On September 9, it will be exactly 53 years ago, that in Horst, The Netherlands the 1st and ONLY practical Training College for Mushroom Growing in the world, had its official Grand Opening by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery, a branch of the Dutch Government.
My husband Pieter founded it and he was the Principal and one of the active Teachers for decades, already since 1963, until he became Vice President Training & Development for Campbell Soup Company in charge of their Mushroom Division in the USA, Canada and Australia.
Pieter J.C. Vedder
On the way to the front door of Centre for the official opening...
Pieter on the left, holding his daughter Lizzy by the hand.As published in the Dutch magazine de champignon cultuur nummer 8, oktober 1969:
Lizzy Vedder heeft zojuist de sleutel van het Centrum, bevestigd aan een tuiltje champignons, overhandigd aan Ir. P. van der Schans, Directeur van het Landbouwonderwijs van het Ministerie van Landbouw en Visserij, die zo dadelijk het Centrum zal openen. – Ter weerszijden van Ir. van der Schans de heren Vedder en Ambrosius, gevolgd door de overige genodigden.
Lizzy Vedder has just handed over the key to the Centre, attached to a bunch of mushrooms, to Ir. P. van der Schans, Director of Agricultural Education at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, who will open the Centre shortly. – On either side of Ir. van der Schans Messrs Vedder and Ambrosius, followed by the other guests.
From the hallway area, now to the other building for the ceremony.
Front row from left: Jan Keijsers (architect); Pieter J.C. Vedder; Els Keijsers; J.L. Hendriks from Kessel with his wife; P. Keysers from Melderslo.
Second row from left: Riet Uitermark, Annemie Poels and me...
From left to right: ?; Pieter J.C. Vedder; B.J.P. (Ben) Ambrosius; A.W. (Ton) Gijtenbeek; C. Pleunis Sr.; J.G.J. (Jan) van Asseldonk.
Pieter's Dad had passed away from cancer, just two years prior to this Grand Opening.
But he was close to his heart as Pieter wore his Dad's special gold seed pearl tie stick pin...
Fortunately, Pieter's Dad was alive when Pieter's 1st and 2nd Dutch editions of Modern Mushroom Growing got published.
Since there was no educational material available for his Training Centre, Pieter had to write his own...
Translated into 8 official languages it did become the Mushroom Bible.
From left: Pieter's eldest brother Thé Vedder; Pieter J.C. Vedder; Mother Vedder; Secretary Dora Van den Bekerom.
In back from left: Roel Seubring; ?; ?; Jan Huijs; C. Pleunis Sr.
We also did hear Pieter play his accordion as well as Fennie Seubring, wife of Roel Seubring.
See also link below post...
My 2nd cousin Annemie Poels and me, helping out in serving beverages...
Wearing my own sewing creation, made from silver–blue lurex fabric.
Yes, Pieter J.C. Vedder did well, and till today, there never has been a second practical Mushroom Training Center.
In 1993 the CCO became IPC Plant (Innovatie Praktijkcentrum) or Innovation Practice Centre.
In 1999 the Practice Centre for Mushroom Cultivation became completely independent.
It is quite hard, for having certified and experienced teachers, with knowledge about chemistry, physics, economics and a passion for helping others!
Pieter always had his office door WIDE open and anyone was welcome with questions or whatsoever.
That was his unique policy.
That has remained so over the years, we have had numerous phone calls, even in the middle of the night and Pieter always tried to help others.
Of course there are various mushroom consultants, that all know 'something' about a part of the total procedure.
But often they do so, on 'borrowed knowledge' and not so much based on personal, practical experience and/or by use of scraped content.
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