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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Escada. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Escada. Show all posts

Friday, October 18, 2024


 Sure, I did read during the power outage caused by. Hurricane Helene. Using my Mighty Bright clip on LED Light, I finished two historical books in Dutch. One about Joan of Arc and the next about Love and Betrayel around Lucrecia Borgia.
It was fun as it brought me back to those Old World places I've been before.
#1 Best Seller
Ordered the book MELANIA and it arrived on Friday, October 11. A very elegant black cover with only her name on the center front and on its spine. Just as our First Lady Melania is—elegant and classy. On Sunday, I started reading in it.

On Monday, October 14, I finished it...
While living and working in Italy over 1989, I've worked with lots of Yugoslavian women. Those that fled the country before the war.
Living under a Communist regime was already tough enough.

So for that, I can understand MELANIA, as she dared to venture out on her own to Milan, Italy. Not easy for leaving your family and culture behind and to start in another language—but she DID.
Her Slovenian name: Melanija Knavs super model

From there she went to Paris and was quite successful as a supermodel.

Her next, brave move, was the flight to New York City for modeling in the United States.
For Melania, the former supermodel...

And the rest is history...
For me, having studied three years of Fashion and only been on the runway to model some self created outfits and finally showing my bridal gown, there is enough admiration for Melania.
On the runway in my bridal gown—my sewing creation. This was at the end of each year at Fashion School after I'd graduated already as they had no bride for that year. My youngest cousin was my brides maid.
Showing train of my bridal gown and damsel sleeves in April, 1973

It was touching how Melania described her arrival to the New World and also her courtship with Donald.
She is 24 years younger, so I could identify with that, as my Pieter was almost 22 years my senior.

It was so to the point how she wrote—about Donald, it was as if our souls had always known each other! 
Surely can identify with that...
Guess due to the age difference, the foundation of a blissful relationship is quite different and far more intensive. I've always lived to the fullest of every day and feeling grateful for that.

Her language use is incredible and knowing that she speaks several languages! 

She further described how she got warned that Muslim countries might not shake hands with women... She went to Saudi Arabia and I got warned before going to the world's biggest Muslim country of Indonesia—so I certainly could identify with that.
But Melania got welcomed in a very special way!
That is due to her poise and elegance.

Former Press Secretary Dana Perino said it best:
'She lights up the room, and I think she can light up the country.' —Dana Perino
Dana Perino was the 24th White House Press Secretary and is now an American political commentator and author.

Melania Wearing Her Escada Blazer at the White House, September 2017
Escada is also my favorite couture brand because of great fit and quality.

There is a lot of envy because of her exceptional beauty, her strong family ties (a cultural thing of her region!), her Faith, her intelligence, success as an individual and her natural grace and elegance.

The media never gave Melania the credit she deserves!

Well, I do—with my humble citizen journalism...
Lots of views...

Related links:
Our Historic Christmas in Italy - END of Romania's Communist Dictator | previous post by me also about Slovenia and Melania

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Pieter's FINAL Atlanta Holland Club Food Event in Atlanta

The Atlanta Holland Club had organized De Hollandse Hap or The Dutch Bite for December 9, 2023
Even though we were no longer formal members due to Pieter's age and my accident, we decided to go this time.
Did figure out that The Residence of The Kingdom of The Netherlands in Atlanta was only minutes away from the Grand Hyatt Buckhead Atlanta, so I booked us a room and off we went.
My foldable wheelchair in the trunk, with the luggage.
The Residence with its royal emblem is where the Consul General with his wife and family reside.
From the parking area below, we had to push the wheelchair up the hill to the residence.
There were more additional steps, as seen in first image.
The Consul General and his son and daughter graciously helped us with the wheelchair!
My Pieter to the left, wearing his Burberry sweater. Ellen Claessen from my home town Horst, Limburg in The Netherlands and me in my Escada roses sweater.
Pieter with a bitterbal and the Dutch Consul General.
There is a funny shade of Pieter's face, looking like a double face...
Bitterbal is a typical old Dutch snack being served with their bitters (alcohol), hence its name.
It is made with a creamy meat filling, beef, veal or chicken and  formed into round croquettes and then fried and served piping hot!
 Mustard on the side...
Hollandse Nieuwe or New Catch Holland Herring 
New Catch Holland Herring served with raw onions
The food is being put out and we eat off china plates with the Dutch royal emblem.
Red cabbage with apples and raisins is a typical Dutch dish.
There also was hash, sauerkraut and pea soup.
Ending with a home baked Limburg pie—kersen kruimeltjes vlaai or cherry crumbs pie.
Pieter at bottom left and me center bottom.
Indeed it was a most pleasant happening where Pieter knew so many for decades and being able to converse in Dutch!
Next to Pieter on the right top, in the greenish polo shirt is the Chairman of the Atlanta Holland Club, Cor Tadema and his wife Ineke is seen at the bottom left.
Both of them drove down to Dublin, Georgia all the way from Marietta to attend Pieter's memorial service and that meant a lot to me!
History now...
Our stay in room 2003 on December 9, 2023

Related link:

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Our Final Easter Together

 On March 31, I did sing in the Chancel Choir and we had a little Orchestra accompanying us.
So we had to practice all together at 10:00 AM and since we have only one car, Pieter came along.
After Mass, around 1:00 PM we took some pictures and as always the case—Pieter already had hung his Jacket and released himself of his tie...!
Pieter looks rather frail, his weight went down.
Pieter captured me next to our Easter bouquet from sweet friend
Feeling very happy!
Wearing my Escada leather skirt and shoes.
There are not many clothes I can wear, as at present I am only 96 pounds (43 kg) instead of my usual 116 (52 kg)...
Try to do my very best but it is not sticking!
During Mass at 11:30 AM I suddenly became very emotional and tears were welling up.
Did manage to not let them roll down my cheeks but twice I had to blow my nose...
Later I learned that exactly at that time my most favorite brother–in–law had passed away. He suffered from bone cancer.
My ESP was once again kicking in and I felt it.
On April 1, I wrote this letter to my Pieter...

Dublin, April 1, 2024

Dearest Pieter,

During Easter Mass, tears came to me when I saw you sitting there—how much longer? You get so out of breath from climbing stairs. It's frightening to think that you're slipping away like that. My Pieter, my rock and great help for the past year after accident.

Because of the enormous pain, I was certainly not the nicest conversation partner! My humor appeared to have dried up and the pain was unbearable. You felt powerless... But you kept me alive by feeding me what you prepared.

Suddenly the roles reversed! It hurts so much to see your elderly sweetheart struggling and I couldn't change it. Praying, a lot of praying, for strength and to be able to spend some more time together. Cycling together if I can still manage that... At least I want to take care of the laundry again. You're already doing too much outside! In bed you breathe very difficult—frightening.

Both of us are still too often exhausted. Reading makes me calmer, but the pressure of many things causes stress. Glad we have the trust almost complete! Before it is too late, I want to tell you that I still love you dearly and am proud of you. I have emphasized that pride often enough in my blog! A rare great love and it hurts to have ended up in the rag basket like that. Neither of us wanted this! Someday we will be together again without physical discomfort—our souls. It's going to be hard to ever having to live without you... 

I will fight for our cats, but I want to be with you again as soon as possible!

Your eternally loving L.L.

Pieter has read this letter several times and he said one thing to me in regard to this:

You have exceptionally keen senses. Nothing escapes you and in terms of hearing you never miss anything. 
You have a memory like an elephant and you are as sharp as a tack—mentally acute. 
In combination with your other characteristics, that is very special and that's why I loved you so dearly...

Indeed a Blissful Relationship!

Bring Flowers of the Fairest to Mary in the month of May | mention by Father Seán of Dublin, Ireland and Pieter worshipped Mary whole his life...

Monday, April 22, 2024

Severe Weather with Bridge Destruction

 Just like to show you some images from early spring, or almost spring.
Sunday March 17, back from singing in the chancel choir.
Wearing my silk clover leaf Escada shirt with jacket.
Pieter wearing his cotton Irish cloverleaf sweater that we found in Dublin, Ireland. I've one as well.
My 94–year old caretaker is frail as he lost quite some weight by doing it all!
On February 12, my Mom's heavenly Birthday, we had severe weather and Pieter had to run both wet vacs to suck the water off the tiles in our Rose Suite.
The builder left tree trunks under the foundation and in 30+ year the wood has deteriorated and water manages to seep in...
Those wet vacs we have for sucking up the water are rather heavy when full. Pieter had to carry those full buckets out the door for letting it run downhill—away from the home.
It was so exhausting for my frail Pieter and I of course was not in the position to help him...
On March 9, we again had severe weather and while I was lay reader at Church, Pieter had to stay home for running the two wet vacs again.
We also found our bridge totally whacked out.
So much hard work by Pieter, destroyed by nature—the force of water is incredible!
The pussy willow got crushed by it, so we lost that too. 
Another view and the pussy willow is seen knocked down
So sad seeing all the hours of hard work being destroyed...
On March 22, Pieter hung this new copper hummingbird feeder next to our kitchen bay window where we enjoy watching them drink.
Caring for all of our garden critters, furry ones and feathered ones...

Related link:
Our Bridges a Constant Battle with Mother Nature | previous post by me

Monday, April 15, 2024

Silver Clock and Oak Wall Clock repaired by Pieter

 From Mom & Dad's Estate in The Netherlands, also came home a silver clock that we once gifted Mom.
It was also a double photo frame...
Here it is — three parts
Sorry for the glare... Placed it on our Corian window sill in the kitchen near the Stephanotis Floribunda.
This did come home with me on June 17, 2022 when I took my final trip home from Limburg...
More items that were inside my suitcase: Mom & Dad's Trio of Crucifix with Corpus and Plaques with Red Copper Relief Statues ←click link
A very elegant set—except the clock had stopped working...
A better view—without glare...
Photo is from Pieter and me on September 5, 2002 
Pieter wearing his Burberry tuxedo and I my silk Escada rose gown and shoes with Majorica pearls.
Pieter always has been an excellent photographer!
In our office, our oak Meubelfabriek Oisterwijk clock also had stopped working...
But my Pieter did repair both of them!
Wrote him a thank–you letter on October 14 of 2022
English translation follows below...
Dublin, October 14, 2022

Dearest Pieter,

My rock–my intellectual–hardworking, down–to earth 'better half'!
We first saw each other 53 years ago. An inexplicable sympathy that grew into a pure—real love.
More than that: a fusion of two souls.
With the same feelings and drive – never lazy or too tired to do anything.
Committing yourself to many and only thinking of yourself at the end... And that even reluctantly!
A deep faith and with the help of God's blessing, has yielded us so many years.
Also, undoubtedly many souls of loved ones who have accompanied us on our path together.
You asked so little for yourself. Often even pro bono for so many.
We are convinced that God will one day settle it! Our behavior and that of those who scarred your heart. We can only pray and ask: Father, forgive them—they don't know what they are doing—just as Jesus said in all his sufferings.
You are still good to all the birds and animals on our estate. You feed and protect them.
Even more intimate with our cats—they don't hang onto you so much for nothing. Animals feel how you really are and love you unconditionally. How proud I am of you—as I walk through the garden, where your hard work is visible everywhere. And no less in the house—what you've done yourself!!!
There is no second Pieter.
Even the little oak clock that you recently managed to repair. And the silver clock! No, such an intelligent person, who still reads so much, is immortal—if it weren't for the body's inaction.
Thank goodness we captured your intellect in our book in 2020—for others especially. I was also able to highlight some things about our life together. You like to read it on your iPadPro and enjoy it. Makes me feel good and especially because I know there was never time for it before. Always doing a mega job or often driving someone else around and proudly showing our new homeland.
All those memories will remain—that is my anchor when you leave me behind to receive the final reward for your soul. I know you'll still be with me until I get to follow too.

Thank you for so much real love and see you later!

L.L. is Lieve Lieverd or Dear Sweetheart

Related links:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | Pieter's intellect captured in book...
Niagara Falls with Sister Diny | one of the road trips made with family and friends
under labels below my blog, scroll to Mega Task and see the many projects Pieter accomplished

Thursday, March 14, 2024

My Estonian Socks with ROSES

 Already for two years I had this pair of hand knitted Estonian woolen socks with ROSES
But they did not fit in ANY of my shoes...
Got me some bone colored Crocs in a size 9 and that works perfect!
Knew Mieke, from the blog Gebreide Sjaals in The Netherlands.
Did have her knit a beautiful lace knitted scarf in black, for our adopted daughter Liz in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Never got any photo of it however...
Dikke wollen kniekousen winter 21/2022 ←click link and at the very top you also find knitted scarfs.
All hand knitted in Estonia and they truly are gorgeous!
Pieter took this detail from my leg...
One can only admire such incredible work!
Wearing my Escada skirt (pleated in the back) with my roses socks and cashmere sweater.
Bare legs as I was having my medical pedicure at Georgia Podology Services in Lithonia, GA near Atlanta.
Next day, wearing my Wolford pantyhose under my knee socks with roses. 
This was at the Hyatt House Atlanta/Cobb Galleria.
Inside our room...

Do you like ROSES and warm woolen socks?

Monday, November 13, 2023

Milestone Reached

November 10, 1983...

Well, October 2023 was my worst month with October 10, being only 40 kg or 88 US pounds...
Determined to GAIN weight + strength—I've managed to add 10% to that!
40 kg... 
On November 9, best friend Ellie and family from The Netherlands sent us these lovely flowers...
On Friday November 10, we gathered with friends (23 in total, including us) around the table at Ristorante da Maria ←click link.
This was our THANK YOU for all the help, driving me, food brought, laundry done, cleaning, praying or whatever.
AND it was also the day that we had our 40th Wedding Anniversary... See first photo!
We did not tell that to our friends, but I announced it after the prayer was said by a dear friend.
So grateful!
The waiter made this photo but we FORGOT to have one of Pieter and me together...
Pieter is on the left in the back and me at the head of the table.
Lady Chef Maria prepared us a delicious 5–course dinner and each guest had selected their Entrée of choice.
Me in my wool Escada suit visiting with friends... FIRST time I wore block heels and also earrings and rings... 
Rings would still fall off one month ago!
Pieter took this...
That's my little purse on the table, had no space on chair as I still use a pillow for my back. 
Me visiting with friends in–between courses...
Pieter made those photos, including from his salmon with shrimps... We both opted for fish.
All enjoyed their dinner and we felt very blessed for being alive and having reached this milestone!
Prayers do get answered!!!

Related link:
Our Contract for Life | previous post by me with photos that I got from Mom & Dad's estate — new to us!


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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