduct for Pieter's stay there. All this for the U.S. Consulate to get our Green Card... our first step towards United States Citizenship later in 1993.
Pieter's Certificate of good conduct over the years 1946 through April 12, 1955 
Pieter's paper for immigration from Ministry of Defense
Pieter's Certificate of good conduct from Bergen in Limburg
Pieter's Certificate of good conduct from Arcen in Limburg
Pieter's Certificate of good conduct from Horst in Limburg
My Certificate of good conduct from Horst in Limburg
Letter of CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES for the appointment on April 24, 1984.
April 24, 1984 again back in The Netherlands. 
Early rising at 5:00 AM and with the 5:50 AM train to Rotterdam, where we arrived at 8:30 AM at the American Consulate. 
New building, opposite the eye hospital... (Where Pieter had his surgery for implant lens early July, 1982—reccommended by Dr. Tan Kok Kheng from Singapore. → see previous post at very top: Visiting Dr Tan Kok Kheng in Singapore. Who would have dreamed that?!

 First to the GGD for X-rays. Waiting for the results. Taking the subway to some doctor for medical– and blood tests. At 1:00 PM with this result back to the Consulate. And ready at 4:30 PM after questions; fingerprints and taking the oath that we had filled in the truth. Our long day got rewarded with a heavy, sealed parcel for our permanent visa for the sum of F 800.00 (Florin = Dutch Guilder)
Pieter's x–rays
That is me...
LOTS OF DOCUMENTS and we had to pay a total of F 800 and as you can see here US $ 100 was equivalent to F 310 so it was US $ 258 for April 24 of 1984
Pieter's finger prints... 

Yes, like a criminal we got thoroughly checked out!

Thursday, December 29, 2022

December 30 Fond Memory of our late Congressman J. Roy Rowland

This is also in honor of our late friend J. Roy Rowland who passed away on April 25, 2022
We had no idea, that our Georgia Congressman, the Honorable J. Roy Rowland had a special U.S. flag flown over the U.S. Capitol for both of us, on December 30 of 1993.
This on the occasion of our U.S. Citizenship.
It was not before February 15, 1994 that we were presented with this very special flag. Due to the fact that we were still doing International Consulting and not available before that date.
Here at the Dublin Laurens County Chamber of Commerce the above certificate with the flag is being presented to us by Mr. James Vaden Hilburn.

(Sadly Mr. Hilburn died on Friday, May 4 of 2007 in a plane crash). 

We have this certificate framed and it hangs in our office; will show it to you soon!
Here we pose with the United States flag in front of the Chamber building, with Ms. Willie Paulk to the left and Pieter with me in the center and Mr. James Vaden Hilburn to the right.
YES, the Chamber building did get a new coat of paint...!

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Husband Pieter's 1994, 4th of July Speech

 About time for sharing this special speech by husband Pieter, delivered on the 4th of July at the Dublin stadion before fireworks.
If watching video click on CC Closed Caption!
Pieter has written several speeches in his life time and he spoke at The International Society for Mushroom Science (ISMS) Congress numerous times. 
Always in a foreign language though...
The 4th of July 1994

Thanks for the kind introduction; now you know almost all about the two of us. 
For the introduction of a speaker a typical question always is, what is exactly your title?
In a certain booklet we found that there is actually no prouder title than to be an American Citizen. 
Although the weather is not cooperating too well, today we have something really important to celebrate as you all know we celebrate Uncle Sam's 218th Birthday, the birth of this great nation.
In the introduction, you have heard that we are new Americans, although we came to this country already in 1983.
My wife's love–affair with the United States started in April of 1983; her very first visit to the New World.
Some Campbell Soup people taught her at that time some history by visiting Rockford (Grand Rapids), Michigan, where President Ford grew up. They thought maybe she was homesick and thus they brought her to Holland in Michigan. 
She was not homesick but just absorbing all she could about this fascinating New World. 
One of the highlights was the visit to Chestnut Street in Philadelphia; to the Independence Hall—the home of the Liberty Bell, a shrine of Patriotism for all Americans.
There we learned more about Life with a capital 'L' and also about Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. 
The next day we flew to Dublin, Georgia and there we fell deeper and deeper in love with the New World. 
So, in August of 1983, we came to live here.
This was Our Pursuit of Happiness.
Last year we got our American Citizenship and since then we can say: we are Dutch by birth and Americans by choice, and we are proud of both. 
There are a couple of reasons for that pride. Maybe you didn't know, but the Dutch, of any nation, have the longest uninterrupted friendly relationship with the U.S. and for sure we like to keep it that way.
It was on November 16 in 1776, that the Fort on the Dutch Island of St. Eustatius in the Caribbean returned the salute from the American warship Andrea Dorea, as it entered the harbor. 
 This was the first salute by a foreign power to the flag of the United States of America. 
As the history books say: this was a very courageous action by the Dutch, and it enhanced the diplomatic credibility of the United States of America. 
It also gave a strong boost to the moral of the revolutionary troops.
So, today it is 218 years ago that the U.S. has been founded.
In the Dutch tradition, Birthdays always are important events, often celebrated with an all–day open house, birthday gifts etc.
A good question, not only for us but for all immigrants could be: 'Why did you come to the U.S.?
What did we expect to find here what we eventually didn't have in the country where we lived before? 
Although a lot of things have changed since then, the answer will be more or less identical to what brought the founding fathers to this of the world over 200 years ago.
The most important reason for them was the freedom and the space to live in the broadest sense.
The freedom to believe in God in different ways; the freedom to have your own opinion, the opportunity to develop yourself up to the limits etc. 
On this Birthday we should never forget that the Founding Fathers, and after them numerous immigrants, have for sure not chosen the easiest way. They didn't find a paradise; they just found a place with almost unlimited opportunities, but they had to be explored. 
Very important also is that their Freedom was based on a STRONG MORAL AND PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
That, in combination with hard work, made this country into what it is today; in our opinion the best country to live in.
We have a number of good reasons to make this statement.
As you perhaps know, or picked up from the introduction, for our job we traveled and still do, all over the world and lived in several countries.
We lived in Dublin, Georgia from 1983 through 1988 and after that in Italy and Indonesia.
We more and more discovered what a great country the U.S. is to live in; we got homesick and looked for every opportunity to return.
With O'Henry we can say, "You can't appreciate home 'till yu've left it... or old glory 'till you see it hanging on a broomstick on the shanty of a consul in a foreign town."
We think Americans in general don't realize how blessed they are, too many things we just take for granted. 
Especially the younger generation should realize that it hasn't been always this good, just travel the world and find out how spoiled in fact we are.
As the Founding Fathers long time ago, we've found our real happiness in this country. 
We often have to answer the question why we've chosen to live in America. 
We think we are able to give a reasonable answer because we can compare.
Our standard answer to that question is: The U.S. is for sure not paradise and not the ideal society because it is built up by some 250 million human beings. But traveling over the world, we can assure you that you will have a hard time to find a better place to live. Therefore, we have good reasons to be thankful and to celebrate the Birthday of this great nation. 
Like in the Dutch tradition, we should not come to a Birthday party with empty hands; one has to carry a gift.
What kind of a gift could we come up with for the Birthday of our country?
The most appropriate gift in our opinion would be that we promise to contribute our share in what the Founding Fathers once started.
They worked hard to develop this country, made it prosperous and a better place to live for everybody. They installed and maintained high moral values, based on a strong believe in God.
They've shown the world that they could handle their freedom.
Our forefathers didn't contribute frivolous gifts to this country.
So, let's celebrate this Birthday of our nation not only with a spectacular firework but let us wrap up a big box for Uncle Sam, containing:
A huge amount of humility, a lot of tolerance, respect for each other and patience, the most of integrity and compassion and a strong will to share freely with others.
Thank you Founding Fathers!
Happy Birthday Uncle Sam, we love this country.
May God bless this nation and all of us.


Happy 247th Independence Day!

900 impressions on LinkedIn...

Related links:
{December 30, 1993 U.S. flag flown over U.S. Capitol for both of us!} | previous post by me 
{The Dutch 1st to Salute to the Flag of The United States in 1776} | previous post by me
{4th of July Speech given by my husband Pieter} | previous post by me

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Happy Reunion with Swiss Kuhn Family & United States Consulate for our Permanent Visa


On Sunday, January 22 of 1984, Hans Jörg Kuhn, the son of Jörg Kuhn whom Pieter knew for decades, was our guest.
I'd cooked a delicious dinner, according to Pieter's writing in our diary...
We surely enjoyed our time together!
Hans Jörg Jr. was visiting Dublin to see the new Campbell farm, that Pieter designed, in operation. 
On April 20, 1984 on Good Friday, we both flew with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to Amsterdam, The Netherlands and friend Jan Thielen picked us up at the airport.
Both of us stayed with Pieter's eldest brother in Horst and walked to garage Timmermans for picking up our rental car.
It was Easter Weekend and on Tuesday, we did rise early for catching the 5:50 train to Rotterdam for going to the United States Consulate in their new building, across from the eye surgery hospital where Pieter was a few years earlier for his 1st implant lens...
We first went to the Dutch G.G.D. (Municipal Health Services) for having lung X-rays made. We had to wait for the results and got the images as documentation. 
By metro to another doctor for medical examination and blood tests. 
By 13:30 with these results back to the United States Consulate. By 16:30 we were done after lots of questions, finger prints and solemnly swearing that we had filled in the truth. 
Finally our long day got rewarded with a heavy, sealed parcel, for our Permanent Visa with a bill for 800 Dutch Guilders!
That was the start for both of us to become a United States Citizen but only after living here for five more years, and paying all our taxes and keeping a clean record as everything got checked.
This was during President Reagan's time, with still very strict rules for becoming a United States Citizen!
We never could vote all that time; now all rules are out of the window...
On April 25, 1984 we both flew from Düsseldorf, Germany to Zürich, Switzerland after first driving one hour...
Jörg Kuhn's daughter Barbara with her husband Max, came to pick us up. 
We had lunch at an old restaurant, high in the mountains with beautiful view.
My FIRST introduction to Switzerland was breathtaking.
Wearing my hand knitted and hand embroidered sweater...
Arriving at the home of Barbara & Max in Waldstatt, Switzerland.
A perfect sunny day... 
Don't you love the lush green meadows, right behind their home?!
I've always said, that IF I have to reincarnate as an animal, I want to be a cow for grazing in the Appenzell area of Switzerland – it almost made me want to stand on 'all fours' for grazing...
With some borrowed shoes we all went hiking...
Resting on a bench...
We climbed up to where snow was still on the ground...
Barbara & Max had somebody pick us up at the road, so we did not have to walk the entire stretch back home!
Doing the hike, poor Pieter got attacked by a German shepherd that tried to bite him!
He managed to kick him off his trouser legs; scary as those were Pieter's ONLY trouser that he'd taken as he'd left his suits hanging on the armoire at his brother's home. 
We got up a bit too late and had to rush, rush...

My 1st day in Switzerland; stay tuned for next post.
Barbara's brother Hans Jörg did stay with us in Dublin, Georgia on September 18 till 21, 1984.
In May of 1985, Hans Jörg Kuhn with their manager August Enzler were our guests in Dublin, Georgia
So we certainly did stay in touch!

Related posts:
Pieter Co-Speaker at ISMS in Amsterdam-Wageningen 1965 | Mentioning Jörg Kuhn Visiting A.G.
{My Hand Knitted & Hand Embroidered Sweater} | About the Hand Embroidered Sweater that I wore
Husband Pieter Doing it ALL | manager August Enzler and Hans Jörg Kuhn on new patio in May 1985

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

My Handwork on PERMANENT Display at Teaching Museum South in Fulton County near Atlanta, Georgia


Proudly showing my hand knitted silk lace shawl in a peacock pattern... see link below post.
Wool skirt is one of my own sewing creations to match my Chanel bag in taupe.
Shirt is an Outlet find from Escada...

This was the main piece of my handwork that got to be on a PERMANENT display at Teaching Museum South in Fulton County near Atlanta, Georgia. This is part of the Fulton County Schools in Hapeville, a two hour one-way drive for us.

On December 31, 1993 a person from the Georgia State University with a photographer came to our home for the interview and permission to use some of my hand made lace for the above purpose.

We did serve both a warm lunch meal as it is one-way 2 hours driving distance.

You find photo taken by photographer in link below: Today I Turned 17! in regard to my proud United States Citizenship

 It all started with and add in the Holland Times, the publication for all Dutch related people in and around Atlanta.
The above video shows the hand made knitted silk lace shawl being framed WRONG SIDE FACING OUT!
For such a meticulous knitted peacock lace pattern it makes a HUGE difference RIGHT SIDE versus WRONG SIDE...
Deborah A. Duchon, Research Associate for Applied Research in Anthropology at Georgia State University
So I contacted her... that's how the interview came to be and she left with several of my items that I let her take with her for a very small reimbursement as I felt kind of honored to be included in such a PERMANENT Display.
Yes, on Friday, May 27, 1994, I got up at 5:00 AM for being there for the hands-on workshop and demonstration of my crafts
Me at the Teaching Museum with part of my display
The artist studied horticulture with emphasis on mushrooms. 
Her husband's job brought them to Georgia – he is also a
mushroom expert. They both now work as international 
mushroom consultants. The artist learned crochet as a child
 and now uses it to occupy time on long business trips:
'There's not much to do at night in the Indonesian 
countryside,' she says. 'Luckily, I can always crochet.'
Sadly, two of my most sentimental hand crocheted lace handkerchiefs got stolen that morning... 
One was my bridal handkerchief. Such sentimental value can never be replaced... 
I could buy again the fine Swiss batiste and the French DMC tatting yarn, adding about 7 hours of patience to make another one.
See link below where I recreated a replica of it.
This got published in the Atlanta Journal Constitution on June 9, 1994...
Deborah did send me this poor copy at the end of the year.
The Atlanta Journal Constitution wrote a huge error:
Youngsters (yep, 150 rude kids that screamed the one insult after another... calling me a racist and on and on) also got to see embroidery of all kind crafted by Vedder, (NOT TRUE it was crocheted lace work and knitted lace!) who lives in 
Dublin, GA, and works as a mushroom 
consultant. She says she has been creating
 things with her hands since she was a child. 
Vedder said she learned to crochet 
as a child because school officials in Holland 
saw it as a way for children to build motor skills.
On July 16, 1994 upon return from our work in Indonesia, I had to contact Ms. Duchon again as from the other lady at the Teaching Museum South there was no reply in regard to my missing crocheted lace handkerchiefs. 
Also I remarked; Being a teacher myself, I have also to comment on the far too big groups you had that day (twice 75 kids for one hour!). No way that one can handle them. Not the least that they get proper attention to actually learn something!
All I ever got was the above poor copy, neither photos as promised earlier... Never heard about the missing pieces.

Due to the glare of those glass cases in the above video, Pieter wanted to return somewhat later for making professional photos with the right equipment. 
The entire display had vanished – their version of PERMANENT?

Indeed both of us did LEARN A LOT!

Related links:

{My Hand Knitted Silk Lace Shawl in Peacock Pattern} | previous post by me

{Today I turned 17!} | post showing also photo from interview for Teaching Museum

{My Lace Crocheted Handkerchief #1} | showing a replica of my original stolen bridal handkerchief + 5 more crocheted lace handkerchiefs

Friday, December 4, 2015

{My 22nd Birthday as an American!}

YAY, I finally, after full 7 days could call my Dad in the hospital in The Netherlands!
One of my brothers did turn around and made sure that Dad's package of TV, Radio and Telephone got hooked up. 

He had been deprived of this for SEVEN full days.

The good news is that his heart seems to have been just OVER STRESSED.
Dad is like my husband Pieter a very hard worker and he'd been doing some physical jobs prior to all this.
Prayers got answered and after this medical test, through the vein in his wrist, things look positive and we hope that he can go home on Saturday!

Now his Australian Brother and other elderly choir members can call him as well.
At least he has a very happy American daughter!

Thank you all for your sweet comments during this very difficult time for both of us.
My Dad in The Netherlands still does not know anything about his real heart condition.
On Wednesday they were supposed to check it out but there obviously was an emergency with another heart patient and the cardiologist had to postpone Dad's procedure.
They have planned that now for Thursday...
BUT there still is no phone connection! It is available at the hospital for EACH patient but needs to be hooked up and then of course relatives and friends need to be informed about the direct number.
Also my uncle in Australia, Dad's younger brother is being cut off from any contact, as well as all those living long distance that can't be there in person..
Let's hope that soon they will start using their brain and heart as Celia from Celia M. High Heeled Life & Resilientista so well wrote on my FB Timeline.

December 3rd is my 22nd Birthday as an American Citizen!
Photo is from September 12, when we went to the Dublin Theatre...
My hair is shorter now.
Being an Escada fan, I'm wearing an all black Escada outfit; Spanish style pants, top and sandals.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

{ME, Turning 20 on December 3!}

Yes, I am turning 20 on December 3! As a United States Citizen, that is... 
After all, it is not bad to get a second chance in life for starting over and being young again!
It does perk you up.
On Friday, December 3, 1993 we got up at 4:15 AM for driving to Atlanta for the Naturalization Ceremony at the Richard B. Russell Federal Building. At 8:30 it started for 257 people from 60 nations and it lasted only till 9:55 AM.
So we raced back to Dublin; still in time for Rotary lunch. Husband Pieter proudly introduced me as his NEW American wife... 
Twenty (20) years old...
Haha my sweater is 25 years old; got it at the Christiana Mall in Newark, Delaware on Saturday, August 27 of 1988.
I fell in love with the leaf pattern and also because it is cropped.
Nah, that's NOT a new car... It's just an old LOVE!
We got this Infiniti FX35 in Brilliant Silver on August 12, 2005 for Mom & Dad's arrival.
Mom just got a knee replacement and we wanted her to get in and out of a car comfortably so we got this one.
But do you like my new boots? 
Dolce Vita Hayla Suede Ankle boots in black from Last Call by Neiman Marcus with 40% off. 
Black legwarmers are from our local TJ Maxx...
Pantyhose are French Dim that I purchased at Sogo, Japanese department store in Jakarta, Indonesia. 
Jeans skirt is from Escada.

Related link:
{Today I turned 17!} | previous post by me
{My Hat Attack NYC GAVROCHE} | previous post by me, wearing the same Escada skirt
{Dutch American Heritage Day 2005 with Mom & Dad} | previous post by me about Mom & Dad's final visit to the USA...

Sunday, December 30, 2012

{1993 Today, the American Flag was flown for both of us...}

We had no idea, that our Georgia Congressman, the Honorable J. Roy Rowland had a special U.S. flag flown over the U.S. Capitol for both of us, on December 30 of 1993.
This on the occasion of our U.S. Citizenship. 
Presentation of the United States Flag with Certificate by Mr. James Vaden Hilburn at the Dublin Laurens County Chamber of Commerce. 
Here we pose with the special United States of America Flag, in front of the Dublin Laurens County Chamber of Commerce.
The Flag of the United States of America
Pieter got my 't'...
Meanwhile our Chamber of Commerce building got a nice coat of paint!
For reading the entire story, just click the link below...

Related link:
{December 30, 1993 U.S. flag flown over U.S. Capitol for both of us!} previous post by me

Thursday, December 30, 2010

{December 30, 1993 U.S. flag flown over U.S. Capitol for both of us!}

We had no idea, that our Georgia Congressman, the Honorable J. Roy Rowland had a special U.S. flag flown over the U.S. Capitol for both of us, on December 30 of 1993.
This on the occasion of our U.S. Citizenship.
It was not before February 15, 1994 that we were presented with this very special flag. Due to the fact that we were still doing International Consulting and not available before that date.
Here at the Dublin Laurens County Chamber of Commerce the above certificate with the flag is being presented to us by Mr. James Vaden Hilburn.

(Sadly Mr. Hilburn died on Friday, May 4 of 2007 in a plane crash). 

We have this certificate framed and it hangs in our office; will show it to you soon!
Here we pose with the United States flag in front of the Chamber building, with Ms. Willie Paulk to the left and Pieter with me in the center and Mr. James Vaden Hilburn to the right.
YES, the Chamber building did get a new coat of paint...!


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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