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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Pearls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pearls. Show all posts

Monday, April 15, 2024

Silver Clock and Oak Wall Clock repaired by Pieter

 From Mom & Dad's Estate in The Netherlands, also came home a silver clock that we once gifted Mom.
It was also a double photo frame...
Here it is — three parts
Sorry for the glare... Placed it on our Corian window sill in the kitchen near the Stephanotis Floribunda.
This did come home with me on June 17, 2022 when I took my final trip home from Limburg...
More items that were inside my suitcase: Mom & Dad's Trio of Crucifix with Corpus and Plaques with Red Copper Relief Statues ←click link
A very elegant set—except the clock had stopped working...
A better view—without glare...
Photo is from Pieter and me on September 5, 2002 
Pieter wearing his Burberry tuxedo and I my silk Escada rose gown and shoes with Majorica pearls.
Pieter always has been an excellent photographer!
In our office, our oak Meubelfabriek Oisterwijk clock also had stopped working...
But my Pieter did repair both of them!
Wrote him a thank–you letter on October 14 of 2022
English translation follows below...
Dublin, October 14, 2022

Dearest Pieter,

My rock–my intellectual–hardworking, down–to earth 'better half'!
We first saw each other 53 years ago. An inexplicable sympathy that grew into a pure—real love.
More than that: a fusion of two souls.
With the same feelings and drive – never lazy or too tired to do anything.
Committing yourself to many and only thinking of yourself at the end... And that even reluctantly!
A deep faith and with the help of God's blessing, has yielded us so many years.
Also, undoubtedly many souls of loved ones who have accompanied us on our path together.
You asked so little for yourself. Often even pro bono for so many.
We are convinced that God will one day settle it! Our behavior and that of those who scarred your heart. We can only pray and ask: Father, forgive them—they don't know what they are doing—just as Jesus said in all his sufferings.
You are still good to all the birds and animals on our estate. You feed and protect them.
Even more intimate with our cats—they don't hang onto you so much for nothing. Animals feel how you really are and love you unconditionally. How proud I am of you—as I walk through the garden, where your hard work is visible everywhere. And no less in the house—what you've done yourself!!!
There is no second Pieter.
Even the little oak clock that you recently managed to repair. And the silver clock! No, such an intelligent person, who still reads so much, is immortal—if it weren't for the body's inaction.
Thank goodness we captured your intellect in our book in 2020—for others especially. I was also able to highlight some things about our life together. You like to read it on your iPadPro and enjoy it. Makes me feel good and especially because I know there was never time for it before. Always doing a mega job or often driving someone else around and proudly showing our new homeland.
All those memories will remain—that is my anchor when you leave me behind to receive the final reward for your soul. I know you'll still be with me until I get to follow too.

Thank you for so much real love and see you later!

L.L. is Lieve Lieverd or Dear Sweetheart

Related links:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | Pieter's intellect captured in book...
Niagara Falls with Sister Diny | one of the road trips made with family and friends
under labels below my blog, scroll to Mega Task and see the many projects Pieter accomplished

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Dad's Unique Royal Dutch Singers' Association Certificate for 80 Years Singing

 Yes, exactly on the day of his death, Dad would have been a singer for 81 years!
Dad joined the Church Choir at the age of 17 and soon he became a member of the Horster Mannenkoor (Men's choir) as a First Tenor.
In 1988 Dad (left) got honored as one of the Golden Quintet members...
1998 Dad (right) got honored as one of a quartet for 60 years singing.
On his lapel, Dad now proudly displayed his Royal Dutch Singers' Association pin in honor of his 60 years as a singer.
In 2008, Dad got serenaded by the Horster Mannenkoor and received his Royal Dutch Singers' Association Certificate for 70 years singing.
Photo courtesy of one of my siblings in The Netherlands
In 2013, Dad obtained another Royal Dutch Singers' Association Certificate for 75 years being a singer...
Again they got serenaded by the other members of the Horster Mannenkoor (photo courtesy of one of my siblings in The Netherlands).
Mom is beaming and she received a bouquet of flowers.
Mom is wearing my Majorica pearls that we gifted her in December of 1983.
On Friday, June 29 of 2018, Dad received his Nationally UNIQUE Royal Dutch Singers' Association Certificate for 80 years being a singer...
This time without Mom, as she passed away on January 27, 2015
Dad beaming himself, when he got recognized and awarded the above Certificate and an engraved Pewter Plate.
This engraved pewter plate came home with me from my final trip to Limburg...
Very hard to capture it, so I took it outside.
JULI 2018 (JULY 2018)
ETAIN — TIN — ZINN — PEWTER (French — Dutch — German — English)
97% by KIS KIN 
Made in Belgium
Now it resides in our home in Georgia, with the 2nd born child of 8 and the ONLY one singing...
My Paternal Grandma sang first soprano, Dad first tenor, Mom first soprano for over 25 years with the elderly choir.
My Mother–in–law (my paternal Grandma's best friend) sang also in a choir as alto.

Fond memories...

Related links:
Limburg — The Emotional Part | previous post by me about my FINAL TRIP HOME 
From CitizenM Hotel on Delta Airlines from Amsterdam to Savannah, Georgia | previous post by me about Dad's performance ONE MONTH before his death...
Thank You Lord — Horster Mannenkoor | previous post by me about Dad singing
Soon Ah Will Be Done With The Troubles Of The World | previous post by me about Dad singing
Dad Sang Avé Maria from Bach-Gounod | previous post by me about Dad singing
Thinking about Mom and Dad on Saint Cecilia | previous post by me about Dad singing
Dad Sang Solo on Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary | previous post by me about Dad singing
{W.A. Mozart Composed this Heavenly Mass in C, K 167 at Age 17} | previous post by me about Dad happily anticipating Mass sung by Horster Mannenkoor
Auf der Heide blühn die letzten Rosen | Youtube video where Dad sings when he was half a year widower...
{My Daddy - Papa} | previous post by me and mention about Dad singing a solo at the Church of our friends here in Dublin...

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

And Another Birthday with Pearls

 On Monday, January 9, I would make my rounds to Atlanta and to Marietta also for having my Rado watch's battery replaced.
BUT on Sunday evening when brushing my hair and removing the Chanel barrette I noticed that its spring got half broken away...
So, we made another stop at Neiman Marcus at their Chanel Boutique for having it repaired.
Will be so happy when it will be ready with a new spring.
It was right there at the store on the counter, that I noticed some earrings, longer model and with a pearl...
SO... Pieter bought those for me as an early Birthday gift—and I did NOT object 😉
They got nicely gift wrapped with the famous white Chanel Camélia...
Our white hyacinths from Trader Joe's were blooming nicely in our bay window area.
Lovely white Camélia and ribbon...
A card with embossed white camélia and gift box...
Inside the gift box...
Nice Strass Crystals and the CC logo with pearls.
Photo taken outside in bright sunlight on Sunday, February 5.
Metal & Strass
Gold, Pink & Iridescent Crystals and Pearl
I'm very happy with those earrings as a gift from my Pieter—even though they're not of gold...
Chanel manages to make very elegant costume jewelry as well!
Wearing my Escada silk and cashmere twinset and when looking back, this is what I wore to Mom & Dad's 55th Wedding Anniversary 19 years ago...
Now you also can see my Escada jeans and our Japanese magnolias that are almost open.
Pieter's shade as the sun was really strong with a temperature of 19°C or 66°F.
Both of us are grateful that the –2°C or 28°F last week did not make them turn brown!
Usually these would bloom on Mom's Birthday—February 12, but now she's in heaven, they seem to bloom earlier on my Birthday. 
You can see the white vinyl picket fence in the background...
And the green tree on the left is the Southern Magnolia.
Here I wear the very same Escada twinset on February 15, 2004 when I am happy to see and greet my 2nd brother Piet at the restaurant where we all met for Mom & Dad's 55th Wedding Anniversary.
Wearing also the same Escada jeans...
Piet's kids and wife in the background.
Of course having phone calls on my Birthday and then late breakfast while observing our birds from our bay window.
Here the Eastern Phoebe on the bird bath.
Pieter just added meal worms inside the feeder for them and the Carolina wrens to snack on...
Temperature in the SUN!
40°C or 104°F...
We got this 6" Conant Custom Brass Thermometer from Monticello but now Amazon still has it.
You can see our vinyl picket fence in the back with the blooming magnolias.
Nothing more enjoyable than having breakfast in the sun!
We selected our lot for having our kitchen facing east—for that purpose.
Ending this post with some REAL white camellias that Pieter brought me for breakfast...
Using one of my creamware cachepot, as a vase for them.

Related links:
Those who feel Happy with the HAPPINESS of OTHERS | previous post by me showing creamware cachepot

Monday, January 2, 2023

Meaning of my name — Pearl and Desired Child

 Names ought to have a special meaning and for a reason.
But do most of us KNOW what its meaning is?
Pearl — bought in Oahu, Hawaii
A nice crystal conch with pearl and meaningful to me!
My name as written through 4th grade of elementary school: Marietje
Marietje is listed here as meaning: pearl; bitterness/sea; desired child
Mariet means: shapely clean
Mariette has the very same meaning as Marietje...
In Dutch Mariet, Marietje ←click on link
Hard to capture...
Also from Oahu, Hawaii came my Majorica black pearls in 15" length and earrings and ring, found at Neiman Marcus.
A 16" necklace would be too big for me.
Also from Oahu, Hawaii came home this little pineapple, the symbol of hospitality.
Having cooked numerous dinners for company, friends and family and several High Teas as a donation to the Rotary Club's fund raiser.
Did turn the velvet silk fabric around and used its backside...

Do you know your name's meaning?

Related links:
Pearl Harbor Hawaii | previous post by me

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Happy Back Home and Riding Our Bikes

 Yes it sure did feel GREAT for being home again!
Regardless all the love and joy from being with friends and family...
Pieter looking happy as well on the day after my return.
We were ready to go to Church.
Still bird–poop from those sweet Eastern Phoebe babies that left their nest while I was abroad.
Pot Plants on our Patio...
Happy me in my summery silk Escada dress and wearing my pearls and Marc Cain shoes.
The next day, back on my bike and riding along with my Pieter
Pieter in his t–shirt on our usual wooden bench on a friend's property for our mid–way rest stop.
Home from another bike ride and the kitty welcome committee is always on the driveway!
From left to right: sibling kitties Tiggy–Tiger, Spunky and Spooky–boy.
Sibling brother Bandido to the left and front sister–by–adoption Speckie also joined now.

Related link:


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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