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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Energy Star. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Energy Star. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Miele Dishwasher and Oven Installed with Some Help

 It was now December 18 of 1998 and the Miele dishwasher and oven would be installed.
Pieter did all the prep work for the connections and also closed an enormous hole in the wall that we uncovered behind the previous oven.
One often wonders how those workers handle things—like the Flinstones whacking a hole in the wall?
And thinking we will never find out?!
They are IN by 5:19 PM.
Our dear friend Paul Kellam had two of his guys help Pieter with getting the dishwasher and oven built in.
Yes, Miele is the Cadillac of appliances—pricy but if you talk about quality, longevity and eco friendly, energy saving—Immer Besser (forever better).

Do you have any Miele appliance?

Related links:
{Our Kitchen Improvements} | previous post by me
{More of Our Kitchen} | previous post by me

Sunday, October 30, 2022

Whirlpool Dishwasher versus Miele

 Well, when Pieter took out the Whirlpool dishwasher I was quite shocked that it had NO sides but only insulation material—that was IT!
That's all... NO WONDER they are so noisy!
That's the Miele with a beautiful outside...
Perfection—built in Germany.
One learns so much from comparing the two brands of appliance!
Sure there also is a price difference but you get a nice Eco Friendly piece of appliance and great for saving energy!

Related link:
{Our Kitchen Improvements} | previous post by me

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

{Who Wants to Become Our New Neighbor? - LOT for Sale}

Yes, we both have made the decision that it is time to SELL our adjacent LOT.
So, the question arises as to Who Wants to Become Our New Neighbor? 
We have a LOT for Sale.
Our adjacent lot where we did cultivate several rare species of trees, shrubs and plants is getting too much to handle for husband Pieter, at his age...
So here it is: FOR SALE
It is to the right of our home.
Maybe somebody else wants to build such an Energy Efficient Green Roofing like we got? You can check out the details here: {Our Interlock Aluminum Aged Copper Slate Roofing}
This is how such Energy Star Aluminum Aged Copper Slate Roof looks like.
We have definitely lowered our Carbon Footprint for the rest of our life.
YES, this roof is guaranteed for LIFE!
Back to the street, where our adjacent lot is waiting for its new owner...
It is approximately 1 acre. 
It is being sold through Century 21
Photos are from October
For all information you can call Century 21 at the number shown below
Or you can email them via contact us at c21dublin.com

Oh, and we promise to be very good neighbors!

Thanks for your visit and wishing you a happy weekend.

Thursday, August 25, 2016

{Our 2nd New Miele Dishwasher Arrived}

Yep, January 18 of 2016 was the happy day that finally our replacement New Miele Dishwasher Arrived!
Same procedure as on December 28...
Pieter in our Toyota RAV4 functioned as the pilot car, guiding this 18-wheeler into our subdivision.
This truck did have at least a lift.
Here it comes!
We had already taken the non-working one out of its opening...
There is the non-functioning Miele Dishwasher, waiting to be crated into the box from the 2nd one.
Here is the 2nd New Miele Dishwasher; inside our kitchen!
Now the exciting time for getting it out, placing and connecting it and seeing if THIS will work!
Pieter working on the water connections.
Since Pieter did not fit into this drawer opening for guiding the drain hose, I had to get inside.
It is almost inside...
The tile baseboard needs still to be put back etc.
It got leveled and IT WORKS!
Cheering after so many months with problems.
And finally I can start doing some much needed thorough cleaning!

Sunday, August 21, 2016

{Our New Miele Dishwasher Arrived}

Well, as in every household, appliances do quit working and we need to replace them.
Such was the case with our Miele USA  dishwasher that we installed on October 19, 1998 so it had held up for quite a while.
We did manage to keep it going, a cycle took hours longer to complete and finally it no longer did drain.
So on December 28, 2015 the delivery truck rolled in and we helped unload our new Miele Dishwasher.
Yes, husband Pieter was a pilot car in our little Toyota RAV4, to guide this 18-wheeler into our subdivision. 
But we were happy, after Christmas and now we finally would get our new Miele Dishwasher!
Here it is, out of the crated box and in front of the defect one.
You can see a tea towel hanging over the chair, finally we would get relief from hand washing everything.
All excited!
ENERGY GUIDE looking really good!
It is an Energy Star appliance.

BUT... this one did not work!
Poor husband Pieter took it out and in about three times and we video taped the water flow, because the Miele people in Boca Raton, Florida thought there is not enough pressure or water volume.
Once they received the video, they were convinced.
They promised to ship another one...
That was not a happy ending of 2015!

Will be continued; stay tuned.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

{Our Interlock Aluminum Aged Copper Slate Roofing}

As promised in my previous post about Our Interlock Aluminum Slate Roofing Being Installed, here is Part II. This post will show you also very clear the Aluminum Aged Copper Slate so you finally will understand what it really looks like. 
This is at the end of day two, the front of our home is finished.
We had a crew of three men working very hard. Each late afternoon they gathered meticulously all scrap material and cleaned up. To the left you see one crew member at work.
By the time they left, the place looked tidy and neat.
Now you know... This is Aluminum Slate in Aged Copper. The color looks like terra cotta in a way, depending on the shine of course. It makes a difference if it is a sunny day or not.
If you want to read more about this Energy Efficient GREEN Roofing; you find the Energy Star Roof Product list in a link below this post with full information, also on Reflectance.
The gutter guards are new ones, from Home Depot. The old ones got removed.
Above our veranda and now the bay window area and above the dining room as last part.
Notice the sample spots where husband Pieter did try out our Benjamin Moore paint in Golden Mist?
Here they are, above the dining room and front porch, the final part...
You can see how dirty those gutters and the house are.
Pressure wash was the next thing we had done before having it painted in two coats.
Cloudy, but no rain...
We got so lucky for all those four days that they worked on our roof.
Yep, making progress in lowering our Carbon Footprint for the rest of our life!
Nearing the end...
do you like these Aged Copper Aluminum Slates?
One more detail. They really do look like natural Slates and the Aged Copper is a good color too.
Now the problem we had in February, was that those gutters got all clogged up with the sand that washed down by the rain from the asphalt shingles. The rain water ran over those gutters and than it entered the foundation...
It's done! Hard to capture with such overcast but you get the picture I guess.
Stepping back further...
Very hard to capture this Aluminum roof in Aged copper slate, with its reflection...
How many holly leaves that are on the ground...
Well, I must admit that before the roofers started out, husband Pieter had given all trees around the house a hair cut. Big branches got cut off, especially from the live oak tree.
Also the tree in front of our home lost quite some lower branches.
Lots of HARD WORK!
Tidying up the place...
These two photos are actually from the end of day two but I want to end with this view...
This is May 11, the day after they had come in the morning for gathering all their tools and leave the finished job.
The sky looks so pregnant with rain...
Tiny Tiggy-Tiger girl is dreaming...
By cutting off the lower branches of this tree, the house now is visible once again!
Here you can see that husband Pieter has taken down the wooden balustrade from the balcony...
The painters would start the next week with pressure washing.
Than the caulking and painting of two coats in Benjamin Moore Golden Mist and the shutters also in a darker Chrome Green.
You will get to see the end results soon!
And YES, our gazebo got also a new Interlock Metal Roofing in Aged Copper Slates!
Funny to see that sample spot in Benjamin Moore Golden Mist...
That's how it will be entirely.
New fan for the gazebo as well.
Hope you enjoyed this post and that you learned something about Saving Energy by putting on a Lifetime Aluminum Roof.
This material is available to all of Canada and the USA.
We both are very pleased with it and especially with the lower utility bills we got since!

Related links:
{Our Interlock Aluminum Slate Roofing Being Installed} | previous post by me
Never Re-Roof Again | link with full info, scroll down for reading more
Interlock Roofing | Manufacturer of Lifetime Roofing Systems. Never re-roof again
{Energy Efficient GREEN Roofing Arrived} | previous post by me
{Our Home on March 24 of 2013} | previous post by me showing the BEFORE
{Fighting the Water + Scanning Slides} | previous post by me showing the result of gutters running over...

Saturday, August 3, 2013

{Our Interlock Aluminum Slate Roofing Being Installed}

As promised on July 10, here is the follow up story for our Interlock® Aluminum Slate Roofing in Aged Copper, being installed. Yes, our Energy Efficient GREEN Roofing is finally being put on. In my previous post you also can read more about how to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint, now and for a lifetime. So that's what we did when having this Energy Efficient GREEN Roofing put on. Interlock® Slate Roofing is also an Energy Star® Partner. 
This is in French: Interlock Systèm de Toiture à Vie...
Interlock Roofing Lifetime Roofing Systems
First they went ahead and placed this RoofTopGuard, a High Performance Roofing Underlayment on our roof. 
This breathable product is made in Finland
This Roofing Underlayment went all the way on top of our old Asphalt Shingles so there was no waste and it will add even more to the insulation of our home.
These photos I've taken with my iPhone on May 6, at 8:22 PM in the evening after the hard working crew of three, finished for the day. 
One of our felines is checking underneath the ladder... This might be our Sacha-girl, the one that got killed by a car on June 17...
Already part of the new Interlock Aluminum Slate Roofing in Aged Copper being installed here. 
Do you know anyone who has used this product on their roof?
The light in the front porch already had come on...
We were so lucky for having had no rain for the time they worked! It got postponed due to bad weather earlier.
The crew from Interlock Metal Roofing were so courteous. Never noisy, never hollering or loud mouthed as we often could hear when in our neighborhood they had roofers working on a home. Each evening they would gather all the trash from the empty boxes and clean up very neatly.
Even our felines were impressed by the courtesy of our roofers!
To the left you can see our Sacha-girl... and to the right is her adopted younger sister Spicy.
See how dirty the home still looks here... Pressure wash came after the roof got installed.
This is next day, late afternoon when they were working on the side of our home. See how they make those loops in that rope for climbing and holding on to? A box with Aluminum Slates on the roof top for working with. It is a physical job for carrying these materials all up the ladder.
Heavy over cast but that was good for those workers!
Strange sight for having this High Performance Roofing Underlayment from Finland on our roof...
This is the bay window area of our kitchen.
The material sure is slinking hard on those pallets that we received as a big freight just before we left for Curaçao...
Here you can still see the wooden balusters on the balcony...
The left part of the roof is being done already, to the right you see the bare Roofing Underlayment still waiting for receiving its Aluminum Slates.
To be continued...

Related links:
Never Re-Roof Again | link with full info, scroll down for reading more
Interlock Roofing | Manufacturer of Lifetime Roofing Systems. Never re-roof again
{Energy Efficient GREEN Roofing Arrived} | previous post by me
{Our Home on March 24 of 2013} | previous post by me showing the BEFORE
{Fighting the Water + Scanning Slides} | previous post by me showing the results of gutters running over...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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