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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Our Life in Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Life in Italy. Show all posts

Friday, March 3, 2023

Update After my Biking Accident and Our Exodus from Pennsylvania, USA to Start Our Life in Italy

On the day of my accident, I'd planned to launch this video from our departure back to Europe, on February 23, 1989

But on the 21st of February when I got T–boned by that woman, there was no chance for managing that...
Planned to bake my Amaretti cookies and had already zested 2 large Costco lemons, they're the best for zesting as well as for taste and juice.
I needed eggs, so Pieter said, I ride my bike to Walmart...
NO, I said WE ride our bike to Walmart, the sun is shining it was warm and I felt so happy for having caught up entirely with laundry and my housekeeper Nasha had just cleaned the house—perfect!
Feeling so grateful, for her starting on February 1st.
My life was getting more routine and relaxed with time for biking available.
But it didn't work that way...
I ended up in the ambulance after being thrown off my bike onto the highway—this happened all in front of Pieter's eyes!
My Roam Road Bike Helmet (from Amazon.com) bounced so nicely when I hit the asphalt—felt so grateful for always wearing it and in a soft neon green color for safety, just as my jacket.
Did not wear the magnetic goggles... only the adjustable visor...

Wearing my black biker shorts and Asos shoes.
X–rays showed two leg fractures, right knee cap and top of left Proxima fibula and cuts and bruises...
Landed on my right shoulder and right thigh where I got a huge hematoma.
Shoulder hurt like hell... Had an MRI done on Wednesday at Ortho Georgia in Macon and my Big Sis drove us.
Her lawyer husband graciously insisted she take his brand new Cadillac as it would be more convenient for me. Forever grateful for his gracious offer to give me this royal ride in the utmost comfort!
After my MRI and some check up due to my extremely swollen left leg, painfully red and almost ready to burst...
The NP at Ortho Georgia sent me to our local ER for having ultrasounds done, in order to rule out any deep vein thrombosis.
So they checked my left leg's vein and artery and no problem!
Our own car that we used yesterday, for a follow up with my primary care doctor after those ultrasounds, was rather hard to get into. 
Long legs and having to wear that stupid knee immobilizer does not allow you much flexibility.
Getting into our Infinity QX50 I sat sideways on the passenger seat, left leg in and right leg straight up to get it past the door, then down in the open pivoting area...
My primary care doctor noticed my rather shallow breathing and some sore spots that he found when touching my ribs. I told him that by breathing normal—it hurt like hell.
So, he sent us to the Imaging Center for having lots of x–rays taken of my chest to rule out any problems or risks for pneumonia.
I was on my walker and got so exhausted for being on my wounded legs for the entire session! 
Collapsed in bed with legs up by 5:30 PM but slept sound.
This morning my doctor called, no fractures and nowhere any trapped air!
So it must be just painful superficial bruises...
Oh, he prescribed me some over the counter meds for getting rid of that nasty, itchy rash I got as a side affect of the Medrol Dosepak to reduce the swelling in my body.
That are by now, 11 days in excruciating pain and otherwise. Due to my CKD stage with only 25% kidney function (at least that was December!) I cannot take painkillers.

On March 22nd I will hear the results from my MRI for the right shoulder, on which I landed...
Just have been praying for strength!
Got another sweet lady from our Church helping me out with ordening things and doing laundry.
ANGELS and I must accept this as I'm really floored—literally!

And now this video and our Exodus from Pennsylvania, USA to Italy
Don't forget to click on closed caption...
One of Pieter's Campbell colleagues was so gracious for taking us into his home for a couple of weeks while our furniture and cars were on the Ocean, headed for the Port of Genua, Italy.
See post below about: Dog Shit and POLICE
We also flew to Miami, using our Delta Airlines miles and visiting sweet friend Natacha. 
You can read about that adventure below from a previous post.
We also returned our rental car and flew via Chicago to San Diego on United Airlines frequent flyer miles. Visiting another sweet friend who is born in Vietnam.
Pieter was flying most of the time for Campbell and he then took the shuttle to the airport, no rental car needed.
On February 17, we had a farewell dinner from Campbell's with the staff.
On the 22nd we went together to the Italian Consulate.
On February 23, 1989 Aron took this photo as we were about to depart for the airport...
Pieter took this from our host couple with me...
And on the 23rd our Exodus from the USA.
Sadly the REASON that we HAD to move—or else—to be closer to the Division Office was a farce.
In all of four months, Pieter went 26 times to the Division Office either from our home in Shillington, Pennsylvania or from Wilmington Delaware—didn't make ANY sense.
But here comes the most INCREDIBLE PART:
Boscov's Business Travel arranged our tickets—round trip! As that is far cheaper than one–way.
With TWA from Philadelphia to New York City
From New York City with Sabena Airlines to Brussels in Belgium which was only a good hour away from my Parents'
So there we left, checking in 5 pieces of luggage.
Mom & Dad would have their 40th Wedding Anniversary on the 25th and that was our reason—nobody knew we'd already shipped everything across the ocean for starting a job in Italy...
Little did we know that the containers would be stuck in the Port of Genua, Italy—due to strike!
Read that story here below—our life never has been boring...
Looking so forward for having this Bed–Backrest for use on the bed, delivered tomorrow...
It is HARD to work on my MacBook without!

Related links:
{Our EVERGLADES ADVENTURE with friend NATACHA} | previous post by me
Dog Shit and POLICE | previous about our cars being loaded into a container
Living out of our Suitcases - BUT we LIVED near Venice, Italy! | previous post by me

Friday, November 25, 2022

Long Lost Friend Rita FOUND!

Yay—we found RITA after 30 years!
In this regard, social media can be a great help for finding long lost friends.
Just like with our previous lost person from our Life in Italy...
Read below post.
Rita Ruzwan...
It was her husband who first found my post on FB Page and he reacted.
What a joy to find such a comment...!
Rita sure has not aged since we met in 1991.


Related link:

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Dog Shit and POLICE

On January 30, 1989 all our furniture got packed up and loaded into a container.
On the way to Italy where we both would move to next...
Next day, January 31, we drove first to the Philadelphia airport for getting us a rental car for the remainder of our stay in the USA.
Pieter standing in the door opening of our small apartment in Shillington, Pennsylvania...
Our final moments...
Pieter in the backdoor of our kitchen, before closing up and returning the keys.
The inspection had been done and we got our $ 750 back as the apartment looked a lot cleaner now then when we moved in!
It was the day that the movers would come to load up our two cars.
Seen here bottom left...
Looking for an area with the right slope for easier getting the Mercury Sable onto the ramp into the container.
So here we go, in caravan, truck with container, one of the moving company's men in the rental car and Pieter in our Mercury Sable, then me inside the Ford Escort.
There were also some boxes with clothes inside, that got quickly swung outside onto the road...
Pieter looking on, alongside our Mercury Sable as we were NOT allowed to touch our cars.
They were now under the moving company's insurance!
Pieter has put on his portable jacket as it was cold...
The selected area proved barely having enough slope...
Here the guy stepped into some Dog Shit... 💩
Ouch, after having cleaned out our cars on the inside meticulously, as being demanded!
I'd taken them to the carwash, for the exterior.
But we had now nothing to clean it off with... what a nasty smell from that humongous turd!
Soon the blue lights came flashing by!
A lady in that neighborhood had alarmed the police as she thought of another car theft...
It was tough for legitimating us with a Georgia/USA drivers license, a heavy Dutch accent and the 'unbelievable' story that we were loading up for our move to Italy!
Haha, so many cars got loaded up right there!
Now my 'Essy' was ready to be driven onto that steep ramp!
Luckily, the guy with the Dog Shit under his left foot, did not handle my Essy... so she would not stink inside!
Pieter had pulled the hoodie over his head as it was so mean cold...
Now both, Merc and Essy were inside their container for making the long journey across the Atlantic Ocean, to the harbor of Genoa, Italy...
It would be around Easter when we FINALLY retrieved both of them in Triest, Italy.
Due to a harbor strike in Genoa, they had to go elsewhere!
Those were our 8 weeks of living out of our suitcases... see link below!
Our Pennsylvanian chapter closed...
Driving in our rental car to Wilmington, Delaware for staying with our Jewish friends.

Related post:

Sunday, October 17, 2021

YOU'RE A SMART COOKIE - Hilarious true story about my successor in Italy

Here comes a hilarious true story about my successor in Italy as I tried to COMPLIMENT her!
Marina Dalle Valle had just finished University and she started her 1st job.
So, I had to train her...
Yep, when our boss Dr. Gigi Bagnasco came to check with me, about her ability, she was left out of the conversation as she did not speak English.
Knowing how she felt, I translated to her what I just told Dr. Bagnasco in English, that she picked up rather quickly and she is a smart cookie.
So I turned towards Marina and said in Italian: Marina è un biscotto furbo!
We almost wet our pants from laughing... This was one of those moments where translation is impossible.
Neither can you say in Dutch: Je bent een slim koekje...
But she understood that I only wanted to compliment her in a gracious way, and Dr. Bagnasco was quite pleased with that knowledge; meaning they hired the right person.
Cookie comes from the Dutch word 'koekje,' which means 'little cake.' The first cookie-like 'cakes' were thought to have originated in 7th century Persia, one of the earliest countries where sugar was cultivated.
Smart Cookie
The Cambridge International Dictionary of Idioms says that a smart cookie is 'someone who is clever and good at dealing with difficult situations.' The term 'cookie' may have referred to women as far back as the 1700s, and 'smart cookie' may have been a comment on women's intelligence.
Here Marina is next to me on the right during one of our visits back to Italy, on September 30, 1995.
Happy to see that she did so well!
Wearing my own sewing creation, skirt made from some raw silk. Paired with a silk sweater and a wool Yves Saint Laurent scarf.
She continued the Statistical Process Control that I'd introduced, as a tool for being able to pin-point 'where' in the process of e.g. producing compost, we were 'off'.
Also we used that, for more accurately being able to predict the yield of an incoming 1st break of mushrooms.
If any of the above ingredients were 'off', that already predicted less good quality mushrooms with less piece-weight and thus lower market value.

BUT, Marina my successor was a smart cookie!
Hoping she is still doing well. 

Related link:

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Cornuda Italy Christmas Eve Feeding the Critters

 Sorry, we have no Internet!


Just an overview from our 5th floor apartment in Cornuda, Treviso when we still lived in Italy.

From our balcony, and also from the rooftop to show the back.

We then drove in my Ford Escort to Madonna di Rocca from where the lot that we'd purchased is visible.

And of course we did stop at the old people's home, to feed their critters.

We always did so on our way to work and they knew our car or if we came to work by bike, they recognized us.

We both LOVE pets and this was such a natural thing to do!
Even more so on Christmas Eve.
Those black leather boots I'm wearing (gift from Italian friends) I still have, as well as the wool winter coat that I'd purchased in Pennsylvania just before moving to Italy.
If you view this video on YouTube and on your PC you will find the clickable markings below for reading and clicking on it. At 0:22 Church of Cornuda, Province of Treviso. 
At 1:18 zooming in on the Church atop Madonna di Rocca.

Very short but valuable to both of us.

Related links:
{Our Apartment in Cornuda, TV, Italy} | previous post by me
Buying Property in Cornuda, Italy below Madonna di Rocca | previous post by me
Living out of our Suitcases - BUT we LIVED near Venice, Italy! | previous post by me
Our Precious Silver Engraving from Church in Cornuda, TV - Italy | previous post by me 

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Editiorial Review from CEO Campbell Soup: You Brought a World-Renowned Professionalism to our Operations when they Sorely Needed Expertise

Final 'Mushroom' Editorial Review, that I used for our new book.
This is all said by others, and you can either hear them say it, or read their words.
No self–aggrandizement as we both loath that.

As Pieter always said: 'Let others figure out, how good you really are, no need for putting yourself on a pedestal'.
Sure, having to say goodbye to your employer is never easy, but if you do receive such a meaningful letter as a farewell, it is different.
From R. Gordon McGovern, President Campbell Soup Company:
Dear Pieter:
The announcement of your leaving for Italy could not pass by without my writing a note of thanks for your contribution to Campbell mushrooms.
You brought a world-renowned professionalism to our operations when they sorely needed expertise.
All of us here wish to express our appreciation and best wishes. We hope succeeding generations can live up to your standards.
R. Gordon McGovern

This was sent to our apartment in Cornuda, Treviso/Italy where we then lived and worked.
Another valued editorial quote which I used for our new publication: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting click link. Amazon is listing full information! modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting  click it.
Others might omit it...

Related links:
Editorial Review by British Mushroom Journal: P.J.C. Vedder as an Eminent Mushroom Expert, and a Gifted Teacher is Greatly Valued and Admired Internationally | previous post
The Three Most Important Items for Mushroom Production 'Compost, Compost, Compost!' | editorial written by Campbell colleague upon Pieter's resignation and departure to Italy...

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Closing the Italian Chapter of our Life with Jan Van den Munckhof and Wilma

Well, due to the earthquake region we were rather 'shocked' to find out that by law you had to put as much money in the ground as above the ground!
Nobody had told us that up front... duh and I did not embrace the fact for having to work till age 65 for all that is in the ground; never to be seen again. Concrete pillars that is!
Also the walls had to be one foot thick and even the roof; a solid bunker.
May 19 of 1990 we drove one final time to Cornuda for the sale of our property and closing our Italian bank account - end of Italian Chapter!
Photo got taken by my youngest brother Jan Van den Munckhof, while we had a break at the Brenner Pass in Austria, crossing the Italian border.
Me, sister-in-law Wilma and Pieter.
Pieter and I at the Brenner Pass through the Alps...
It was great for being with multiple drivers this trip!
Well, Jan had done it on his BMW motorcycle solo, with Wilma in the passenger seat and so did I solo coming back from my 2-weeks consulting in Germany. That took me 17 hours due to a strike at the Brenner border between Austria and Italy.
At the Brenner Pass...
Yes, working at a mushroom farm I always kept my hair long and did braid it as that was a perfect hairstyle. See link to post below.
Wilma was doing the next segment driving the red Opel Kadett into Italy...
On May 22 of 1990 we received our Italian Lire 36,000,000 and also closed our bank account, taking it home with us as US Dollars.
YES, we lived like millionaires back then, everything in Italy was in huge sums!

This was the end of Our Life in Italy...
The romantic creek the Runero, behind our property had been totally closed off now; it ran underground... So much of the original scenery had changed.
Fond memories and that's it!

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Artistic Chromolythographs on 23 Kt Gold Leaf from Friend Gerard Derks in Italy

While living in Cornuda, Italy, we invited our friends Gerard and Pauline Derks over for dinner at our apartment.
Gerard gifted us with a set of three Artistic Chromolythographs made by hand press on 23 Kt Gold Leaf.
Such precious work in miniature... all with artist signature as well.
Living in Italy, you know that you are in a world with medieval buildings all around you...
Such medieval arches you can find everywhere...
With each having a certificate on its back about the chromolythography made with hand press on 23kt gold leaf from Jewellery store Pasa
Gold Engraving in Italy by Gioielleria Pasa, Via Piave, 14 32026 Lentiai - Borgo Valbelluna (BL) click through to their FB Page as they still do exist! Look at their masterwork here...
LOVE the Italian skills!
We read in the 1995-5 English Mushroom Journal, courtesy of Gerard Derks about the passing of our long time friend Bruno Sartor and co-founder of Funghi del Montello, the company we worked for in Italy. Click the uploaded ISMS link.
Bruno and his brother Valentino Sartor used to be wood traders.
Through contacts in Canada, they got to see how they constructed mushroom houses from wooden planks. That's how they too started in the mushroom business.
Valentino Sartor established in 1977 ITALSPAWN ITALIA, for use on their own mushroom plants, also selling it all over Europe as well as to Korea and Israel.
The Mushroom Journal 1979-1 click link to ISMS pdf. Gerard Derks is shown to the left.
The International Society for Mushroom Science (ISMS) has now uploaded most of the issues.
In The Mushroom Journal 1984-2 the MGA conference lecture by Gerard Derks has been published.
Maybe his sons would love to read it... And another article about Mushrooms in Mexico by Gerard Derks I found in the 1993-8 just click. 
Gerard Derks also became te recipient of the prestigious Sinden Award from the English MGA (Mushroom Growers Association) in 1991. Well deserved!
The Funghi del Montello mushroom operation published in 1992-1 The Mushroom Journal click to ISMS Pdf.
The Sinden Lecture Part 1 by Gerard Derks
Published by ISMS in Pdf format 1992-5 The Mushroom Journal click link
The Sinden Lecture Part 2 by Gerard Derks
Published by ISMS in Pdf format 1992-6 The Mushroom Journal click link
Once again, courtesy of Gerard Derks, a TRUE GENTLEMAN!
Uploaded now by ISMS in 2001-4 The Mushroom Journal
Sadly in 2002, when we visited Italy with our best friends from Dublin, Georgia, we made a stop at the hospital in Feltre, in the Province Belluno on June 6, for seeing Gerard one last time... he died of pancreatic cancer.
2003-12 The Mushroom Journal published this ten months after his death; click for ISMS uploaded link.
Gerard was a very active man in the Mushroom Industry, son of the school principal of Overasselt, The Netherlands

We did rightfully mention him in this post and in our book on page 219, which you find an image of in link below:

Related link:
Visiting A.G. Linfield Mushroom Compost Facility in England | Showing Mr. Jan Thielen from the above obituary, courtesy of Gerard Derks


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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