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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Britex Notions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Britex Notions. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Come Visit us in Indonesia and meet my skilled Couture Seamstress Ms. Yati

In June of  1994, when we were over a 3-week period back in Indonesia, for consulting at the mushroom farm, we arrived from Jakarta in Yogyakarta and then some two hours driving up into the mountains.
At the Guest Bungalow in Kalianget we stayed and were enjoying a leisurely Sunday.

Before dark, we did go to nearby Wonosobo for bringing my sueded silk from Hong Kong to Ms Yati.
She was an excellent couture seamstress from Jakarta and she also knew English.
Due to her aging Mother having dementia, she'd come to rural Central Java as a caregiver...
So that's what we did, dropping off the material, sewing pattern and explaining to her how and such.
That gave her the time for finishing my dress, before we would depart back to the USA.
That's the dress!
Wearing it on a Sunday to Mass and then changing, before heading to the airport for our flight to Amsterdam, The Netherlands, visiting my Parents and Family.
Pieter on the wood trail in our garden in his Burberry summer suit.
Always hard for leaving a perfectly blooming summer garden behind.
Here, Pieter is indulging in the perfume from the Ginger lilies...
Ms. Yati did an excellent job on this sueded silk dress with silk lining from Britex Fabrics in San Francisco, with zipper and silk thread from Britex Notions.
Pieter happy for soon being able to visit with his two brothers and family...
We always looked forward to those trips to The Netherlands; did that 66 times!
Loved the fabric when I touched it in Hong Kong, and loved my choice of dress!

Related link:
{Raw Silk Purchased in Hong Kong for Sewing THIS} | previous post by me about my sewing creation
{Silk Velvet Dress from Hong Kong Trip Fabric} | previous post by me with other creation by Ms. Yati

Friday, December 16, 2016

{New Quilted Graduating Ombré Silk Velvet Bottom}

As already mentioned in my previous post, see link below, today I show you what I finally created from yet another remnant of my French Graduating Ombré Silk Velvet.
Yes, this was my very special project!
A new bottom for my treasured French Ormolu Jewelry Box!
Again, from a remnant, used for my own sewing creation in Graduating Ombré Silk Velvet.
This photo is from December 9, 2004.
Yes, I also did make a matching Silk Hair Bow Barrette...
Using the same batting for quilting...
Sewing on the barrette clip...
Fastening it with the silk charmeuse band in the center.
Tricky to hold it all in place while threading your needle but it worked.
In Atlanta at Holly Lobby on November 18, we did find these perfect Czech Glass Beads in Metallic Gold! 
Also the matching DMC embroidery floss.
From left to right: French Graduating Ombré Silk Velvet, some stiff material (?).
Together with my dear Friend Ellie, I found it in my hometown while in The Netherlands.
To the right you see a remnant of batting for quilting.
DMC Embroidery Floss; Czech Beads, Pencil and Silk Charmeuse for lining the underside.
From the original example, I did measure and pencil draw these lines for quilting.
Putting the beads inside small Pillivuyt ramekins and threading my gold tipped sewing needle with 2 strands of embroidery floss.
This is how I did sew the beads on:
First the big bead, secondly the smal one and than going back with the needle through the big bead and into the fabric again.
First of course I had stitched the stiff filling, batting and silk velvet together!
Rounded corners, like the original and this is how it looks now from the underside after sewing those beads on. 
With Basting Thread, I did tack the Silk Charmeuse with its right side onto the Silk Velvet.
But what a HELL OF A JOB to reverse this!
Turned out that the stiff filling was way too stiff to handle.
It got all warped up!
But slowly and with perseverance...
Yes, the battle was almost over here...
Wearing still my shorts a couple of weeks ago!
Now I had to hand sew the opening that I left unstitched, between two rounded corners...
Using silk thread, from Britex Notions (link below).
Also the quilting I've done with this Japanese KINKAME silk thread.
Here it is; completely DONE!
Very hard for making half decent photos in the December light...
Also the Graduating Ombré Silk Velvet has its shine and different color nuances.
This photo is taken outside with daylight.
Now you clearly can see WHY I opted for this golden brown Ombré Silk Velvet Bottom.
It goes so perfect with the Ormolu. 
Also love the beveled glass panels!
In full daylight...
So happy for having this little, but very complex task accomplished.
Hope you like it too!

Thank you for your visit!

Related posts:
{My French Ormolu Jewelry Box got new Bottom} | previous post by me where you see also original
{My French Ormolu Jewelry Box & Silver Angels} | previous post by me
{My Sewing Creation in Graduating Ombré Silk Velvet} | previous post by me
{Did I loose my strength?... Like in Samson and Delilah?} | previous post about my braid on ombré
Britex Notions
Beading on Quilts Ideas Video Intro | How I got the beading idea...


Thursday, November 21, 2013

{My Hand Knitted Silk Lace Shawl in Peacock Pattern}

It is about time that I show you my Hand Knitted Silk Lace Shawl in Peacock Pattern. Most bloggers know that it takes time for styling things and it's even harder for items you have to wear! The weather at home had been quite dark and dreary so we thought we take all those pieces with us in the car to Florida - to the SUNSHINE STATE.
Well yeah, SUNSHINE behind those gray clouds...
Here we are again on September 19, at the Hyatt House Miami Airport, our favorite home away from home.
Never mind, their botanical garden is still great for making photos!
So here is my hand knitted (yes, by ME!) shawl from Swiss Lang Yarns in a 100% taupe silk, which  I had obtained from New York by the box, wholesale. 
Closeup of the Peacock Pattern in Silk
As a matter of fact, I did three of these silk shawls. One was a gift for a dear friend in Australia and one I donated to "THREADS OF LIFE: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S TEXTILE ART" from the Georgia State University. You can read more from my LinkedIn profile.
Knitted after this Anna Burda pattern.
The skirt is my own sewing creation in a matching tropical wool from Britex Fabrics, San Francisco with silk lining from Britex Notions.
Shoes are Charles Jourdan from the Outlet.
Pantyhose are Wolford from the Outlet
Bag is from Chanel, from I Magnin, San Francisco.
Cotton peplum shirt is by Escada from the Outlet.
Gold Cameo brooch is a gift from my Pieter, bought in Eindhoven, The Netherlands as an estate piece at a jewelry store.
Cane I used only because the model in the Anna Burda held one...
Watch is a Rado from Switzerland; tax free.
Pearl Majolica earrings are from Singapore airport; tax free.
Pearl bracelet by Majolica is from Neiman Marcus at Oahu in Hawaii.
When shopping frugally at Outlets and tax free, one can afford some little luxuries... 
Closing my eyes... dreaming of SUNSHINE.
That's a FULL size 4 or European 34
captured by photographer P.J.C. Vedder

Related links:
Rose lace pattern with rippled diamond edging | blog by Astrid from Sweden with lace knitting shawl
GEBREIDESJAALS | blog by Mieke who is a Dutch artist in fine lace shawl knitting
Faden Stille | blog by Anett who is German artist in lace knitting, living in France
Träumereien Angel Smile | blog by Brigitte from Germany who does also lace knitting
Bergzauber stricken | blog by Marlies from Switzerland showing a knitted silk lace shawl

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

{Raw Silk Purchased in Hong Kong for Sewing THIS}

Traveling to International Conferences gives you a great opportunity for some special shopping. Such was the case when we went to Hong Kong and I got to purchase some lovely Raw Silk. Very soft, not that thin and it drapes perfect. So look what I created from my fabric...
A short cropped jacket with elbow length sleeves over a narrow skirt.
This is from a Burda pattern in a size 4 or European 34.
I used antique buttons as a garnish.
The entire suit is lined in black silk from Britex Fabrics in San Francisco. 
My top is a knit rayon by Escada.
I do wear a Chanel belt through the added on belt loops.
Wolford panty hose and Italian Bruno Magli patent leather shoes from the Outlet.
Yes, that wasp catcher behind me will get painted white one of these days...
There are two pockets sewn on in the back and the skirt has a center slit.
Yes, I did match the plaids in all seams...
This raw silk fabric is a bit slubby.
Detail of the antique button...
And my Rado coupole watch that we bought tax free at Singapore airport. 
Later I added the wrist band as it came with a black leather one.
Bracelet is white and yellow gold from Costco wholesale.
Lots of topstitching done on this suit; all with Japanese silk thread from Britex Notions.
Meet the photographer Pieter in his cotton plaid shirt with linen Zegna jeans from the Outlet.

Related link:
HONG KONG 1st International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products | when I purchased this silk fabric
{BRITEX FABRICS & NOTIONS} | previous post by me with links to Britex San Francisco

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


In several of my blog posts about My Sewing Creations, you have read my mention of buttons from BRITEX FABRICS or lining, thread, top stitching from BRITEX NOTIONS. Just like to show you this remarkable store in San Francisco, California. I've frequented that store on and on while doing consulting work on the west coast.
This is it! FOUR floors with fabrics and over 30,000 buttons! I'm telling you that is hard to make a choice! You can ask for swatch service as well, for a small fee they mail you a little piece of fabric. You can mail order from them. Now I'm very far away from this unique store; my all time favorite! I always keep their blog listed in my sidebar for whenever I might need to call upon them. You can check out their amazing stock right here: Britex Fabrics - Blog. Just click on all their options in the gray area at the top for getting just an idea how mind bogling this store really is. You have no idea how huge. My rayon cotton jacquard curtains in rose pattern, for covering the front door, are also from Britex fabrics. They did mail me a swatch first and then I ordered from them what I needed.
Does any of my readers know this store? Would love to hear about it!

Related link:
{My French DMC Rose Filet Lace Crocheted Curtains} | previous post by me showing rayon cotton damask fabric from Britex

Friday, May 25, 2012

{My Burda Pattern Silk Skirt - Bow Tie & Scarf Creation}

Thanks for the many well wishes in your comments. In about a week I will feel my old self I guess. The inflammation is going down, now only I deal with the side affects of the medications.
Traveling the world as international consultants always gave me access to several world city shopping malls, like Plaza Indonesia in Jakarta. It was there, where I did buy some nice Gucci silk for sewing a skirt  to go with the leather waist coat that was made for me by Pond's (India) Ltd. leather factory in Chennai (Madras). For both I used a Burda Pattern. The silk skirt is silk lined, using the smooth Japanese Kinkame silk 50 weight thread, which is incomparable. I even did make a silk scarf with hand rolled edges to go with it. For husband Pieter a silk bow tie as well as one for me. Having lived and worked in Indonesia I always had access to the most pretty silk hair bow barrettes with snood. Now, living back in the USA, I at least managed to make one myself, to match the skirt. Learn from Mariette (segment on my previous website) as you look at the pictures below... Shopping information for the Kinkame silk thread and silk lining you will find below. Have any of you made a hand rolled silk scarf? Or a silk hair bow? Or maybe a silk bow tie for your significant other? Let me know as I definitely want to hear about it!
Scarf, bow tie and hair bow is shown towards the end in more detail.
Voilà, my Burda pattern self sewn silk Gucci skirt...
Photo taken on Sunday April 29, Pieter's birthday, below you find also a link where husband Pieter is wearing his silk bow tie.
Pieter wearing his bow tie...
Doing a 'tournesol' for showing you the different angels of the skirt.
It overlaps in the front and is inspired by a kind of sarong style.
It is not a wrap sarong though, in the back is a blind zipper...
By the way, do you like this leather waist coat?
That's the back with the blind zipper...
Pond's (India) Ltd. did a great job with the top stitching on this leather waist coat!
We both worked for Pond's and they did this for me as a courtesy. 
I'll treasure this as long as it fits and that's not a big risk as I'm the same size since I was 15.
With this overlapping double layer you have lots of freedom to move, or even RUN...
The part that I lift up here is NOT lined, the rest of the skirt is fully lined.
The waist coat has snap closure and also 2 welted pockets with a zipper. 
A notch collar and top stitching all over.
I've turned the Escada blouse's notch collar over the leather one...
Now let's go to the matching accessories...
My favorite Japanese silk thread! Below you find the link for it...
Also shown here is the solid black silk lining of the skirt.
At the top: hand rolled silk scarf for which the smooth Japanese silk thread works great!
Below the scarf are the two matching bow ties with their hook and eye slide (see link below).
Silk hair bow with snood that I love to wear at times. 
Detail of the hand rolled silk scarf. Below you find a video of how to do this.
Easily done with this perfect Japanese Kinkame silk thread.
My silk hair bow barrette with snood...
Here you also clearly see the black dots that are woven into the silk.
Just love this quality fabric and love to run my fingers through, while at the store...
If you got the bow tie hook and eye slide, these are relatively easy to make!
Now I like to hear from you what you've made for yourself or a loved one.

Thanks to photographer P.J.C. Vedder!

Links of interest:
Britex Fabrics where I got my silk lining
Britex Notions Kinkame Japanese 50 weight Silk Thread
How to Hand Roll a Scarf video
Pieter is wearing HIS silk bow tie here: {Unique Accordion LOVE Story}
Bow tie hook and eye slide


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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