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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label My Sewing Creation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Sewing Creation. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2024


 Sure, I did read during the power outage caused by. Hurricane Helene. Using my Mighty Bright clip on LED Light, I finished two historical books in Dutch. One about Joan of Arc and the next about Love and Betrayel around Lucrecia Borgia.
It was fun as it brought me back to those Old World places I've been before.
#1 Best Seller
Ordered the book MELANIA and it arrived on Friday, October 11. A very elegant black cover with only her name on the center front and on its spine. Just as our First Lady Melania is—elegant and classy. On Sunday, I started reading in it.

On Monday, October 14, I finished it...
While living and working in Italy over 1989, I've worked with lots of Yugoslavian women. Those that fled the country before the war.
Living under a Communist regime was already tough enough.

So for that, I can understand MELANIA, as she dared to venture out on her own to Milan, Italy. Not easy for leaving your family and culture behind and to start in another language—but she DID.
Her Slovenian name: Melanija Knavs super model

From there she went to Paris and was quite successful as a supermodel.

Her next, brave move, was the flight to New York City for modeling in the United States.
For Melania, the former supermodel...

And the rest is history...
For me, having studied three years of Fashion and only been on the runway to model some self created outfits and finally showing my bridal gown, there is enough admiration for Melania.
On the runway in my bridal gown—my sewing creation. This was at the end of each year at Fashion School after I'd graduated already as they had no bride for that year. My youngest cousin was my brides maid.
Showing train of my bridal gown and damsel sleeves in April, 1973

It was touching how Melania described her arrival to the New World and also her courtship with Donald.
She is 24 years younger, so I could identify with that, as my Pieter was almost 22 years my senior.

It was so to the point how she wrote—about Donald, it was as if our souls had always known each other! 
Surely can identify with that...
Guess due to the age difference, the foundation of a blissful relationship is quite different and far more intensive. I've always lived to the fullest of every day and feeling grateful for that.

Her language use is incredible and knowing that she speaks several languages! 

She further described how she got warned that Muslim countries might not shake hands with women... She went to Saudi Arabia and I got warned before going to the world's biggest Muslim country of Indonesia—so I certainly could identify with that.
But Melania got welcomed in a very special way!
That is due to her poise and elegance.

Former Press Secretary Dana Perino said it best:
'She lights up the room, and I think she can light up the country.' —Dana Perino
Dana Perino was the 24th White House Press Secretary and is now an American political commentator and author.

Melania Wearing Her Escada Blazer at the White House, September 2017
Escada is also my favorite couture brand because of great fit and quality.

There is a lot of envy because of her exceptional beauty, her strong family ties (a cultural thing of her region!), her Faith, her intelligence, success as an individual and her natural grace and elegance.

The media never gave Melania the credit she deserves!

Well, I do—with my humble citizen journalism...
Lots of views...

Related links:
Our Historic Christmas in Italy - END of Romania's Communist Dictator | previous post by me also about Slovenia and Melania

Friday, February 17, 2023

SAD outcome for my Favorite Chanel Barrette

 Yep, my most Favorite Chanel Barrette that I dropped off at the Chanel Boutique of Neiman Marcus in Atlanta, got home on Tuesday... BUT not repaired that is!
That is me on May 30, 1998—at a dear friend's daughter's graduation...
Wearing both my Chanel barrettes!
LOVED them so much...
Here I'm seen in my silk Chanel logo blouse—one of my sewing creations made from silk bought in Jakarta, Indonesia.
This was on April 30, 1998 with Uncle Bo and dear friend Lei from Escondido, CA.
On April 09, 1997, I've ordered my first Chanel Barrette from Neiman Marcus.
Coming back from Delaware, Pennsylvania on July 16, 1997, we drove by at Neiman Marcus in Atlanta for picking up my 2nd Chanel Barrette...
On August 30, 1997 we stopped by at Neiman Marcus in Atlanta for showing them one of my two Chanel Barrettes that had come apart. Without any discussion—I received another one!
So that makes it almost 25 years of good use....
On January 9, 2023 I had dropped off my Chanel barrette at the Chanel Boutique of Neiman Marcus in Atlanta.
Clicking on VIEW STATUS...
I could follow the REPAIR STATUS...
Until I received this message on February 8, 2023.
Did retrieve it Tuesday on Saint Valentine's Day.

That sure was a bummer!

BUT tomorrow on Saturday I will receive a replacement Chanel Barrette, coming from Vero Beach, Florida 🤗 
So happy that I found a replacement on POSHMARK—there were two more excellent ones from Japan but Florida is easier without any customs and duty issues.

Yay—got it and it's perfect also with the number 62 just like my other one. The broken one had number 61.

Related link:

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Some Escada Jeans that I Scored

 Often for my European size 34 or American size 4, I really score big time!
Otherwise very expensive Escada jeans I managed to get for 4 pieces only for $ 121.00
One of the 4 Escada jeans I'm wearing here with my Escada silk blouse and Escada patent leather sandals.
The one I'm wearing here is a black one with a subtle gold stripe woven through.
Usually Escada jeans sell around US $ 425.00 so my 4 NEW ones were quite a score!
Yep, got these new with tag jeans for US $ 28.00!
The above label is from a size 36 or 6—depending on all cotton or with a little bit of stretch...
Happy with the perfect weather for getting to wear this.
The buttons on this blouse are like jewels...
Here you get to see them a little bit better and also the subtle stripe in my jeans.
This is the gray Escada jeans—one of the four... wearing it with my own sewing creation; silk vest.
Above all, those new jeans all had 32 inch inseam; which I need for my long legs.

When we arrived here in Georgia in 1983, I fell in love with some Jordache jeans!
Trying them on, I almost cried as they were shaped for women with saddle bags and I have nothing 'padded' on my hips and they were all like high water for me—too short!
Escada originally was Germany based, no longer as the founder, Margaretha Ley no longer is alive.
But it fits me like a second skin...

The leather coat I wear with the jeans is also Escada and another score.
Not bad for snatching that one up for about ⅙ of the original price...😉
Lovely buttons and all silk lined.

Thursday, September 8, 2022

September 9, 1969 Grand Opening practical Mushroom Training Center in Horst

On September 9, it will be exactly 53 years ago, that in Horst, The Netherlands the 1st and ONLY practical Training College for Mushroom Growing in the world, had its official Grand Opening by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fishery, a branch of the Dutch Government. 
My husband Pieter founded it and he was the Principal and one of the active Teachers for decades, already since 1963, until he became Vice President Training & Development for Campbell Soup Company in charge of their Mushroom Division in the USA, Canada and Australia.
Pieter J.C. Vedder
On the way to the front door of Centre for the official opening...
Pieter on the left, holding his daughter Lizzy by the hand.
As published in the Dutch magazine de champignon cultuur nummer 8, oktober 1969:
 Lizzy Vedder heeft zojuist de sleutel van het Centrum, bevestigd aan een tuiltje champignons, overhandigd aan Ir. P. van der Schans, Directeur van het Landbouwonderwijs van het Ministerie van Landbouw en Visserij, die zo dadelijk het Centrum zal openen. – Ter weerszijden van Ir. van der Schans de heren Vedder en Ambrosius, gevolgd door de overige genodigden.
 Lizzy Vedder has just handed over the key to the Centre, attached to a bunch of mushrooms, to Ir. P. van der Schans, Director of Agricultural Education at the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, who will open the Centre shortly. – On either side of Ir. van der Schans Messrs Vedder and Ambrosius, followed by the other guests.
From the hallway area, now to the other building for the ceremony.
Front row from left: Jan Keijsers (architect); Pieter J.C. Vedder; Els Keijsers; J.L. Hendriks from Kessel with his wife; P. Keysers from Melderslo.
Second row from left: Riet Uitermark, Annemie Poels and me...
From left to right: ?; Pieter J.C. Vedder; B.J.P. (Ben) Ambrosius; A.W. (Ton) Gijtenbeek; C. Pleunis Sr.; J.G.J. (Jan) van Asseldonk.
Pieter's Dad had passed away from cancer, just two years prior to this Grand Opening.
But he was close to his heart as Pieter wore his Dad's special gold seed pearl tie stick pin...
Fortunately, Pieter's Dad was alive when Pieter's 1st and 2nd Dutch editions of Modern Mushroom Growing got published.
Since there was no educational material available for his Training Centre, Pieter had to write his own...
Translated into 8 official languages it did become the Mushroom Bible.
From left: Pieter's eldest brother Thé Vedder; Pieter J.C. Vedder; Mother Vedder; Secretary Dora Van den Bekerom.
In back from left: Roel Seubring; ?; ?; Jan Huijs; C. Pleunis Sr.
We also did hear Pieter play his accordion as well as Fennie Seubring, wife of Roel Seubring.
See also link below post...
My 2nd cousin Annemie Poels and me, helping out in serving beverages...
Wearing my own sewing creation, made from silver–blue lurex fabric.
Yes, Pieter J.C. Vedder did well, and till today, there never has been a second practical Mushroom Training Center.
In 1993 the CCO became IPC Plant (Innovatie Praktijkcentrum) or Innovation Practice Centre.
In 1999 the Practice Centre for Mushroom Cultivation became completely independent.
It is quite hard, for having certified and experienced teachers, with knowledge about chemistry, physics, economics and a passion for helping others!
Pieter always had his office door WIDE open and anyone was welcome with questions or whatsoever.
That was his unique policy.
That has remained so over the years, we have had numerous phone calls, even in the middle of the night and Pieter always tried to help others.
Of course there are various mushroom consultants, that all know 'something' about a part of the total procedure. 
But often they do so, on 'borrowed knowledge' and not so much based on personal, practical experience and/or by use of scraped content. 

Related links:
{Unique Accordion LOVE Story} | previous post by me about Pieter playing his accordion
{My Teacher, Mentor, BOSS & Husband over 44+ Years} | previous post by me with more photos
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | our long time experience bundled...
Pieter's Music Booklet from WWII Era | how Pieter learned to play his first accordion

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Wishing you a Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
Holding our Tiggy-Tiger girl and wearing my sewing creation (jacket) wearing my Rose Jewelry, ring and bracelet.
Pieter wearing his Irish Blarney Castle Sweater that we bought while doing consulting in Ireland.
Wearing my Irish Blarney Castle Sweater...
Are you wearing anything green today?

Related links:
Historic Town of Guanajuato, Mexico and Adjacent Mines | previous post by me from where the malachite silver earrings came

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Ancient Grey Stuart Tartan fabric from Chester UK

 Found some new purpose for my Ancient Grey Stuart Tartan skirt.
Pieter did bring the fabric home from Chester when he went to the British Mushroom Days, together with a red cashmere v-neck sweater seen here: To University of Bologna, Vicenza, Venice and via Austria to The Netherlands
Such are the bonus parts of travel!
So, I created a skirt...
This photo is from December 12... when I did wear it.
The painters had taken down the shutters of our windows...
Wearing it with my newly scored Lela Rose Sweater hand knitted in soft 70% wool and 30% silk.
This is me on February 28, 1985 with my Dachshund Mauzie girl, visible to the left...
Together with a Kashmir Pashmina shawl.
See 1:35 minute video: Pashmina Kashmiri Woolen Shawls
Also see this British Pathé video: Kashmir Travelogue item showing the long journey of Kashmir wool from Himalayan goats to chick London sweaters (or from Chester... 😉).
Did you notice that I've taken off the light plaid part, in order to shorten the skirt?
Like it better with this length, don't you agree?
My taupe Escada pumps match nicely, also got a purse with that.
Already in April I'd scored the lovely sweater... Too warm for wearing it then, so I waited.
Fell in love with this Lela Rose Leaf-Knit Pullover Sweater, Taupe when I saw it at Neiman Marcus but did NOT like its price tag of $ 995.00
The $ 175.99 did sound a LOT better and it will last me for life...

Related link:
{ME, Turning 20 on December 3!} | previous post where I'm wearing another leaf pattern sweater...

Saturday, November 20, 2021

HIGH TEA in November

 With my passion for cooking, baking and fine table setting...
Once again I offered to do a HIGHT TEA for the bi-annual local Rotary Club's fundraiser.

Pieter wearing his Gianni Versace jeans and I wear my sewing creation Silk Batik bolero jacket, hand painted with gold and made from Indonesian formal shawl on Escada skirt.

If you watch on YouTube you will be able to see all the text with explanation as to what was being served in detail.
At 1:25 you see my Tea Cups with paper doilies and also Demitasse Coffee Cups.

Lydia is the lady in white silk blouse...
A happy group of ladies and we both enjoyed hosting them!

Tablecloth used is our Portuguese Guimarães white work, we bought in Coimbra in 1994 while on tour through Spain Portugal for 19 days.

Related links:
Merry Christmas and My Previous High Tea | previous post
{Our Japanese Diospyros Kaki Persimmon} | previous post showing our Persimmon which was on kitchen table for High Tea...
From Singapore to Jakarta and SURPRISE upon arrival at our Villa | previous post of when I bought the hand painted silk batik stole from which I created the bolero jacket
{Angels engraved on lucky calendar coin of 1969} | final photo shows the hand painted with gold silk batik jacket...

Sunday, October 17, 2021

YOU'RE A SMART COOKIE - Hilarious true story about my successor in Italy

Here comes a hilarious true story about my successor in Italy as I tried to COMPLIMENT her!
Marina Dalle Valle had just finished University and she started her 1st job.
So, I had to train her...
Yep, when our boss Dr. Gigi Bagnasco came to check with me, about her ability, she was left out of the conversation as she did not speak English.
Knowing how she felt, I translated to her what I just told Dr. Bagnasco in English, that she picked up rather quickly and she is a smart cookie.
So I turned towards Marina and said in Italian: Marina è un biscotto furbo!
We almost wet our pants from laughing... This was one of those moments where translation is impossible.
Neither can you say in Dutch: Je bent een slim koekje...
But she understood that I only wanted to compliment her in a gracious way, and Dr. Bagnasco was quite pleased with that knowledge; meaning they hired the right person.
Cookie comes from the Dutch word 'koekje,' which means 'little cake.' The first cookie-like 'cakes' were thought to have originated in 7th century Persia, one of the earliest countries where sugar was cultivated.
Smart Cookie
The Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms says that a smart cookie is 'someone who is clever and good at dealing with difficult situations.' The term 'cookie' may have referred to women as far back as the 1700s, and 'smart cookie' may have been a comment on women's intelligence.
Here Marina is next to me on the right during one of our visits back to Italy, on September 30, 1995.
Happy to see that she did so well!
Wearing my own sewing creation, skirt made from some raw silk. Paired with a silk sweater and a wool Yves Saint Laurent scarf.
She continued the Statistical Process Control that I'd introduced, as a tool for being able to pin-point 'where' in the process of e.g. producing compost, we were 'off'.
Also we used that, for more accurately being able to predict the yield of an incoming 1st break of mushrooms.
If any of the above ingredients were 'off', that already predicted less good quality mushrooms with less piece-weight and thus lower market value.

BUT, Marina my successor was a smart cookie!
Hoping she is still doing well. 

Related link:

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Pieter Plays Organ in Bandung Indonesia

On Sunday, June 24 in 1995 while doing consulting work in Indonesia we went with one of the staff people to visit Retreat House Pratista, Cimahi, near Bandung, Indonesia.
There was a Dutch speaking pastor at this Crosier Monastery or Monastery of the Order of the Holy Cross (Kruisheren in Dutch).
When Pieter spotted the organ, he just started playing... without any music, just by heart!
Hope you enjoy this 1:37 minute video.
Starting video with the different Cross they use, not one of the suffering Christ!

The staff member seen in this video became our house guest end of August, the day after my sister and significant other left, after staying four weeks with us.
On Saturday August 26, 1995 he flew with us together to San Francisco. 
On Sunday we got picked up, for going to Santa Cruz where Pieter did a Phase I and Phase II seminar for Campbell Soup for 54 participants. 
Those were tough one-man shows for Pieter doing it solo for two days and half a day a farm tour towards the end.
Pieter did wear a Batik shirt, my sewing creation. The late Pastor Vermuilen was looking on...

Related link:
{My Batik Creations} | previous post where I show Pieter's batik shirt as my sewing creation

Thursday, August 12, 2021

Protecting Ducklings & Dinner for Uncle Bo Whaley

Having  your own property with Backyard Wildlife is at times complicated...
It is heartbreaking to see some 40 ducklings vanish within days, from a long row of 13 to 3 and then 0...
Kwekkie the Mama duck, never gave up and started all over.
We have raccoons, hawks, owls, snapping turtles, foxes...
We both speak Dutch in video, but you can use the YouTube version and find the clickable points written below, with English text. 
We always sent my Parents this kind of written letters home, so they could see and hear us.
Kwekkie happily on our pond with 7 of her ducklings... I've seen that the big Eastern River Cooter did pull down one of the tiny ducklings while they were eating cracked corn near the pond's edge.
Yes, they occasionally eat other things then just aquatic plants.
Sure, they ate all our water lilies and lotus flowers too.
The species P. concinna is highly omnivorous and will eat anything, plant or animal, dead or alive. Diet seems to be determined by available food items. While some writers feel that this species of turtle will not eat meat, predatory behavior has been observed.
Yep, I've seen it with my own eyes!
Let's forget the nasty killing... No fun to do and while patrolling early morning at 6:00 AM that was not a happy start of the day for me.
But in the evening I cooked us a good dinner and dessert I still had plenty left from our High Tea two days earlier.
Uncle Bo Whaley and Delores viewing some of our photos in the veranda, after dinner.
Fond memories!
Miss my Uncle Bo and he's already 15 years in heaven...
The Polka Dot cotton pique skirt pants I'm wearing is one of my own sewing creations.
This was an empty whole milk plain yogurt container with cream on top...
Pieter's brother Toon, the ex Marine, shot through and next his brother Pieter (my husband) an ex Military guy shot through the very same hole!!!
Vedders are sharp shooters and don't mess with their wife either... 😏
Several years later, Pieter shot a huge snapping turtle that constantly knocked down the rocks from the island, that Pieter had built for placing the fountain inside.
On the video from Middle Georgia Magazine you could see it in working.

Related links:
Our Garden at the Time we had Access to Spent Mushroom Compost | video showing fountain on rock island on our pond
{TURTLE} | Showing the big mama turtle
{Ducks in Our Pond} | previous post by me
{Our TURTLE KINDERGARTEN} | previous post by me
High Tea Prepared and Baked by Me | previous post by me and from which we had dessert left over...
Cleaning Our Pond and Fountain | previous post by me 


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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