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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Burberry. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burberry. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Pieter's FINAL Atlanta Holland Club Food Event in Atlanta

The Atlanta Holland Club had organized De Hollandse Hap or The Dutch Bite for December 9, 2023
Even though we were no longer formal members due to Pieter's age and my accident, we decided to go this time.
Did figure out that The Residence of The Kingdom of The Netherlands in Atlanta was only minutes away from the Grand Hyatt Buckhead Atlanta, so I booked us a room and off we went.
My foldable wheelchair in the trunk, with the luggage.
The Residence with its royal emblem is where the Consul General with his wife and family reside.
From the parking area below, we had to push the wheelchair up the hill to the residence.
There were more additional steps, as seen in first image.
The Consul General and his son and daughter graciously helped us with the wheelchair!
My Pieter to the left, wearing his Burberry sweater. Ellen Claessen from my home town Horst, Limburg in The Netherlands and me in my Escada roses sweater.
Pieter with a bitterbal and the Dutch Consul General.
There is a funny shade of Pieter's face, looking like a double face...
Bitterbal is a typical old Dutch snack being served with their bitters (alcohol), hence its name.
It is made with a creamy meat filling, beef, veal or chicken and  formed into round croquettes and then fried and served piping hot!
 Mustard on the side...
Hollandse Nieuwe or New Catch Holland Herring 
New Catch Holland Herring served with raw onions
The food is being put out and we eat off china plates with the Dutch royal emblem.
Red cabbage with apples and raisins is a typical Dutch dish.
There also was hash, sauerkraut and pea soup.
Ending with a home baked Limburg pie—kersen kruimeltjes vlaai or cherry crumbs pie.
Pieter at bottom left and me center bottom.
Indeed it was a most pleasant happening where Pieter knew so many for decades and being able to converse in Dutch!
Next to Pieter on the right top, in the greenish polo shirt is the Chairman of the Atlanta Holland Club, Cor Tadema and his wife Ineke is seen at the bottom left.
Both of them drove down to Dublin, Georgia all the way from Marietta to attend Pieter's memorial service and that meant a lot to me!
History now...
Our stay in room 2003 on December 9, 2023

Related link:

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Pieter Proudly Showing Pleurotus ostreatus and Stropharia Grown at the Mushroom Growing Training Centre

 Already in 1981, we did have good quality Pleurotus at the Mushroom Growing Training Centre in Horst, The Netherlands
As also seen in the 14 second video above, here you see the demonstration cultivation of Pleurotus ostreatus in the Fall of 1981—photo by Pieter J.C. Vedder
Pieter showing proudly these Pleurotus ostreatus
Pieter is wearing his Burberry suit—which he still has and it still fits as he never ever gained any weight!
Holding a bouquet of Pleurotus ostreatus...
We also did a demonstration of growing Stropharia
A better photo by Pieter J.C. Vedder of those Stropharia mushrooms on page 44 of our book.
Pieter made numerous photos also from mushrooms in the wild.
Seen here are tree oyster mushrooms or Pleurotus ostreatus.
That would become a nice Christmas card with the signature from all teachers:
Top the principal and teacher Pieter J.C. Vedder
Martin van Lieshout
Antoon van As
Peter Rechsteiner
Roel Seubring the manager of the actual production farm attached to the practical training college.
On Pieter's LinkedIn account we did share this post and Pieter got 954 impressions
Jan Smits, the Teacher/Deputy Principal Practical Training Centre for Mushroom Growing 1980 – 1984 did comment as Pieter mentioned him being briefly shown in video.
In this video clip there was an erroneous mention of Experimental Station but it was 'our' CCO (abbreviation for the Dutch Centre)!
Jan Smits replied: Indeed our CCO and of and for – at that time – approximately 800 Dutch mushroom growers and several hundreds of mushroom growers all over the world.
Pieter thanked Jan Smits for this statistical update!
Indeed very fond memories of that period.

Related link:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | previous post by me about our newest book
{Pleurotus Ostreatus in Wood Garden Provided Meal} | previous post by me and YES those Pleurotus Ostreatus followed us!!!
Pieter J.C. Vedder | Pieter's LinkedIn account

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Our Stay at Hyatt Regency Sarasota Florida

 Once again we were at our favorite Hyatt Regency in Sarasota, Florida.
We once more had to fight heavy traffic, coming from the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress Resort in Orlando. See previous post...
But here we are!
At 15:50 I stepped out on our balcony and made this photo from the Sarasota Bay and to the right you see the Van Wezel performing arts building.
First time EVER that we were at the very front and center of the Hyatt Regency.
Next day on December 30, we went for a walk through the Sarasota Bay area.
This is the front of the hotel and our balcony is hidden behind the 2nd palm tree from center.
We were on the 6th floor (out of 10) in room 614.
Behind the glass sections are glassed in seating areas—no balcony and not open.
We had that in February of 2022.
In February there was a huge fence around here—due to construction. Now there were beach chairs for a beautiful view of the John Ringling Causeway Bridge towards Saint Armands Circle on Lido Key.
Since February also this playground got finished.
The Ibis Playground...
We continued our sunny walk along the Bay towards the Van Wezel performing arts building...
Me standing at the Bay waters with a rather dramatic sky.
It sure was a lovely day with highest 27°C or 80.6°F
Peering over the menu at the Currents Restaurant on our first day we discussed with friendly waiter George several dinner options.
He arranged with the Chef for taking out pork chops for us and having them prepared in a healthy way—for me at least, for the next evening.
On the menu it was ALE BRINED PORK CHOP with cauliflower puree | rainbow chard | black cherry demi
The only thing wrong was that they served mine with mashed potatoes instead of cauliflower puree and I'm not allowed to eat potatoes in any form due to their high potassium levels for my kidneys...
But the pork chop sure was good not being ALE BRINED and so was the black cherry demi—very special taste!
Our New Year's Eve walk.
Pieter standing here at the place where you can slide with your kayak into the water...
Just in jeans and his Burberry shirt—so mild and no more wind.
Love this area called the Mangrove Bayou Walkway
There are many live oaks on the parking lot of the Van Wezel performing arts building and also very tame squirrels!
Once again I had to take a WeFie in the gold reflecting glass door of the Van Wezel building...
Van Wezel with a dramatic sky resulting in dense fog the next morning on New Year's day.
We ended the year 2022 with a bowl of GULF COAST SEAFOOD CHOWDER...
That was delicious with some bread on the side.
On New Year's Day, we once more went for a walk and fed the tame squirrels some nuts.
We also had a great swim in the afternoon.
Only on our first afternoon we did lie at the pool, just to relax... 
It is said to be heated to 86°F or 30°C but it felt rather cool when getting into the water but with the sun above us, it was great!
Our Hyatt Regency room 614 had the BEST shower/tub we've ever experienced.
Having both had back aches, it was a great massage and warming.
We walked after that...
Doves were sitting on the electrical wiring above us.
Zoomed in on both doves...
They started roosting for the evening, just like the water fowl that we again observed in the Mangrove.
You can see pictures in the links below from previous posts.
This time we did NOT visit any friends like we did during previous stays.
Also for not disrupting their family plans during the holidays and we both enjoyed a truly relaxed stay of four nights here. No driving involved but reading, cross stitching (trying to finish a project started in 2007... and on New Year's Eve we watched the darling movie of The Bear (1988) ←click it) that I'd found on a blog. We had this on video but gifted it to Mom & Dad to play on their Multi system VCR (gifted by us as well as a gifted Multi system TV). Mom LOVED it so much and so did my young nieces and nephews.
Pieter and I watched this fond movie once more.
It is filmed in British Columbia, Canada and such beautiful nature!
What a blissful 4 free nights on Pieter's accumulated Hyatt points these were!
Booked already on October 20...
On Monday, January 2 of 2023 our wonderful Hyatt stay ended as we had to check out.
Driving once again through very heavy traffic jam.
This entire trip was like that—coming and going.
By 6:30 PM we arrived home in the dark and our kitties were oh so happy!!!

Related links:
{Sarasota Bay, Florida - Anhinga} | previous post by me

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Wearing Mom's Wedding Dress to Church

 One of the treasures I did bring home from Limburg was Mom's wedding dress!
October 15, I wore it to Mass after I had it dry cleaned at Presstine Cleaners in Atlanta.
The dress was made out of a nice rayon georgette and I wear my black patent Escada sandals.
The dress originally came with train.
Mom's bridal bouquet looks like she was holding white stock or Matthiola Incana—also very fragrant!
In Dutch white stock is witte violieren...
Dad with a hat in his hand and gloves...
The day of the beginning of a Blissful Relationship—blessed by Dad's maternal Uncle—Heeroom.
Mom and Dad more up close.
Mom sure had lovely hair here and wearing her golden cross on a short necklace.
Those were the days of hats and Mom has worn many hats, especially when going to Church.
Her dress with train got later altered to a shorter version.
Can't recall if she wore it to certain events...
Dad had no camera of his own in the early years!
Photo taken after Mass by a friend.
Pieter wearing his silk Burberry suit that I also did bring back from Limburg...
The side seams of the top were let out by my sister, some 3 inches (7.5 cm). The dress is too wide for me now. 
At home one more WeFie in bright daylight...
Pieter wearing his Escada silk elephant tie.
This photo is from March 8, 1968 when I wore the dress with boots in Horst, Limburg...
Funny, I was 17, and above I am 71... just reversed numbers.
But I'm the only of 3 daughters that still can wear Mom's small sized dress!

Guess Mom was smiling down from heaven to see her wedding dress go to Church once more...
Not in white
It used to be unthinkable to buy a dress for one day. That only happened at court. 
Well into the twentieth century many brides married in black.
Even Pieter's late wife Thea did...
In front of the Church—also with hat and gloves in hand...
Don't understand where she left her gorgeous bridal bouquet.
Pieter with the bridal bouquet, full of orchids...
In 1983, when it was the rage to wear such black jackets—Pieter's 19 year old adopted daughter Liz, begged for the jacket of his wedding suit and Pieter gave in...
A handsome groom that stayed with Thea for 27 years—living like brother and sister...
BUT thanks to that, he wrote the mushroom bible and helped thousands to make a better living!
Everything has a reason in life and we both are grateful that God made us meet 53 years ago and we are happily married for a long time.

Related link:
{The Little Black Dress & My MOM} | previous post by me with Mom in her bridal gown
Both of us LOVE Elephants | previous post by me with Pieter's Escada elephant tie
FAMILY Treasures from Chef of Smulhuis in Brunssum/The Netherlands | previous post with Pieter's Mom also wearing a black bridal gown
Dad Sang Solo on Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary | previous post with Mom & Dad on their wedding day photos with Heeroom


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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