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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

{Riding the Grand Canyon Railway}

We did ride the Grand Canyon Railway from Williams to the South Rim of the Grand Canyon where also the United States oldest log depot is still in use!
Pieter is inspecting the locomotive's engines...
Historic Wild West costumes...
Pieter took a 'WeFie' with the iPad, as we are now happily riding the train...
The Marshal from the Wild West Shootout, did also board the train since there will be a mock robbery on the way back at 5:00 PM...
Roaming Western Singers are also part of this fully narrated train ride.
This lady is playing a Hohner Tyrolean III 72 Accordion...
You can here her at 3:50 minute into this video: Welcome to the Grand Canyon Railway
This 2 hours and 15 minute ride brings you past prairies, wooded area and desert like landscapes, ever changing.
In the center, at the very top, you just can see the home of an Arizona rancher...

A water hole (top left, off center) for their cattle... just like in the Old West Cowboy movies.
 Here we are rolling into the State Park of the Grand Canyon with Grand Canyon Village and the United States oldest, still working log depot!
Disembarked at the Grand Canyon Depot...
Very convenient indeed, from the historic 1910 Grand Canyon Depot it is just climbing some steps up, towards the historic El Tovar Hotel and to the Grand Canyon's South Rim...
GRAND CANYON RAILWAY DEPOT ←click it to see the actual historic log depot!
We both will take a Motor Coach to tour the Grand Canyon's South Rim and next day we did drive back by car, for a 2-night stay at Maswik Lodge in Grand Canyon Village.
More about that in next post...
This is on the way back... the Southbound train. We had a stopover of about 3-½ hours.
Oh my!
At 5:00 PM the notorious Cataract Creek Gang did galop alongside the train, on their horses and had the train stop so they could come aboard to ROB us!
Cataract Creek Gang snippet from Arizona Art and Entertainment  ←click it.
So glad we rode the Pullman as I would not have wanted to miss those excited children!
Williams News: Gunfights and train robberies: all in a day's work for Williams' own Cataract Creek Gang performers
But we continue; all unharmed! It is just a great way for collecting some tip money and so much fun.
Lovely scenery...
For both of us, northern Arizona was above expectation!
Almost home! Williams, Exit 163, how we got here by rental car the previous day...
Rolling into the Depot at Williams...
After dinner, we could see the Grand Canyon train sitting on the track... waiting for tomorrows guests!
Hope you enjoyed it and next we will show you the South Rim Grand Canyon Motorcoach Tour...
The package from The Train, ←click it, was the best we could have done!

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  1. glad you enjoyed the ride and the re-enactments. :) love all that sage brush.

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      Yes we both enjoyed it very much! Guess several plants and shrubs are identical with your area in Texas.

  2. Replies
    1. Dearest Fernando,
      Glad you came along for the ride!
      Kindest regards,

  3. Dearst Mariette,
    this looked like big Fun :O)))
    Thank you for showing those great pictures!
    Happy week to you,
    Love and hugs,

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Oh you bet it was great fun!
      Glad to share with you all.

  4. Dearest Mariette; Fascinating ride the Grand Canyon Railway♡♡♡ Thank you SO much for the gorgeous scene from the train ride♪ And happy for you two that you said ’northern Arizona was above expectation’.
    Sending Lots of Love and Hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Oh, this was really fascinating in real time and so glad to share with so many countries. The scenery, nature, the culture, history and even the food was all great!
      You could have lunch or whatever on this train but we did not as we loved to enjoy the scenery! Dinner at night and we had lots of snacks and bottled water in our back pack.
      Hugs and love from the USA,

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    dein schöner Blog schenkt mir viel Freude.
    Sonnige Grüße

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Na gut, es ist doch ab und zu schön um so mitgenommen zu werden in eine komplett andere Welt.
      Ganz liebe sonnige Grüsse zurück.

  6. Was für ein schöner Ausflug, liebe Mariette! :-) Ab und zu muß man so etwas einfach unternehmen. Das machen wir auch. Trotz des chronischen Zeitmangels. Ein paar Highlights im Jahr ...
    Schade, daß Vergissmeinnicht bei Dir nicht gedeihen. Du meinst aber nicht andere Arten, die man auch manchmal 'Vergissmeinnicht' nennt, die aber z.B. Gedenkemein oder andere Namen tragen?
    Muß gleich los ... meine Mutti ist zu einem kleinen Eingriff in einer Klinik.

    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Sara,
      Ja es war ein super schöner Ausflug und wir sollten so etwas öfters machen zur zweit! So lange es noch kann.
      Nein ich meine die echte Vergissmeinnicht aber ja, so ist es im jeden Land gibt es andere Flora und Fauna. Damit muss man lernen zu leben...
      Hoffentlich ist alles okay mit deiner Mutti!
      Alles Liebe,

    2. Danke, liebe Mariette, sie konnte die Klinik nach ihrer Augen-OP bereits wieder verlassen. Es ist nicht so einfach in dem hohen Alter ...
      Liebe Grüße

    3. Froh das zu hören liebe Sara. Na ja, Pieter ist glaube ich noch älter als deine Mutti aber er erholte sich von seinem vierfachen Bypass im September 2010, bemerkenswert! Wir alle hoffen das wir noch mit Gottes Segen viele Jahren dazufügen können...
      Liebe Grüsse,

    4. Erstaunlich, liebe Mariette! Mutti ist 85, steht im 86. Lebensjahr.
      Ja, Dein Pieter ... kaum zu glauben! Daß so etwas zu schaffen ist. Aber die Seele und die Liebe, auch der Geist, sie alle Drei sind so wichtig! In der Klinik lernte ich einige in dem Alter, auch 90jährige, kennen. Tolle Frauen, richtig süß! :-) Und topfit im Kopf. Die Medizin ist heute schon weit.
      Das wünsche ich Dir/Euch auch von ganzem Herzen, daß Ihr noch viele schöne Jahrte gemeinsam verbringen dürft!
      Gottes Segen und liebe Grüße

    5. Bestimmt, liebe Mariette! Mutti steht im 86. Lebensjahr und in der Augenklinik waren noch viel ältere Menschen. Es ist wirklich erstaunlich, was heute machbar ist, wenn man Glück hat und keinen Unfall oder Ähnliches erleidet.

      Alles Liebe für Euch Beide

    6. Liebe Sara,
      Im September 2010 lag Pieter auch da, fast ohne Kräfte nach einer vierfachen Bypass und ein Stent im Nacken... Er hat aber einen sehr starken Willen und hat sich nach Therapie wieder durch geschlagen. Er hat wieder seine Kräfte zurück und macht im Moment, nach 4 Jahre, sehr schwere Arbeiten im Wald wobei er viel Unterholz zurückschneidet. Somit wird es auch leichter zum Unterhalt... Glück haben ist so relativ!
      Liebe Grüsse,

  7. Dear Mariette,
    The train is a nice way to see the countryside and so nice to be entertained on the way, too! Love the costumes and pretty scenery.
    Hugs xo

    1. Dearest Karen,
      We were so happy to be back in the mountainous region of the country, we missed it so much after having worked and lived in such environment for years. We love nature and the countryside and this was such a relaxed way of enjoying it!
      Sending you hugs,

  8. Wat een leuke treinreis vol met afwisseling en entertainment. Het moet vroeger wel spannend zijn geweest, to rob or not to rob, en maar angstig afwachten of ze langs kwamen.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Ja, te bedenken dat voordat de trein reed, men er 12 uur over deed met de stage coach vanaf Flagstaff! En dan overvallen worden... Echt spannend en ook als je een wiel brak!
      Dit was luxe en de in scene gezette robbery is práchtig; je zou de kinderen aan boord hebben moeten zien en horen. Heerlijk.

  9. Dearest Mariette....What a fun way to see and experience the country!
    I always enjoy your travelogues!
    Enjoy your day........*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      This was great fun and so relaxed... Next day I drove this stretch by car, in a faster pace but the train ride is a joy.

  10. lieve mariette ,
    Wow nice trip !!!! zoals ze in Amerika zeggen ...
    Een hele mooie belevenis met muziek en bandieten in de trein ..een echte wild west trein ..
    Mooie foto's daar kan je nog lang van nagenieten ..
    veel liefs, tot schrijfs

    1. Lieve Nieneke,
      Ja, dat mag je wel zeggen ja, erg mooie trip! Oh, er is een restauratie wagen en boven ook nog fijn dining maar wij wilden niet zó luxe reizen en houden meer van de omgeving!
      Ze hebben het werkelijk heel erg goed georganiseerd en dit zal zeker miljoenen touristen trekken , er komen vijf miljoen mensen naar de Grand Canyon jaarlijks, maar ze kunnen natuurlijk ook met de auto of met een bus tour er naar toe. Alhoewel, bus tours gaan meestal alleen naar de noordelijke rim, dat is geen State Park en eigendom van de indianen en ook erg duur om op die Lookout glazen rim even te kijken. Fotograferen mag niet eens! Wij kozen voor de zuidelijke rim met het prachtige state park. Daar kunnen we inderdaad nog lang van nagenieten!

  11. Dear Mariette,thank you for sharing these gorgeous pictures from your trip!
    Traveling by train is fun!You can see so many interesting places and countrysides!
    Have a lovely week!!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Maybe the photos are not that great but they do reflect a lot of adventure and fun during that day! Love to share this special train ride. It would always be such a relaxed way of traveling but there is not much of a railroad system here in the USA.
      Hugs and happy mid-week for you as well.

  12. What a fun train ride with music and gangs coming in and such. So entertaining! And the scenery is amazing!
    Now I really want to get on that train next time I go to Grand Canyon :-)

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      That was sure lots of fun and we let us surprise constantly by the excellent organized Grand Canyon Railway trip! So glad that this is available to the people, also for little children this is great.
      Sending you hugs,

  13. What an exciting adveture through a beautiful, wild landscape! I love travelling by train, it sounds so funny ! You also look fantastic! Both of you!
    Best regards from me

    1. Dearest Olympia,
      It was a very exciting adventure and we loved the ever changing panorama. It is never boring and there are mountains in the distance too.
      We felt so well rested after a good night sleep at the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel. So this was a day off for both of us; nicely recovering from the long travel day before, all the way from Georgia to Arizona by air and than a long drive in heavy traffic due to the Labor Day holiday... Could not have been better planned.
      Thank you for your nice words.

  14. Hej Mariette, het is alsof jullie in een cowboyfilm terecht zijn gekomen. Een lange rit, maar zo te zien valt er genoeg te beleven. Lieve groet,

    1. Beste Willy,
      Ja, het leek een stap terug in de tijd en zó mooi allemaal opgezet! Dat doen ze al tientallen jaren zo. Toen die bandieten met de paarden langs de trein op galopeerden had je de kinderen moeten zien en horen! Práchtig en zó echt. Ze schieten ook maar natuurlijk nep. En toen stopte de trein en kwamen ze aan boord...
      De rit is in de morgen en in de late namiddag terug en je kunt er eten en wat je maar wil. Wij niet, we genoten van het uitzicht en van de artiesten, omdat je dit maar eens doet. We bleven ook zo'n 3-½ uur bij de Grand Canyon voordat we terug reden maar dat heb ik er bewust uitgelaten. Komt nog...

  15. Que viagem maravilhosa, um sonho. Belíssima paisagem e o trem fabuloso, amei a moça com a gaita. Tudo emocionante. Eu também quero fazer essa viagem de trem. Lindo país.
    Best whishes

    1. Dearest Anajá,
      Oh, that was like a dream indeed and fabulous to see the scenery and enjoy the entertainment. The lady with the Accordeon played a Hohner Tyrolean III 72 and she was good at it!
      We loved the South West; Wild and All!

  16. Liebe Mariette,
    dieser Zugausflug in die Vergangenheit war wirklich ein Erlebnis- Selbst
    der Überfall hat demnach Spass gemacht.
    Eine wirklich tolle Landschaft!
    Liebe Grüße

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Oh es war wirklich super und alles mit Sonnenschein. Jeder war fröhlich und besonders die Kinder haben so genossen davon. Es fühlt wirklich wie eine Reise in der Vergangenheit, zurück nach Ende 1880... Aber mit unserem Wissen und Luxus!
      Es ist wirklich alles perfekt versorgt und sollte auch so bleiben.
      Die Landschaft war auch sehr interessant und so verschiedenartig.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  17. Dear Mariette,
    No, we did not drink Prosecco, we did not know it existed.
    I read all your posts about the Grand Canyon and get so inspired!
    I wish you a pleasant continuation of the week
    Hugs to you

    1. Dearest Astrid,
      Haha, that's alright, you probably can get it even in Sweden as we too can get it here. But you easily can go back to Italy again.
      Oh, we both LOVED our entire north Arizona experience and also around Phoenix area. We plan on going back another time to see more of things we had not enough time for covering this trip.
      Enjoy the remainder of your week and glad you enjoy reading my stories.

  18. Dearest Mariette,
    Oh! By travelling by train that was a long time of years away ago...you both has fantasic time.
    entertaining railway trip ...I'm very happy for both of you.
    Hugs to you and lots both of love!

    1. Dearest Michiko,
      Thank you and yes, we did have a fantastic time on this railway trip with entertainment!
      Fond memories forever...
      Lots of hugs and love to you,

  19. Replies
    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Oh, I can assure you it really was!

  20. Sounds like so much fun! I enjoy train rides, just able to relax and enjoy the scenery; too bad we do not have more here. I loved seeing a picture of you and your husband, Mariette; you make a very nice-looking couple. Looking forward to seeing more of your trip, as I've never been to the Grand Canyon.

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Thank you and yes, this was a lot of fun; relaxed and entertaining fun.
      We both try to age gracefully together, while enjoying life!
      The Grand Canyon was a long time dream and we got a great vacation together.

  21. Dearest Mariette,
    It must have been quite an experience to ride the Grand Canyon train and have so much fun with the Cataract Creek Gang!!!! I am sure you have enjoyed this trip very much! Well done!!!
    Have a lovely day, dear friend!!
    Many hugs!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      It was a great and very positive experience to red the Grand Canyon Railway! Those Cataract Creek Gang members are great horsemen and also very good actors. They should keep that tradition alive for young and old to enjoy.
      Hugs to you dear and wishing you good night!

  22. Hoi Mariette,
    Dit is fantastisch. Geweldig om zo'n treinrit mee te maken.
    Schitterende foto's!!

    Groetjes, Marco

    1. Beste Marco,
      Ja, dit was zeker fantastisch. Erg relaxed en ook onderhoudend! Fijn dat je als trein-machinist even op bezoek was!
      Lieve groetjes,


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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