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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Saturday, July 31, 2021

I'll Be Darned - I DID IT AGAIN


After a long wait and search... I finally found embroidery floss in the matching color with my legwarmers.
I've hand knitted them from soft baby wool...
On the fold-over in the back, there was a hole...
My search ended at Herrschners, where I found the matching embroidery floss
Did use the full floss as that was about right for matching the baby wool.
ONLY $ 0.40 for one skein  Made from long staple 100% Egyptian cottton, which is recognized as the world's finest. This high-quality mercerized 6-strand divisible floss is dyed in rich colors with a luxurious sheen. A delight to stitch with and perfect for all your heirloom-quality projects. 
Yep, I'll Be Darned - I DID IT AGAIN
Out came the antique sock darner and I put it to work.
Using a thick needle for threading the full floss, all 6 strands!
Here is Speckie girl, the naughty feline that made the hole... 
Sorry for the poor selfie!
See that tongue...? She really is a naughty one! See post below about her...
But Speckie girl promised to NOT DO THAT AGAIN!
My Mom would have done a far neater job... but I'm glad I closed it up in a safe way.
Done and taken outside for the best color effect.
Happy that those damaged stitches no longer can run further!

Related link:
I'll Be Darned - I DID IT | previous post using my antique sock darner...
{Naughty Feline} | Speckie girl very active during the night unloading shelves with sweaters onto the ground...
{MY CLOSET LOOKS LIKE A NEAT STORE} | previous post by me and Speckie girl loved to rake things OUT onto the floor and work them!

Thursday, July 29, 2021

The FIGHT of Growing Grass in Subtropical Georgia/USA

 As most of you know, both husband Pieter and I got born with dirt under our fingernails... being the son and/or daughter of a professional market gardener. Growing fruits and vegetables, delivering to the auction for supplying grocery stores.
So... that made us knowledgeable for starting a GARDEN; right?
We had moved into our newly built home in November of 1990... 
Here I am on August 11, 1991, looking in horror at all the soil that got washed out from heavy rain, such as often in summer in subtropical Georgia.
We just got back on August 9, from work and living in Indonesia...
So after pulling weeds for one day and Pieter working with his weed eater, it was me on the shovel to fill wheelbarrows. Yes, we had two of them!
Pieter in turn wheeled them to the spot for filling it in.
Where did I shovel all that dirt?
Under the newly built house, where after opening the metal door in our staircase area I screamed because we were looking at a mountain of dirt. 
Yes, our 'not–so–great-contractor' left it all there and just built the foundation around.
We dug out a big section as we needed it desperately here and later in 1995 we dug out more. 
In 2004, husband Pieter dug out the remaining 60 tons (!) for filling in on the left side of our garden and constructing the Rose Suite. See posts below.
Oh, life can be so very glamorous!
Did wear my new bikini while at the shovel beneath the hot/humid home in the basement... 
Bikini had arrived in the mail.
This was it, a Gottex bikini with a silk cover up...
Haha, nice and glamorous work uniform don't you think so?
Easy for jumping right under the shower after the day is over and rinsing it all off.
Pieter did the heavy pushing of the wheelbarrow and filling in of the dirt, while having his implant lens out of place... As got diagnosed in the morning. He went next day, after this big job, for the re–positioning of his lens under a light anesthesia.
Rest of the day relaxing... (Pieter!).
On August 20, we put a mixture of spent compost with peat moss between our azaleas as each tropical rain shower washed out the dirt. Hoping they will grow and spread out faster and hold on to the soil!
Oh, on May 16, the previous time off from our work/living in Indonesia (we were there two months at the time...) we both had laid these cross tires in the spots we wanted.
A company that took care of our garden, had laid them and not to our liking.
Yes, those suckers are heavy but we managed!!!
That lantern now was in the wrong spot and Pieter moved that at another later time ...
So much to handle in the four weeks we got off from work in Indonesia!
On August 28, we went again to a certain low spot near a larger creek behind the street where we used to live. We dug up nice patches of grass to fill in the bare spots where everything got washed out from heavy rains...
Our heavy duty wheelbarrow ready for a ride!
Pieter with his heavy duty spade!
Yes, we used our Mercury Sable wagon very intense, after bringing it back home from working/living in Italy...
It got cleaned up well for carrying our suitcases again on September 1, when we would fly back to work and living in Indonesia... 😉
The wagon could then rest for two months at the parking lot of Atlanta Airport... 
Grabbing those sods by their sprites and helping unload.
We always worked as a team!
Unloading some right at the trouble spot...
HOPING they will stand their ground this time!
Yes, the lawn is still covered with straw in order to avoid further erosion...
Living on such a steep slope for sure was not easy to start growing grass!
But with perseverance we managed.

Related links:
Our Garden at the Time we had Access to Spent Mushroom Compost | previous post with video from Middle Georgia Magazine showing a NICE garden
{The Construction of Our Rose Suite - Part I} | previous post about digging out the entire basement and using those 60 tons of dirt to fill in low areas in our garden
Then and Now | previous post where I wear the very jeans skirt from 1987 and in 2020...

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Silver Mushrooms

 Sure, being immersed into MUSHROOMS there has to be a SILVER ONE!
This is my personal collection on a Le Jacquard Français placemat...
Gold plated silver earrings in the shape of a mushroom; a silver charm with its lamellae beautifully worked in and a silver plated salt & pepper set.
Uploaded by the ISMS from the Mushroom Journal September 1978 ←(click link) is this on page 292
A solid silver mushroom charm, specially designed for the MGA (Mushroom Growers' Association) in connection with the Woman's Own competition. 
Silver-plated salt and pepper pots are also included.
The charm weighs a quarter of an ounce.
Placed these silver mushroom treasures on top of two lovely Mushroom Cookbooks
To the left you find The Mushroom Cookbook ←click link
A bit closer for showing these treasures...
Again a different angle
Showing the top of the silver charm, with its ring for allowing the necklace to go through
Detail of the made in Italy Salt & Pepper set
And once more now with the silver charm being turned around...

Do any of you have Silver Mushrooms?

Sunday, July 25, 2021

John Miller, OAM was a Longtime Mushroom Friend of husband Pieter

 Photo below shows a happy John Miller, OAM on his 90th Birthday!

There is a mention also of him starting in 1955 to farm orchard fruit and vegetables. But the following years, seven floods devastated the farm "with all our crops washed away: and he moved to higher ground in the Hills to begin growing mushrooms.
Active in the Australian Mushroom Growers Association (AMGA), Mr Miller promoted the use of locally grown mushrooms and worked to unite farmers across the country. He was also instrumental in establishing a research facility at Rydalmere to improve productivity of local farms as chief executive of the association in the 1970s, and travelled to France in 1978 as part of Australia's successful bid to host the 1981 international (mushroom) farmer's conference. (ISMS = International Society for Mushroom Science)
"Five hundred leading mushroom growers and research scientists from all over the world came to Australia to teach us the latest technology," he said.
The ISMS uploaded the AMGA issue 1 of 2021
Below is page 29...
Vale (Farewell): John Miller
The mushroom industry has lost one of its most significant and distinguished leaders, with the passing of John Miller, OAM, at the age of 91. 
John was an Icon of the industry and was often referred to as "Mr Mushroom". He first took on the honorary position of Public Relations and Promotions Officer at the AMGA in 1969, and in 1973 was appointed to the permanent position of General Manager.
In his final General Manager's report in 1991/92, his commitment to the industry is more than evident. 

The AMGA office was run from our own home to keep overheads down. Beryl handled all phone enquiries besides is running around promoting"fresh mushrooms"and fighting the many mushroom industry problems that kept arising. Making sure mushrooms were ordered from farms for me to deliver to home economists, cookery editors and photographers.
Checked recipes for our leaflets to go into shops, monitored the press clipping service and consumer requests. Beryl's behind-the-scenes support has been a major contributing factor, for which I'm most grateful, in maintaining the service required by this industry.

John promoted the use of locally grown mushrooms and worked to unite farmers across the country. He was instrumental in establishing a research facility at Rydalmere to improve productivity of local farms, and commanded support and loyalty from the AMGA membership – which reflected not only in the growth of the Industry but also the ability of the Industry to manage that growth.

John was a life honorary member of the AMGA, and he will be remembered not only for his intellectual contributions, but also for his kindness and the welcoming personality that the extended to everyone.

In addition to his mushroom industry activities, John was a proud regional ambassador for the Hawkesbury area. He served as the chief warden for the Hawkesbury State Emergency Service, establishing an early flood warning system for the region. He also served as the social secretary of the Hawkesbury Historical Society and was declared an Ambassador for the Hawkesbury for his passion in promoting the rich heritage of the area.

A report in the local Hawkesbury Gazette also credits him as a driving force behind a third river crossing from Richmond to North Richmond, as well as being an advocate for the construction of a Centre for Excellence in aged in dementia care for Hawkesbury's aging population.
In 2018 he received an Order of Australia medal for his services to the community.

A loving family man, and valued colleague—we will miss him.

On the side is being mentioned his book, shown below:
What a wonderful job, here the true John Miller as a historian shines through...
A great writer and heritage preserver!
This picture shows also the open-air mushroom growing like in my previous post: Open-Air Mushroom Growing in South Sweden ←click link
So happy that we reconnected in time again and hearing from John & Beryl.
A very warm email letter we received on March 26, 2018
John even writes a kind of mushroom editorial review for Pieter: We have fond memories of your visits to Australia, and the great breath of fresh air you brought with you, to improve our out of date mushroom cultural techniques in this country. It was the start of a revolution in making us more efficient and competitive.
Our Australian mushroom growers will be eternally grateful for the great contribution you made in initially opening many new doors for us in the World of Mushroom Culture, and your leadership at the Dutch school in Horst, Holland, which many Australians have attended.
What a treasure for having received this in a timely manner...
Also, John & Beryl got all my Australia posts sent to them to read; feels so good.
R.I.P. dear friend and we keep forever fond memories of you both!

Beryl, no doubt is one half of another Blissful Relationship, may she find the strength for going on without her loving husband/partner...

Related links:
Trips to Australia | invitation from John Miller to have Pieter as guest lecturer in 1976 Short Course
Husband Pieter's 2nd and 3rd Trip to Australia | previous post about above mentioned 1981 ISMS Congress
Darling Harbour Cruise in Sydney for Surprise Birthday Party | photos and card from John & Beryl Miller

Friday, July 23, 2021

Our Australia Adventure of Escaping Flooded Hawkesbury River area via ONLY Bridge NOT UNDER WATER...

After finishing our work for Campbell Soup's mushroom farm in Australia, we flew from Melbourne to Sydney, where our mushroom friends picked us up. 
We stayed with our Mushroom related Australian friends in their newly built home on the rocks, overlooking the Hawkesbury River...
The dark rooftop in the form of a cross more or less, is where we were staying...
We had previously spent the day in Sydney and they took us to Centre Point, Captain Cook Luncheon Cruise & Opera House, see post about it below.
Next day on July 3, 1988 we went to the BLUE MOUNTAINS with Hawkesbury Valley Heritage Tours.
Visited the Katoomba & Jenolan Caves, all arranged and carried out by our great Mushroom friends! Again you find those two previous posts below...
July 4: We enjoyed a dinner together with 58 mushroom farmers + spouses. John Miller had organized that.
It was almost overwhelming... 
July 5, on Tuesday I devoted my time to giving harvesting training while Pieter met with 3 compost makers. A relaxed evening at home with our friends, watching the movie of The Man From Snowy River.
July 6, Wednesday we got an urgent wakeup call with the mention: HURRY! We must leave NOW—look out of the window and you know WHY!!! We heard and saw a foaming and roaring river; already 3 m (9.84 ft) above bridgelevel! 
A large flood of the Hawkesbury River.
We hurried packing up and grabbed a bite and started our journey north through the mountains, for reaching the ONLY high enough bridge to cross this Hawkesbury River Monster, then going South to the Sydney airport for our flight back to San Francisco, USA on Qantas Airlines...
Our friends still had to drive home and IF LUCKY, could cross back over the river!
We all were fortunate that no fallen trees were blocking the road...
The place our mushroom friends lived was Ebenezer and you can see the Hawkesbury River winding like a snake through the mountains...
We arrived at Sydney airport around noon for our 14:00 o'clock flight. 
What an adventure, I was so car sick from the windy road through the mountains at a rather high speed, since our friends had to make it back again for reaching home themselves!
After vomiting and not much eating, we arrived in 13 hours + 25 minutes non-stop in San Francisco with tailwind.
Our suitcases did not arrive... and we drove home and got there around 22:00 o'clock with 14 hours time difference!
On July 7, our suitcases got delivered by 18:00 o'clock...
A most memorable trip home!
It will flood again ← short 5.59 min. video
Five of the 10 largest floods since the record flood of 1867 have occurred since Warragamba Dam was completed in 1960. The last major flood was in 1990.
One of those 10 was the one we dealt with in 1988...
The Monster Hawkesbury River got 12.2 m (40 feet) above normal...
It can be so devastating...!
February 17, 2013 in the Sydney Morning Herald
Our mushroom friend John Miller has always been so active in fighting the flooding!
February 16, 2018 in the Hawkesbury Gazette
Second crossing: John Miller and floodplain committee member Maurie Smith on the corner of Kurrajong and Chapel Roads, Richmond, where there has been a proposal for a second bridge. Picture: Geoff Jones.
John Miller received a Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM) for his exceptional contributions!
In 1986 John Miller had become the Hawkesbury State Emergency Service chief warden, enlisting 250 others with local knowledge to establish an early flood warning network.
Of course, Mr Miller was also well known as a driving force behind a third river crossing from Richmond to North Richmond...

John Miller was very active in this and surely deserved receiving this OAM!

Both of us owe John Miller the idea of also installing a quiet bathroom heater fan with lights! We got 3 installed and LOVE this 'warming' luxury during the cold season.
Having to travel all the way down under for learning about that! 

Related links:
Sydney Centre Point Tower, Captain Cook Luncheon Cruise & Opera House | previous post about great time spent with friends
With Hawkesbury Valley Heritage Tours to the BLUE MOUNTAINS Australia | previous post about great time spent with friends 
Katoomba & Jenolan Caves, Blue Mountains Australia | previous post about great time spent with friends

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

New Green Deal

 Husband Pieter got his New Green Deal...
Pieter's virgin ride on Sunday... on his Fern Metallic (Green) Vale Go! 9D EQ S Electra Bike
Outfitted with 2, 9-liter Pannier bags for shopping.
New Trek Atlanta Cycling jersey in a safe color for getting noticed. Edward Hall from Atlanta Cycling - Vinings was excellent in providing the greatest courtesy!
It was hard for finding a Vale Go! 9D EQ S as there seems to be a high demand.
This bike has a great shock absorber seat, important for Pieter as he's had his tailbone shifted due to his brother's prank for kicking his chair away... 
My Vale Go! 9D EQ in a color Zinc as in March the Fern Green was not available...
Mine is also just matte black instead of a combination with light color on Pieter's new green deal.
Such lush fields due to plenty of rain all spring and summer...
This is where we captured the photos on our 29.53 kilometer or 18.34 mile ride.
Me overlooking the Oconee River. It always looks 'muddy'...
Yes, I'm still a 'chain slave', wearing my 22kt gold chain around my waist since I bought it in Indonesia in 1990. It usually stays on, except for surgery or special things where no metals are allowed. It just is peaking out here on the left...
My happy 92-year old biker with his New Green Deal from Trek Atlanta Cycling
Wearing his 18kt gold chain + cross from Tane, Mexico City.
It got blessed by the German Jesuit Siegfried Binzler in Jakarta, Indonesia whom we worked with for our fight against the Leprosy STIGMA: {Like Princess Diana, I also Tried to Tackle the Leprosy Stigma}
Swapped it the day before, for the male Trek Verve+ 3.
Courtesy of a dear friend, lending me her Ford Expedition for transporting bike.
Boys of 92+ are not that flexible anymore for swinging the leg over, for mounting their bike!
This solution is so much better, easy on/off and also the wheels are a bit wider and it has more torque due to the S model.

If only the rain will stay away, so we can plan our bike rides and enjoy our blissful relationship on wheels!
Our way of trying to live healthy as Pieter's heart surgeon advised, after doing the quadruple bypass + angioplasty in his neck: {BIG HEART ON THE MEND} post with more info and also below that post...
And yes, prayers do work and we both are grateful to God for each additional day being granted together!

Are you biking?
Are you praying?

Related links:
SO Proud of my NONAGENARIAN | previous post and mentioning Pieter's age as 'NONAGENARIAN'
Our Bike Ride from Whitetop to Damascus - Virginia Creeper Trail | without bike racks we no longer can make trips like that far away...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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