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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Lacquered Brass Window Decorations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lacquered Brass Window Decorations. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Meeting with Mushroom Grower Nick Pora in Metcalf, Ontario Canada

 We did rise early at our Fairmont Château Laurier, for having breakfast and to get on our way. 
Nick Pora Sr. on the left, with Pieter at his Continental Mushroom Farm
On Tuesday, August 18, 1998 we had received a fax at the Fairmont Château Laurier, for our meeting next day.
So after breakfast we got on our way for FINALLY visiting Nick's mushroom farm!
Nick Pora, was also a loyal customer of my Lacquered Brass Window Decorations 'Mushrooms' in two sizes.
Below post you find some links for actually seeing them.
Guess Nick came to the Dutch Mushroom Days in June of 1988, where I had a stand for selling those.
Nick Pora, also had enclosed these cards with that letter...
Producers of some of the best mushrooms in the world
Nick Pora, hailed from Romania and in 1972 he came to Canada with only $ 5.00 in his pocket.
With hard work, he managed to build himself up and run a successful mushroom farm.
Already during the 1st NAMC at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco he met Pieter in 1979.
See link below this post with his photo.
Again, at the 12th NAMC Conference in Vancouver he begged us to visit him.
But Ottawa is not a city we often flew into...
So this time, when using our frequent flyer miles for a vacation to Canada, we planned it such, that we would end in Ottawa and then drive to his place.
We first met at the mushroom farm's office where we also briefly saw Virginia Pora, Nick's lovely wife.
Nick Pora Jr. and Nick Pora Sr. at almost 82 years of age (September) and Pieter.
In February, Nick had lost 40 lbs (18 kg) of weight after their return from a vacation in Aruba.
Me, Nick Jr. and Nick Sr. at the restaurant for lunch.
Nick Sr. had taken us via the compost slab, to a first break room, full with product.
His skills for mushroom cultivation proved to be good.
Then he took us to the Packaging area.
They used a barcode with ratings: 1–2–3–4 or cannery (for worst quality). Beautiful white product!
A Chinese 'mama' ran the packaging including a clean floor; no spills! 
We were both very impressed and told Nick so.
They daily handled 13 tons of fresh product.

Both of us felt very happy for finally having fulfilled his request to visit him!
Fond memories of a long time friendship.

Next day we did check out from the Fairmont Château Laurier, drove to the airport and returned our Herz rental car after driving our 987 km or 613 mi. 
By 11:00 o'clock we flew via Newark, New Jersey on Continental Express, to Atlanta, Georgia.

That was the end of our memorable Canada Vacation!

Related links:

Friday, January 22, 2021


 While working and living in Indonesia for the world's largest mushroom farm, I wrote the following:



1) Please pick us by the 'one–touch–technique' and don't move us into your hand, bruising and scratching us.

2) Don't pull us off the beds, but with a twisting motion; that hurts less – and please; don't scratch us with your long finger nails.

3) Don't cut us wrong because that looks ugly and we often end up with some soil on stem.

4) Please don't throw us into the tray, because that way we get bruised, but gently put us inside.

5) Don't overfill the trays, so that the ones on the bottom are still happy and not crushed.

6) Please pick us in time. We are like you; we like to be pretty and good looking; not oversized or open.

7) Don't make our babies sick by spreading diseases (contamination) with dirty hands, long hair, wide sleeves, bangles etc.

8) Please don't put us in the sun or wind in front of the shed. We are loosing weight very rapidly and our skin will turn brown and even peels off.

9) Don't smash us into the truck, because a number of us will get wounded – but handle the 'keranjang-keranjang' (trays) gentle.

If you don't forget these points, you can still see us smile, after processing, in the glasses, proud to travel to Green Giant in the U.S.A.

We, Dieng Djaya mushrooms, like to be the happiest and prettiest ones and so become the favourite choice of all people in the U.S.A.

My own design laser cut lacquered brass mushrooms that I sold thousands of at Congresses.

Read an entire CHAPTER about HARVESTING in our newest book that is available WORLDWIDE as Print on Demand, at 40,000+ booksellers

modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Dutch Mushroom Days and Selling My Own Design of Brass Mushrooms

On Wednesday, June 1 in 1988 my Pieter did build a stand for me at the Dutch Mushroom Days, an annual event with exhibition.
Pieter built this for me and I was selling my own design of brass mushrooms, see link below post from previous info about that.
This is a photo taken from both of us during the official opening of the Dutch Mushroom Days
My sales went very well over 3 days.
On Sunday, June 5, Dad did bring us to the airport in Düsseldorf, Germany in our Audi rental car that I'd taken to work in Germany on Sunday May 15. Till my consulting job was over on Saturday May 28...
Dad returned the Audi for us, was within walking distance from his home.
We flew from Düsseldorf to Venice, Italy for buying property...see post below.

Related posts:
Buying Property in Cornuda, Italy below Madonna di Rocca | previous post
{My Own Design of Brass Mushrooms} | previous post about my sales at the ISMS Congress

Friday, September 20, 2019

Taking Mom & Dad to Bremen Cathedral in Germany where Dad sang with his Choir

Campbell Soup kind of forced us to move to Pennsylvania, from Georgia/USA...
Packing up and preparing for the big move, I also did fly to Düsseldorf, Germany on American Airlines, for only $ 195.00 and 30,000 frequent flyer miles.
This to transport some of our plants and other valuable things on October 9, 1988.
So I boarded American Airlines' 767 Luxury Liner in Atlanta, after saying goodbye to my Pieter who himself had a later flight for Campbell Soup to Denver, Colorado...
I'd told Mom & Dad that I would be wearing my black leather jacket and black beret, so they would spot me from a distance at the German airport.
Mom & Dad had been stuck in heavy traffic, thus I stood for an hour outside but they soon found me on October 10, 1988.
Above photos got taken later in November of 1993 but still the same outfit and it's ME!
Still have all pieces but it's rather hot for wearing it now in Georgia...

On October 12, I took Mom & Dad along on my trip to Visbek, Germany.
Delivering the brass mushrooms for Pilzland where I'd done consulting before, and they wanted to purchase my own design Lacquered Brass Window Decorations with their business logo.
We ate our own lunch at the home of Jan Koopmans, the manager, and Pieter's former student.
Next I drove in about 1 hour, to Bremen and its City Center where Dad did perform with the Horster Mannenkoor in 1981 and Mom could not join at that time.
So now she got to walk in Dad's footsteps as well!
This is the famous Sankt Petri Dom, or St. Peter's Cathedral in Bremen (just click the link) where Dad sang with his choir.
Bremen Cathedral is a medieval building.

We enjoyed the Bremen City Hall (click link) also located at the Market Square.
Bremen's Marktplatz (Market Square) just click link.
Of course, we also did see the famous
Bremer Stadtmusikanten or in English Town Musicians of Bremen (click on link) from the well known fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm.
Mom was delighted for finally, after 7 years, having been there herself and it made me of course very happy!

St. Petri Dom Bremen, Tower Topped Romanesque Cathedral from above, with Market Square and top left are the Bremer Stadtmusikanten (Town Musicians of Bremen) all very close together!
Upon returning home I continued with my stops:
Visiting my aunt Mia in Venlo, Dad's eldest sister to whom I have been very close, my Mother-in-law, Pieter's brother Thé and his wife and also my brother Martin and wife. Did not get to see sister Diny and brother Piet during this short 3-night visit!
Next day I flew back to the USA, after Dad did drop me off at the Düsseldorf/Germany airport.  Mom  could not join us, she had to sing with her choir.
Got delayed in Chicago by 3 hours and poor Pieter waited in vain for me in Atlanta. We got home by 2:30 AM and I called Mom to let her know that I'd arrived safely home.

Short and intens trip but with very fond memories!
Thanks for reading my stories and for your comment.

Related posts:
{My Own Design of Brass Mushrooms} | previous post by me
Mom & Dad's FIRST Flight EVER - Part in KLM's Business Class | previous post by me with more links below post

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Darling Harbour Cruise in Sydney for Surprise Birthday Party

So, we got up very early on Saturday morning in Melbourne Australia on October 10. 
Cousin Liz came with her B.M.W. to pick us up at 8:30 AM for dropping us off at the airport.
Again, saying goodbye, we did not have much time together but that was because of our 2-week job for doing training at Melbourne Mushrooms.
We flew to Sydney and were picked up by our mushroom friends Rob Tolson and John Miller.
Home with them to Windsor, NSW, through the new Sydney Harbour tunnel, that opened in August of 1992.
We had lunch at John & Beryl's home.
Here we are aboard the ship but to the right is Beryl Miller, who hosted our lunch for Saturday upon arrival.
With Ansett Australia from Melbourne to Sydney
Feeling happy for having completed a good job and now a few days with mushroom friends in a more relaxed atmosphere.
What we did NOT know was that on Sunday, they had already organized a bus, for going back to Darling Harbour in Sydney for a Harbour Cruise with dinner in honor of the 21st Birthday of Tania Cox, daughter of one of our mushroom friends, Johnny Cox.
Here we are at Darling Harbour, waiting for the birthday girl to arrive with her fiancée...
We hid behind the bus and sprang out singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY and at first Tania was mad at her fiancée for having lured her to the harbour.
Me on the left with husband Pieter and to the right are John Miller and Rob Tolson.
Here we are with the lovely birthday girl Tania in our midst, with her Dad John Cox to her left.
Such a lovely afternoon and evening!
Pieter wearing his favorite leather jacket from Pond's India Leather Garment Factory and I wear one that I bought in the U.S.A.
A very special toast to the 21-year old Australian Tania Cox!
A happy family!
John & Daphne Cox with daughter Tania, cutting the dessert, and her sister Nerilee to the right.
We had such a great time and felt like family!
Norah & Rob Tolson
We arrived home very late with the Tolsons but what a day!
We knew each other for many years and ran into each other usually at International Mushroom Congresses.
We walked with Norah, along the bay of San Diego on March 12, 1985 at the 5th North American Mushroom Conference.
In 1987, on my birthday we all happend to be together for dinner in Santa Cruz, California; 9 of our Mushroom friends from Australia. Rob Tolson with Rob Tolson Jr. and John Baker.
They ordered around 10:30 PM a large strawberry tort with candles and champagne and sang Happy Birthday to me. Unforgettable!
Already in 1986 in August, Robert Jr. did visit us in Georgia at our home, while he was studying at Penn State University. He did stay a couple of nights with us and visited the Campbell Mushroom plant that Pieter designed here locally.
On Monday we first visit Robert Jr. & Buffy's mushroom farm.
Yes, you can read more about Elf Mushrooms when clicking on this link...
We know the two generations!
We also visited John & Daphne Cox's mushroom farm.
John looked so much like our late friend Roy Chappell... They say that we all have a double; somewhere!
Lunch at Mary Daley and her two sons and Olga, the grower.
Next day we visited the Dorresteyn farm, which was leased to his workers.
Rosy served us coffee and dessert.
Next we went to Brian and Heidi Carroll and Heidi gifted me a nice round broche that she'd hand painted.
It always made it kind of hard to leave such sweet friends!
We went to have lunch with Graham and Janet Price and in the evening we rounded it up with a lovely dinner where some 60 Australian mushroom growers joined!
Pieter did show slides form the Indonesian mushroom farm where we worked and John Miller gifted us in the name of all mushroom growers a beautiful book:
Such a warm gesture and so meaningful!
Also John Baker did buy 30 of my own design Lacquered Brass Mushroom Window Decorations.
On Wednesday we had lunch with a Swiss mushroom friend, the late Hans Tschierpe.
First they'd done a video from my harvest demonstration.
Thursday, October 15 we got up early and left for the Sydney airport by 7:30 AM.
No Hawkesbury river flooding this time!
It was hard to part after such special days together, with also a visit to a local nursery for plants.
We could buy a truckload, if it would be allowed!
Via Honolulu, Hawaii we entered the USA and went on to Los Angeles and Atlanta, home on Friday by 1:00 AM.

Just 9 days later, Pieter left for Kalamazoo, Michigan to work for the Campbell plant there and back home on October 30; tired...
On November 1, we did pick up Pieter's eldest brother Thé with his wife Dora, they stayed with us till November 18. We took them to Florida and they both got lucky with check in for Royal Dutch Airlines, as Pieter let Thé use his Royal Wing card and that yielded them 2 business class seats 74!
Always busy but we can look back with lots of satisfaction!
 To find this card in the mail was so touching...
To Dear Pieter & Mariet(te),
I shall be retiring from the position of General Manager of A.M.G.A. (Australian Mushroom Growers Association) as from 31st December, 1992.
May I sincerely thank you for all of your assistance and friendship over the many years.
All of our members enjoyed your visit to their farms and your presentation at the hotel dinner.
If I can be of assistance to you at anytime in Australia, then please let me know.
Best wishes for the future,
Warmest regards,
John & Beryl Miller (our tour guides to the Blue Mountains on this trip...)...

Thanks for your visit and comment and stay tuned for the next Australia trip...

Related links:
Working & Socializing with Staff from Melbourne Mushrooms | previous post by me
Two Cousins from Two Continents in Melbourne, Australia | previous post by me
Visiting Healesville Sanctuary in VIC, Australia | previous post by me
My 2nd Trip to Australia from Atlanta - Dallas - Los Angeles - Sydney - Melbourne | previous post
Katoomba & Jenolan Caves, Blue Mountains Australia | previous post by me
Trips to Australia | previous post by me
{My Own Design of Brass Mushrooms} | previous post by me

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Katoomba & Jenolan Caves, Blue Mountains Australia

The Blue Mountains do have so much to offer...
Temperate Rainforests and spectacular waterfalls.
And in Katoomba you also ride the steepest railway in the world!
What a thrill it was to ride this all six of us together on July 3, 1988!
Click here for more info: Scenic World Blue Mountains that's where I got this photo too.
Length of incline is 415 m or 1360 ft at 52º
In the center you see Scenic Railway and this funicular railway line goes straight down beside Orphan Rock!
Through sandstone cliffs and a rock tunnel.
You emerge into a spectacular fern filled rain forest!
Also lots of mosses you will find. One of my favorites... hence we took this photo!
Wish we would have had many days for exploring it all in more detail!
Since we were there in 1988, so much has been added and greatly improved that you have a far better up close view of it all. Click here: Scenic World Explore our World Take a Look Videos.
Also this Blue Mountains N.S.W. video shows you beautifully what to expect.
Scenic World on the left, Katoomba Falls, Cliff View Lookout and Three Sisters to the right...
It gives you a pretty good impression about Australia's Grand Canyon!
Looking farther away now...
To the right you see Fairmont Resort Blue Mountains where we did start out with our lunch...
After a good hour drive through the mountains, from Katoomba, there is another spectacular thing to visit: Jenolan Caves.
This is JENOLAN CAVES Orient Cave Persian Chamber
Jenolan Caves Blue Mountains Australia belong to the finest and oldest cave systems in the world!
Jenolan Caves Imperial Cave Nellie's Grotto
Jenolan Caves Bishop and Three Sisters
Jenolan Caves Lucas Cave Bone Cavern
As it reads here on a perfect card that I received from cousin Liz: "THIS IS A BIG COUNTRY" AUSTRALIA...
So  grateful for having seen what we did in the time being there!
Australian Wildlife is so fascinating!
Koala Australia
Waratah Australian wild flowers
Bottle Brush Australia

We ended our Blue Mountains adventure with a lovely dinner at the home of mushroom friends John & Beryl Miller, in Windsor, N.S.W. together with Rob & Norah Tolson.
They were such generous tour guides and hosts!
Even did sell lots of my own design Lacquered Brass Window Decoration 'Mushrooms'.

We had a business Monday on the mushroom farms of Rob Tolson and had lunch at John Baker's with his daughter Patricia and his son.
Pieter also did review the Baker mushroom farm and I gave a harvest demonstration.
We enjoyed a dinner together with 58 mushroom farmers + spouses.
Organized by John Miller, see invitation in previous post...
Pieter gave a lecture and also answered questions.
Patricia Baker gave us a kiss + sweet gifts.
A set of 6 special placemats with Australian scenes, such as sheep shearing.
Each a sweatshirt with Koalo and a silver-plate spoon.
The placemats are worn out and gone...
But I still have my sweatshirt with sweet Koala + silver-plate spoon with Australian flag!
Not JUST a silver-plate spoon but the Bicentennial Australian teaspoon!
Fond memories forever inside our hearts...
On Tuesday, I did do an entire day of harvest training and Pieter in the afternoon had a meeting with 3 compost makers.
Norah Tolson, with a friend, took me to a jewelry store and gifted me with a beautiful freestone blue opal and two white opals for having set as earrings.
We went one last evening home with them and watched Snowy River...
On Wednesday at 6:30 o'clock we got an alarming wakeup 'knock' on our door: HURRY! WE MUST LEAVE NOW!!!
Look out of the window and you know WHY!!!
We heard and saw a roaring river, a MONSTER that was already 3 m above bridgelevel!
A large flood of the Hawkesbury River.
We packed in a hurry and grabbed a bite for breakfast and started the 2 hours to the north, through the mountains to reach the HIGHER bridge there, then back 2 hours to the south to arrive in Sydney.
What an adventure and I was so car-sick from the wild ride through the mountains but we arrived at noon in Sydney for our flight from 14:00.

With tailwind we went from Sydney to San Francisco in 13 hours and 25 minutes.
Not so much for me... my stomach came empty so I did not eat much.
Also Qantas carried the Bicentennial Year Logo for Australia; very special for my first visit to down under!
On July 6, we got to Atlanta by 19:00 and home around 22:00 = 14 hours time difference!
Our luggage arrived next day around 18:00 delivered at our home...

That was quite an adventurous 1st Australia trip!

On July 10, we drove to Atlanta for picking up our Dutch guests who stayed with us 4 nights.
Pieter had to leave for Campbell Soup on the 12th, for the Hillsboro farm in Texas... back by 21:00 on the 14th.

Thanks for your visit and comment!

Related links:


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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