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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Monday, June 1, 2015

{Red Rock Country Sedona Arizona}

Yes, this time around we did get to visit those special highlights in Sedona, becoming part of those annually nearly 4,000,000 visitors! 
Driving up from Scottsdale, Arizona via Freeway 101, onto Interstate-17 and than Highway 179 we passed through Village of Oak Creek where we saw the above Courthouse Rock
The above map was handed to us at the Hyatt Pinon Pointe, A Hyatt Residence Club and you can view it on SedonaTV ←(click it) and from video you can get map.
Next in Village of Oak Creek we got to see Bell Rock, with still a glimpse of Courthouse Rock to the right...
We did follow Highway 89A, from the Hyatt to the West and took a left on Upper Red Rock Loop Road (seen at left), towards Red Rock Crossing and Crescent Moon State Park...
Photo taken from Upper Red Rock Loop Road with a stunning view of Cathedral Rock!
We also learned that for making the BEST photo, you probably have to try doing so over the entire day for selecting the best hour!
Here we are at Crescent Moon Ranch ←(click it) - Coconino National Forest
You pay an entrance fee of $ 10.00 per car.
That's it!
Yes, we opted for this easy trail type, as Pieter had heart cramps at the end of January and we did not dare to go for the strenuous 7 mile hike UP on Cathedral Rock from the other side.
It was so very bright and sunny that I am but a light blob here in this photo in front of the Water Wheel
Here I am on the trail and you can see that the trees almost fully did bud out, on March 26. That way they very much do obstruct the view of Cathedral Rock from this point.
Pieter just loved this very special tree that we found along Oak Creek...
Once we walked past the tall trees, we could clearly see the majestic Cathedral Rock!
Quite a sight... This is Red Rock Crossing with Oak Creek flowing in front of Cathedral Rock
Oak Creek was beautiful as well!
This is just taken from a video I made, showing Pieter making the above photos...
Here we are on Chapel Road...
Sign saying there is additional parking ahead...
This is Chapel of The Holy Cross ←click it
Below you find a photo from the inside of this special Chapel.
Photo credit: Flickr Dave Toussaint
Great architecture by Marguerite Brunswig Staube and it seems to be huge!
We did not go inside, as it is quite a bit of a hike from the parking lot and might have been too strenuous on Pieter...
Below you find excellent videos with far better images, to understand Sedona's beauty!

Related links:
{Sedona, Arizona - Hyatt Piñon Pointe} | previous post by me
{Scenic 89A from Flagstaff to Sedona, Arizona} | previous post by me
Sedona: The Spirit of Wonder, Original IMAX Movie | BEST video to watch Sedona's beauty!
Arizona Travel Video Guide | Incredible video about Arizona and its Red Rocks
Red Rock TV | link to video with great info and images of Sedona and its Red Rocks
Secret Sedona | Youtube video with great images


  1. just amazing! nature's cathedrals. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Oh, the sight of Cathedral Rock is incredible. So many different views but I am afraid that those trees will more and more obstruct the view from Oak Creek.

  2. dear Mariette

    Thank you for taking us with you on your travels - looks like an interesting place to visit and love the amazing rock formation and the trees.
    Happy weekend

    1. Dearest Carolyn,
      Well, you're quite welcome; love to brag about our great nation!
      The Southwest is truly incredible.

  3. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist eindrucksvoll und ausdrucksvoll.
    Sonnige Sonntagsgrüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja stimmt besonders für diese Gegend!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  4. Mooie foto's van de rode rotsen, Ik zou daar alleen geen kapel gaan bouwen tegen de prachtige rotsen, jammer.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Heb er nog een foto van het interieur van deze bijzondere kapel bijgevoegd. Je mag het niet zo geslaagd vinden, maar het is en blijft een van de 'main tourist attractions in Sedona!'
      Het feit om daar op zo'n hoogte je dichter bij de Schepper te wanen, speelt hier in Amerika nog een grote rol. Ook is het uitzicht adembenemend.

  5. Dearest Mariette,
    What beautiful, amazing country. You are an excellent travel guide!
    Enjoy the day.....*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Thank you very much and it is a pleasure for taking you along!
      Proud of sharing the beauty of our great nation.

  6. Greetings!
    This part of Arizona is a favorite of mine ~~ amazingly spiritual.

    1. Dearest Helen,
      It sure is and with all its Vortexes it has been for ages. That's one positive thing we could learn from the native Indians! They were so much more in touch with the spiritual world.

  7. I like that each rock has got name. Bell Rock is perfect name for that shape. The Cathedral Rock is truly magnificent. What a view! I kind of felt as if I was watching science fiction scene when I saw the chapel. The building and the whole setting have such atmosphere, I think :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Yes, there is quite some thought given in doing so. Oh, if you are there on a perfectly sunny day like we were, it does touch you in many ways. Knowing that this got created some 300 million years ago makes you admire it even more! We are such a minuscule speck in time, compared to these giants that got formed such a long time ago.
      That lady architect had quite some vision and she too was very touched by the spiritual aspects of this entire area; you can't help that. Especially for the 1930s she did a remarkable job in incorporating it into the landscape, the way she did!
      So yes, I totally agree with you as it has a tremendous atmosphere; no matter what religion you are, it makes you respect our Creator.

  8. Looks like it was a gorgeous day and those formations are really beautiful. Great photos! Best wishes, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      Yes, it was a hot and sunny day and incredible views. We enjoyed our trip very much so.
      Thank you and sending you hugs.

  9. Prachtige foto's van de rode rotsen ....en een mooie omgeving ..
    ik vindt de foto van de waterwiel ook heel mooi ...
    ik wens je een fijne week toe ..
    veel liefs ..

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Dank je en jazeker in deze mooie omgeving stond dat waterwiel als een mooi symbool van een stuk geschiedenis in het Zuidwesten.
      Ook een hele fijne week nog en liefs,

  10. Breathtaking rock formations! How nice that you visited on a sunny day when the colors seen were extremely vivid. I have heard that the Sedona area is especially beautiful and your lovely photographs prove it to be so very true! This looks like a destination I would like to visit some day. Beautiful images of you and Pieter as well!

    1. Dearest Julie,
      Well, our photography is by far not like yours but at least we managed to capture Sedona's beauty and it is such a great destination!
      Thank you for your visit and kind words.

  11. Sedona is so pretty. Tom and I stayed at a French Inn there, played golf and did a very touristy Pink Jeep Tour.

    1. Dearest Janey,
      Guess that would be very lovely to do, one could stay for a very long time in Sedona as there is so much to do.

  12. Dearest Mariette,
    I have just gone through your previous post on your trip in Sedona and now this one, and I was so pleased to admire the beautiful scenery through your excellent photos. This is such a lovely place and you were lucky to spend some days there. My visit of the area was much shorter but...I did have the chance to also see the inside of the Chapel of the Holy Cross and to admire the view from there! I will never forget it!
    Many hugs and best wishes for a lovely month of June!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Thank you and yes, we did thoroughly enjoy these three days in Sedona and one could easily spend a lot more time there! You were lucky for having been inside the Chapel. I only read later that they do run golf carts so that would have been a great option for Pieter instead of having to climb up those strenuous 700 feet. We might have to go back for it!
      Hugs and best wishes for June dear friend.

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    The Redrock crossing of photo taken Roock Road of the entire day! You had more photo of the water whll! and more tree that way of view of Cathedral.
    Pieter has speeial tree and you both found way Oak creek and you both see the magstil cathldral rock!
    Thank for that more to coming... The red Rock with Oak creek floing Oak creek a beautiful.
    Your maked a video and Pieter has photo's both had very hard working?
    I can understand very well Yes I'am reality I just wanding about when was so much will be...
    I has another raining days from easter days.
    Hugs and love to Both of You!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you so much for visiting here and leaving your comment. We just had some rain showers this evening and they were oh so welcome! Glad we got at least some rain.
      Sorry for you as it does interfere with your favorite past time.
      Sending you hugs from both of us.

  14. Beautiful pictures. I would love to see this in person.

    1. Dearest Daniela,
      Thank you and you probably will one day; it is so worth while to go there.

  15. Meine liebe Mariette,
    eigentlich ist es mit Worten nicht zu besschreiben. Das ist ein Naturschauspiel der ersten
    Güte. Die Cathedrale gefällt mir besonders gut. Tolle Fotos und sicher einer erlebnisreiche
    Du bist vor dem Wasserrad sehr gut getroffen!
    Einen guten Start in die neue Woche wünscht dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja stimmt auch da muss man selber stehen können und es einwirken lassen. Wir haben von diese Erlibnisse sehr geniessen können zur zweit!
      Danke für deine Wörte und auch eine gute neue Woche mit Sonne!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  16. Cara Mariette,grazie per queste magnifiche foto...così vedo luoghi e paesi mai visti!
    Un caro abbraccio dall'Italia♥

    1. Cara Anna,
      Contento ti sia piaciuto la foto di questa zona da sogno con le sue rocce rosso!
      Anche un caro abbraccio forte dalla Georgia Estati Uniti.

  17. Amazing!! The photos are so beautiful:)
    Hugs for you and for Peter!

    1. Dearest Manuela,
      Thank you very much and it was quite amazing to be there in person.

  18. Daar zou ik ooit nog wel eens op vakantie willen gaan, dat trekt me wel, dat deel van Amerika...wie weet komt het er nog eens van..dit jaar gaan we naar Vietnam....een cultuur die ik nog nooit gezien heb..

    1. Beste Marian,
      Ja, het Zuidwesten van de VS is èrg ruig en indrukwekkend.
      Jullie opkomende reis zal ook best boeiend zijn. Onze beste vrienden zijn er geweest en ik had een vriendin uit Vietnam; mooie cultuur met veel Franse invloed toch.

  19. Dear Mariette,
    Stunning photos of this most beautiful place! Don't you just love the scent of the desert air and those lovely, pale, ghostly trees? You both looks so good and happy on your trip. It's so nice to make beautiful memories together.
    Hugs xo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      That was such a lovely trip with yet another desert experience. Thank you for your kind words and we both were very happy for being able to still do this together! We're very blessed; finally some time for the two of us!
      Hugs to you,

  20. Just bloody awesome photos, what a truly lovely place

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Oh yes, that sure was bloody awesome!

  21. Such Wonderful Photos There - So Much Fun Reliving The Journey Through Your Shots As Well


    1. Dearest Travis,
      Thank you and you had me go back in there to alter some of the links...
      Oh, wish I could be back there!
      So glad you explored this region as well.


Thanks for your visit and comment.



MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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