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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Hand Embroidered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hand Embroidered. Show all posts

Monday, March 20, 2023

Arriving at Sheraton Harbor Island Hotel, San Diego, California for 5th North American Mushroom Conference

On Saturday, March 9, 1985 we left from the Santa Cruz, California area where we'd stayed for three nights at the home of mushroom friends Don and Donna Richardson.
See post below.
Me standing in front of the then Sheraton Harbor Island East Hotel.
Now it is called Sheraton San Diego Hotel And Marina...
We stayed in room 408 and checked in for our 5-night stay for the 5th North American Mushroom Conference where Pieter would be a speaker on the 12th.
View from our room...
We did walk around and then enjoyed a Mexican dinner.
Wearing my hand knitted, hand embroidered cardigan—see link below post.
On Sunday, March 10 we had breakfast at 8:00 and by 10:00 we met with Pieter's Dutch friend Chris van Zon and walked together.
In the distance you see San Diego
A card from the San Diego skyline
Chris captured both of us next to this boat for sale...
Pieter leaning against a tree...
Chris van Zon and me before we decided to drive to Tijuana around noon till 18:00
See below post about that trip—our first to México...

Related links:

Sunday, February 5, 2023

1985 Campbell Mushroom Plant Designed by Pieter J.C. Vedder

 Found this excellent short video that Pieter took in 1985 from the Campbell Mushroom Plant that he designed.

Of course I had to design the window decoration with mushrooms in—and then did hand crochet it.

If you view this 1:53 minute video on YouTube there are clickable links below with info.

This photo is from March 1984, with the hand crocheted window decoration with mushrooms hanging.
But no landscaping being done yet!

Husband Pieter at his desk and you can better see those mushrooms—first quality and broad stems as per mushroom quality criteria!

Sure my Mauzie girl approved ot those mushrooms!
She watched me crochet them... as well as knit the hand embroidered cardigan I wear.
This aerial view of CAMSCO's Dublin, Georgia, farm shows the standardized growing rooms, the tunnel complex and the covered wharf in the background.
As published in MUSHROOM NEWS JANUARY 5, 1985
The growing room doors at Dublin are moveable to accommodate filling with the head–end filling machine.
The working corridor is shown as construction neared completion at Dublin.

Related links:

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Our Permanent Resident Angels & Cross Stitch for Christmas

Just reposting this 2011 post...
On November 9, I did already write about Our Living Room ANGELS - CHERUBS that have taken up permanent residence, not only for the Christmas season. All our ANGELS - CHERUBS are the REAL thing, made out of special wood and hand carved in South Tyrol, Italy. So here they are shown once more to you as they sure belong to the Christmas season.
The golden wreath we added for the Christmas season...
Quite an angelic population on our mantle... They are our Permanent Residents!
From Bad/Münstereifel, Germany I did bring this pure linen cross stitched Christmas bow back home.
The edging of the linen band is done in gold and the hand embroidered cross stitching also used gold for the stars as well as for some contrast stitching.
Hard to capture on photo.
I've just finished a scan from this bow & stars cross stitch pattern, for those of you that are interested in it.
Look for it below and feel free to print it out.
My German friend Marlene, did bring me a second one when she and her husband Egon did visit us after their tour through Mexico.
They are hung each year in the living room from the doorknobs of the oak wall unit.
This is the scan and I put it as a larger size. The width of the linen band is 7 cm or 2.8"
The entire cross stitch pattern is 11 cm long or 4.3" so you can determine the thread count accordingly.
If you love it as much as I did at first sight, okay - here is the pattern for you.
Just a small Christmas gift from me—to my loyal readers!
Obviously many visitors loved this... 11,044 views.

Related links:

{6 Antique & Vintage Italian Angels, Cherubs Putti} previous post by me
{Our Living Room ANGELS - CHERUBS} previous post by me
{Our Living Room} previous post by me
{5 Angels - Putti from Italy & Germany} previous post by me

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Wishing you ALL a MEANINGFUL 3rd Advent Week

 As time is passing quite fast—may I wish you worldwide:
 a MEANINGFUL 3rd Advent Week!

This is a time for burning our fire place and for lighting candles—our huge pillar candle from our 25th Wedding anniversary is also visible.
To the left you see a typical Austrian or Italian Tyrol region nosegay made out of spices and tiny cones—called Gewürtzsträusschen.
I tied raffia around my gilded magnolia grandiflora leaves with some Nandina (heavenly bamboo) berries...
A perfumed pillar candle with some holly and real cranberries on the green Hardanger table topper.
My red Hardanger tablecloth with the beautiful table runner—done in Portuguese Guimarães white work. 
We bought this in Coimbra, Portugal during our 19–day trip by bus from Limburg/The Netherlands to Spain and Portugal in September, 1994.
On eBay I once got a hold of this Baccarat Crystal Vesuve / Vesuvius Caviar Server (2 pcs) because the inset was missing—it was a bargain...
Perfect for filling up with cranberries and floating candles!

Saturday, November 20, 2021

HIGH TEA in November

 With my passion for cooking, baking and fine table setting...
Once again I offered to do a HIGHT TEA for the bi-annual local Rotary Club's fundraiser.

Pieter wearing his Gianni Versace jeans and I wear my sewing creation Silk Batik bolero jacket, hand painted with gold and made from Indonesian formal shawl on Escada skirt.

If you watch on YouTube you will be able to see all the text with explanation as to what was being served in detail.
At 1:25 you see my Tea Cups with paper doilies and also Demitasse Coffee Cups.

Lydia is the lady in white silk blouse...
A happy group of ladies and we both enjoyed hosting them!

Tablecloth used is our Portuguese Guimarães white work, we bought in Coimbra in 1994 while on tour through Spain Portugal for 19 days.

Related links:
Merry Christmas and My Previous High Tea | previous post
{Our Japanese Diospyros Kaki Persimmon} | previous post showing our Persimmon which was on kitchen table for High Tea...
From Singapore to Jakarta and SURPRISE upon arrival at our Villa | previous post of when I bought the hand painted silk batik stole from which I created the bolero jacket
{Angels engraved on lucky calendar coin of 1969} | final photo shows the hand painted with gold silk batik jacket...

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Happy Reunion with Swiss Kuhn Family & United States Consulate for our Permanent Visa


On Sunday, January 22 of 1984, Hans Jörg Kuhn, the son of Jörg Kuhn whom Pieter knew for decades, was our guest.
I'd cooked a delicious dinner, according to Pieter's writing in our diary...
We surely enjoyed our time together!
Hans Jörg Jr. was visiting Dublin to see the new Campbell farm, that Pieter designed, in operation. 
On April 20, 1984 on Good Friday, we both flew with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to Amsterdam, The Netherlands and friend Jan Thielen picked us up at the airport.
Both of us stayed with Pieter's eldest brother in Horst and walked to garage Timmermans for picking up our rental car.
It was Easter Weekend and on Tuesday, we did rise early for catching the 5:50 train to Rotterdam for going to the United States Consulate in their new building, across from the eye surgery hospital where Pieter was a few years earlier for his 1st implant lens...
We first went to the Dutch G.G.D. (Municipal Health Services) for having lung X-rays made. We had to wait for the results and got the images as documentation. 
By metro to another doctor for medical examination and blood tests. 
By 13:30 with these results back to the United States Consulate. By 16:30 we were done after lots of questions, finger prints and solemnly swearing that we had filled in the truth. 
Finally our long day got rewarded with a heavy, sealed parcel, for our Permanent Visa with a bill for 800 Dutch Guilders!
That was the start for both of us to become a United States Citizen but only after living here for five more years, and paying all our taxes and keeping a clean record as everything got checked.
This was during President Reagan's time, with still very strict rules for becoming a United States Citizen!
We never could vote all that time; now all rules are out of the window...
On April 25, 1984 we both flew from Düsseldorf, Germany to Zürich, Switzerland after first driving one hour...
Jörg Kuhn's daughter Barbara with her husband Max, came to pick us up. 
We had lunch at an old restaurant, high in the mountains with beautiful view.
My FIRST introduction to Switzerland was breathtaking.
Wearing my hand knitted and hand embroidered sweater...
Arriving at the home of Barbara & Max in Waldstatt, Switzerland.
A perfect sunny day... 
Don't you love the lush green meadows, right behind their home?!
I've always said, that IF I have to reincarnate as an animal, I want to be a cow for grazing in the Appenzell area of Switzerland – it almost made me want to stand on 'all fours' for grazing...
With some borrowed shoes we all went hiking...
Resting on a bench...
We climbed up to where snow was still on the ground...
Barbara & Max had somebody pick us up at the road, so we did not have to walk the entire stretch back home!
Doing the hike, poor Pieter got attacked by a German shepherd that tried to bite him!
He managed to kick him off his trouser legs; scary as those were Pieter's ONLY trouser that he'd taken as he'd left his suits hanging on the armoire at his brother's home. 
We got up a bit too late and had to rush, rush...

My 1st day in Switzerland; stay tuned for next post.
Barbara's brother Hans Jörg did stay with us in Dublin, Georgia on September 18 till 21, 1984.
In May of 1985, Hans Jörg Kuhn with their manager August Enzler were our guests in Dublin, Georgia
So we certainly did stay in touch!

Related posts:
Pieter Co-Speaker at ISMS in Amsterdam-Wageningen 1965 | Mentioning Jörg Kuhn Visiting A.G.
{My Hand Knitted & Hand Embroidered Sweater} | About the Hand Embroidered Sweater that I wore
Husband Pieter Doing it ALL | manager August Enzler and Hans Jörg Kuhn on new patio in May 1985

Friday, November 27, 2020

High Tea Prepared and Baked by Me and History taught by Pieter J.C.Vedder

Like to show you yet another Hight Tea Table, our donation to the local Rotary Club's bi-annual auction. 

Yep, the day before I'd been rather busy in the kitchen as I did all the baking, except for the 3 varieties of cookies and 4 kinds of European Chocolates.
As I was about to mention all I'd created, for capturing on video and for my Parents back in The Netherlands, I got interrupted... 
By someone, not dressed appropriately for a High Tea! Ignoring any etiquette...

Did not have the time on June 28, 1998 for making photos, so these is a still shots from the video.
In the center you see my Stracciatella Cream Torte; Bottom center is my Peach Cheesecake (actually a real Quark Torte) on a Baked Bottom; Bottom Left is my Mocha Ice Cream Torte garnished with Pirouettes Wafers and Chocolate Coffee Beans.
On the Left with Red Ribboned Bow is my Tiramisu-Charlotte Torte. 

Top left are cookies... a total of three European varieties I had.
Tablecloth used is our Portuguese Guimarães white work, we bought in Coimbra in 1994 while on tour through Spain Portugal for 19 days.

Top Center in white square is my Italian Tiramisu, made with Mascarpone and dusted with Dutch Chocolate
Top Right is my home baked Open Fruit Pie.
Bottom Right is my Dr. Oetker Chocolate Cream Torte garnished with Swiss Chocolate and Maraschino Cherries.
A total of 7 different Tortes and Pies...

There were Dark Chocolate Non-Pareils and three more European Chocolates.

While I captured this little memory of all the work, husband Pieter was giving a general lesson on the etiquette and history of a High Tea in the living room.
He always will remain a teacher!

Have you ever hosted, prepared and singlehandedly baked a High Tea?

Previous Hight Tea by me:

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Merry Christmas and My Previous High Tea

Merry Christmas to All of You Worldwide! 🌲💝
Sharing with you our High Tea from December 20, 1997 that we donated to our Rotary Club's auction.
Offering a High Tea for 12 and this was all done in the Christmas spirit...
We donated our time and love... Worked till 2:30 in the morning for baking and preparing it for the afternoon's presentation and use.
Everything done in Christmas style and using our Egyptian cotton damask Cottimaryanne Firenze tablecloth from Italy.
Our hand made silver coffee set that we bought while living in Indonesia, it took six men to hammer and decorate it in six weeks!
That's me checking the final details... Coffee Cups to the right.
Did use the Tea Glasses with silver plated holders instead of Tea Cups.
Also in the kitchen I'd placed edibles to savor with tea or coffee...
Table runner on red tablecloth used is our Portuguese Guimarães white work, we bought in Coimbra in 1994 while on tour through Spain Portugal for 19 days.

Our Rotary Club of Dublin, Georgia USA sponsors always a foreign student for one full year of college education.
For 1997 it was Kaisa Jogi (probably Jögi) from Latvia, she did her presentation to the Rotary Club, 3 days after this High Tea.
Kaisa was in such good humor for tasting the European culture again at our Dutch home in the USA and for touring it. 
Just like to show you this very short video of our High Tea Table
The talking is in Dutch as we always did so for my Parents to let them share in our life here across the Ocean.

Thanks for your visit and comment

Related link:
{Have YOU Ever Seen the Making of Silver in Kotagede, Indonesia?} | previous post by me showing you the silver works

Saturday, June 27, 2015

{Hydrangeas & Mother-in-law's Tablecloth}

On May 29, we happened to have some gorgeous blue hydrangeas from our garden. So I did team them up with the hand embroidered blue tablecloth from my late Mother-in-law.
Don't you just love such blue color?
This draw work embroidery tablecloth I've had now for over three decades and it still looks like new.
A wider view into our garden...
Photo is taken from the patio in front of our Rose Suite.
This is the view from the patio, towards our gazebo and the newly placed rose arbor.
Guests do have their own private entrance here...
There are rose stepping stones towards the path to the gazebo.
Guests also can enjoy the perfume of the gardenias that bloom right outside of the entrance door.
These are the regular sized gardenias, not the large ones that I showed a couple of days ago.
May/June sure is a happy time of the year with so many flowers to enjoy!
Do you have hydrangeas as well?

Related link:

Sunday, December 14, 2014

{Third Week of Advent 2014}

Wishing you all a very cozy and happy Third Week of Advent 2014!
Creating a warm and cozy atmosphere works wonders for the colder season.
Used our cotton Zweigart Aida tablecloth with the German Arzberg porcelain votive candle holders in white with real gold.
My sister Diny, was so kind for getting these for me in The Netherlands, when I found them in a Dutch magazine.
Having our own Magnolia Grandiflora trees, does also provide leaves that I have sprayed with gold paint.
Added Nandina berries with a few Ilex berries as well.
Nosegay from spices, seeds and hazelnuts, made in South Tyrol, Italy.
Thanks Johanna from +Silber-und-Rosen-Shop  for the name: In the Salzburger Land "Gewürzsträusschen".
Our gold sprayed Magnolia leaves tied with raffia. 
The big candle is still from our 25th wedding anniversary, it was a gift from dear friends.
This fireplace is from The Netherlands, Doensen Sfeerhaarden & bouwbedrijf in Venlo.
On eBay I once got a hold of this Baccarat Crystal Vesuve / Vesuvius Caviar Server (2 pcs) because the inset was missing... But it works perfect for floating candles with fresh flowers.
Here I used fresh cranberries for inside.
The table runner in Portuguese Guimarães white work, we bought in Coimbra in 1994,  while on tour through Spain Portugal for 19 days.
Used on top of this red Hardangar tablecloth it looks perfect.
Making photos during the dark days of the year is hard in itself but trying to capture those flames of burning votives is even harder...
Don't you love the hand embroiderd detail of that Portuguese Guimarães white work?

Wishing all of you a very warm and meaningful 3rd Advent Sunday and a great week ahead!
Stay warm and healthy...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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