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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Campbell Soup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Campbell Soup. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2023

Update After my Biking Accident and Our Exodus from Pennsylvania, USA to Start Our Life in Italy

On the day of my accident, I'd planned to launch this video from our departure back to Europe, on February 23, 1989

But on the 21st of February when I got T–boned by that woman, there was no chance for managing that...
Planned to bake my Amaretti cookies and had already zested 2 large Costco lemons, they're the best for zesting as well as for taste and juice.
I needed eggs, so Pieter said, I ride my bike to Walmart...
NO, I said WE ride our bike to Walmart, the sun is shining it was warm and I felt so happy for having caught up entirely with laundry and my housekeeper Nasha had just cleaned the house—perfect!
Feeling so grateful, for her starting on February 1st.
My life was getting more routine and relaxed with time for biking available.
But it didn't work that way...
I ended up in the ambulance after being thrown off my bike onto the highway—this happened all in front of Pieter's eyes!
My Roam Road Bike Helmet (from Amazon.com) bounced so nicely when I hit the asphalt—felt so grateful for always wearing it and in a soft neon green color for safety, just as my jacket.
Did not wear the magnetic goggles... only the adjustable visor...

Wearing my black biker shorts and Asos shoes.
X–rays showed two leg fractures, right knee cap and top of left Proxima fibula and cuts and bruises...
Landed on my right shoulder and right thigh where I got a huge hematoma.
Shoulder hurt like hell... Had an MRI done on Wednesday at Ortho Georgia in Macon and my Big Sis drove us.
Her lawyer husband graciously insisted she take his brand new Cadillac as it would be more convenient for me. Forever grateful for his gracious offer to give me this royal ride in the utmost comfort!
After my MRI and some check up due to my extremely swollen left leg, painfully red and almost ready to burst...
The NP at Ortho Georgia sent me to our local ER for having ultrasounds done, in order to rule out any deep vein thrombosis.
So they checked my left leg's vein and artery and no problem!
Our own car that we used yesterday, for a follow up with my primary care doctor after those ultrasounds, was rather hard to get into. 
Long legs and having to wear that stupid knee immobilizer does not allow you much flexibility.
Getting into our Infinity QX50 I sat sideways on the passenger seat, left leg in and right leg straight up to get it past the door, then down in the open pivoting area...
My primary care doctor noticed my rather shallow breathing and some sore spots that he found when touching my ribs. I told him that by breathing normal—it hurt like hell.
So, he sent us to the Imaging Center for having lots of x–rays taken of my chest to rule out any problems or risks for pneumonia.
I was on my walker and got so exhausted for being on my wounded legs for the entire session! 
Collapsed in bed with legs up by 5:30 PM but slept sound.
This morning my doctor called, no fractures and nowhere any trapped air!
So it must be just painful superficial bruises...
Oh, he prescribed me some over the counter meds for getting rid of that nasty, itchy rash I got as a side affect of the Medrol Dosepak to reduce the swelling in my body.
That are by now, 11 days in excruciating pain and otherwise. Due to my CKD stage with only 25% kidney function (at least that was December!) I cannot take painkillers.

On March 22nd I will hear the results from my MRI for the right shoulder, on which I landed...
Just have been praying for strength!
Got another sweet lady from our Church helping me out with ordening things and doing laundry.
ANGELS and I must accept this as I'm really floored—literally!

And now this video and our Exodus from Pennsylvania, USA to Italy
Don't forget to click on closed caption...
One of Pieter's Campbell colleagues was so gracious for taking us into his home for a couple of weeks while our furniture and cars were on the Ocean, headed for the Port of Genua, Italy.
See post below about: Dog Shit and POLICE
We also flew to Miami, using our Delta Airlines miles and visiting sweet friend Natacha. 
You can read about that adventure below from a previous post.
We also returned our rental car and flew via Chicago to San Diego on United Airlines frequent flyer miles. Visiting another sweet friend who is born in Vietnam.
Pieter was flying most of the time for Campbell and he then took the shuttle to the airport, no rental car needed.
On February 17, we had a farewell dinner from Campbell's with the staff.
On the 22nd we went together to the Italian Consulate.
On February 23, 1989 Aron took this photo as we were about to depart for the airport...
Pieter took this from our host couple with me...
And on the 23rd our Exodus from the USA.
Sadly the REASON that we HAD to move—or else—to be closer to the Division Office was a farce.
In all of four months, Pieter went 26 times to the Division Office either from our home in Shillington, Pennsylvania or from Wilmington Delaware—didn't make ANY sense.
But here comes the most INCREDIBLE PART:
Boscov's Business Travel arranged our tickets—round trip! As that is far cheaper than one–way.
With TWA from Philadelphia to New York City
From New York City with Sabena Airlines to Brussels in Belgium which was only a good hour away from my Parents'
So there we left, checking in 5 pieces of luggage.
Mom & Dad would have their 40th Wedding Anniversary on the 25th and that was our reason—nobody knew we'd already shipped everything across the ocean for starting a job in Italy...
Little did we know that the containers would be stuck in the Port of Genua, Italy—due to strike!
Read that story here below—our life never has been boring...
Looking so forward for having this Bed–Backrest for use on the bed, delivered tomorrow...
It is HARD to work on my MacBook without!

Related links:
{Our EVERGLADES ADVENTURE with friend NATACHA} | previous post by me
Dog Shit and POLICE | previous about our cars being loaded into a container
Living out of our Suitcases - BUT we LIVED near Venice, Italy! | previous post by me

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

1987 GROWING QUALITY Profound Mushroom Growing Terminology

 Professional video by Campbell Soup showing Pieter J.C. Vedder's design at 0:20.

Make sure to click on CC for subtitles/closed captions!
When viewed on YouTube you also will find the information below video with clickable links.
Except for 3 clickable links that don't work—for whatever reason but you got the exact time!

Just an inside view for the clickable link.
About 10 days after casing, the white mushroom mycelium has grown sufficiently to reach the casing surface. Then the growing rooms are quick chilled or flushed. This promotes the fruiting of the mycelium into what will become the white high–quality Campbell's mushroom.
Flushing drops the air temperature from 75 to 62 degrees Fahrenheit (24°C to 16.6°C) lowers the humidity from 98% to 85% and replaces the carbon dioxide in the rooms with fresh air or oxygen.
About three days later, the mushroom mycelium starts to mass together. These star like masses expand into mushroom pins, which are the swiftly growing young fruit bodies. In a couple of days these pins explode with growth into buttons...

Here are the high quality, bright white, clean, first break Campbell's mushrooms finally ready for picking. Campbell's extraordinary commitment to quality is once again practiced in the harvesting phase of mushroom farming.
Picked by hand by its thoroughly trained full–time staff. Campbell's harvesting standards are impeccably followed. Mushrooms are picked within the guidelines of Campbell's exclusive one–touch pick and pack harvesting system. 
When the selected mushrooms are all picked the beds are watered. 
About seven days later another break of mushrooms appears and is carefully picked.
This process is repeated up to four times, after which the natural nutrients in the compost are depleted. Then the growing rooms are sealed and steam is injected to raise the compost temperature to 160 degrees F or 71°C for 10 hours in order to sterilize the room and its contents.

Okay that at least did explain some of the PROFOUND Mushroom Growing Terminology.
The two most misunderstood words are FLUSHING and BREAK
When viewed on YouTube you see those clickable links (except those 3 that refuse to work) but you know where to find the subjects.
Page 249 of our book about the generative stage with clear images.
Page 250 of our book with more about the change from vegetative stage to the generative phase.
Page 251 of our book with image from Hans Tschierpe about vegetative growth changes into generative growth.
Page 270 and 271 of our book about inducing fructification (generative stage).
Full page 271 of our book...
And again on page 273 of our book about the transition from vegetative to generative development.
Page 275 of our book about flushing to start fructification.
Page 307 of our book again mention of Relative humidity at the time of flushing for fructification.
During the actual production period we talk about break and NOT flush!
Flushing is the above—earlier mentioned change from vegetative growth into generative growth!
This is on page 115 of our book.
And again on page 278 you see the mention of break.

Hoping this did clarify a worldwide erroneous use of flush instead of break.
Sure, we both are fully aware that husband Pieter's 1978 English book has been used by many 'consultants' just by content scraping and/or plagiarism—without ever mentioning the source but we of course recognize our own original content.
The issue is that in 1978 the English translation from Pieter's updated 5th Dutch edition, got done by a lady, that knew the language well, but had no inkling about Profound Mushroom Growing Terminology... 
Hence this erroneous worldwide spread by so many.
That also was way before the computer era, where one could easily correct and replace certain words.
But our book is like the text in Campbell Soup's video—CORRECT!

Thought this to be valuable for numerous mushroom growers worldwide.
On Pieter J.C. Vedder's LinkedIn it had lots of impressions:
Also a former Campbell colleague mentioned that most of it got filmed at Campbell's then Glenn Farm in Michigan.

Related links:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | previous post by me about our newest book
P.J.C. Vedder's 1987 Design for NEW COMPOSTING SYSTEM (Phase I) | previous post by me showing Pieter is a real certified teacher—see also the links to various editorial reviews below post—all done by OTHERS not written about oneself as often is the case...😏
1982 Sinden Award for Pieter at The Hotel Majestic, Harrogate, England | previous post by me describing Pieter's prestigious Sinden Award with permission from his boss at the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to travel to the UK

Friday, November 11, 2022

After 34 Years Back to Cherokee, NC and Chimney Tops Overlook in Gatlinburg, TN

 Long before the Internet or GPS, on July 16 of 1988 we both went to Cherokee, North Carolina and Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
Just to show my Pieter the breathtaking views I'd seen when taking Mom & Dad up there in 1987.
Campbell Soup forced us to move within a couple of months—so we took our CHANCE.
Picture taken from Pieter on July 16, 1988 near Gatlinburg, along highway 441...
BUT back then there was no location indicated on our photos or slides.
AND there were hardly any signs at the locations...
But, I did find this old postcard on the Internet with the mention of Chimney Tops Overlook near Gatlinburg, Tennessee!
Complete with the huge rocks we were standing on...
We at that time did NOT know about Chimney Tops and it was rather hazy when we visited as you see from our photos.
But now we knew where we were heading towards and on Sunday morning, October 30 around 9:15 AM we started our journey up north—hoping for nice autumn colors as well.
A Rest Stop at Sanders Knob, North Carolina.
It looked rather cloudy but in the end it would turn out to be a perfect day.
We even started out with drizzle rain in the morning...
Once we'd crossed the state line from Georgia, going into North Carolina it was so beautiful.
I'd passed this old Water Mill and I turend quickly to come back for making a photo.
This was in Cherokee, North Carolina alongside the Oconaluftee River.
We spotted a restaurant, across from this water mill, so we drove there and after parking the car we walked a bit.
Lots of gift shops but no other restaurants on that side.
Now we view from the other side across the Oconaluftee River.
We had a good lunch and not even salty—at El Cajelito Mexican Restaurant on 1681 Acquoni Rd, Cherokee, NC 28719.
A much needed break for me as well!
We continued and saw the sign Elk viewing...
WOW what a very special BONUS was that!
The elk is the largest mammal in the Great Smoky Mountains!
They had become nearly extinct and got reintroduced.
Male elk or 'bulls' weigh around 600–700 pounds and the female or 'cows' weigh average 500 pounds.
Those trees had shed already lots of leaves during a week of rain, before we went there.
Yes, not far from the Oconaluftee River on Highway 441.
Then all of a sudden I was driving IN THE CLOUDS...
Made me feel sad as for having come that far in vain—with no view.
BUT that was only at the highest points!
Towards Gatlinburg Tennessee on the Newfound Gap Rd, I told Pieter, wow, this road almost makes me dizzy. 
Pieter replied that we'd made a full circle!
You can see that here above!
Chimney Tops Trail starts to the left...
This is LOOP–OVER base of Chimney Tops as seen on this old postcard.
You see that there is a small tunnel going underneath the LOOP-OVER!
Image got taken from the jagged peaks of the Chimney Tops—giving you this bird's–eye view of the Loop–Over on the spectacular Tennessee side of the Newfound Gap Highway — which crosses the center of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.
Around 16:00 o'cock I'd parked the car and we arrived with the most glorious light at Chimney Tops Overlook!
Pieter standing here in front of a tree with glorious autumn leaves... 🍂🍁
Turning to the other side—Chimney Tops is visible to the left!
Now you can find this huge information board—none was there in 1988...
Chimney Tops
Can you imagine smoke wafting from the chimney–like formations on this ridge? Nearly vertical holes in the tops of these jutting rocks make them look like natural chimney flues, and mountain people named them so—Chimney Tops. The Cherokees called the mountain Duniskwalguni, meaning 'forked antlers.'
The half–billion–year–old Chimney Tops, made of slates, schists, and phyllites, sit atop even older rock (Anakeesta Formtion) is softer than the sandstone, allowing rain, hail, and ice—over hundreds of millions of years—to fashion its chimney–shaped likeness.
Giving you an oversight of this beautiful Overlook...
It was rather crowded on Sunday—guess due to the weather.
But at a higher altitude the trees are already bare...!
Again an old picture postcard showing the rock formation on the other side of the road...
Those big rocks on the right were no longer there!
So I captured that side of the road as well.
SO happy for having reached our goal for the day and with perfect autumn leaves still visible and sunshine! 🌞
Pieter captured me standing behind the car.
Couldn't get enough of the light + autumn leaves...
We still had to drive a short distance to our Hyatt Place in Downtown Knoxville, TN
Enjoy short Relive Video below:
That was still a long drive of 493.8 km or 306.8 mi and a total of 6.5 hours solo behind the wheel...
But now I could REST for one day!

Related links:
SO Proud of my NONAGENARIAN | previous post by me when we climbed Clingmans Dome—the highest point on April 03, 2019

Thursday, September 8, 2022

September 9, 1969 Grand Opening practical Mushroom Training Center in Horst

On September 9, it will be exactly 53 years ago, that in Horst, The Netherlands the 1st and ONLY practical Training College for Mushroom Growing in the world, had its official Grand Opening by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery, a branch of the Dutch Government. 
My husband Pieter founded it and he was the Principal and one of the active Teachers for decades, already since 1963, until he became Vice President Training & Development for Campbell Soup Company in charge of their Mushroom Division in the USA, Canada and Australia.
Pieter J.C. Vedder
On the way to the front door of Centre for the official opening...
Pieter on the left, holding his daughter Lizzy by the hand.
As published in the Dutch magazine de champignon cultuur nummer 8, oktober 1969:
 Lizzy Vedder heeft zojuist de sleutel van het Centrum, bevestigd aan een tuiltje champignons, overhandigd aan Ir. P. van der Schans, Directeur van het Landbouwonderwijs van het Ministerie van Landbouw en Visserij, die zo dadelijk het Centrum zal openen. – Ter weerszijden van Ir. van der Schans de heren Vedder en Ambrosius, gevolgd door de overige genodigden.
 Lizzy Vedder has just handed over the key to the Centre, attached to a bunch of mushrooms, to Ir. P. van der Schans, Director of Agricultural Education at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, who will open the Centre shortly. – On either side of Ir. van der Schans Messrs Vedder and Ambrosius, followed by the other guests.
From the hallway area, now to the other building for the ceremony.
Front row from left: Jan Keijsers (architect); Pieter J.C. Vedder; Els Keijsers; J.L. Hendriks from Kessel with his wife; P. Keysers from Melderslo.
Second row from left: Riet Uitermark, Annemie Poels and me...
From left to right: ?; Pieter J.C. Vedder; B.J.P. (Ben) Ambrosius; A.W. (Ton) Gijtenbeek; C. Pleunis Sr.; J.G.J. (Jan) van Asseldonk.
Pieter's Dad had passed away from cancer, just two years prior to this Grand Opening.
But he was close to his heart as Pieter wore his Dad's special gold seed pearl tie stick pin...
Fortunately, Pieter's Dad was alive when Pieter's 1st and 2nd Dutch editions of Modern Mushroom Growing got published.
Since there was no educational material available for his Training Centre, Pieter had to write his own...
Translated into 8 official languages it did become the Mushroom Bible.
From left: Pieter's eldest brother Thé Vedder; Pieter J.C. Vedder; Mother Vedder; Secretary Dora Van den Bekerom.
In back from left: Roel Seubring; ?; ?; Jan Huijs; C. Pleunis Sr.
We also did hear Pieter play his accordion as well as Fennie Seubring, wife of Roel Seubring.
See also link below post...
My 2nd cousin Annemie Poels and me, helping out in serving beverages...
Wearing my own sewing creation, made from silver–blue lurex fabric.
Yes, Pieter J.C. Vedder did well, and till today, there never has been a second practical Mushroom Training Center.
In 1993 the CCO became IPC Plant (Innovatie Praktijkcentrum) or Innovation Practice Centre.
In 1999 the Practice Centre for Mushroom Cultivation became completely independent.
It is quite hard, for having certified and experienced teachers, with knowledge about chemistry, physics, economics and a passion for helping others!
Pieter always had his office door WIDE open and anyone was welcome with questions or whatsoever.
That was his unique policy.
That has remained so over the years, we have had numerous phone calls, even in the middle of the night and Pieter always tried to help others.
Of course there are various mushroom consultants, that all know 'something' about a part of the total procedure. 
But often they do so, on 'borrowed knowledge' and not so much based on personal, practical experience and/or by use of scraped content. 

Related links:
{Unique Accordion LOVE Story} | previous post by me about Pieter playing his accordion
{My Teacher, Mentor, BOSS & Husband over 44+ Years} | previous post by me with more photos
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | our long time experience bundled...
Pieter's Music Booklet from WWII Era | how Pieter learned to play his first accordion


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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