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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Christofle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Christofle. Show all posts

Monday, October 23, 2017

ONLY 3 French Antique Christofle Silver Pieces Left...

Guess that before it will be Christmas, there is none left of my almost sold out Antique French Christofle Silver Pieces.
6 Antique 1900 French Christofle Gallia Knife Rests Art Deco in Original Box: click Antique knife rests.
8 Antique Christofle Knife Rests with Fleur de Lys, just click the above mentioned link.
Vintage French Christofle Gallia Oval Napkin Ring (1935-c.1975): Sorry Sold Out...
Just in case anyone would love to add any of these to their collection of fine silver ware, for a festive table setting.

Wishing you a happy weekend!

Comments are off.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Table Setting With Picture Frame Vases and Place Cards

Still regret for not having kept more than 6 of those Delft White Picture Frame Vases... They sold like hot cakes! BUT, I sure love to use them with my Table Setting, together with our silver Place Cards.
It was once again Pieter's turn for hosting a 3–course dinner at our home for his Monday Night Club.
We happened to have still some of our white azaleas and together with a sprig of Rosemary, they worked perfect.
Also my French Christofle silver knife rests were put to use.
I've almost sold out on my Spectrenoir... (click the hyperlink).
My extra long French Le Jacquard damask tablecloth with napkins work fine with the additional small oak table added on in the back.
Chargers are French Pillivuyt Sancerre, also available at Replacements.
Our dining room set is solid French oak and also the floor is solid oak planks.
But instead of the Delft White Picture Frame Vase I used a little perfume bottle with silver embellishment, a dear gift from our boss in Italy.
The soup spoons, as well as the dessert spoon are Alvin Bridal Rose (Sterling, 1903) and by now you all know that I love ROSES. Clicking the link you find more pieces by Replacements Ltd.
Our solid silver napkin rings we had made in Indonesia while we lived and worked there.
This Picture Frame Vase is holding 2 Ice Wing Narcissus.

Hope you enjoyed my Table Setting and thanks for your visit.

Related links:
{Large Delft White Picture Frame Vase} | previous post by me
{Delft White Picture Frame Vase} | previous post by me
{Cooking Dinner for Twelve at Our Home} | previous post by me
{Tuesday May 4, dinner with friends} | previous post by me
{Table Setting for Friends} | previous post by me
{Mother-in-law's 1930s Société Céramique Blue Boerenhoeve Transferware} | previous post by me

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Heavenly Fragrance of our 1934 Ehrlicheer Daffodils

Every year it is such a joy to fill a vase or two with our heavenly fragrant 1934 Ehrlicheer Daffodils!
This photo is taken on Saturday, February 4. 
Inside our veranda on a side table...
The fullness of these heirloom daffodils is like a dream!
The silver Christofle frame is holding this photo from both of us, taken on November 13, 1987
Yes, like heirloom daffodils, such photos too are rapidly becoming heirloom pieces!
Wearing both Burberry; Pieter a woolen tie and I wear the woolen skirt and a silk scarf in a matching Burberry plaid.

Thanks for visiting!

Enjoy your week and hope you got some fresh flowers too.

Related links: 

Saturday, December 14, 2013

{My 2nd Most Popular All Time Post So Far}

It is my blogpost: {1862 Christofle Sugar Sifter Spoon 'Filet Violon'} that received the 2nd most pageviews of all time. Just click the above hyperlink...
Guess this IS a lovely presentation for a warm heart shaped waffle with hot tea served on a tennis tray with teacup from Royal Albert Princess Anne in a lovely rose pattern...
The 1862 French Christofle Sugar Sifter Spoon 'Filet Violon' is a beauty!
The silver muffineer we had made for us while living and working in Indonesia, following an antique pattern and I will show that soon.
Cupid Awake and Cupid Asleep with its original 1897 sepia photos is THE most popular, even if it has been sold right away.
Temporarily you will find this sequence on my sidebar and you can also click on the thumbnail for going there...

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

{6694 Filets & Rubans - 6 Antique French Christofle Louis XVI Knife Rests}

Here I once again can offer you some very rare, 2nd half of 19th century antique French Christofle knife rests. These are in the 6694 Filets & Ruban, Louis XVI pattern and look absolutely stunning. Shown here with my French Le Jacquard Français placemats and napkins. China is Seltmann Weiden in the Mirabell pattern from Germany. The flatware is Gero Zilmeta 528 Menuet. Check my Zen Cart powered on line Boutique Mariette's Back to Basics
  • The individual place setting picture frame vase you can see in my post from 2 days ago.

  • Christofle still is selling knife rests as of today. Click Christofle and put knife rests in the search box. They are still very much en Vogue.

  • On January 24, I did set the table on our balcony in the sunshine...

  • Pictures speak for themselves...

Christofle mark from the 2nd half of the 19th century.

Detail from my 1862 Sugar Sifter Spoon with the very same hall mark but now more visible.

6694 Louis XVI Filets et rubans...

Highlighted is the Christofle 6694 to the left...

These are inside the 1883-1891 Christofle Catalogue

  • 24 pieces are sold here for US $ 800.00
Sorry Sold out...

Small Masterpiece - [We Set The Table] ←click it, is also showing Christofle knife rests. Just click on  the word Collection and scroll down for it.

Private Client (David Lauren and Lauren Bush) were even shown on their listing of Small Masterpiece clients.

Hope you enjoyed this journey back in time for style and elegance.
Those pieces do become heirlooms for many more decades as they are of superior quality.

Related articles:

{6 Antique Christofle Knife Rests Griffes Antiques - Antique Claws} | previous post by me
{11 French Antique 1863 Christofle 4 Boules Knife Rests} | previous post by me
{12 Vintage 1930s French Christofle Coquille Regence Knife Rests} | previous post by me
{2nd half of 19th Century Antique Christofle Knife Rests} | previous post by me
{6 Antique French Christofle Coquille Knife Rests} previous post by me
{Victoria Magazine: Knife Rests Old and New} | previous post by me
{6691 Filets - 10 Antique French Christofle Knife Rests} | previous post by me
{Set of 8 Antique Christofle Knife Rests with 4-Balls} | previous post by me
{Antique Christofle Knife Rests in Fleur de Lys} | previous post by me
{11 Vintage French Christofle Luc Lanel 'Ondulation' Knife Rests} | previous post by me
{6 Antique French Christofle Coquille Knife Rests in Box} | previous post by me
{6 Antique French Christofle Gallia Knife Rests -- in Art Deco} | previous post by me

Sunday, February 19, 2012

{Antique Christofle Napkin Ring and Timbale, Goblet in Box}

Offering this antique French Christofle Gallia napkin ring and timbale, goblet (beaker or cup) in its own original box. Mint Julep anyone? Or for displaying a lovely nosegay of fresh roses... There are endless uses for this elegant set! I leave that to the lucky person who will purchase it at my Zen Cart powered Boutique on line Mariette's Back to Basics. Let me show you the photos as they speak for themselves...
Shown here with my French Le Jacquard Français napkins and placemats in rose motif.
Also shown is a Delft white picture frame vase with Ranunculus - Persian buttercups.
Will show more about that special picture frame tomorrow!
This is a beautiful set and I doubt if it was ever used!
On page 74 in the Chonology of my book Christofle you can read:
1898 To create objects for their art nouveau line, Christofle develops a new alloy, gallia. 
Christofle outfits the Ritz in 1898

Still in its original box with Production Christofle on the edge. 
A satin lining with corded edging.
It makes one long for the old days again...
Orfeverie Gallia is gold embossed on the inside of the lid.
Christofle emblem on the top in gold embossed.
Christofle Gallia marks under the timbale, goblet.
Sorry Sold out...

Related articles:
Christofle (Memoire) [Hardcover] by David Rosenberg

Saturday, December 31, 2011

{Happy New Year - 2012}

The clock is ticking away the last hours, minutes and seconds of the year 2011... In the different time zones, there will be several countries that are ahead of us in celebrating the arrival of the Happy New Year - 2012. May it be a Happy one, with Peace and good Health for the people on this planet. With modern communications, the world has become so small and we can read each other's writings à la minute. Let us not forget those that are lonely, sick, wounded or weak. They might be deprived of any modern era communication, the way we know it and maybe even take for granted... We all can make a difference in some one's life by caring and looking around for lending a helping hand, an ear or for writing a few encouraging words. Yes, writing is very powerful and will always remain that way.
The Christofle clock, together with an antique book from Goethe, a silver ink well and Mont Blanc fountain pens atop our solid French oak secretaire from Oisterwijk furniture in The Netherlands. A solid silver Giovanni Raspini Card/Letter/Napkin holder is holding embossed cards from Carol Wilson, my favorite line of fine arts stationery.
The solid 925/000 silver Giovanni Raspini Card/Letter/Napkin Holder with two Angels is available at Spectrenoir ←click it.
This heavenly piece out of solid silver is protected against oxidation.
Not only does it show two perfectly crafted angels but also a romantic rose wreath, that is held by the two cherubs. Would make a perfect gift for a bride or for that someone special in your life. It will no doubt become a treasured heirloom for generations to enjoy its majestic beauty.
Of course, it is equally useful for holding letters and even for adorning any buffet setting, as a napkin holder.

Related link:
{Violets from our Garden and on French Country Style Wooden Tableau} previous post by me

Sunday, October 23, 2011

{6 Antique Christofle Knife Rests Griffes Antiques - Antique Claws}

Again I did find you 6 antique Christofle knife rests in the Griffes Antiques - Antique Claws pattern as listed in the late 19th century Christofle Catalog. Catalog page will follow below photos. This rare set was available at my Zen Cart powered on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics. A very elegant way for protecting your fine table linens from getting soiled. These French Christofle knife rests will for sure be an asset to a fine table setting for that special event. The hall mark bears the antique C C for the late 19th century Charles Christofle.
This is the Christofle Griffes Antiques knife rest.
Table Setting is Cream Color on Cream Color by Wedgwood. Just click on the hyperlinks!
We are lucky for having gardenias blooming right now. A nice bonus after such a long hot and dry summer.
Flatware is Gero Zilmeta Menuet 528.
Hand embroidered tablecloth in cross stitch roses is done by me, for my trousseau on heavy rayon damask from 3Suisse France.
View from all 6 Christofle knife rests.
Better view from the sides...
Closeup of an individual Christofle knife rest in the Griffes Antiques pattern.
This is a page from a late 1800s Christofle catalog and to the right, second from top you see the Griffes Antiques knife rest.
The late 1800s C C Charles Christofle hall marks.
Exact same hall marks on my Christofle sugar sifter spoon from 1862. It was a lot easier to capture a photo off this flat handle.
Sorry sold out...
My favorite Christofle (Memoir) book by David Rosenberg.
Indeed, Christofle is still a symbol of luxury and elegance. Since its founding in the mid-19th century. Today as in the past, it has been gracing the tables of emperors, princes, or maharajas, in palaces, on board the Trans-Siberian Railway, Orient Express, or transatlantic ocean liners, or in contemporary restaurants, Christofle continues to make an impression. This great book is available at Amazon.


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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