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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Sinden Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sinden Award. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

1987 GROWING QUALITY Profound Mushroom Growing Terminology

 Professional video by Campbell Soup showing Pieter J.C. Vedder's design at 0:20.

Make sure to click on CC for subtitles/closed captions!
When viewed on YouTube you also will find the information below video with clickable links.
Except for 3 clickable links that don't work—for whatever reason but you got the exact time!

Just an inside view for the clickable link.
About 10 days after casing, the white mushroom mycelium has grown sufficiently to reach the casing surface. Then the growing rooms are quick chilled or flushed. This promotes the fruiting of the mycelium into what will become the white high–quality Campbell's mushroom.
Flushing drops the air temperature from 75 to 62 degrees Fahrenheit (24°C to 16.6°C) lowers the humidity from 98% to 85% and replaces the carbon dioxide in the rooms with fresh air or oxygen.
About three days later, the mushroom mycelium starts to mass together. These star like masses expand into mushroom pins, which are the swiftly growing young fruit bodies. In a couple of days these pins explode with growth into buttons...

Here are the high quality, bright white, clean, first break Campbell's mushrooms finally ready for picking. Campbell's extraordinary commitment to quality is once again practiced in the harvesting phase of mushroom farming.
Picked by hand by its thoroughly trained full–time staff. Campbell's harvesting standards are impeccably followed. Mushrooms are picked within the guidelines of Campbell's exclusive one–touch pick and pack harvesting system. 
When the selected mushrooms are all picked the beds are watered. 
About seven days later another break of mushrooms appears and is carefully picked.
This process is repeated up to four times, after which the natural nutrients in the compost are depleted. Then the growing rooms are sealed and steam is injected to raise the compost temperature to 160 degrees F or 71°C for 10 hours in order to sterilize the room and its contents.

Okay that at least did explain some of the PROFOUND Mushroom Growing Terminology.
The two most misunderstood words are FLUSHING and BREAK
When viewed on YouTube you see those clickable links (except those 3 that refuse to work) but you know where to find the subjects.
Page 249 of our book about the generative stage with clear images.
Page 250 of our book with more about the change from vegetative stage to the generative phase.
Page 251 of our book with image from Hans Tschierpe about vegetative growth changes into generative growth.
Page 270 and 271 of our book about inducing fructification (generative stage).
Full page 271 of our book...
And again on page 273 of our book about the transition from vegetative to generative development.
Page 275 of our book about flushing to start fructification.
Page 307 of our book again mention of Relative humidity at the time of flushing for fructification.
During the actual production period we talk about break and NOT flush!
Flushing is the above—earlier mentioned change from vegetative growth into generative growth!
This is on page 115 of our book.
And again on page 278 you see the mention of break.

Hoping this did clarify a worldwide erroneous use of flush instead of break.
Sure, we both are fully aware that husband Pieter's 1978 English book has been used by many 'consultants' just by content scraping and/or plagiarism—without ever mentioning the source but we of course recognize our own original content.
The issue is that in 1978 the English translation from Pieter's updated 5th Dutch edition, got done by a lady, that knew the language well, but had no inkling about Profound Mushroom Growing Terminology... 
Hence this erroneous worldwide spread by so many.
That also was way before the computer era, where one could easily correct and replace certain words.
But our book is like the text in Campbell Soup's video—CORRECT!

Thought this to be valuable for numerous mushroom growers worldwide.
On Pieter J.C. Vedder's LinkedIn it had lots of impressions:
Also a former Campbell colleague mentioned that most of it got filmed at Campbell's then Glenn Farm in Michigan.

Related links:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | previous post by me about our newest book
P.J.C. Vedder's 1987 Design for NEW COMPOSTING SYSTEM (Phase I) | previous post by me showing Pieter is a real certified teacher—see also the links to various editorial reviews below post—all done by OTHERS not written about oneself as often is the case...😏
1982 Sinden Award for Pieter at The Hotel Majestic, Harrogate, England | previous post by me describing Pieter's prestigious Sinden Award with permission from his boss at the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to travel to the UK

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Editiorial Review from CEO Campbell Soup: You Brought a World-Renowned Professionalism to our Operations when they Sorely Needed Expertise

Final 'Mushroom' Editorial Review, that I used for our new book.
This is all said by others, and you can either hear them say it, or read their words.
No self–aggrandizement as we both loath that.

As Pieter always said: 'Let others figure out, how good you really are, no need for putting yourself on a pedestal'.
Sure, having to say goodbye to your employer is never easy, but if you do receive such a meaningful letter as a farewell, it is different.
From R. Gordon McGovern, President Campbell Soup Company:
Dear Pieter:
The announcement of your leaving for Italy could not pass by without my writing a note of thanks for your contribution to Campbell mushrooms.
You brought a world-renowned professionalism to our operations when they sorely needed expertise.
All of us here wish to express our appreciation and best wishes. We hope succeeding generations can live up to your standards.
R. Gordon McGovern

This was sent to our apartment in Cornuda, Treviso/Italy where we then lived and worked.
Another valued editorial quote which I used for our new publication: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting click link. Amazon is listing full information! modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting  click it.
Others might omit it...

Related links:
Editorial Review by British Mushroom Journal: P.J.C. Vedder as an Eminent Mushroom Expert, and a Gifted Teacher is Greatly Valued and Admired Internationally | previous post
The Three Most Important Items for Mushroom Production 'Compost, Compost, Compost!' | editorial written by Campbell colleague upon Pieter's resignation and departure to Italy...

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Editorial Review by British Mushroom Journal: P.J.C. Vedder as an Eminent Mushroom Expert, and a Gifted Teacher is Greatly Valued and Admired Internationally

British Mushroom Journal
Good-bye P.J.C. Vedder
As you may have seen in the last number of Champignoncultuur, P.J.C. Vedder retired on 1st August as Director of the Centre for Instruction in Mushroom Production. He will take up a job in the United States afterwards.
In the past years, Vedder has made a considerable contribution to the development of Dutch mushroom production. As an eminent mushroom expert, and a gifted teacher, he expanded the CCO to an institution which is greatly valued and admired, not only at national level, but also internationally. The governing body regard his departure as a great loss to Dutch mushroom production.
This got published in the September 1983 issue from The Mushroom Journal click link for Pdf from International Society of Mushroom Science (ISMS)

Another valued editorial quote which I used for our new publication: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting click link. Amazon is listing full information! Others might omit it...

Related links:
Editorial Review by Dr. Murray O'Neil: You Are Both Beautiful Natural Teachers  | previous post by me
Techniques for Harvesting Quality Mushrooms & Gratitude to Mushrooms Canada | previous post by me about Technology Transfer Seminar mentioning Dr. Murray O'Neil
The Three Most Important Items for Mushroom Production 'Compost, Compost, Compost!' | editorial written by Campbell colleague upon Pieter's resignation and departure to Italy...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Editorial Review by Dr. Murray O'Neil: You Are Both Beautiful Natural Teachers

We both do treasure a letter from the late Dr. Murray O'Neil, then owner of Highline Produce Ltd. Mushroom Growers in Canada.
After we both conducted the Mushroom Technology Transfer Seminar in Vineland, Ontario/Canada we received the above letter.
'Speaking for all of us I just can't express adequately how much we enjoyed and were helped by your visit.
You are both beautiful, natural teachers - a skill possessed of far too few "teachers" generally.

We proudly used this quote for our new book's 'Mushroom' Editorial Reviews: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting click link. Amazon is listing full information! Others might omit it...

Related links:

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Review Quotation: Pieter J.C. Vedder; One of the Best Teachers in Mushroom Growing in the World

 It is quite special for hearing your boss brag about you at a Conference!
Not just any Conference, but at the 7th North American Mushroom Conference,
March 8, 1988, in New Orleans
Review Quotation: Pieter J.C. Vedder; One of the Best Teachers in Mushroom Growing click below, for hearing those words, spoken by Pieter's boss, on video.
Short clip...
Don't forget to click on 'CC' for seeing English caption...
with a beautiful stylized mushroom...
Just some of Dr. Miller's talk in text...
Followed by the top image.
Pieter mentioned, Dr. Miller should have phrased it better, for not growing mushrooms on aluminium racks but instead they grow ON COMPOST! It is the people of course, that make a good substrate (compost) or not...
On the 1st day of the Conference, husband Pieter was a speaker for the 2nd session.
The next day, during the 9th session, Dr. Robert Miller was the speaker about a Large Size Farm. Where I marked ON VIDEO VOICE in red.
That large farm was Campbell Soup's Mushroom Division

A treasure for having these spoken words!

Used them for the Indie Publishing of our new book: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting as one of its Editorial Reviews. Amazon is listing full information! Others might omit it...

Monday, August 17, 2020

Editorial Review: P.J.C. Vedder's Modern Mushroom Growing - The Content is so Clear and Comprehensive

On March 18, 1966, husband Pieter got a review for his German book about Modern Mushroom Growing.
Mr. Erich Hüllen, Federation of German Mushroom Growers wrote:
'The content is so clear and comprehensive that even the oldest mushroom growers can still learn here. 
Above all, you not only explain how to do it, you also say how not to do it.
Figure 64. in the Dutch version shows husband Pieter to the left.
Converting manure (mainly horse manure at that time) using a special small manure machine at the experimental station in Horst. It is important that the added substances are distributed very well among the manure (photo Brenneker).
Yes, Pieter certainly understood fully what he was writing about!
Having done the entire process himself, gave him good practical insights, which he then could write about in his books and publications for the mushroom industry.
Original content from first hand experience...
Above photo got taken in 1962.
German version of P.J.C. Vedder's book Modern Mushroom Growing
Director of the Centre of the Mushroom Culture School in Horst/Limburg (Holland)
March 18, 1966
Dear Mr. Vedder
I am on holiday for some time and have time and leisure to think about a lot. I feel the need to write to you and say how grateful we are to you for allowing us to publish from your book 'Modern Mushroom Growing'. The content is so clear and comprehensive that even the oldest mushroom growers can still learn here. Above all, you not only explain how to do it, but you also say how not to do it.
I only regret that it was not possible from the publisher to publish a translation of your entire book in German (they were short on funds...).
Thank you again and recommend me to Mr. and Dr. Bels. 
With kind greetings
Your very devoted
Erich Hüllen
This is from the Dutch publication 'Moderne Champignoncultuur' from 1962-3 where husband Pieter 'feeds' Iwan.
Iwan (the terrible) a small converted threshing machine which they used initially.
Later the design for larger scale compost turners became possible.
Yes, those were still the pioneering days!

Related links:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | our book with mention of editorial reviews
The Three Most Important Items for Mushroom Production 'Compost, Compost, Compost!' | Written in 1989 by Tom Gannon and published in CAMPBELL'S NEWSLETTER

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Editorial Review: P.J.C. Vedder's Modern Mushroom Growing - Europe's Best Trade Book

 Soon I will be doing a post about our newly published book, but first I want to launch some of the Editorial Reviews for P.J.C. Vedder, as an author.
On Tuesday, August 20, 1968, upon the publication of the 3rd version of Pieter's Dutch book, journalist Jan Derks from newspaper Dagblad voor Noord-Limburg wrote: 'Fascinating visions behind Europe's best trade book'.
Boeiende visies achter Europa's beste vakboek or in English: Fascinating visions behind Europe's best trade book. 
The German version got published in 1966, thus covering The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
A trade book for the Mushroom Industry that is...
Moderne Champignonteelt or in English: Modern Mushroom Growing.
The jacket on this hardback depicts the mosaic artwork that was used on the wall, in the hallway of the Experimental Station for Mushroom Growing, where Pieter worked as a Teacher.
Earlier I've explained that for this 1st and only Training Centre in the World, there were no study books yet. So Pieter wrote them. He also wrote several Design Curriculum books for Agricultural schools and a simpler version about Mushrooms at School, for primary schools.
Thus building up quite a knowledge base.
Tuesday, August 20, 1968
P.J.C. Vedder, Author of Modern Mushroom Growing is ninety percent sure: 'Mushroom farm of the future will look like a hospital'.
Well, it certainly DOES! Both of us have been very strong in our training about creating awareness for hygiene as in this business so many diseases can be the result of 'being off'... We're dealing with bacteria and even a very detrimental virus disease.
The biggest chapter in our new book is about Pests and Diseases.
Quite an extensive article... and a great 'mushroom' editorial review.

Pieter, at that time was smoking cigarettes and his pipe... a lot of stress and pressure, for setting up this successful Training Centre from scratch! 
Writing useful articles for Mushroom Magazines, in German and Dutch and for his books, all original content.
There were few that had covered the subject from A to Z.
Sinden on Mushrooms, was a book compiled from several papers on the subject and also Pieter's boss P.J. Bels had started a handbook on which Pieter built further, in a more comprehensible way with his own photographs added.
Writing any scientific book has to be ACCURATE!
Pieter had the rare ability to explain in a very practical way to his students why certain procedures were so important and above all, how not to proceed.
This was the beginning, in Dutch and German language still, but other countries also got his book, still learning from it.
It of course prompted him to publish in several more languages!

Thanks for your visit and comment!

Related links:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | our book with mention of editorial reviews
1982 Sinden Award for Pieter at The Hotel Majestic, Harrogate, England | about the most prestigious award in the Mushroom Industry

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Artistic Chromolythographs on 23 Kt Gold Leaf from Friend Gerard Derks in Italy

While living in Cornuda, Italy, we invited our friends Gerard and Pauline Derks over for dinner at our apartment.
Gerard gifted us with a set of three Artistic Chromolythographs made by hand press on 23 Kt Gold Leaf.
Such precious work in miniature... all with artist signature as well.
Living in Italy, you know that you are in a world with medieval buildings all around you...
Such medieval arches you can find everywhere...
With each having a certificate on its back about the chromolythography made with hand press on 23kt gold leaf from Jewellery store Pasa
Gold Engraving in Italy by Gioielleria Pasa, Via Piave, 14 32026 Lentiai - Borgo Valbelluna (BL) click through to their FB Page as they still do exist! Look at their masterwork here...
LOVE the Italian skills!
We read in the 1995-5 English Mushroom Journal, courtesy of Gerard Derks about the passing of our long time friend Bruno Sartor and co-founder of Funghi del Montello, the company we worked for in Italy. Click the uploaded ISMS link.
Bruno and his brother Valentino Sartor used to be wood traders.
Through contacts in Canada, they got to see how they constructed mushroom houses from wooden planks. That's how they too started in the mushroom business.
Valentino Sartor established in 1977 ITALSPAWN ITALIA, for use on their own mushroom plants, also selling it all over Europe as well as to Korea and Israel.
The Mushroom Journal 1979-1 click link to ISMS pdf. Gerard Derks is shown to the left.
The International Society for Mushroom Science (ISMS) has now uploaded most of the issues.
In The Mushroom Journal 1984-2 the MGA conference lecture by Gerard Derks has been published.
Maybe his sons would love to read it... And another article about Mushrooms in Mexico by Gerard Derks I found in the 1993-8 just click. 
Gerard Derks also became te recipient of the prestigious Sinden Award from the English MGA (Mushroom Growers Association) in 1991. Well deserved!
The Funghi del Montello mushroom operation published in 1992-1 The Mushroom Journal click to ISMS Pdf.
The Sinden Lecture Part 1 by Gerard Derks
Published by ISMS in Pdf format 1992-5 The Mushroom Journal click link
The Sinden Lecture Part 2 by Gerard Derks
Published by ISMS in Pdf format 1992-6 The Mushroom Journal click link
Once again, courtesy of Gerard Derks, a TRUE GENTLEMAN!
Uploaded now by ISMS in 2001-4 The Mushroom Journal
Sadly in 2002, when we visited Italy with our best friends from Dublin, Georgia, we made a stop at the hospital in Feltre, in the Province Belluno on June 6, for seeing Gerard one last time... he died of pancreatic cancer.
2003-12 The Mushroom Journal published this ten months after his death; click for ISMS uploaded link.
Gerard was a very active man in the Mushroom Industry, son of the school principal of Overasselt, The Netherlands

We did rightfully mention him in this post and in our book on page 219, which you find an image of in link below:

Related link:
Visiting A.G. Linfield Mushroom Compost Facility in England | Showing Mr. Jan Thielen from the above obituary, courtesy of Gerard Derks


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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