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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Tea Cup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tea Cup. Show all posts

Saturday, November 20, 2021

HIGH TEA in November

 With my passion for cooking, baking and fine table setting...
Once again I offered to do a HIGHT TEA for the bi-annual local Rotary Club's fundraiser.

Pieter wearing his Gianni Versace jeans and I wear my sewing creation Silk Batik bolero jacket, hand painted with gold and made from Indonesian formal shawl on Escada skirt.

If you watch on YouTube you will be able to see all the text with explanation as to what was being served in detail.
At 1:25 you see my Tea Cups with paper doilies and also Demitasse Coffee Cups.

Lydia is the lady in white silk blouse...
A happy group of ladies and we both enjoyed hosting them!

Tablecloth used is our Portuguese Guimarães white work, we bought in Coimbra in 1994 while on tour through Spain Portugal for 19 days.

Related links:
Merry Christmas and My Previous High Tea | previous post
{Our Japanese Diospyros Kaki Persimmon} | previous post showing our Persimmon which was on kitchen table for High Tea...
From Singapore to Jakarta and SURPRISE upon arrival at our Villa | previous post of when I bought the hand painted silk batik stole from which I created the bolero jacket
{Angels engraved on lucky calendar coin of 1969} | final photo shows the hand painted with gold silk batik jacket...

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Tea with Turmeric Coconut Flour Muffin

Yes, baking Muffins from Coconut Flour makes for a delicious result!
Found the recipe on line one day: Turmeric Coconut Flour Muffin Recipe and had to try it.
Here shown on the tennis tray with teacup, see below post.
I will give you the recipe below...
6 large eggs
½ cup unsweetened coconut milk
⅓ cup maple syrup
1 t vanilla extract
1 cup coconut flour
½ t baking soda
2 t turmeric
½ t ginger powder
pinch of salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 350ºF. Prepare a muffin tin with 8 muffin liners.
In a large mixing bowl, add eggs, milk, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. Mix until it's well combined and the eggs begin to bubble.
In a small bowl, sift together coconut flour, baking soda, turmeric, ginger powder, pepper, and salt.
Slowly stir the dry ingredients into the wet ones, until the batter is smooth and thick.
Transfer the batter to a prepared muffin tin, dividing the batter evenly.
Bake for 25 minutes, until slightly browned around the edges.
Remove muffins from the oven, and transfer to a wire rack to cool.

Working with coconut meal is something else!
It can absorb so much liquid - surprisingly!

But in the end, the result is good and turmeric is so healthy as an anti inflammatory ingredient.

Thanks for your visit and comment!

{My 2nd Most Popular All Time Post} | previous post by me showing the tennis tray with teacup by Royal Albert Princess Anne.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Happy Sunny Days

Did you miss me?
Well, I've been away for 7 days, on a trip to Miami, Florida for visiting three sets of friends.
A lot of driving for me but I needed to be back for choir rehearsal by Tuesday at 5:30 PM and I was home at 2:45 PM.
Sharing with you some more fresh garden flowers...
Photo is from Sunday with fresh azaleas and fragrant daffodils, 3 varieties in the multiple vases.
Yes, the trip to Florida, all the way down to Miami was a lot of driving for me as I'm doing it all solo.
Pieter my elderly husband remains in the passenger seat.
A total of 2,606 km because Florida is such a LONG State, looking on the USA map like an appendix.
But so glad it all worked out and we had meaningful visits with dear friends.
Three couples that used to live here in Dublin, Georgia before they moved away.
BUT we always managed to visit each other; either them driving up north once in awhile or we driving down south.
The days prior to departure we had these white Camellias and I made this photo on February 19.
Not enough light in fact to make a decent photo...
Tried another window sill, showing also the blooming white pansies in the fiberglass window boxes from Flower Framers of Cincinnati.
Teacup with chocolate on the side and a vase with Ehrlicheer daffodils on February 19.
So you know I'm alive and well and will visit you soon.
We did have some very chilly mornings on Friday and Saturday!
33.8 °F or 1°C

Thanks for your visit and wishing you a happy 1st week of March!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Green Tea in Mandalay Chartreuse by Mason's

By now you know my love for fine china, tea and fragrant flowers...
All the ingredients come together for some BLISS in winter time!
Green Tea in Mandalay Chartreuse by Mason's just click the link to see items in this pattern at Replacements Ltd.
Presented on a hand crochted DMC thread table topper, a gift from a dear friend.
The Daffodils are the 1939 Sweetness, an heirloom variety that is highly fragrant.

Do you enjoy a daily tea ritual?

Related links:
{Daffodils in a Vase on a Dark Day...} | previous post by me showing Mandalay Chartreuse by Mason's
{USEFUL TIP: Peppermint Tea for Anti Bloating} | previous post by me showing Mandalay Chartreuse china
{TIP New Purpose for Cigarette Holder} | previous post by me showing Mandalay Chartreuse items
{Fragrant Paperwhite Narcissus flowers in early December} | previous post with Manday Chartreuse vase

Thursday, October 8, 2015

{Tea Cup Gift from Blogger Friend Susan & Ava Grace}

It seems unreal when thinking about our lovely June Brunch in Toronto with e.g. sweet blogger Friend Susan...
BUT already 4 months have passed!
Time for finally showing Susan from Ava Grace's Closet's lovely gift...
Look what an adorable Box with fabulous afternoon Tea Cup & Saucer by Indigo!
With a sweet note from Susan and Ava Grace, her cute little daughter.
Ava Grace could not join us however, she was sick...
My home baked Almond Amaretti cookies are great with tea on the balcony!
The weather did brighten up this afternoon.
Hope it will soon look better in South Carolina where people suffer from so much flooding.
Love the poppies with butterflies!
Tu es tout ce que j'aime...
You are all that I love...
you give me butterflies
You sure DID sweet Susan and THANK YOU SO MUCH!
The Box is a Gift in itself; so pretty! Glad it did fit into our carry on for flying home with it.
One day, we will get to see your cute daughter Ava Grace - PROMISE!
Fond memories, every time I sip tea from this cup 

Related link:
{Brunch in Toronto with Blogger Friends I Admire} | previous post by me

Monday, August 3, 2015

{Our Grand Hotel Mackinac Island Michigan Afternoon Tea}

In my previous post I told you that the carriage driver let both of us off, only 5 minutes walking distance from Mackinac Island Grand Hotel where we went for Afternoon Tea...
Yes, the tulips were in full bloom in front of Mackinac Island, Michigan's Grand Hotel on June 3...
The Grand Hotel got built in 1887 in just 93 days!
Quite a sight isn't it?
Such perfect tulips!
There were lots of tourists taking photographs but husband Pieter managed to capture their beauty very well.
For entering the Grand Hotel you must pay a fee of $ 10.00 and you may give yourself a tour.
We instead did head straight away for the Grand Hotel Afternoon Tea in the Parlor.
Each table had a bowl that gets removed when serving tea or coffee.
My iPhone 4S on the table...
A plate with an array of pastries and tea for me and coffee for Pieter.
On the right of the plate you also see a fresh-baked scone...
Pieter happily pours his coffee...
Looking really tempting.
Even though I usually don't eat any sweets, I did have the chocolate dipped strawberry and the little chocolate that was filled with yummy coconut mousse and topped with a blueberry.
I also ate the fresh-baked scone, without any marmalade.
Lovely cups!
Perfect timing at 4:00 PM with our Ferry departing at 5:00 PM.
But inside the building with the air-conditioning running, I was pleased that I did bring my packable polyester and silk Escada jacket!
This is a more than 100 year old Grand Hotel tradition, of serving Afternoon Tea in the Parlor, accompanied by a chamber music recital.
We enjoyed this lovely harpist.
The carpet reflects the red Pelargonium, that grow outside, see photo below!
Stunning view over Lake Huron!
When we leave for going on the veranda outside, I had t take these photos...
Sherry and Champagne with petite finger sandwiches.
An array of pastries...
Sorry for the poor quality but I wanted to give you a better look.
Plate with petite finger sandwiches.
Speaking of 'finger', we both were quite surprised that also our array of pastries got served without any pastry fork! Only a spoon for scooping up the mousse.
That is quite different from Europe and at this level I would have expected it as well.
Tea cups on a tray with lovely rose.
Coffee got served in these tea cups as well...
They might want to see my blog post: {Difference Between Coffee & Tea Cups}
No, that is not our Carriage... This is only for guests that stay at the Grand Hotel.
Love that big arch above the grand door!
Great architecture and for completing all that in 93 days, back in 1887 is quite astonishing!
Our Carriage driver did point out something about the azure blue color underneath those balconies for tricking birds into nesting elsewhere...
Tales from the Head Grand Hotel Painter where he states that every April they use some 150 to 200 gallons paint on the exterior!
Time to say goodbye to this incredibly romantic and patriotic looking island of Mackinac, Michigan...
We had such a perfect day and still very sunny!
Windy it got a little bit so Pieter kept his Burberry score from Last Call Outlet on and especially for crossing the Straits of Mackinac on Lake Huron.
It was lovely for living a day in the late 1800s and seeing so many different carriages.
Grand Hotel
Opened on July 10, 1887, the Grand Hotel was built by the Grand Rapids & Indiana and Michigan Central railroads and the Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Company through the efforts of Sen. Francis B. Stockbridge. It is built of Michigan white pine. With its magnificent colonial porch, longest in the world, it is a classic example of gracious living seldom seen today. One of the outstanding landmarks on the Great Lakes, it is the world's largest summer hotel.
We just walk around the corner for boarding again Shepler's Mackinac Island Ferry and for making it back to Mackinaw City.
The long Mackinac Bridge is visible here.
Hope you enjoyed this very special Grand Hotel Afternoon Tea, where many First Ladies stayed over their Century of service.

Related links:
{Mackinac Island Flora} | previous post by me
{Mackinac Island Carriage Tours} | previous post by me
{Patriotic & Romantic Mackinac Island, Michigan} | previous post by me
{Shepler's Mackinac Island, Michigan Ferry} | previous post by me
{505 S Huron Avenue, Mackinaw City, Michigan} | previous post by me
{Delta Annual Companion Certificate Flight to Detroit, Michigan} | previous post by me

Friday, February 28, 2014

{1940s - 1950s Royal Albert Princess Anne Tennis Set for Coffee or Tea}

When I was doing consulting work with my husband and partner Pieter, we were in Calgary, Canada with one of the staff members shopping at an antique store. That's where I bought my very first 1940s - 1950s Royal Albert Princess Anne piece of china. It was a handled cake plate. Over time I kept adding and I especially loved these Tennis Sets for Coffee or Tea. Did you know about them? This is something from the UK, but I love their practical approach for being able to hold this with one hand in an informal setting.

On January 18, we had our white hyacinth blooming. Got it at Trader Joe's and wish they would last forever as I LOVE their fragrance.
So here is our Royal Albert Princess Anne teapot and one each of a Tennis Set for Coffee and one for Tea.
To me it does not look quite fair as the Tennis Set for Tea is far bigger...

Don't you agree that the Tennis Set for Coffee is smaller in size?
WHY would hat be...

To photograph these two sets together proved to be very hard!
Here it is out of perspective a bit because the Tennis Set for Tea is in the front and looking way bigger.

This is the best I could do for showing both of them at more or less eye level.
You notice that the tea cup is wider and more shallow and tapered down. The coffee cup is more narrow and mostly straight up.
To the right on the sidebar you see my most popular post is: {Difference Between Coffee & Tea Cups} just click the hyperlink for finding out.
But still those Tennis Set differences puzzle me...!

When I tried to find out more, I found this interesting site from Royal Albert Patterns.com with this lovely photo. Shown is a coffee cup and saucer to the right; teacup and saucer to the left; cream & sugar set - which I have several of, also differently sized. My handled cake plate that I found in Calgary, Canada is shown here and a coffee pot which I don't have one.
To the bottom are different teacups.
They mention only the Cup Shape being Countess (for Tea) or Avon (for Coffee).
You just scroll all the way down on this site, from above hyperlink, or if you search for any other pattern you might find it there as well.
There even is a Royal Albert Patterns FB Page, just click the hyperlink.

This is the regular Coffee Cup & Saucer with a regular Tea Cup & Saucer...

We Heart It did have my photo tagged by 46 people. That shows maybe that more people are searching to find out more about those differences.
Would you know an answer for those Tennis Set differences?

A very frequently visited post...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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