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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, July 31, 2010

{Giovanni Raspini Italy 800/000 Silver Clip with Angel and Note Block}

Angel season goes on and it might as well last forever...
Let's introduce this lovely Giovanni Raspini 800/000 silver Clip with 'Thinking' Angel note block. Just another lovely Giovanni Raspini Silver Desk Item from Italy, as a unique Gift!
Have a look at all their writing and desk items on my Zen Cart powered on line Boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics
Item # 1326 in a beautiful gift box as usual from Giovanni Raspini; leave that to the Italians for making a wonderful presentation of gifts.
I do recall a lovely gift shop just around the corner of our apartment, when we lived in Cornuda, Treviso.
For special and elegant gifts and for jewelry you can't live in a better country than Italy.
I certainly DO miss that at times but there are other things that are unique for Georgia/USA and we still have our authentic Italian 'Ristorante da Maria'
So much for a thinking angel, it makes me wander off to Italy myself!
This is available at my Zen Cart powered on line boutique by clicking here→ Mariette's Back to Basics, just have a look.
 Feels good on Saturday evening...
Sold out...

As usual this unique piece of silver comes in a beautiful gift box with satin lining and certificate.

{Giovanni Raspini 925/000 Silver Letter Opener with Angel}

Since it is such perfect summer weather, it seems to be a right time to turn all my angels loose... Once more a special piece of silver art work from Giovanni Raspini I want to present to you. This time a very romantic 925/000 solid silver letter opener with an angel, from Giovanni Raspini Solid Silver 925 Letter Opener with Angel from the writing and desk items. Guardian angels taking flight.

The presentation in such a gorgeous gift box, with leather embossing and satin lining makes for a romantic and unique item. A joy for the receiver... that's for sure!
As usual this unique piece of silver comes in a beautiful gift box with satin lining and certificate.
Sold out...

    For more Giovanni Raspini Silver Desk Items from Italy, please see my Zen Cart powered Boutique Mariette's Back to Basics - Good Luck!

Monday, July 19, 2010


Romantic Forget-Me-Not from seeds we have now and I want to share them with you in this blog.
As a little girl I loved these tiny blue flowers as they grew near the pond, that my Dad had dug. Their lovely blooms have never left my memory and I always tried to grow some. Pairing them in a vase with our roses is so beautiful.
Let me name this blog in honour of Sissi; the beloved Persian cat of a dear friend and blogger in Germany. Johanna Gehrlein and her family lost her a couple of days ago. Here her blog post: Sissi am Montag - So ist das Leben is about Sissi... post has been removed.

It is also from Johanna that I learned how to use table linens for a back drop in my photos... She used it cleverly on one of her many blogs related to her book: Rosen-Bestecke about Silver Rose Flatware.
Above you see once again a Baccarat Crystal perfume bottle that I use for such mini roses with Forget-Me-Not as a filler. The light is playing very nicely, as I took the photos inside the gazebo.

Shown on hand crocheted placemat.
 The French say it so well: Think of me...

Friday, July 9, 2010

{Share this Profile}

Below is the profile I had on National Association of Professional Women.

Owner Industry: Selling Upscale Silver Jewelry from Giovanni Raspini Charms & Co, Italy ~ Basics & Lifestyle Classes
Location: Dublin, GA

Associates in Fashion Design - NTI Netherlands Language Institute in Roosendaal, College in The Kingdom of The Netherlands.
Fashion and languages. My family history and culture has inspired my career. 

Published booklet for Sylvan Inc.; Recipe contribution for Southern Living; Partner with husband Pieter J.C. Vedder at The Vedders Mushroom Consulting; Written articles & publications for The British Mushroom Journal; Written articles for Australian AMGA Journal - Official Journal of the Australian Mushroom Growers Association; Written articles for Canadian Mushroom World; Translation of my English Harvest Booklet into Dutch Oogstboekje by Sylvan, Inc.; "THREADS OF LIFE: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S TEXTILE ART" at Georgia State University; Journalistic contributions for Atlanta Holland Times; Training for Harvesting and Post Harvesting at Funghi del Montello, Italy; Free lance writer and features for The Courier Herald, Dublin Georgia; Practical training at Vedder Consulting (Self-employed); Teaching how to Crochet and how to Knit at Home Training; Best in show "Roses" by Mariette Vedder won in three-dimensional media at Fine Arts Association; Features & Ads at Article in Courier Herald; Harvest Department manager at Practical Training College for Mushroom Growing CCO; Published poems in Saturday edition at Dutch Newspaper Dagblad van Noord Limburg.

PEOPLE, Maintaining a botanical garden with my husband, Decorating, Fashion, Cooking for Friends, Making Pâtisserie and Chocolates Healthy Style, Giving Teas, Arranging Fresh Flowers From Our Own Garden, Filet Lace Crocheting and Bridal Handkerchiefs, Nature, Traveling, Animals, Reading.
About Mariette:

For complete profile see also LinkedIn

Being born in The Kingdom of The Netherlands, in the southern most province of Limburg I finished my formal education in Fashion design. Then I joined the Practical Training College where I met my husband Pieter J.C. Vedder. My husband, who was the founder of that first and only Practical Training College in the world. Editing his English book Modern Mushroom Growing, was one of the language related things I've done. Continued with studying foreign languages as that is a must when educating people from around the world. The College did provide courses in Dutch, German and English beside the three year formal education. We came to the US in 1983, as my husband was being asked by Campbell Soup to work here in the US. So in that function as VP Training & Development he continued his job as teacher. When he retired from Campbell's we lived and worked in Italy, in the Venice region. Since then we lived and worked also in Indonesia on the island of Java. Working in India, South America, South Africa, Australia, Canada, Mexico as well as in Germany.

After having traveled the world, as international mushroom consultants with my husband and partner, I did want to bring home to the US all the fine upscale gifts that I'd discovered on our many trips. So now I can offer you the fine Italian solid silver from Giovanni Raspini Charms & Co as well as their silver frames and desk items. Bringing this exceptional quality jewelry to the US market from Europe. We have lived and worked in Italy and know their design and superior quality. Charms have always been produced by the greatest jewelers of the world, yet jewelery today is more personal and individual. A sort of identification code.

Further I did find rare vintage Lampe Berger in France as well as the sought after Limoges porcelain table lamps and items by famous ceramic artist CamilleTharaud, for Limoges. Antique Christofle silver.

An artist friend Françoise, who lives outside of Paris, does intricately hand paint beautiful wooden boxes and such, with romantic real life roses.

Another French friend Agnes, makes one–of–a–kind linen sachets, linen bags, hearts and other items with roses and angels from French and Japanese fabrics. Making your Home more Romantic in this hectic Cyber Age time with the highest quality gifts. You are welcome to visit my Zen Cart powered on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics for more detailed info.

Other things I offer are my Basics & Lifestyle Classes.

**Discovering Lost Arts Class Series about Pen & Paper: In a fast-paced world where it seems every idea is communicated via email or text message, penning a special note or beautiful letter by hand becomes an art to be preserved. Join me for an afternoon class where I introduce the basics of good penmanship and heartfelt communication. Learn why creating an artful communication on paper can lead to deepened thoughts expressed with grace. Includes Crane & Co Paper and warm conversation over coffee/tea.

**Manners do Count: The basics of good etiquette, speech, grooming and table manners is information every individual should master… and the younger, the better. Each class ends in a dinner event. Especially designed for 10+ year-olds, but older teens and adults are also welcomed.

**Creating Heirloom Pieces: Learn to crochet lovely filet lace that can be used as a perfect, decorative touch to garments or as a stand-alone work of art to be handed down through the generations. Framing services with clear acrylic is also offered for your finished piece or for preserving Grandma's heirloom.

**"A Stitch in Time" Wardrobe Care: It’s not difficult to hem a garment neatly and invisibly; sew on, reinforce, or change out buttons; and other everyday sewing tasks. Preserve the good looks of everything you and your family wear by mastering these sewing basics and learning how to care for fabrics properly – washing, ironing, storing. A wonderful gift class for brides-to-be or newlyweds!

**Especially for New Brides and Brides-to-be- Class Series; Learning About Linens: All the secrets of choosing, using, and preserving fine linens that your grandmother and great grandmother were taught as young ladies. Discussion includes choosing environmentally-friendly fabrics for the home, proper linen care and more.

**Setting a Pretty Table: Is anything more satisfying than setting a beautiful table for family and guests? Learn artful napkin–folding techniques, the use and care of silver and linens, silverware and crystal placement, and how adding special touches like place cards and fresh flowers can make the meal an even more delightful experience.

**Consulting Services: A sense of personal style is needed to create a signature look, but how do you know if your taste in fashion enhances your look or detracts from it? Allow me to assist you as your personal fashion, image, and wardrobe consultant.

**Your Own Clothes, Only Better! Color, style, fit and more! I can help you restyle your existing wardrobe to create a fresh, new look that’s right for you. I will peruse your existing wardrobe and suggest ways to alter selected garments for a better, more flattering fit. I will also provide personal shopping advice, giving tips on shopping with thrift and quality in mind.

**Foundations of Style/2-Day Shopping Trip: Eighty per cent of all women wear the wrong bra, resulting in a poor silhouette and ill-fitting outfits. Knowing that every woman should have a wardrobe of several bras to wear with various styles. Learn how to build the most flattering foundation for everything you wear. This 2–day trip to Neiman-Marcus/Atlanta, with an overnight stay at Hyatt Place Hotel includes expert bra fitting at major department stores, lots of excellent “girl talk,” and lunch at the Grand Hyatt. This fun-filled, memorable trip will make a great bridesmaids’ or debutante party gift!

New Netherlands Institute; Member of the Dublin–Laurens County Chamber of Commerce; Netherlands American Chamber of Commerce for the Southeastern US

We've guided and educated a deaf girl in Indonesia. While living and working there, we got to know her, and many other girls at the boarding school. She's a young woman now and got her associates in graphic design and administration just by reading lips. Later we provided her with a state-of-the-art Danish hearing aid from Oticon for both sides so she could hear for the first time ever. The phone call came and she said: "Mama I can HEAR you! Made for misty eyes of course...
Another charity that is very close to our heart is the Leprosy Project through our local Rotary Club. Also going to Indonesia where we personally hand delivered the moneys for years. It is so rewarding and this year we managed to pull off a huge Matching Grant Award from Rotary International where our club provided 75% and the club of Jakarta Sentral 25%. Then that got doubled by Rotary International. So we feel thrilled about this accomplishment. Leprosy exists since biblical times but so little is being done for them. It seems to be more politically correct to spend it on HIV related projects, even though that is often related to lifestyle. Leprosy is not because of lifestyle, but fate! Annually about half a million new cases are added globally.

It opened our hearts and eyes and yes, we also learned to listen from the deaf... by paying close attention and reading a persons body language too. That has helped me tremendously in doing training in seven languages...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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