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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Thursday, February 6, 2014

{Angels Birthdates & Fortunes}

All of us know that there are often ANGELS among us, they can be two- or four-legged.
They know when we need them MOST...
This gorgeous 'Fashionista' bouquet got delivered while I was in the hospital for major surgery on October 7. Dear friend Celia M. High Heeled Life & Resilientista proved to be one of those Angels among us. Thanks again dear! Flowers do always pick us up in a special way...

This photo is made by Pieter at 3:50 AM when I just was one day out of the hospital and look...
Cat Nurse Barty is nursing me back to health... Barty is almost 10, on March 17 we celebrate his would be birthday; guessing from the Humane Society's adoption papers.
What a difference a down duvet bed makes compared to a hospital bed!
Love my Yves Delorme US cotton duvet cover with roses woven into it...
Drinking lots of water and using on and off my Spirometer (to the left of Barty).

This is the 2nd time Barty did care for me in a very special and soft way. When I got home from the hospital in January of 2010, after being almost completely paralyzed, Barty was there with me as a Cat Nurse...

When husband Pieter delivered a kidney stone some 13 years ago, our than feline girl Spooky sat next to him, keeping him comfort while pressing herself against him. They sense that their human is in great pain.

Guess that animals have a very special 6th sense and they can read our body language far better than humans can.
Barty knew that I had not been taking pain medication the entire time; due to my chronic kidney disease.

Sure it does help for getting human love and pet love. Such flowers do send a very strong message.

Like these gorgeous sunflowers that came from our Church Women.
Very sweet and they sure do help you mend...

Time heals and time also is passing very fast. Birthdays hit us at a much faster pace than it used to be!
Does any of you have the same problem?
But there is so much to be grateful for; for being healthy, for having a loving husband and loving pets.
For having numerous friends that lovingly bridge the gap between the ocean for being far away from family.

It is said about my Birthday that I have this Fortune:

Feb.6 ----You have a keen sense of humor, are witty, fond of fun, economical and prudent. You are inclined toward sensitivity which worries and annoys you. You should practice poise. You are demonstrative and loving, and should have a very happy marriage.

Husband Pieter's:

April.29 ----You live within yourself. Rather than make any of those you love unhappy, you keep your troubles and worries to yourself. You have determination of purpose and always do what you plan.
Pieter sure does what he plans!
Related links:
{Our Felines - Sweet Barty...} | previous post by me
{Our Felines - Sweet Spooky I...} | previous post by me


  1. Hello Mariette, Happy Birthday! Although the evidences of love and esteem you tell us about are indeed touching, here's hoping that all the problems that occasioned them will be left in the past.
    Take care, Jim

    1. Dear Jim,
      It is not quite my Birthday but it is coming fast... and indeed we hope that all the problems will remain in the past for now! Thanks for your comment and birthday wishes.

  2. and a happy early birthday to you, mariette!

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Thank you! Let's hope this will be a very healthy year to come and many more.

  3. Dear Mariette,

    Happy birthday dear friend on the 6th and you have shared such a lovely post.
    How sweet that your kitty was there to comfort you and Pieter when you both needed it.
    Also love the pretty flowers and they sure help to make you feel better too.
    Sending you hugs and hope you are enjoying the week

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Thank you dear and yes, such kitty love is quite comforting! Flowers are always a great way to send some love... The Dutch have a slogan: 'Say It With Flowers!'
      Hugs to you and hope your brother-in-law is mending well.

  4. Wow sweet friend, you will have a birthday in a couple, how exciting! Thank you for sharing this post with us. I got so scared at first thinking you were just in the hospital and paralized for a while!...my goodness, I'm so happy that is over and the bouquet is the lovely thing to remember it and smile. Your kitty (and of course your hero, Peiter) is such a darling and you look so delish in your bed with the dawn conforter...I also love mine from Germany for some Andean very cold evenings! So happy you look perfect now, and all that provoked it can be left in the past, pretty lady!

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      Oh, that was quite a scare indeed when I became suddenly paralyzed, 4 years ago. Hope that never ever will happen again but it made me realize how people feel that do become paralyzed.
      Love my own bed with Down Duvet and pillows and all cotton duvet cover etc. That's quite an upgrade to any hospital bed I can tell you. For the summer we still use our down duvet but a very light weight version with German cotton batist that weighs almost nothing.
      Pieter had a most interesting Rotary program on Friday, about Therapups for visiting nursing homes and hospitals for therapy. There is something very special about them as the do sense far better than humans can ever do.
      Yes, I am feeling a lot better now!

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    Happy Birthday to you ....what a wonderful post .............I like your Nurse Cat Barty :O)))
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Thank you and Nurse Cat Barty is a lovely one!

  6. Dearest Mariette, I hope you are feeling much better by now. The flowers are so lovely as well as the sunflowers. Your kitties are so loving, reminds me of my daughter's kitties. They have been much comfort to her during her problems.
    Happy Birthday, sweet lady. You deserve all good things.
    Love to you and Pieter,

    1. Dearest Ginger,
      Thank you so much for your kind words! Yes, I am feeling great again! Flowers are always something to brighten any day. Kitties do know a thing or two about unconditional love!
      Hugs to you and Bob,

  7. Liebe Mariette,

    den guten Wünschen schließe ich mich an.
    Alles Liebe

  8. Happy birthday to you dear mariette. This is such a beautiful post.. our pets truly are like angels :) The way your cat is nursing you back really touched my heart... god bless .

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      Thank you so much and yes, our pets are angels in fur coats. They do give so much and they surely make you heal.

  9. Gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag, dat poesje verzorgd je goed zo dichtbij. Het zijn echte ziekenverzorgers inderdaad. Al onze katten kwamen altijd op bed liggen als we ziek waren, maar nu hebben we er eentje die dat niet doet jammergenoeg.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Dank je wel en onze Barty (Bartje) is een echte knuffel. Ze zijn verschillend maar de meeste die wij gehad hebben tot nu toe waren wel zo. Je weet het niet altijd van tevoren en ze zijn tòch op hun manier lief.
      Lieve groetjes,

  10. What a beautiful post Mariette!!!
    Happy Birthday to you!I hope you'll have a great time,celebrating them!!
    How sweet the kitten to take care of you! He's sure a little angel!!
    My birthday is in 9 !!Yes ,we are dreamers Aquarians!!!
    Wish you all the best my friend!Take care!A big hug!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Thank you Dimi, we will try to make a very special day of it.
      Barty is a very sweet cat-angel, always has been.
      We are very close with our birthdays and yes, both are Aquarius.
      You take care too and sending you lots of love and a big hug!

  11. Dearest Marriette,
    Happy Birthday and many happy returns. You make so many people happy with your blogs and I am sure that you must have done some wonderful things in life.
    Isn't it cute that some times pets take care of us.

    1. Dearest Munir,
      Thank you very much for the birthday wishes.
      It is very cute to see that pets take care of us; they show true unconditional love!

  12. Happy Birthday to you Dearest Mariette; What a heart warming and touching post, my friend♡♡♡ Flowers from your sweet friend and lovely kitty nurse cared for you beside you; above all your wonderful loving husband being with you.
    I know you have many friends from all over the world. "For having numerous friends that lovingly bridge the gap between the ocean for being far away from family" SO beautiful a phrase, my friend. Being one of your friends and Japanese, I'm one of them for sure☆☆☆ So happy that you feel quite better now. And for the last, I definitely can share the feeling time flies p;)

    Sending you lots of Love and Hugs from across the ocean to my dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      THANKS; you certainly are one of those very special and loyal friends across the oceans. Those are the vitamins for life and together with a lovely kitty nurse I did fully recover and feel strong again. We are a small family here, just husband and wife but our kitties do love us unconditional and we love them!
      Hugs and love to you,

  13. Liebe Mariette,
    wenn ich dich richtig verstanden habe, hast du morgen Geburtstag - so werde ich dir heute nicht gratulieren -
    die Geschichte von deiner süßen Katze hab mich sehr berührt - nicht alle Tiere haben ein so tiefes Empfinden für ihre Mitmenschen - das ist ganz wunderbar, was euch da widerfährt -
    Zeit heilt sicher nicht alle Wunden aber sie macht sie erträglicher -
    und ja, die Zeit rennt uns davon aber ich glaube nicht, dass es am Alter liegt sondern vielmehr an unserer hektischen mehr als ausgefüllten Zeit - an den vielen Ablenkungen durch die Medien - an den vielen Eindrücken, die auf uns (auch auf junge Leute) niederprasseln - schade, nicht wahr? - wir sollten versuchen, immer wieder inne zu halten und uns auf das Wesentliche konzentrieren - nämlich auf das Leben -
    alles Liebe -

    - Ruth

    1. Liebe Ruth,
      Danke für deine poetische Wörter hier und ja, du hast ja völlig Recht. Es kommt ganz viel auf uns zu und dass kann man auch nicht wieder wegdrücken sonst ist man fast amputiert von der Welt. Wenn man gesund ist und hat seine routine dann ist das Leben auch leichter. Wir können nicht alles und nicht überall sein aber das Sesentliche hällt uns glücklich.
      Ja und Tiere können so unterschiedlich sein wie Menschen...! Wir haben Glück mit unsere Katzen.
      Ganz liebe Grüsse,

  14. Gli animali sanno trasmettere tutto il loro amore, e penso che ci siano molti esseri umani che dovrebbero imparare da loro. I fiori che hai ricevuto sono un messaggio d'affetto grande, e avere certi "angeli" vicino a noi nei momenti meno felici sono un grande dono! Paola

    1. Cara Paola,
      Sei così diritto circa molti di gente potrebbe imparare dagli animali. Abbiamo gli angeli intorno a noi e questa può fare una differenza enorme in quanto riusciamo a combattere per la salute o per recupero. Tu sei anche una persona molto carine che è venuto nella mia vita per una ragione. Nulla accade senza un motivo...
      Un abbraccio grande,

  15. What a touching post, Dear Mariette - seeing you lying there with your sweet little kitty is hard to see and I am so glad that you have recovered. I do believe that our animal friends have a 6th sense and know when we need them the most - tiny angels on earth to comfort us and give us companionship and loyalty. Happy, happy birthday to you! My sister's birthday is the day after and my Dear Father's birthday was on the 11th. Both sweet and generous Aquarians, as you are - loving and kind. I do love to read the horoscopes - isn't it amazing how true they sometimes are! I hope your birthday is as special as you are. xo
    A hug,

    1. Dearest Karen,
      Thank you very much for your kind words and you speak from the heart as you too care about your pets. They do give us unconditional love and they sure possess a 6th sense. You have lots of sweet birthday memories for Feruary too... all Aquarians indeed, like my brother and my Mom who has hers on the 12th. Sometimes there is quite some thought in a horoscope.
      Hugs to you,

  16. That is such a beautiful bouquet! How thoughtful of your friend Celia! And Barty is such a sweetheart. I love the picture of him staying with you. Animals do have very strong 6th sense! I often feel that my kitties know about life so much better than I do.
    Birthydays do hit me at faster pace than it used to be. Time flies. But as I get older, I care less about aging. Maybe because I care more about my beloved kitties :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      The bouquet was indeed very thoughtful and so lovely.
      Barty is the gentlest of a cat-boy you can imagine and he loves me to pieces; always has.
      They do sense everything and are far more observing than we humans are.
      You are so right about caring less about aging; so what. We are here and that's what counts and enjoying life with our husband and kitties is worthwhile.

  17. Dear Mariette, animals are wonderful companions. Dogs are wonderful in helping disabled people and are used more and more often in therapy, e.g. bringing joy to chronically or terminally ill patients.
    It is so wonderful to receive flowers any time, but when you are feeling down or are ill they brighten the day even more. Best regards.

    1. Dearest Zosia,
      Yes, that is a fact and my husband Pieter just had the other day a program at Rotary, about such a Therapup! The hard part was to get those trained pups home with the owner/trainer as patients LOVE them and it calms and comforts them as nothing else does.
      Oh, flowers are a perfect 'pick me up' and those were very much appreciated. Lovely friends that sent them.
      Hugs to you,

  18. There are few people in this world as special as Celia. This I have learned. The flowers are so lovely and I hope that your surgery went well and that you are on the mend!
    Happy {albeit slightly belated} Birthday to you! And I should mention that Pieter and I share the EXACT same birthday, April 29th. I know he must be good people. ;0

    1. Dearest Susan,
      Oh Celia is such a lovely role model and I will always admire her and hope she does well with all her new endeavors since her miraculous recovery. She sure can help so many others as a Life Coach; she's been there herself.
      Yes Susan, I'm fully back to normal and probably much better than before surgery. Looking forward to the spring for getting more active again.
      Taurus is a great Zodiac sign and it is funny indeed that you do have the exact same Birthday.
      Hugs to you,

  19. Ηow nice of your friend to have sent you this gorgeous bouquet of flowers!!!!!!!!!1 Also, the sunflowers from your Church friends are so beautiful. As for Cat Nurse Barty, he sure was an angel during your recovery.
    I wish you a very happy birthday, dearest Mariette!!!! Enjoy your day !!!!
    I also am an Aquarius!!! My birthday is on the 18th!
    Many hugs to you and many happy returns of the day!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      That sure was very nice of friend Celia and also of our Church women for sending the sunflowers - tournesols!
      Thank you very much for your wishes and I will enjoy my day. Barty will be near me as usual; he is such a cuddle cat, besides being a cat nurse.
      So we are very close in having our birthdays.
      Thanks again and sending you big hugs back.

  20. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      They were and still are lovely on those photos... It makes one really happy to receive such bouquets.

  21. Dearest Mariette,
    Happy birthday and lovely your kitten take care of you..he's a sweet cat -angel.
    your lovely husband with you! Love your Delorme cotton du bet cover with roses woven into it.
    we having very hot day for another 15 days..that was the news says...
    Hope you have a lovely week.
    Hugs and love to you both aiways!


    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you so much for your birthday wishes and yes our Barty is a sweet cat angel.
      Wish we could split the temperatures among us... but that is impossible.
      Hugs to you and love!

  22. Flowers certainly can brighten our day and a room. And sent from a wonderful friend - even better!
    Hope everything is well in your world Mariette!
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Especially in winter time, flowers can do magic!
      Such friends can lift our spirit up at a time when it is most needed.
      Yes, everything is well; only too busy...

  23. How very nice for people to be so thoughtful and send you flowers....
    Nurse Barty is sooooooo sweet!!! ! What a great comfort....

    1. Dearest Lorraine,
      Indeed very nice for sending these lovely flowers!
      Animals can give you unconditional love; never failing...

  24. Dearest Mariette,
    As Pooh would say, "Many Happy Returns of the Day!". Wishing you a most joyful day and year to come.
    Our 4leg family members are so comforting to us and each other. When our beloved Breezy was in her last days the kitties were with her every moment!
    Keep on dancing round the sun!.........xox*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Thank you very much! A busy day on the phone etc. but that's great.
      Our 4-legged family members show some unconditional love indeed. They do sense a lot better when there's something wrong with health issues and they are at your or each other's side.

  25. Liebe Mariette,
    eine wundrbare, einfühlsame Geschichte.
    Herrliche Blumen. Tiere sind so treue Begleiter.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Danke und ja Tiere sind die allertreuste Begleiter!
      Herrliche Blumen tun die Seele gut.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  26. Cara Mariette,hai ragione..ci sono angeli a due e a quattro zampe e noi abbiamo avuto la fortuna di avere sia uno che l'altro! Tanti carissimi auguri...te li ho già fatti su Fb ma te li rinnovo anche quà...e che meraviglia quei fiori..stupendi!
    un abbraccio cara amica♥

    1. Cara Anna,
      Davvero ci sono angeli a due e a quattro zampe...
      Grazie mille per gli tuei auguri!
      Un abbraccio fuerte per un'amica cara!

  27. Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji urodzin. Obyś zawsze była zdrowa i kotek nie musiał się martwić o Ciebie. Pozdrawiam.
    Happy Birthday. May you always be healthy and cats do not have to worry about you. Yours.

    1. Dearest Giga,
      Thank you and yes, health is our highest good; let's hope that our cats don't have to nurse me any time soon.

  28. Dearest Mariette... I'm so happy that this is all behind you. You deserve only days of great health filled with joyous events. I'm so happy that the flowers were able to bring some sunshine and comfort... a virtual hug. Furbabies are so compassionate and definitely stay by our side to let us know we are not alone. They are a gift from heaven. Hugs and Blessings, C.

    1. Dearest Celia,
      Thank you ever so much for this generous virtual hug from both of you! That was such a lovely bouquet and it certainly did uplift my spirit.
      Furbabies are very compassionate and never leave you.
      Hugs and happy weekend to both of you.

  29. Good Morning Mariette, I am so sorry to have missed wishing you "A Happy Birthday", only your post only came through to me today via BlogLovin.... but not to worry, I now have your birthday written down so I will not forget next year. But I would still love to wish you "A Happy Birthday" for Thursday.
    I found is so difficult to see the photograph of you in pain, but it was comforting to know that Cat Nurse Barty was there for you.
    The flowers which you received from friends were beautiful and they can certainly lift the spirits. Oh, Mariette, I have to agree with you, as I get older, time does seem to pass by a lot quicker. Monday arrives and before I know it, Friday is here.... but I do keep myself busy, so maybe that is also why time seems to go by quickly.
    Enjoy your weekend and best wishes to you.

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      Thank you, this year I do have a loooooooooong Birthday! But that is okay, all wishes are gratefully being accepted.
      Thank goodness those Post Operation days are over and I'm doing very well. Barty really loved me to pieces and was with me all the time; he was worried I guess.
      Flowers are such a sweet token of love and they certainly uplift our spirits.
      Weeks are flying by... we run out of time; don't we?!
      Hugs to you and happy weekend.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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