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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Filet Lace Embroidered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Filet Lace Embroidered. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

{Humble Beginnings - Our 1987 PC}

For sure all of us are living with a personal PC, Laptop, Notebook, Tablet, Smartphone or whatever...
When did we all start using this? For us the very first PC we had in 1987 at our office in the previous home in Dublin, Georgia. Humble beginnings...
This was before Internet was even available!
Can we imagine life without?
What a difference from now...!
In our previous home there was carpet all over when it was newly build.
That we can do without, now we only have tiles and solid oak plank floors.
Under the crocheted doily with roses is my humble word processor...
What a change we all have lived through!
Loved those wicker baskets in which my imported papier mâché from Kashmir, India got shipped.
Very nice way of wrapping things for export!
Here the solid oak indoor shutters have not even been stained yet...
Now we got them all painted white in our present home.
Those filet lace embroidered window decorations are hand made by me.
Do you have some PC dinosaur photos as well?

Related link:
{Our Smaller Office} | previous post showing our present office.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

{More of my Handmade Filet Lace Embroidered Angels}

Just like in my earlier post about my Handmade Filet Lace Embroidered Angels for our bathroom, I like to show you more in detail the ones from our guest bathroom. They are made by hand, using the French DMC thread for filling up the machine made net for creating this Filet Lace Embroidery.
This is the outside of our guest bathroom window.
It is the best way for showing these Handmade Filet Lace Embroidered Angels.
For privacy we actually don't need any window treatment as it is quite high and nobody can look through those windows!
But it certainly does add a personal touch of my love for angels and roses...
The first photo I took on June 12, and this one is from August 21, 2012 when the huge fig tree still stood behind the vinyl fence.
We never could reach those figs; only the birds could! So it got the death penalty and is no longer growing there.
This photo is from March 25, of this year and now our bathroom window, to the left, is also visible with its Filet Lace Embroidered Angels (you can see that previous post below).
Did you notice that our home also badly needed to be pressure washed and painted?
Well, the first photo showed you that we DID take care of that, as well as the one below.
Two painters worked for 3 weeks on the pressure wash + painting and on Monday, June 3rd the job got completed.
That's your sneak preview... Quite a  difference or not?!
The guest bathroom angels are a bit larger than the ones in our bathroom but I opted for two different patterns.
This is the pattern I used and I just mirrored it.
Again a pattern that was in the book: Hemels Handwerkboek by Marie Van den Berk-Mertens
The above link will bring you to Amazon.com
Hemels Handwerkbook is Dutch for Heavenly Handworkbook
Even if this book is in Dutch, the patterns and the photos speak for itself and it has many patterns listed.
Hope you enjoyed our guest bathroom angels and the sneak preview of the exterior painting job.
You will get to see more to come but first more renovations inside.
Stay tuned...

Related links:

{Our Guest Bathroom} | previous post by me
{My Hand Made Filet Lace Embroidered Angels} | previous post by me
{Crochet Edging on Antique French Knotted Filet Lace} | previous post by me
{Our New Shower with Dreamline Frameless Sliding Shower Door} | previous post by me

Monday, June 10, 2013

{Our Guest Bathroom}

One more project to show you about; and after all, you had not seen Our Guest Bathroom before... Here she comes:
This is the same vanity from Italy as we have in our Master Bathroom. You can find the link below.
We did bring this home with us from Italy in a container, after not building our home there but returning to the U.S.A.
In the mirror you can see the bi-fold closet doors. As said before, this house has numerous build in closets and we love it!
That is the door to the hallway. Behind the high gloss white vanity cabinet from Italy, you see a Swedish IKEA GODMORGON high gloss white cabinet, as it did match perfectly. I keep my Lampe Berger Collection inside for my Zen Cart powered on line Boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics.
On the other wall is also an IKEA GODMORGON high gloss white.
We do have three of these brass with porcelain door knobs.
Two in the master bathroom on each side of the door. Great for hanging your robe and such.
These came from Restoration Hardware in the 1990s and they no longer carry them.
From Home Depot came these Snow White tiles, which Pieter used to create a tile baseboard instead of the wooden one. After we had our master bathroom done; Pieter worked on the guest bathroom and did it himself.
Nice shiny and easy to clean.
At Complete Tile Collection NYC New York they do have a 5-½" high Normandy Baseboard by Vermeere Ceramic Tile Molding. That might have worked too. Their Skirting Baseboard is almost 1" too short for replacing our wooden baseboards. We were restricted to size. 
The wall paper is washable too and we don't need to replace that any time soon.
Standing near the hallway door now and looking towards the window.
This bathroom is rather long.
The cotton mats are from Italy.
The vanity has halogen lights; never hot and provide a perfect view with the large beveled mirror.
Now you can see the bi–fold closet doors and the sliding tub doors behind. That's the exact same bathtub that we replaced in our master bathroom with a shower. This works fine; still one tub left in the home!
In front of the tub doors you see a pull chain; that is for the heat lamp above.
To the left you see the double IKEA GODMORGON high gloss white cabinet.
Danish Damixa faucet in white. We used to have the very same in our master bathroom but had to replace it with a chrome Damixa.
Dolomiti is written in the vanity sink... made in Northern Italy.
Here you can see the air-conditioning ceiling register to the left and the exhaust fan with two heating lamps in front of the tub. We have those in all bathrooms and that is such a luxury. You just pull them on and pamper yourself when toweling dry. Not in the summer of course!
We picked up this idea when visiting friends in Australia and had them installed in our home.
Our German 'son' even has them installed in their master bathroom.
If you lived with them, you never want to do without!
To the right you see the other IKEA GODMORGON high gloss white cabinet. 
My French Linen Angels you can find below post in link.
Another Danish Damixa faucet in white. The shower head we no longer have in white...
This is the exact same as we used to have in the master bathroom.
Hard to catch on camera and with the flash you get all kind of shine...
A convenient chrome caddy from Tuesday Morning...
Almost impossible to capture my hand made filet lace embroidered angels by daylight...
The same hand crocheted edging around the filet lace embroidered work as in the master bathroom... See link below post.
There you go; photo taken at dark... Angels & Roses!
The same solid oak, painted white indoor shutters as in all rooms except kitchen and veranda.
Tiny brass nails that got painted white and will never tarnish the hand embroidered lace.
You can read more about it from my previous post below...
This toilet with Eco friendly dual flush, we did bring home from Costco in Miami... 
The two toilet tissue holders we picked up as an idea at the Grand Hyatt in Atlanta; see previous post about it below.
The toilet tissue stand is from Tuesday Morning.
Ending with this sculptured watercolor by Patsy Gullett... see post about it below.
So what do you think; is this guest bathroom looking okay to you?

Related links:
{Our New Shower with Dreamline Frameless Sliding Shower Door} | previous post by me
{Our Bathroom Renovation from Tub to Shower while Caring for the Environment} | previous post by me
{Our Rose Suite Bedroom} | previous post by me showing our other, integrated bathroom, with shower
{French Country Style at Mariette's Back to Basics} | previous post by me showing the IKEA GODMORGON high gloss white cabinets
{OUR EXCEPTIONAL VOSSEN INTERNATIONAL TERRY TOWELS} | previous post by me about our 30+ year old towels
{2 Ideas picked up at the Grand Hyatt, Atlanta} | previous post by me
{My Private Lampes Berger Collection + Boutique Items} | previous post by me showing the IKEA GODMORGON cabinets.
{My Hand Made Filet Lace Embroidered Angels} | previous post by me showing bathroom window
{Sculptured Watercolors by Patsy Gullett since 1981} | previous post by me
{My French Linen Angels + INFO for Toile de Jouy Fabrics} | previous post by me

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

{My Hand Made Filet Lace Embroidered Angels}

  • Yesterday you could see a shadow of an angel, reflected in our high gloss bathroom cabinet vanity. 
  • Today I want to show you more of our window treatment, that I made by hand.

  • Getting a good photo of these angels is about as hard as making the curtain...
  • You can see the balcony's balustrade to the right and the white vinyl fence below.

  • Such a window treatment is very hard to capture on camera but at least I tried!
  • Here I've hand made two angels facing each other in filet lace embroidery.

  • This is the machine made net on which I did the Filet Lace Embroidery.
  • There is a crocheted edging all around for being able to fasten it on the tiny brass nails, that are painted white.
  • Very easy for laundering and putting it straight out from the washing machine back onto those brass nails. 
  • Never do they get rust stains because of the brass.

  • Even from the outside it is very hard to capture as it is way up high and behind a vinyl fence.
  • So I had to zoom in, standing below on the ground.
  • There is a screen in front of the window, that makes the filet lace embroidery look less clear.
  • Our home will get a pressure wash and a new painting coat in May; that will also take care of the screen as they have to come off.

  • hemels handwerkbook
  • heavenly handworkbook

  • This book is in Dutch but language doesn't really matter for following the patterns.

Is anyone of you also working with Filet Lace Embroidery?

Related links: 
{Our New Shower with Dreamline Frameless Sliding Shower Door} | yesterday's post by me with reflection of this angel Filet Lace Embroidery with Angels
{Crochet Edging on Antique French Knotted Filet Lace} | previous post by me showing you such hand crochet edging that I did
{Acrylic Frame with Transparent Acrylic BOLTS & NUTS} | previous post by me showing you a French antique filet lace angel frame for hanging - ONLY ONE left in my boutique...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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