About Me

- Mariette VandenMunckhof-Vedder
- Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Saturday, September 23, 2023
P.J.C. Vedder on Mushroom Cultivation during Technology Transfer Seminar—Pre–Wet
Friday, January 22, 2021
While working and living in Indonesia for the world's largest mushroom farm, I wrote the following:
1) Please pick us by the 'one–touch–technique' and don't move us into your hand, bruising and scratching us.
2) Don't pull us off the beds, but with a twisting motion; that hurts less – and please; don't scratch us with your long finger nails.
3) Don't cut us wrong because that looks ugly and we often end up with some soil on stem.
4) Please don't throw us into the tray, because that way we get bruised, but gently put us inside.
5) Don't overfill the trays, so that the ones on the bottom are still happy and not crushed.
6) Please pick us in time. We are like you; we like to be pretty and good looking; not oversized or open.
7) Don't make our babies sick by spreading diseases (contamination) with dirty hands, long hair, wide sleeves, bangles etc.
8) Please don't put us in the sun or wind in front of the shed. We are loosing weight very rapidly and our skin will turn brown and even peels off.
9) Don't smash us into the truck, because a number of us will get wounded – but handle the 'keranjang-keranjang' (trays) gentle.
If you don't forget these points, you can still see us smile, after processing, in the glasses, proud to travel to Green Giant in the U.S.A.
We, Dieng Djaya mushrooms, like to be the happiest and prettiest ones and so become the favourite choice of all people in the U.S.A.
Read an entire CHAPTER about HARVESTING in our newest book that is available WORLDWIDE as Print on Demand, at 40,000+ booksellers
Monday, November 23, 2020
My 3rd trip to India - Consulting and Harvesting Video
On Friday morning, February 28, we had packed our suitcases after our consulting period.
We went one last time to the Pond's India mushroom farm... with our luggage.
They wanted to video tape me, about harvesting and certain picking techniques.
Still treasure that tape, however it is not in good quality - lots of back noise!
When clicking on watch on YouTube and viewing it on your PC, you find below the clickable information about what I am talking.
02 28 1992 Pond's India Picking Techniques
Hoping that some mushroom growers still find this training video beneficial for paying close attention to Mushroom Quality Criteria.
Most is in the hands of harvesters!
Like previous videos, this also can function as a kind of Technology Transfer Seminar...
We both received a silk embroidery work as a gift; identical pieces for Team Vedder.
You can see that in a previous post below.
We left our high tops with the poor souls that were working barefoot in the hot 50-70°C compost!
After lunch we left for Coimbatore and later by train to Madras. See post below.
Related links:
My 3rd trip to India - Consulting Together with Husband Pieter | previous post by me
Adventure in Madras India, now Chennai | previous post by me
{Silk and Wool Birds as Gift from Pond's India} | previous post by me showing the silk embroidered gifts
Techniques for Harvesting Quality Mushrooms & Gratitude to Mushrooms Canada | previous post by me
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | post about our newest publication
Tuesday, September 8, 2020
P.J.C. Vedder on Mushroom Cultivation during Technology Transfer Seminar part 2
WITH GRATITUDE for being allowed to use this video's link!
Friday, September 4, 2020
P.J.C. Vedder on Mushroom Cultivation during Technology Transfer Seminar part 1
WITH GRATITUDE for being allowed to use this video's link!
Techniques for Harvesting Quality Mushrooms & Gratitude to Mushrooms Canada | previous post by me
Monday, August 31, 2020
7th North American Mushroom Conference Pieter J.C. Vedder CO₂ and Temperature Management
Dr. Pieter Vedder CO₂ and Temperature Management

Thursday, August 27, 2020
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting
For several days I got this message 'Welcome back! as I continued typing ahead...
At times you can laugh, like here, with the funny abbreviation of thresholds. You see my sticky note next to it.
Yes, our entire book is done in metric, as that is for us the natural way, being Dutch by birth and also in regard to worldwide publishing.
Funny is that legally, the US also is metric, but it only is being used in the medical world and some other industries...
It sure was quite a challenging task with its 448 pages, some 240 Figures and lots of them in full color. Also 30 Tables.
Husband Pieter did the illustrations and most of the photos. Some he got from a University such as an electron microscope enlargement 80.000x of virus particles.
We are grateful to the special people that created the Forewords.
We had NO SPONSORS... this is by no means a book for promoting certain mushroom spawn companies, ingredients, any machinery or turn key projects.
We tried to offer a combination of scientific facts with a good portion of practical (personal) experience, gained over a lifetime.
We really were so happy after having received the proof prints of our book!
Thanks Mr. Gil for capturing us together... as Team Vedder
Pieter holding the Hardcover book in his hand
P. J.C. Vedder and M. Van den Munckhof-Vedder the authors for Modern Mushroom Growing 2020 Harvesting
It started out in 1961 with the 1st Dutch edition, a total of 5 Dutch editions.
Center bottom row shows the compact German edition
Husband Pieter J.C. Vedder also wrote for elementary schools about paddestoelen (mushrooms) and subject matter for Agricultural Schools.
Hardcover front and spine
Hardcover back
Hardcover flap
Excerpt from foreword by Jack A. McDaniel, Pennsylvania/USA
Both of us worked with him for Campbell Soup's Mushroom Division
Excerpt of foreword by Ir. P. Jan Smits
We all three worked for the Practical Training Centre at that time when Pieter was still its Principal
Yes, our books are available POD (Print On Demand) worldwide and also via Universities and Libraries.
We opted for publishing with IngramSpark for this reason and for lowering the shipping cost.
ISBN-13: 978-1735241319
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting hardback at Amazon USA but scroll down to the information they provide! You can also look inside. Not all international book sellers show this info...That's where I also published the 6 Mushroom Editorial Reviews from, they're all listed here below this post.
Look for our book in your own country at any Big Book seller, Library or University! We published worldwide print on demand (POD) for keeping shipping costs LOW!!!
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting click link for viewing some worldwide distributors via BookFinder.com.
On September 6, in the United Arab Emirates ranking #2 in Agricultural Science...
The above is from the UK, also on September 6. #44 in Crop Husbandry; 200 in Agricultural Science and 311 in Agriculture Industry
Friday, August 21, 2020
Editorial Review by Dr. Murray O'Neil: You Are Both Beautiful Natural Teachers
After we both conducted the Mushroom Technology Transfer Seminar in Vineland, Ontario/Canada we received the above letter.
'Speaking for all of us I just can't express adequately how much we enjoyed and were helped by your visit.
You are both beautiful, natural teachers - a skill possessed of far too few "teachers" generally.
We proudly used this quote for our new book's 'Mushroom' Editorial Reviews: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting click link. Amazon is listing full information! Others might omit it...
1978 - P.J.C. Vedder's Modern Mushroom Growing Book Published in English | previous post by me
1982 Sinden Award for Pieter at The Hotel Majestic, Harrogate, England | about the most prestigious award in the Mushroom Industry
Visiting A.G. Linfield Mushroom Compost Facility in England | previous post by me
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Techniques for Harvesting Quality Mushrooms & Gratitude to Mushrooms Canada
This is me, harvesting mushrooms... in Horst, The Netherlands at then HEVECO.
Of course I kept my long hair in a braid, hairstyle is very important for as not to touch the bed surface with it and spreading diseases.
Thank you for accepting the challenge of co-speaking at our Technology Transfer Seminar scheduled for April 26, 27/94 at Wellington, Ontario in Canada.
The focus of this Seminar will be, Pre Harvest, Harvest and Post Harvest handling of mushrooms for quality and worker efficiency.
Highline Produce Limited, now Highline Mushrooms click through to read more.
Its founder, Dr. Murray O'Neil was a long time special mushroom related friend.
So this letter got mailed out to the Canadian Growers...
Seventh Technology Transfer Seminar on Pre Harvest, Harvest, and Post Harvest Handling.
Our speakers list includes Dr. R. Beelman from Penn State University, and Mariet Van den Munckhof-Vedder consultant. We have also the privilege of having Pieter Vedder accompanying Mariet and will encourage Peter to be a part of tour panel as well. Dr. Murray O'Neil will be chairing this event, and direct any questions during our discussion periods.
We hope you enjoy your stay at Isaiah Tubbs Resort in the heart of scenic Prince Edward Country click through.
Technology Transfer Seminar #7 Program #2
Techniques for Harvesting Quality Mushrooms
Technology Transfer Seminar # 7
Pieter and Mariet Vedder
Mushroom Consultants
Already on April 13, 2020 husband Pieter did receive a reply to his request for being able to insert a link to videos produced by then Canadian Mushroom Growers' Association click for their FB Page.
WITH GRATITUDE for being allowed to use this video's link!
Don't you just LOVE their unique SLOGAN?!
Screenshot from 1994 April 26 + 27 Techniques for Harvesting Quality Mushrooms 2 - click for video below:
As husband Pieter pointed out in the beginning of this video, that it is not OUR picking technique that we invented.
Already in the December 1959 issue of the Dutch CHAMPIGNONCULTUUR above article with photo appeared.
Dutch I.T.T., Institute of Horticultural Engineering at Wageningen University System created also a movie.
Based on this ergonomic study, I've always implemented the little details for obtaining optimum efficiency.
We have yet to come across any sensible article underlining the ergonomics.
No wonder we still have such a vast turnover of harvesting people...
Do most mushroom farms provide e.g. a little stool on wheels for sitting on, harvesting the very difficult lowest bed?
Hip/elbow equal to bed height? Is that being implemented in the construction of a mushroom farm? Considering the area and harvesting work force available in several countries. Not ALL peoples are equal height!
Picking from an armpit height is very hard and tiring...
Screenshot from demonstration towards the end and Dr. Murray O'Neil being one of my first trainees.
Yes, on one of those two days, we also did go into the actual mushroom farm for discussing the Harvest Timing.
There is lots of talk by several self proclaimed 'mushroom gurus' about so-called graze picking.
Sending a crew in several times in a row for picking the largest ones.
First of all, try to grow an as uniform as possible first break. Yes, it is called BREAK and not FLUSH as so many still do. Flushing is a quite different part in crop management of mushroom cultivation.
Most of these 'gurus' point out that a mushroom doubles in weight every 24 hours.
Doubles in size: YES but 'weight' that depends on a LOT OF GROWING FACTORS.
NONE of these gurus is mentioning the importance for keeping the optimum growing condition such, that the pinheads form figure 8 tiny buttons. ONLY a figure 8 shaped button will double in size and retains its quality, and maximum weight.
If growing conditions are not in the optimum, any mushroom, regardless its diameter will start stretching its stem and open prematurely!
Diameter therefore is NOT a good parameter for quality.
The diameter of the stem reveals a lot more about quality, and is thus a far better quality criteria to look at. Hand in hand with 1st quality goes the broad and short stem!
A thin, lengthening stem is an indication that mushrooms no longer are 1st quality.
Look at your mushroom picking waste: any long(er) stems attached to the roots? THAT too is product loss and needs to be prevented by better crop management and timely, and correct pruning and picking!
Does the waste bucket look rather dark from all the casing with mycelium being pulled up? That too is product and quality loss; as with a shallower casing layer you will not be able to harvest mushrooms with optimum weight and quality.
Also most growers are excellent at choking the life out of numerous pins and buttons that are formed already beneath a first break. The second break is right there! IF not watered timely, they will dry out and at the end of the first break harvesters also will have removed part of the second break. Abortion...?! Don't think that is a grower's goal. Nutrients have already been transferred and utilized from the compost into mushroom tissue, why then let it die off, by not opening up in time.
Or by not finishing the first break rooms in time, by harvesting and immediately watering, for the sake of the mushrooms on the bed and the pinheads and buttons forming below!
That so-called graze picking only will interfere and delay such crucial, timely watering.
How good are those gurus themselves at graze picking that lowest bed several times in a row?!
Just talk, when actually not personally having any experience about all factors involved as e.g. ergonomics. Building the most modern facility will NOT solve any of your quality product problems.
Listen to the video as I will address all of these very important aspects except for graze picking as it did not yet exist at that time - thank goodness.
Both, Pieter and I always used our Police type Streamlight Flashlight. I had it hanging from a loop on my belt to the side. It produces pure white light for analyzing pests and diseases etc.
Upon retirement, Pieter gave his to my oldest brother Martin...
I've lost mine somehow, somewhere!
We both treasure this letter from our dear friend Murray O'Neil:
Dear Mariet and Pieter:
I have just received a copy of the very lovely letter that you wrote to John. Thank you so much for this thoughtful post-meeting gesture.
Speaking for all of us I just can't express adequately how much we enjoyed and were helped by your visit. You are both beautiful, natural teachers - a skill possessed of far too few "teachers" generally.
Your comments - very supportive for our crew at Wellington have been a further stimulus and they are certainly filled with enthusiasm about the new methods which you have presented to us.
Pieter, as always you present yourself so well that I could listen to you a hundred times.
Mariet I think one of the high points of the meeting was when you expounded on your personal philosophy with what constitutes the proper way to go through life no matter what occupation one is engaged in.
We are looking forward to seeing you very soon at Vineland and I hope this finds you both in continued enthusiastic good health.
Best Regards,
Murray O'Neil
From the desk of Hank Taylor,
Mariet, Watched the V.C.R. of your presentation in Wellington; Excellent job. You really seemed to be enjoying yourself. Congratulations.
All the best
What a JOY it was to work for this fine group in Canada!
Hope someone has still some benefits from it and don't forget to become a member of this fine MUSHROOMS CANADA organization. They publish the greatest RECIPES as well!
Check out their FB Page, Pinterest and all...