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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label My Hats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label My Hats. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Limburg 4Days Marches — Fun Fair and Dinner with Friends

You might recall me pointing out that Limburg in the South is a Burgundian province...
And yes, it very much IS!
They know how to celebrate.
So join me for a FUN day in Limburg...
Ellie prepared us a yummy Mushroom Soup for early lunch, so we would have something in our stomach...
By the way, it was through Ellie that I FIRST got introduced to mushrooms as her Dad had three small mushroom houses and I helped them with harvesting, if needed.
At least Ellie is mentioned by me in the preface of our book: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting
Highlighted: I changed, mainly due to my best friend's influence. Her Dad had a small mushroom farm and sometimes I helped them out.
After our soup, we drove to Venray where the 4Days Marches would end.
Elvira and Bob's two boys had walked the 10 km and 5 km; each according to their age.
Well, we 70+ girls found us a chair on a terras in front of a Turkish restaurant where we ordered a hot tea.
Yes, wearing hats today with my Escada outfit...
Both of us with hats...
Ellie and I were in a happy mood with all the music from the marching bands.
Bob, as well as Elvira, had volunteered to walk along with the little ones for these successive 4Days Marches.
The weather was perfect!
The eldest one, kind of collapsing after completing his 10 km!
His younger brother also called it QUITS for his 5 km and both are now more interested in the sweet treat from Grandma Ellie...
Wearing proudly their medal for completion!
Just like to share some culture from our Province: THE HISTORY OF FUNFAIR: 5 THINGS YOU MIGHT NOT KNOW←click link
The fair was born in the Catholic Church? An annual fair was organized during a consecration. There was then talk about 'the Church Mass'. 
The first Dutch fair was in 1023...
Fairs have been created to commemorate the foundation of a Church. The first mass, usually provided by the bishop, was then commemorated, this is where the word fair comes from. 
Well, the town where Elvira and Bob live, there was the ANNUAL FUN FAIR...
At the same time it also was going on in the town where son Tristan and Sonja live...
Off we went, walking to the action—which was not far away!
The eldest son wanted to try this attraction.
ALL kids were so happy as for two years due to COVID, there was NO FUN FAIR...
Of course a Cotton Candy had to be tried... turned out to be way too large!
We smashed it into two plastic cups that got taped together by a friendly waiter, for taking home.
We met with other friends around 18:00 at Horst World Kitchen
We actually did not take any photos, and I forgot also my first plate.
This was my second, when I went back for some more sushi to be eaten with chopsticks, as this was healthy for me; no salt added.
Two days later we went to the Fun Fair in Ellie's present home town of Sevenum, where their son also resides.
Absolutely gorgeous weather!
The square near the Saint Fabian and Sebastian's Church is always used for setting up the fun fair.
Also tall linden trees provided shade.
Linden blossoms
Linden blossoms got used during WWII as a substitute for tobacco...
Many lessons to be taught to the children...
Cousins getting along very well!
Soft nougat block that I always loved, and so did Mom, brought her always one back from a Fun Fair I'd been to.
OLS monument met De Zes van Zaerum
OLS = Oud Limburgs Schuttersfeest
OLS monument with The Six of Sevenum
OLS stands for Old Limburgs' Archers' Guild (all from medieval times!)
Weej zeen os in Zaerum
Ter herinnering aan het OLS 2019
We see us in Sevenum
In memory of the OLS 2019
OLS 2019 Sevenum←click link
To get an idea about these medieval festivities from Limburg in Belgium and The Netherlands, click this link for video: OLS 2019 Defilé van Oud Limburgs Schutters Feest 2019***
Oh, Elvira had to get into this Fun Fair attraction with her eldest...
It is so high into the air!

Hope you learned a little bit about the rich culture of Limburg and why things are being celebrated still today.

Stay tuned for more...

Related links:

Monday, June 6, 2022

Princess Diana's Funeral and Our Hyatt Regency Pier 66 Adventure

 At times it does not work out the way you planned it to be...
But in a good mood we set the nose of our car Southbound on September 3, 1997.
At home, ready for our short trip with end destination Fort Lauderdale, Florida...
Wearing a hat with my Hermès silk shawl around it.
Escada jeans and top...
Our wood garden visible behind me.
We woould be driving in our Mazda Millenia S, from December 19, 1994.
We did our Outlet shopping and in Ellenton at the Escada Outlet I was surprised to find still so many strawberry items; 75% off now.
One night at a Best Western in that area and next day we drove to Sawgrass Mills Outlets via I-75.
At Last Call by Neiman Marcus I found the Chanel pumps from $ 535.00 for $ 149.00 that were too small for me when we saw them in May; now in my size! 
Pieter bought a Nokia cell phone...
Then to the Budget Inn for the night.
On Friday morning, September 5, we had to leave, too bad as at 13:00 there would be a program on TV about Princess Diana...
Around 14:00 we checked in at Hyatt Regency Pier 66 in Fort Lauderdale, just before the weather became really bad due to hurricane Erika being on its way from Puerto Rico. 
Pieter had to go back to the car and got wet...
Closing the double insulated curtains, I tried on my Outlet scores...
My Chanel thongs, a previous score from Last Call by Neiman Marcus.
Loved these Escada strawberry pieces when I saw them in the big catalog.
So what else to do ,when it is raging outside, but making photos...
My watch from Singapore airport taxfree
We did visit Matthew & Sandra Keysers (my sister–in–law's Uncle & Aunt) and back to our Hyatt Regency Pier 66 where we enjoyed a great dinner with a bottle of wine.
Our luxury two free nights!
Saturday, September 6, we did watch the funeral of Princess Diana at 4:40 while the storm raged outside.
Now we also got to know WHY we had double curtains in our room; for blocking out the noise of the raging wind and rain. 
We had a perfect room with balcony also around the corner but no way we could step outside...
You can view a short video of the dramatic clouds upon our arrival: Princess Diana's Funeral Day and our stay at the Hyatt Regency Pier 66, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. ←click link.
We could not swim so we went to Bal Harbour and it still was stormy with heavy rain.
We drove in our own Mazda Millenia to Bal Harbour, not in this Hyatt Regency limo...!
Pieter got a pair of nice Charles Jourdan shoes and we enjoyed an ice cream.
Already had my Escada strawberry shorts and sweater, with matching purse.
Also found my most favorite ever La Perla bathing suite at the Aventura Mall and they would mail the matching pareo skirt.
Seen in above photo, ONLY photo I have of it (click link below to know WHY...). Pareo skirt is next to my feet.
We went to bed in time and next day we drove home in one stretch the 565 mile or 909 kilometer.
Those were the days when we both were driving and traffic was not that bad!

Related link:
{What Type of Feet do YOU have?} | previous post by me where I show the La Perla bathing suit...

Thursday, July 1, 2021

For Consulting in Jalisco we stayed at Hotel Camino Real Guadalajara - Mexico

Pool with view of HUGE Ficus elastica tree...
You can see the tables and chairs where we later enjoyed a very light meal.
This hotel is only 2 stories high, as they call it; a horizontal complex.
There are no less than four pools on this very green and stretched out property of 7 acres with attractive gardens and tennis courts.
Our gracious hosts for Sunday, Ricardo the mushroom farm manager and his wife Olivia took us first to a 10:00 o'clock performance of the historical ballet of Guadalajara.
Lots of color and temperament!
Around noon, we were back again, outside in the sunshine and strolled a little over a market with everything rustic.
Next we enjoyed an authentic Mexican lunch; complete with Mariachis!
We returned back to our hotel by 17:00 and loved just to relax a little while on a chaise lounge.
We opted for a very light meal on the patio after our boss had flown in by 21:00 and all three of us enjoyed eating together.
The end of a perfect Sunday that started relaxed at 8:00 and let us wear our shorts... together with my Escada strawberry pieces.
Fond memories of mushroom friends and a great hotel where we stayed several times.

By the way Camino Real means: Royal Road

Related links:

Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Mexico's Mariachi music, string, song and trumpet and I got serenaded...

 We both have been so fortunate for having met the pure Mexican culture in many ways.
Here I'm standing next to a group of Mariachis that came to play and sing at a stylish Mass, celebrating the 49th anniversary of El Encinal, Monteblanco's oldest mushroom farm.
Mariachis are without hats; out of respect!
To the left is the manager from El Encinal and Don Victor who started Monteblanco 49 years ago is seated next to me and on the right of me is his son.
The kind Mariachi lends Pieter his violin...
The priest is getting ready for saying Mass
It was a very special Mass and afterward lunch for all employees.
During Mass, which got celebrated with lots of fresh flowers!
Mariachis still playing while employees are seated at table now.
Second from left is me standing near the door...
No paper napkins and such, but instead an Eco friendly table setting!
That was a meaningful event and most of the employees are grateful for their job!
UNESCO has added Mexico's Mariachi music to its list of 'intangible cultural heritage of humanity'.
Glad they did!
On our fourth trip for consulting in Mexico, we got another very special royal treatment...
On Saturday, December 2 of 1995, we got picked up at the Camino Real Hotel in Mexico City, by Agustín and Carmen. They took us to the Historic District of Mexico City (UNESCO World Heritage Site) where we had lunch on a terrace with a margarita, under a parasol in the sun. It is such a beautiful city with many parks, trees and green planting; paradise. 
After lunch we did walk around for some shopping together, for us CD's from the three tenors and organ music from Bach which we could not find at Schiphol/Amsterdam airport.
After a rest period back in our hotel, Agustín and Carmen picked us up again at 21:00 to go to Plaza Girabaldi where, according to the old Spanish tradition, the Mariachis still serenade. The idea is that you will listen in the square and pick out a group for taking to your home for serenading your wife/girlfriend/lover... 
What a display! 
It's like being in a live operette with such beautiful costumes!!!
Beautiful trousers with those gold decorations along the side of their legs. The length is also perfect; nice and long down to their booties. Very slim cut and higher waist, as in the movies used to be. Also with hats on, and they use violins, bass guitars, trumpet and a unique instrument the Vihuela (a 15th-century fretted plucked Spanish string instrument).
Agustín bought a group, for three songs; dedicated to Carmen and me.
That was very special!
Of course, the audience could also enjoy it. 

WISH we'd had our iPhones back then...!

Related link:

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Hats and Leather Coats get a Rest


Bye Winter and no more leather coats and hats...
How much I love to wear this buttery soft Escada coat from the Outlet!
Also the wool flannel pants from Escada
Do you own a leather coat?
Husband Pieter loves my tweed newsboy cap!
That's why he captured me and in return I captured him in his tweed jacket with leather elbow patches.

Do you wear any hats or caps?


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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