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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts
Showing posts with label New York City. Show all posts

Saturday, September 10, 2022


Did any of you know about this story of civic heroism
9/11 of 2001...

This video got uploaded on September 7: BOATLIFT, An Untold Tale of 9/11 Resilience. I feel that I have to share, as the media never did bring this out. Tom Hanks narrates the epic story of the 9/11 boatlift that evacuated half a million people from the stricken piers and seawalls of Lower Manhattan. This evacuation in only 9 hours, was one of the largest and fastest in history- far fewer (300,000) were evacuated from Dunkirk, France during WWII over 9 days...
Produced and directed by Eddie Rosenstein. Eyepop Productions, Inc.

Quote: A hero is a man who does what he can. - Romain Rolland

Related links:
Tom Hanks Narrates 'BOATLIFT,' Honors Untold 9/11 Story Of Mariner Heroes (winningreview.wordpress.com)
The Unknown 9/11 Story (pochp.wordpress.com)
Forgotten Story of 9/11: World's Biggest Boatlift (newser.com)
Boatlift: More Rescued by Sea after 9-11 than at Dunkirk [video] (speedofcreativity.org)

Sunday, July 3, 2016

{Woodbury Common Premium Outlets New York}

From Manhattan we did go by Bus 2 Woodbury Common and that was a great thing to do since we had no car ourselves while staying in New York City.
While doing consulting work in Connecticut years ago, we always would drive to Woodbury Common by car.
Conveniently the bus dropped us off at one of the entrances of Woodbury Common Premium Outlets.
This bus only does pick up from Manhattan!
Woodbury Common is also very close to the Military Academy of West Point.
The scenery is breathtaking if you are able to drive there yourself, across from the Hudson River, via the Tappan Zee bridge, as we had to do coming from Connecticut.
Another lovely day on August 30, 2015!
This is Bear Mountain
We both love to carry a convenient back pack!
Got myself a black backpack here at the Kipling Outlet at 70% off.

Do you shop at Premium Outlets?

Thanks for your visit!

Friday, July 1, 2016

{Grand Hyatt New York City Coffee Break}

After having walked to the 1930 Chrysler Building, we both loved to have a cup of coffee/tea. So what better choice than next door Grand Hyatt New York 
Inside the lobby they have a Starbucks!
To the right is the tall 1930 Chrysler Building...
This is us in the elevator; another 'WeFie'...
Trying to get a better view of the Chrysler building but that didn't work, as the Grand Hyatt with its 26 floors is by far not high enough compared to the neighbor's 77!
The lobby of this Grand Hyatt is HUGE.
Great way for sitting down a couple of minutes before walking home to our Hyatt Place New York/Midtown-South for Pieter to take his nap. 

Thanks for your visit!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

{I am in the Public Eye - New York Public Library}

New York City has so many spectacular buildings; not enough time to see them all!
One of those architectural gems for sure is the New York Public Library
Remarkable photo taken from the reflection in a mirror at the entrance!
Complete with the hashtag #publiceyeNYPL
Another 'WeFie' from husband Pieter and me...
See that my watch is on my 'right' wrist?
Also on the outside, there were huge posters about this 'public eye' exhibit.
The poster reads:
Public Eye - 175 Years of Sharing Photography
Outside were French Bistro folding chairs and HUGE begonias in planters!
WOW, what a lovely architecture inside and outside!
Look at those impressive arched windows and those huge ceiling lights that are in the front gallery outside...
A list of Benefactors from 1848-1918
and again a list with engraved names of Benefactors...
What a precious gift to the people for FREE USE!
A very luxurious library in marble and with such decorated ceilings...
So much art work to admire!
Pieter has been a life long photographer so he enjoyed this 175 Years of Sharing Photography tremendously - so did I.
Both of us have also been avid readers for a life time, so we do appreciate such a library!
With books, there is no limit in learning - literally 'no ceiling'...
This was a very pleasant visit and we hope you enjoyed these photos.

Do you also love and appreciate historic libraries like this?

Thanks for your visit.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

{Grand Central Terminal New York City}

On our way to the 1930 Chrysler Building, we walked past the Grand Central Terminal (click hyperlink for more info) of New York City.
Photo got taken at 11:10 AM...
This Grand Beaux-Arts building was constructed in 1903-1913.
With Hercules, Mercurius and Minerva in the center top.
Here it is, nestled between the Grand Hyatt to its right with the Chrysler Building visible in the right top corner.
Its elevated road is very unique, separating cars from pedestrians.
A majestic building don't you think?
We did enter its underground corridor but did not make any photos.
Its architecture is as spectacular inside as outside.
Traveling with an 86-year old heart patient restricts you in doing a lot of things but I'm feeling blessed for having been here together!

Thanks for your visit.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

{1930 Chrysler Building New York City}

On August 29 of 2015 we both did walk from our Hyatt Place New York/Midtown-South to the 42nd Street in New York City, to view the 1930 Chrysler Building (click the hyperlink).
That's what we loved about this hotel, conveniently close to most areas!
Yep, for Walter P. Chrysler, the car manufacturer it was a status symbol to build the tallest building in the world!
It remained the tallest building until 1974 when the Sears Tower in Chicago won that title.
There it is!
Against a perfectly blue sky again; we both got so very lucky with the weather.
Can you imagine that his building is from 1930?!
Quite a challenge for that time to build such a tall structure.
Being in such a high rise city, it is a constant struggle for capturing these giants as often they are partly hidden from view!
But contrary to what many Europeans still think; these buildings are ONLY office buildings and not for living!
There always is another tall building in the way...
Here it is, adjacent to the Grand Hyatt of New York City.
Still towering tall above the hotel as the 1930 Chrysler Building has 318 meters (1045 ft) including its spire!
Or 77 floors...
The Grand Hyatt has only 26 floors and is 90 m or 295 ft tall.
It is very hard to get it into perspective...
The Gargoyles you see here, depict the Chrysler car ornaments on this Art Deco style skyscraper.
Indeed, a very interesting piece of architecture and it's only one year younger as my Pieter is!
Hope you enjoyed this little walk to one of New York City's skyscrapers.
Thank you for your visit!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

{FREE Ferry to Staten Island, New York}

One of the highlights of our sight seeing trip with OnBoard Tours to New York City was for sure the included Staten Island Ferry (click the pink hyperlinks for more info!). What we didn't know was that this Ferry is FREE for everyone! 
Here we are, just leaving from the Whitehall Ferry Terminal with a spectacular view of Lower Manhattan
To the left you can see the docking station of White Hall where we all got on board
Here you can see those three bridges across the Hudson River, as I zoomed in a bit.
Brooklyn Bridge is in the front with the Manhattan Bridge behind.
In the far distance you even get to see George Washington Bridge!
Sorry, this is all from my iPhone 6 Plus
Here we are looking at Staten Island Ferry's White Hall Terminal from where we departed.
We had such a perfect sunny day on August 28!
The view of Lower Manhattan looks spectacular, seen from the Ferry.
This is zoomed in as we passed Ellis Island with the Statue of Liberty...
When we were going back, I took this photo from the Ferry docking at the Terminal on the Staten Island side in St. George, NY.
There is seating inside the huge Ferry and here Pieter is seated on a bench on the upper deck outside.
Some 6,000 passengers can be transported and that 109 times daily!
That is me, standing on the upper deck for a spectacular view!
Going back to Lower Manhattan, New York City...
Riding this FREE Ferry I can only highly recommend!
Have you been across to Staten Island?

Thanks for your visit.

Related links:
Whitehall Ferry Terminal
  Top 5 Bridges in New York City

Friday, June 17, 2016

{Broadway Canyon of Heroes - Marker 98 for Dutch Queen in NYC}

On Broadway, across from Wall Street is Marker 98, for Dutch Queen Juliana who visited New York City on April 7, 1952.
When we were walking there with our tour guide, Pieter and I just spotted this by accident... I ran back for capturing it.

Close to Trinity Church, that I posted before, and across from Wall Street is Marker 98.
To the right you see written: 98 April 7, 1952 * Juliana, Queen of The Netherlands, and Prince Bernhard
During their busy day in the city, the royal couple stopped at St. Martin's Episcopal Church at 122nd Street and Lenox Avenue in Harlem, where they were greeted by a crowd estimated at 7,500.
Link: BROADWAY THE CANYON OF HEROES, just click it and you can see the entire map.
Thousands Cheer Dutch Monarch on Broadway (just click the hyperlink for scrolling down to page 17 of Chicago Tribune, April 8, 1952).
New York, April 7 - The city that grew from a small Dutch settlement gave its traditional ticker tape welcome today to a Dutch queen--Juliana of the Netherlands...

Indeed, New York City is full of Dutch history!

Thanks for your visit.


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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