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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, November 15, 2013

{1903 Ladies Home Journal by Edward Bok - The Mother of America & Dutch American Heritage Day}

We do have this October 1903 Ladies Home Journal magazine because of its publication by Edward Bok about The Mother of America
  • Edward Bok, a Duch immigrant who came to the USA at the age of 6, was the editor of The Ladies Home Journal
  • Edward Bok also was the friend of no less than four US Presidents and other leading Statesmen and Authors. 
  • He was a top journalist and changed quite a lot for this nation. "Go to it, you Dutchman," encouraged President Theodore Roosevelt. 
  • Edward Bok did just that and found substance in the American dream.

  • This October 1903 Ladies Home Journal is quite huge in size, far bigger than nowadays magazines. 
  • More comparable with the size of a news paper!
  • You also can view this as a PDF by clicking here: Cover of the Ladies Home Journal October 1903

Again, for easier reading this article you can view it as PDF by clicking here: The Mother of America Article by Bok October 1903
  • With Dutch American Heritage Day nearing on November 16, it is quite appropriate to understand a bit more about this Dutch born immigrant.
  • As a matter of fact, the reading world of America has yet to learn the real extent of the Dutch influences which underlie American institutions and have shaped American life... The Mother of America

IV. A Presidential Friend and a Boston Pilgrimage | excerpt of the book: The Americanization of Edward Bok (1920), which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1921
XXV. The President and the Boy | excerpt of the book: The Americanitzation of Edward Bok 

Did you have any idea about this enormous Dutch influence such as the American Declaration of Independence and the Federal Constitution of the United States and one, the Declaration, is based almost entirely upon the Declaration of Independence of the United Republic of the Netherlands....

See excerpt below from The Mother of America:

Related links:
{Dutch - American Heritage Day: November 16 since 1991} | previous post by me
{The Dutch 1st to Salute to the Flag of The United States in 1776} | previous post by me


  1. that publication is really a treasure. i can tell you are proud of your heritage, as it should be. :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      It took us quite a while for finding this but we cherish it. We are very proud of our Dutch and American Heritage and this is perfect for the 16th of November to celebrate Dutch American Heritage Day!

  2. Happy "Dutch American Heritage Day" to my favorite lady, Miss Holland!!! I am a Newyorker as you know, therefore, I come from 'Dutch-country too.' How wonderful, I can't wait to relax and read it all. My dear daddy taught me so many things and this is one! I have a little of your heritage from been from NY, lol! You are proud and you should be my friend. Thanks for sharing and for dropping by.

    1. Dearest Fabby,
      You certainly can celebrate your official New Netherlands Heritage; being from New Amsterdam! History is the most fascinating thing and it intrigues people forever. That is; those that love to read! Thanks for your congratulations and I extend them proudly back to you as well and in honor of your beloved Daddy!!

  3. Dearest Mariette,
    thank you for this very interesting post!
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      History is always interesting.
      Hugs to you,

  4. Liebe Mariette,


    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Ja, die junge Geschichte von ein Land ist immer interessant.
      Auch sonnige Grüsse nach zwei Nächte mit Frost.

  5. Dat is een interessante post, wist niet dat er een speciale herdenkingsdag was met betrekking tot Nederland. Ja, in die jaren was er nog gezond verstand en een vooruitziende blik bij de Nederlanders, wat nu steeds meer schijnt te verdwijnen hier.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Dit is zeer interessant om te lezen. Wij lazen het in de bi-lingual engels-nederlandse krant 'The Windmill' uit de staat Washington, op 9 juni 1997. Via eBay heb ik toen die October 1903 Ladies Home Journal kunnen bemachtigen! Helaas is deze krant verleden jaar ter ziele gegaan. Ik heb de link ingebouwd na: As a matter of fact, the reading world of America has yet to learn the real extent of the Dutch influences which underlie American institutions and have shaped American life...
      Omdat we beiden al enige jaren amerikaans staatsburger waren wilden we persé dit originele maandblad bemachtigen. Je kunt het niet eens zelf inscannen vanwege het enorme formaat maar dat lieten we professioneel doen. En derhalve heb ik het ook op PDF formaat zodat het goed leesbaar is.
      Ja, het gezonde verstand en vooruitziende blik getuigde van top leiderschap. Het merendeel van de bevolking, ook hier, volgt gewoon als lemmingen zonder zelf iets te lezen of zich een eigen mening te vormen. Het is beangstigend en de hoger opgeleiden hebben de kleinste gezinnen dus in de toekomst wordt dit contrast alleen nog sterker.
      Laten we het beste hopen voor de komende generaties...!

  6. It is nice looking back on life, way back then.

    1. Dearest Kay,
      Not only looking back on life but this is still being implemented in today's Constitution for both countries!

  7. Hello Mariette, The Boks and Curtises were indeed a distinguished family. Bok's autobiography, The Americanization of Edward Bok, is a classic, and there is also a humorous review of this book by Robert Benchley. Edward's grandson, Derek Bok, was for many years the president of Harvard University.

    Anyone who enjoys American history will repeatedly encounter Dutch influences. Let me wish you a good Dutch American Heritage Day in advance!

    1. Dearest Jim,
      We got a copy of Bok's autobiography as well. Found the humorous review by Robert Benchley, you are referring to! Those were quite some characters for that time.
      Certainly they had good genes as one can tell from the accomplishments of Edward's grandson Derek!
      You are a well read person and it is a joy to read your meaningful comments. After all that Dutch influence is because they were the first to ever colonize the New World, what we now call the USA. Thanks for your wish in regard to Dutch American Heritage Day!
      We are very proud for having had my Parents join us at some official Dutch American Heritage Day events with our Dutch Honorary Consul in Atlanta.

  8. Liebe Mariette,
    ein ganz wundeerschöner Post. Ich habe mir den Artikel runtergeladen und
    muss meine ganzen Englishkenntnisse aufrufe, damit ich ihn lesn kann. aber
    das ist wieder eine gute Übung. Es ist immer wieder interessant, was du alles
    ans Licht holst.
    Einen schönen Abend wünscht Dir

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja, so ein PDF übersetzt leider nicht... aber du wirst es bestimmt mitbekommen haben. Lesen geht sowieso besser als schreiben oder sprechen. Geschichte ist immer interessant und du und ich lesen ja viel als stösst man oft auf intressante Sachen.
      Lieber Gruss,

  9. Hmmm. ... they sure don't teach that in school. Very interesting! And wow! That magazine is a great find. My aunt collects old magazines and they definitely were much bigger back then. Hope all is well with you. Best wishes, Tammy

    1. Dearest Tammy,
      It is a shame that this is not taught at school! But those liberals have been trying for quite a while to rewrite history. But facts are facts and it were the Dutch that first colonized the New World. We have so much even in the language that derives from Dutch, let alone the Federal Constitution and Declaration.
      Funny how magazines did scale down but understandably if one goes back to the era that there only were news papers.
      Just got back from an hour long walk together; things are going well.

  10. Dearest Mariette
    Such ancient treasures are quite priceless. Luckily someone saved them so we get to experience history.
    Hugs to you

    1. Dearest Kajsa,
      There for sure will be some more copies left from the initial 1,000,000 copies sold. But being it already 104 years old is incredible.

  11. Dearest Mariette,
    This is once again such an interesting post, and I love that front cover from 2003!
    Thank you for your sweet comment on my post about my mom's kitties. Lilli and Tommi are siblings and they are 5 years old, and Theo is 3.
    Sending you hugs from the Alps!

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Oh, you for sure meant to say; 1903 and that's alright. What a difference in clothes worn a century ago! So many things were quite different back than.
      Lilli and Tommi are so adorable and look so happy too. So Theo is their baby-brother.
      Hugs from Georgia,

    2. Oh yes, that was certainly a (quite funny!) lapsus, my dear Mariette! :)
      And thank you for your sweet words about my mom's furries!
      Hugs again!

  12. Such a rich heritage dear Mariette :) glad you blogged about this . Have a lovely day.

    1. Dearest Pallavi,
      It is a rich Heritage and we both are proud of both; the Dutch and the American!

  13. Dearest Mariette,
    I 'am started interessant in all of the new world.I hope I can understandably from YOUR COPIES...
    After spider -Two document the American flag and five pointid star from the Duteh....
    Hugs and love to you!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      The history of the New World is quite interesting and you will be able to read it no problems, it is in English!
      Those Dutch documents that we almost completely copied and also the American flag indeed got its color and the five pointed star from the Dutch; from the United Republic of The Netherlands.
      Hugs and love,

  14. Wat leuk Mariette! En dan van een Nederlander!
    Leuk zulke oude tijdschriften!
    Fijne dag,

    1. Beste Nicole,
      Ja als zesjarig jongetje geïmmigreerd en hij heeft het ver geschopt! Het zijn enorme tijdschriften van die tijd.

  15. Good Morning Mariette, How fascinating, I do know a little about the connection between Holland and America, but I did not know that it is so deeply intertwined. I was fascinated to read about theDutch influence with regard to the American Declaration of Independence. I know my husband will be really interested in this subject, as he is very keen on history. I wonder, are the Edward Bok books still available? I will certainly be showing him the magazine article you shared with us.
    How wonderful to have such an old magazine. I have one which belonged to my grandmother which is the same size, and yes, it is like reading a newspaper.
    Enjoy celebrating Dutch American Heritage Day tomorrow.

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      Indeed The Netherlands and the USA are very deeply intertwined. Edward Bok's books are still available on Amazon.com, even though they are long out of print.
      Funny how they literally took the newspaper sizing at first for the early day magazines.
      Thanks for the Dutch American Heritage Day wishes.

  16. Oh dear, I forgot to say goodbye.
    Best Wishes to you, as always,

    1. Dearest Daphne,
      No problem, I know you will be back as a loyal reader!

  17. Dear Mariette,
    what an interesting post!!
    You must be proud that you are Dutch and American citizen!!
    It so nice you have the old magazine!
    Thank you for sharing !!
    Have a lovely weekend!!!Hugs!!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      This is interesting and it once more shows what the American Dream is all about, for a young boy that came here at the age of 6 and becoming so successful and befriended with 4 Presidents. He certainly had good genes and he passed them on to the next generations as well.
      Yes, I am proud to be Dutch by birth and American by choice!
      Wishing you a lovely weekend as well.

  18. Che bella questa vecchia rivista!Ha tanto fascino!Baci e buon fine settimana!Baci,Rosetta

    1. Cara Rosetta,
      Grazie per le tue parole, ma anche il contenuto è così prezioso e pieno di storia.
      Buon fine settimana e baci!

  19. How cool is this, I like old stuff...............

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Thank you and we felt so proud for having found this one!

  20. Dear Mariette,
    I hope you had a very nice Dutch American Heritage day (sorry to visit so late!). It is always so interesting to learn important historical facts in more detail than what we already know 'in general'.
    The front cover of that issue of the Ladies Home Journal is so lovely!! I have been working in press distribution for 37 years and I am always very touched by anything related to old magazines.
    Many hugs to you, my friend!!!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      Oh, we all are running late... this magazine is from October but I thought it would be appropriate to publish this right before Dutch American Heritage Day as there is a strong link.
      History is always intriguing especially when living in different countries. You sure have had a very interesting exposure to the press through your work. Yes, it is touching for looking at such antique magazines and admiring the art of a past century.
      Hugs to you sweet lady.

  21. It is quite interesting info and history indeed!
    The Ladies Work Journal cover itself is a master piece.
    Thanks for sharing this with us Mariette!
    Keep well :)

    1. Dearest Noushka,
      Very interesting history and a Ladies Home Journal cover like that looks like real art compared to modern day issues. And what a huge size they had over a century ago!
      Happy week to you and hugs,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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