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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Ceramic Chandelier. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ceramic Chandelier. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

HOW we Hauled our Miele Appliance Home and Installed it

On November 7, 1998 we both drove in our Toyota RAV4 to Atlanta to pick up our Miele built–in wall cabinet hood, dishwasher and oven.
There was none available in our area but we were determined.
Both of us have been surrounded by German built Miele since our early life—so well known in Europe!
So, this protruding Kitchen Aid oven with too much black—will get replaced and also the noisy Whirlpool dishwasher + Whirlpool hood.
The old white combi fridge and freezer from Amana we still have in use in our pantry!
Here you see the oven and the dishwasher from the other side.
And still my hand crocheted rose curtains hanging in front of the windows.
Ceramic Chandelier from Italy... we still have that!
Here we just arrived home and I backed up to the veranda door entrance for easier unloading.
Well—easy... not so.
I had not seen, neither did Pieter, the handles that hung down for picking up the oven.
So I lifted it not by those special handles and cut my hand... bleeding.
Only next morning at breakfast we were both staring at them; argh!

Will be continued...

Have you hauled some appliance yourself?

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Netherlands - Obsteig, Austria - Montebelluna, Italy

Flying once again to The Netherlands from Atlanta, Georgia/USA for the 37th time.
Our 11th trip to Italy by car, in August of 1993, with Dad's Ford Fiesta...
We left on August 4 and spent the night in Obsteig, Austria.
Me walking outside of Hotel Tyrol, now the Aktivhotel Tyrol, Unterstrass 243 in Obsteig 6416 Austria.
Here I am just outside the door of the hotel, ready to continue our journey into Italy!
We enjoyed a wonderful brunch before getting on the road again.
In Bassano, we were waiting till the leather shoe/boots factory opened up...
Taking in our beautiful surroundings!
Yes, we lived in this area and in this very town, our ceramic chandeliers got made. See links below post.
We spent the night at Albergo Gallo in Montebelluna...
On August 6, we visited FUNGHI DEL MONTELLO where we both worked in 1989...
Mushrooms from the mountains when translated into English and you can see why.
On Saturday, August 7, we move to Albergo Hotel Ristorante Tegorzo, Fener, (BL) Italy province of Belluno which is more to the north.
We also had visited Bar Belvedère in Cornuda, that used to be below our apartment and enjoyed a coffee at Daniella's place. We also met our former neighbor and the owner of the super market across from our apartment.
On Sunday, August 8, we went to Mass in Cornuda, our former Church. Next we went to Asolo but there was no antique market that Sunday. We did find an antique crystal jar with silver lid for storing jewelry.
We did drive around in the area and also walked...
Yes, I was wearing my Donna Karan jeans set...
Always hard to leave as part of our heart belongs to that region near Venice, Italy!
Both of us love mountains and nature...
Next day on Monday. August 9, we drove back to The Netherlands and had done more than 2,400 km or 1,491 mi.
That was a trip including three languages... Dutch; German and Italian.

Ciao Italia!

Related links:

Sunday, June 16, 2013

{Our Hallway}

Let me show you the next finished project, inside our home. Husband Pieter, did also change the wooden baseboard in our hallway into a tiled one. These white tiles for the bathrooms, kitchen, veranda and hallway came back with us from Italy in a 40-foot container with all our belongings. Life in Italy was over as we did not build our home in Italy but went back to Georgia/USA. Okay, welcome into our hallway!
From the front door you face the dining room to the left and straight ahead is the living room.
The white ceramic chandelier from Italy you can find below this post in a previous post's link.
Those white tiles are from Italy, we bought them at the time we worked and lived there. 
When we did not construct the house in Italy, we did bring everything back to Georgia/USA.
Here you see husband Pieter's work; a tile baseboard after he removed the wooden one.
This is nice glossy and a lot easier for cleaning and it looks better with the tiles in this room.
Turning now back towards the front door, past the dining room door.
You cannot see my French DMC Rose Filet Lace Crocheted Curtains here, due to the glare.
But in the link below this post you can view them. By the way, that is my 3rd most viewed post!
Our French oak coat rack with chest.
Looking all the way to the end of the hallway, where our master bedroom is. 
First door is to the staircase, next door is a closet where we keep our winter coats and boots.
Next is the office (you recently saw a post about it) and last door is the guest bedroom (you also got to see that).
Stepping halfway down the hallway you can see the office door to the right and guest bedroom next with the master bedroom straight ahead.
These beautiful Ipomoeas in blue (Pieter's favorite color - which he CAN distinguish very well) are done by my sister Diny Van den Munckhof, in 2004.
The brass plate with peacock was a gift to Pieter when he was still principal at the practical training college in The Netherlands.
Sister Diny's artwork...
Frame is by Irok gallery, our favorite as they do museum quality framing.
Looking back to the closet where we keep our coats and boots and the door to the staircase.
Looking to the right you see a row of  10 hand painted wild mushroom plates by A. Zen Nove, ITALY.
That was a gift from our company in Italy. They had each year a different one painted by this artist in a limited numbered edition of 100. See link below post for more details.
Three Royal Tichelaar Makkum pieces in polychrome.
Made by the The Netherland's oldest company and framed in French oak.
Royal Tichelaar Makkum wall plate in polychrome.
This photo is taken from the door opening of the master bedroom.
To the right you see our bi-fold closet which I did show in a previous post: My closet looks like a neat store - see below post.
the next door is a closet where we keep albums and the vacuum cleaner and such.
A bit more recessed is the door to the guest bathroom, that you recently saw in a post.
Turning towards the master bedroom door.
These hand embroidered wild mushrooms in cross stitch, I made long time ago and they hung in the office of Principal Pieter at his practical training college for mushroom growing.
Looking up to the ceiling where a foldout staircase leads to the attic.
THAT will be another project...
Hope you enjoyed the tour!

Related link:
{Our White Ceramic Chandeliers from Italy} | previous post by me
{My French DMC Rose Filet Lace Crocheted Curtains} | previous post by me
{MY CLOSET LOOKS LIKE A NEAT STORE} | previous post by me
Irok gallery | link to museum quality framing
{10 Hand Painted Wild Mushroom Plates by A. Zen Nove, ITALY} | previous post by me

Monday, September 26, 2011

{More of Our Kitchen}

On August 30 in my post {Our Kitchen Improvements} I did promise to show you more of our kitchen, so here it is... When we bought our property we were looking for a lot with sun in the back of the house, south side for the afternoon. That also meant that our bay window area would have morning sun as it is facing east. We never did regret this—as it is the most joyful start of the day for having breakfast in the sun! 
Husband Pieter did make the design of our home and we had it custom build by a local contractor.
Seen here also are our IKEA Nordmyra chairs.
You have seen my hand crocheted curtains before in my post about {Our White Ceramic Chandeliers from Italy} also in this post about {Giovanni Raspini Silver Christmas Balls} and in this post {French Floral Pillow Set and our Gazebo}. Oh and also here: {My Old-Time Spun Glass Halloween Ornaments}...
Detail of handcrocheted rose curtains.
Door to our veranda.
Miele US  Plate & Cup Warming Drawer above Dishwasher.
Miele Oven above Plate & Cup Warming Drawer.
Great feature is the TOP SOLO
Well deserved recognition! It is so true. Miele is available at Miele USA.
See how those two Gardena scissors are hung from three chrome knobs.

Gardena Garden Scissor for removing thorns from roses.
These chrome knobs are available at Home Depot in sets of two, see info below.
Our Amana refrigerator with pull out freezer drawer.
Energy Star rated.
Wide shelves are great for large platters.
Door to living room and hall-way.
Door to dining room.
Buffet with tea chest and tray.
Feline resident Tiggy-Tiger girl...

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

{Our White Ceramic Chandeliers from Italy}

We lived and worked in the Veneto area in Italy and in Bassano del Grappa they make the world renowned: Ceramiche d'Arte Orgia Bassano. Ceramics of Bassano del Grappa. For some English info just click the above hyperlink. This is actually a Google photo from the shop where we bought our two white ceramic chandeliers! They did have several in the shop in yellow, pink and green, like the icing on a cake. But we wanted a plain white version of a three-arm and a five-arm. So they custom made it for us. Let's have a look at what we got there.
Our five-arm chandelier in the hallway.
All in white and with roses of course!
Nice with the rose filet crochet curtains...
Can you imagine that we moved it all the way from our home in Italy, across the Atlantic Ocean in one piece?
That means, nothing broken as it does consist of different pieces for building together...
Italians are quite some artists!
Our three-arm chandelier in the kitchen.
Roses against the rose filet crocheted curtains that I made for our bay window.
Horchow had one in their catalog in the 90s...
That made us even appreciate ours more so...
And, frankly speaking we like ours with the roses better too!


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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