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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

{The Short Suit for Men - Now and Back Then}

As often is the case with fashion, things come and go over time. So back again is the Short Suit for Men! 
Husband Pieter as a young boy, wearing his Short Suit with argyle knee socks!
To the right is his Mom's favorite 'Keesy' a little white German Spitz.
Have you already seen the MODERN SHORT SUIT?
Brave Jesse Watters showed off his legs as a Fox News' First!
J. Crew is selling them...
According to Business Insider; The 'Short Suit' Is Finally Going Mainstream ←click it
Do any of you have a male relative that joined this fashion fad?
The men in my life already DID wear them!
Easter Sunday, March 29 in 1929...
My Dad is sitting in the center, bottom row with his hands folded.
Dad's younger brother is on his knees, far left, showing off his SHORT SUIT
Dad's cousin is to the far right, wearing his SHORT SUIT, even being peg-legged...
To the left of my Paternal Great-Grandmother (with the white Lace Toer - see more info below post) is my favorite Great-Uncle 'Heeroom'...
MORE Short Suits...
My Paternal Grandparents showing off their 11 children in the spring of 1935!
My aunt Mia to the left, followed by my Dad in his Short Suit and lined up are three more of my uncles; each also in their Short Suit. The little ones are wearing shorts with a sweater.
The family was not yet complete here; there was to follow one more boy... 12 children total!
To the left is my husband Pieter with his elder brothers; All wearing their Short Suit!
The eldest is without jacket but also showing the long black, above the knee socks like my Dad and his brothers wore in the above photo...
Here again husband Pieter (left) is showing a more casual version of Short Suit with knee socks. Guess he escaped the period of having to wear those long black, above the knee socks!
He proudly stands next to another bee keeper with his four bee hive boxes in the late summer of 1944.
It looks like the present Short Suits got their origin from this Youth version...
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  1. i think they are very cute on boys, but not on grown men! :)

    1. Dearest Theresa,
      You are right about that and especially when grown men wear them without any socks...

  2. I love your old photographs! Your husband was so cute. I showed the J Crew version to my husband -- he just shook his head. :)

    1. Dearest Deborah,
      Thank you so much and yes, one would love to shake the head when looking at those grown up men without socks... Not a nice sight!

  3. Hello Mariette, It looks like Pieter was smoking a cigarette in that last picture--definitely a sign that he had outgrown short suits!

    Thanks for a nostalgic look back at these old photos of your family. They are a lot of fun to look at because of the introductions you gave us to the various people, and we feel a positive connection to them through your blog.

    1. Dearest Jim,
      You are right about that, I too noticed that fact and told him that he'd started smoking at a very young age. Well, probably because his brothers were about 2-½ and 4 years older?
      One can only wonder when looking at photos of our ancestors, how they must have struggled with raising large families through the depression years and two World Wars. Young people nowadays are so spoiled and probably would not be able to handle all that!
      Thanks for your usually some more in depth comment!
      Kindest regards,

  4. Dearest Mariette,
    it is also my thought, it looks nice on boys but not on grown men ;O)
    Happy week to oyu,
    Love and hugs

    1. Dearest Claudia,
      Indeed, it is a lot cuter on the legs of boys!
      Wishing you a lovely summer week.

  5. Liebe Mariette,

    das ist sehr eindrucksvoll.

    Alles Liebe

    1. Liebe Elisabeth,
      Du errinnerst dir doch auch bestimmt diese Hosen...?
      Liebe Grüsse,

  6. Liebe Mariette,
    eine eindrucksvolle Parade der kurzen Hosen hast du hier aufgeführt. Wunderschöne alte
    Fotos, die den Zeitgeist widerspiegeln.
    Liebe Dienstagsgrüße schickt

    1. Liebe Irmi,
      Ja eine Parade über Jahrzehnten her mit kurzen Hosen Anzüge! Ich mag auch den Zeitgeist von alte Fotos. Die erzählen uns sovieles.
      Liebe Grüsse,

  7. Dear Mariette,wonderful pictures!Pietre was a cute little boy!
    It will look funny on my husband but it would look fine on young men!
    What can i say?Have a lovely week!Hugs!

    1. Dearest Dimi,
      Indeed, Pieter looks rather cute in his short suits with knee socks. Oh my, just imagine our husband walking around in such a short suit. Would make for lots of laughs I guess!

  8. Dit is een grappige post. Ik had die nieuwe mode ook gezien en ik moet zeggen dat ik daar erg aan moest wennen, die volwassen mannen met een half afgeknipt pak. Maar je hebt gelijk, alles komt weer een keer terug, hoewel de korte broeken vroeger toch alleen door jonge jongens werden gedragen en niet door volwassenen zoals nu de bedoeling is. Ben benieuwd of ze wel echt aanslaan binnenkort.
    Die oude foto's zijn altijd zo leuk om te zien. Die arme vrouw met haar 12 kinderen is haar hele leven zwanger geweest! Gelukkig is dat ook niet meer zo gewoon tegenwoordig.

    1. Beste Marianne,
      Volgens mij zien we daar ook niet veel van... hier in onze plaat heb ik er tenminste nog niemand mee gezien! Misschien in de grote steden maar ik vrees het ergste. Voor jongens lijkt het ook al heel anders moet ik zeggen!
      Oude foto's vertellen zoveel verhalen. Ja, ja mijn paternale Oma had 12 kinderen en zoiets zou heden ten dage niet meer opgebracht kunnen worden. Natuurlijk was destijds iedereen in hetzelfde lot; want zo zie ik het toch ook... Er werd destijds ook van de kerk uit veel teveel druk gelegd op grote gezinnen. Power by numbers zeggen ze hier. Helaas is dit spel zich nu aan het voltrekken in het midden oosten en ook in de westerse landen door die immigranten! Dat levert in één generatie weer een heel ander 'modebeeld' op vrees ik met weinig blote benen!

  9. che belle le foto della tua famiglia!!!! gli abiti corti per gli uomini erano simpatici! Un abbracio Lory

    1. Cara Lory,
      Grazie e sì hai ragione per gli uomini giovani erano simpatici ma secondo me non tanto per gli adulti...

  10. Your husband looked really lovely and handsome when he was a boy and a young man wearing Short Suit. Well, I don't think I like adult man wearing them; it must be just I 'm not used to see the fashion p;) And smoking used to be the status for a grown man, wasn't it;
    Wishing will have a wonderful week ahead, Mariette.

    Sending you lots of love and hugs from Japan to my Dear friend in America, xoxo Miyako*

    1. Dearest Miyako,
      Thank you for the compliment, yes I too find him very cute looking as a boy in his Short Suit.
      Guess adult men wearing them would cause a lot of laughter... I sure would love to see it happen; only for fun!
      Sure smoking has been for a long time a status symbol, look at any movie from that era; all are smoking!
      Love the remainder of the week and sending you best regards with hugs from your American friend.

  11. Dearest Mariette.....Short suits on boys look great; not so much on adult men. Of course, it's a different story in the tropics. After all, where did Bermuda shorts come from?!
    Can you imagine a man in a short suit going into a Wall St. meeting? Would he be taken seriously?
    Enjoy your day.......*s*

    1. Dearest Suzi,
      Sure they look cute on young boys but adult men is quite a different story, aside from the tropics indeed.
      Talking about story... I like to share this hilarious story with you:
      Once I'd picked up a business person at the Atlanta International airport. It was pouring down and his suit got soaked. He asked me to press it next day as he needed it for making an important business presentation. Yes, he was our house guest... When I met my husband and him at the mall next day, for buying something for his son, I picked up some slob socks and told him they would look good with his suit. He stared at me and than I said: 'Well, so sorry about your suit , I tried to press it but it was so out of shape that I've cut the legs off and made them above the knee. But I also did put the cuff back on. You will look sharp in them!' He nearly fainted and I've never seen anyone speed that fast into the guest bedroom to check and see. He grinned and told me that he believed I'd really done this. I would have LOVED to, just to see the reaction...
      Finally, here they are in fashion and they still make me laugh.

    2. Great Story! I laughed out loud!

  12. LOL! I can't imagine men coming to work in the short suits! But the little boys look adorable. But you are right - most trends come back eventually don't they? I'm still waiting for the 80's hair to come back. ;)
    xo Catherine

    1. Dearest Catherine,
      Oh, I would laugh my head off!
      For boys it is a very cute way to wear short suits but how it would hurt us from laughing, if all adult men would wear them for summer season! Wonder how many at J Crew and others will end up on sall after summer...?!
      In our life time we will live through some repeat cycles of certain trends; it only depends on us if we sitll can and want to follow them.

  13. Well my sweet friend, I can't say if I'm a fan of these short suits or not...lol...
    Wow who said history can't repeat itself...haha!,

    Hugs to you sweetie~

    1. Dearest Mari,
      Sure, fashion comes and goes and if we only could save all the things and stay in shape, we could wear them again!
      Hugs to you dear friend and enjoy your beautiful home - stay cool.

  14. Hi Mariette,
    I love the pics of Pieter has a young boy in his short suit. The short suit I bet was great for those hot days and back then a lot of folks did not have AC.
    We dresses my little grandson in a short suit for a family wedding it was adorable.
    I agree not so adorable on a grown man...although shorts and tee shirt are very adorable on a grown man.
    I enjoyed your post very much
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

    1. Dearest Elizabeth,
      Well, in The Netherlands it doesn't get that hot usually and most of those short suits were in woolen tweed. Still people in The Netherlands seldom do have AC in their homes.
      Little boys in a short suit always look adorable and on these old photos, I love those boys wearing them. But not so cute anymore for grown up men.
      Casual shorts with tee shirt is a different story.
      Hugs to you and enjoy the remainder of the week.

  15. What a pleasant post, dearest Mariette!!!!
    Fashions come and go and then come back after many years, but for short suits, it looks very funny for adult men!! Your historic photos are so interesting!!! And I liked the one with your grand-parents and their 11 children, before they had a 12th one! My paternal grand-parents also had 12 children!!! The last two were twins and one of them was my dad!!
    Many hugs to you and have a nice week!!

    1. Dearest Marie-Anne,
      It is very interesting to look back at fashion in the days of our Grandparents and Parents. Most fashion trends do have a repeat and several will wear them again.
      Guess in those days it was quite normal for having large families. My Dad was the 2nd child of 12 and your Dad belonged to the youngest two...
      Hugs to you and enjoy the tail of this week before having another weekend.

  16. I have never heard of the short suit till now but looking at the photos I realised that it has been around for a long time

    1. Dearest Jo-Anne,
      Well, Australia might have a complete different fashion trend than the USA. We figured that out when traveling often to 3 different continents in a short period. The differences being offered as being 'in Vogue' range from A to Z! It just depends and after all; it's only a trick to sell us things we don't often need...

  17. Wonderful shots Mariette! I especially liked the ones from your family photo book :)
    As for the short suit, I guess if one can carry it off they should certainly give it a try! I guess I am not exactly one of them :(
    -- Houseboats of Srinagar

    1. Dear Sid,
      Thank you, it is always fun to observe those fashion waves over the decades. Your area is again very different from northern Europe where it is more humid and cold. So naturally the dress style is different and a lot lighter.
      Not so much for Srinagar though, my husband was there in April of 1982 and it was quite cold and wet...
      Kindest regards,

  18. Leuk die broeken, lekker voor een warm klimaat, maar niet voor zakenlui, haha.

    Groeten janny

    1. Beste Janny,
      Bij ons in het warme klimaat heb ik ze ook nog niet gezien hoor... Ben benieuwd of we er ooit één zien!

  19. Those are great photos! Your dad and husband Pieter, his brothers, all looking good wearing short suit! To me, short suit is for boys and younger men. So I'm very interested J. Crew is seriously selling it :-) I think it's great in summer if short suit is accepted in offices. It might eventually lower usage of AC!

    1. Dearest Tamago,
      Thank you, we enjoyed looking at those old photos as well and they look really good in them back then.
      But I too have serious doubts about J. Crew's sales... have yet to see the first person actually wearing this style!
      Hugs to you,

  20. Fun photos, Mariette. Short suit doesn't help much with the summer heat if one still has to wear the jacket. Ha!

    1. Dearest Sarah,
      You are right about that part. We will soon know if this worked out or not... have yet to see the first one!

  21. Dearest Mariette ; Pieter looked so handsome in his short suit... these photos are amazing. You are so blessed to have these family photos to look back on. Yes, fashion does come around .. wishing you a very blessed week. hugs Celia M. (HHL)

    1. Dearest Celia,
      He sure did, very cute and shorts still do look very good on him.
      Old photos are a blessing and I'm still in the progress of making them digital; very time consuming but worth my time! Brings back so many fond memories and it evokes stories...
      Fashion is an ever evolving circle over time... We only select what we like.
      Hugs and happy weekend to you dear friend.

  22. Somehow, the short suit (though back in fashion) does not give that feeling of "suited and booted"
    Love that 1929 picture.

    1. Dearest Joe,
      Thanks, those 20s photos sure are precious.
      No, the present fashion fad of the short suit does not give a well suited impression at all. Something is lacking...
      Kindest regards,

  23. Lovely cherished memmories, dear Mariette! Thank you for sharing these precious photos with us.
    My dad used to wear this outfit too, as a young boy... And wow, 12 kids!!!
    Sunny hugs from the Aegean

    1. Dearest Anna,
      Oh, very lovely memories indeed and large families was true for all around them, there hardly were exceptions. I bet your Dad too wore a similar outfit as a boy; it was quite common back than.
      Enjoy the remainder of your lovely vacation!


Thanks for your visit and comment.



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