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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Wool Fedora Hat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wool Fedora Hat. Show all posts

Monday, May 9, 2022

Lies the Lithuanian Mare that Evacuated husband Pieter, Brothers and Parents

 In my previous post, see link below, 
I mentioned the evacuation in October of 1944 till April 1945.
It was their mare Lies, pulling the horse wagon.
Here my older brother Toon is seated on Lies in probably 1941, at home with Keesje our German Spitz.
Again, Toon seated on Lies, no saddle – there were not such luxuries.
A Lithuanian horse is not that tall.
Lithuanian Horse, a cold-blooded is an ancient indigenous breed from the northwestern European cold-blood.
Height: 1.63–1.68 meters or 64–66 inches.
This is the 4–wheeled wagon, built by Pieter's Dad, which they used for their evacuation.
Dad had bought from a demolished hotel in Arnhem, for little money an enormous oak beam. 
That beam got sawn into appropriate parts, by his friend Ross, in Babberich, who had a sawmill.
At a wrecker he bought axles, springs and wheels and during winter he build a nice 4-wheel wagon for Lies.
This photo is from the early 1940s taken at home with husband Pieter seated to the right with Keesje the German Spitz.
Pieter's brother Toon, is seated to the left with a row of cousins, daughters from aunt in center top and aunt living across the street.
Pieter's and Toon's Dad is seated at the top, wearing his wool Fedora Hat and next to him is the youngest sister of Pieter's Mom who is seated to the right.
When they had Lies not that long, she got terribly wounded while pulling the wagon, the one seen in above photo.
An axle clip had come out for whatever reason and therefore the lamoen tree fell on her heels...
She hurt herself badly and ended up in a ditch. Pieter's Dad was on the wagon, and he got her home.
The vet had to come by bike and he had no hope for Lies.
But Dad did not want to give her up 'yet'.
So with the help of two neighbors he got her hind legs into a cooled down bath with natural soda granules, dissolved in boiling water.
Lies, after a few times of being helped, already stuck out her hind legs to go into her soda bath–and she got healed!
Just an impression of how such an evacuation looked like... (photo not ours).
Pieter's Dad had fastened an oak armoire on top of the wagon, for transporting some clothes and also for having the white bed sheet on top, as a cover for not getting attacked from the air.
Pieter's Mom sat on the wagon, with Keesje the dog and his Dad and the three boys all walked.
Lies, the horse pulled for two days in a row, the total distance of 40 km or 25 miles.
The first night they slept all in the Market Hall in Doetinchem and the horses got taken home by local farmers for being fed and they were returned next morning.
It was when they almost reached their destination, that Keesje the white German Spitz was gone...
In that half year, Pieter and his Dad once went back home to Groessen with the horse wagon and Lies, to pick up potatoes and carrots that had been ensiled. That ride went faster without any load and they'd left early morning for making it back in one day as well.
Actually the carrots were the neighbors, the Meijer brothers', but they no longer had a horse, as it got killed by heavy shelling before they evacuated. The neighborhood people ate it.
The ride back with the load of potatoes and carrots on the wagon, was of course heavy for Lies and they let her have a break in Kilder, at one of Mom's relatives, before going on.
Then, while passing through Terborg, they spotted Keesje!
The butcher in Terborg claimed it was his white Spitz, so Pieter's Dad enlisted a patrolman who wisely took Keesje, and ordered both parties to call the doggy.
Keesje ran towards Pieter and his Dad, so like the judgment of Solomon, it got solved. 
On the way home after liberation in April, they stayed for one night at a farmer, somewhere half way.

Several months after the war, Pieter got to ride back with his Dad, to the Varsseveld region, where they'd been evacuated to, together with the mayor and leaders from the municipality of Duiven.
Realizing that there was absolutely no public transportation re–established yet!
Seated on some benches made inside a former military Dodge truck from Jan Busink, who had a transport business.
By checking on line, for the correct spelling of Busink, we found his granddaughter Diane Busink; a Dutch writer; what a small world!
Pieter's neighbor Dr. Jan Wolters, made Pieter read a speech at the town square, to thank all the town leaders of Varsseveld, Silvolde, Terborg and hamlet Wisch; a very nice gesture by those town leaders.
Neighbor Dr. Jan Wolters had made then 16–year old Pieter practice at home in the barn, and emphasized to be 'broad out'!
Little did Pieter know at that time, that in the future he would give many lectures and speeches at International Congresses, in several languages...

The farmers where Pieter's Parents and his brothers stayed, two brothers, remained forever close like family. Pieter's family was so grateful and it was only natural that they always got included for any wedding anniversary and such.
Pieter with Toon stayed with Gerrit and Mina Nijhof, with only daughter Rieki at farmstead d'n Banninkhof and his Mom & Dad and eldest brother stayed with Jan Nijhof.

Even I have met them at the funeral of Pieter's Mom on November 24, 1989.
Just learned that Rieki Eggink–Nijhof passed away on August 19, 2021...
Maybe her children would appreciate this info.
We still have one photo where they probably could identify her.

Related link:
NEVER AGAIN | Video of a sad repeat of all the above...

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Help needed in identifying these Dutch Grenswachters from Groesbeek, Gelderland

 Yes, on purpose I wrote here the Dutch word 'Grenswachters' instead of Border Guards.
They were stationed at Altena–Groesbeek in Gelderland, The Netherlands during WWI.
My Father–in–law is standing all the way to the right, wearing his wool fedora hat.
There are others in uniform and without, and I guess this is a group of 'Grenswachters' from Altena–Groesbeek.
Anyone knowing something more about this photo, please let me know and if you want a real size photo, leave your email in a separate comment; which I will not publish for protection of your privacy.
There also is a dog to the left in this photo, guess it served also during WWI.

WISH we would find the other people's names and their relatives.
Thanks for your support! 

Related links:

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Pieter a Former Motorcycle Guy ALWAYS Remained one at Heart!

 When we were on vacation in Florida we did stop at the Colonnade Outlets at Sawgrass and visited Saks Fifth Avenue OFF 5th...
Pieter LOVED this soft as butter motorcycle jacket!
Sharp looking at almost 93...
And this $ 1,400 jacket was on sale for $ 199... a steal and size Medium fit perfect!
Nice look together with shorts; don't you think?
Both of us were SHOCKED by seeing the stores so poorly stocked...
No, we did not bring this jacket home.
Pieter's former Dutch A = Motorcycle + C = Car Driver's License + E = Trailer
In Italy he had the very same for Motorcycle and Car except for a trailer = E
Norton WWII motorcycle like husband Pieter rode 1947... together with brother Toon who went as a Marine to Indonesia in 1948.
This is NOT Pieter's Norton but it is very hard to find an image.
It was a very rickety motorcycle from WWII and Pieter had it only for a brief period...
Pieter also served in the Dutch Military from 1950-1952
Motor Scooter "Rumi Scoiattolo", 1953 - one that my husband Pieter rode till mid 50s and he also went to the University in Wageningen on it.
Again, not a photo from his Rumi...
This one was manufactured by Rumi in Bologna, Italy. A 125 cc two-stroke motor with two cylinders, 5 Hp and 4 gears.
That was the time when Pieter was a Dutch Government extension service officer, to help develop the horticultural industry, in the southern part of the Netherlands.
From then on Pieter rode a new Fiat 600, as his boss managed to secure mileage compensation for a motorcycle with sidecar and that helped pay for the mini car!
Pieter did not drive this: {2013 Fiat 500 versus Fiat 500 Topolino}... previous post.

Have any of you driven a motorcycle?

Related links:
{Outlet Scores} | previous post by me

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Pieter's Favorite Lambskin Leather Jacket Made New Again...

Feeling quite proud for having tackled this task!
Pieter's favorite soft and supple lambskin jacket that he got from Pond's India from their upscale Leather Garments Factory.
Pieter patting a Wallaby in Healesville Sanctuary, Australia on September 27, 1992
Probably the photo with the most NEW lambskin jacket... as he got it in February of 1992.
This is taken at The Spa at Norwich Inn on April 20, 1997 when we did consulting work and stayed at one of their Villas.
This is taken on February 9, 2002 when we were on the bus to Beatle Mania!
Over the years, the upper part in the back got faded and also on one shoulder...
With black leather dye I did touch it up... from LeatherNu click it
For quite some days I had to wait for finally being able to make a photo with good light!
This got taken on January 5.
The back side... this photo is not lightened or whatever.
Perfect for wearing end of January together with Pieter's wool Fedora hat...
Yes, we both have one, mine got ordered here in the USA.
Wearing it with my black Escada jeans and scarf with my rib cord newsboy cap...

Related posts:
Visiting Healesville Sanctuary in VIC, Australia | previous post by me
Darling Harbour Cruise in Sydney for Surprise Birthday Party | previous post by me

Friday, January 10, 2020

Skyline Drive & Shenandoah River in Virginia

So after staying 'home' for the day of the tornado on October 31, we woke up on November 1, to SUNSHINE!
It was good foresight from me to book us 4 nights here at the Hyatt Place in Charlottesville, VA...
So off we went to our Skyline Drive in Virginia.
Shenandoah National Park and Skyline Drive and the other way driving south, you enter the Blue Ridge Parkway what we did for two days.
This was in Waynesboro, Virginia around 10:00 in the morning and look at the blue sky!
After a visit at the Visitor Center to pick up some brochures and maps, I had to capture our U.S.A. flag waving against the blue sky here at Lyndhurst, Virginia.
Oh, the gentleman at the Visitor Center told us that the ENTIRE BLUE RIDGE PARKWAY was CLOSED! This due to lots of fallen trees because of the tornado...
How lucky we both have been for having had two sunny days when we rode it on October 28 and 29!
At the entrance I showed our National Park Pass and that was all fine but the lady told us that we had to turn back around the building as there was a fallen tree on the narrow road and it could not be removed in time.
About one hour later, we entered, after using a regular road, at Swift Run Gap Entrance Station and turned north on the Skyline Drive to start our new adventure...
That way we missed about  of the entire Skyline Drive but it was not as bad as tourists that had come down from New Hampshire to enter the Blue Ridge Parkway and had to go back! Sad for those people who came in vain.
Shenandoah National Park, Elkton, Virginia
Oh, the golden colors of Autumn agains the blue sky!
Shenandoah National Park, Stanardsville, Virginia
Yep, at Stanardsville, Virginia the time and temperature 36ºF or 2.2ºC tells you that at that height it was cold! 
It even had been as low as 32ºF or 0ºC before...
Shenandoah National Park, Elkton, Virginia, so we are circling back and forth into certain sections.
Mighty views over quite a distance!
Shenandoah National Park, Stanley, Virginia giving you a better impression by this overview. 
Don't listen to my Limburgs... I just say: 'yesterday tornado and today beautiful clear weather. First section was closed but here we are!'
In 1968 the eastern hemlock tree was present in the Appalachian and they were over 300 years old. 
Sadly Ninety-five percent of Shenandoah's hemlocks are gone, killed by an invasive pest called the hemlock woolly adelgid. 
This was at Sperryville, Virginia.
Shenandoah National Park, Sperryville, Virginia
The gray, broken tree trunks of Hemlock Springs remind us of the hundreds of thousands already lost and the ecosystems forever changed.
Shenandoah National Park, Sperryville, Virginia
Shenandoah National Park, Bentonville, Virginia
Shenandoah National Park, Bentonville, Virginia with our Nissan Murano against the rocks to the left.
Shenandoah National Park, Washington, Virginia with some more dead Eastern Hemlock Trees...
Shenandoah National Park, Washington, Virginia - Yep, this was very close to Washington, D.C. the nation's capitol.
Shenandoah National Park, Front Royal, Virginia with Pieter standing against a gorgeous background where you even see Shenandoah River to the left and Shenandoah Valley...
Shenandoah National Park, Front Royal, Virginia
For seeing all The Overlooks of Skyline Drive click here
When exiting the Skyline Drive we were in awe of the sight of the Virginian Stack Train (yep, TWO layers of containers!!!) passing by!
What a sight at Riverton junction, VA just click through... Got more of this majestic Virginian on my Pinterest under FAVORITE PLACES I've Visited...
Shenandoah, Virginia and the Shenandoah River
Being more precise, South Fork Shenandoah River...
With my brother Jan at our home:
Did sent from Shenandoah River in Shenandoah, this short video via WhatsApp to my youngest brother Jan Van den Munckhof... This is us on July 27, 1999 singing along with John Denver - Take me Home, Country Roads click on link
Sweet memories of their 1st visit to the USA and Jan with wife Wilma intended to drive to Shenandoah, Virginia but got discouraged by the way too vast distance and never went all the way.
So I wrote to Jan: In my thoughts I took you along... and then sent him the location.
South Fork Shenandoah River as seen from the bridge in Shenandoah, Virginia
The other side of South Fork Shenandoah River in Shenandoah, Virginia
From there I drove back to our Whole Foods Market near the hotel, also to Trader Joe's and Costco to do some shopping and to gas up for next day when we would be heading to our next destination.
Both of us felt very happy and blessed with such great weather for all our outings.
Despite not being able to do any hiking, this was a great adventure!
The total km 353.1 km or 219.4 miles and the 9h 7m is total time, including our breaks for food and shopping etc.
Skyline Drive - Shenandoah National Park click it

Stay tuned for next part!

Thanks for your visit and comment.

Related links:
Monticello Gardens of President Thomas Jefferson and Mulberry Row | previous post by me
Mabry Mill Restaurant and Blue Ridge Parkway | previous post by me
SO Proud of my NONAGENARIAN | previous post by me


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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