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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Angels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Angels. Show all posts

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Our NATIVITY and Angels from Italy

Christmas Once again...
So let me show you our hand carved wooden nativity scene with angels from South Tyrol, Italy. The birth of Jesus is the reason for the season... Our Saviour, who came into this world because of LOVE.
The wood carving is so meticulously done by the Italian craftsmen!
Love the angel holding a HEART; the universal symbol of Love...
At present we do have some Paperwhites blooming again. 
As well as fragrant Chimonanthus praecox (Calycanthus p.) (C. fragrans) which you see in the center of this Mandalay Chartreuse vase by Mason, together with Ilex decidua 'Finches Golden' a yellow berried Ilex. 
Last year we only had the yellow Ilex (holly berries) but this year there are plenty of red Ilex.
Do you have a special nativity scene in your home?
Wishing you a Merry Christmas with all your loved ones!

Related link:
{Our Garden's Winter Blooms for Christmas} my previous post about this Wintersweet flower...
Christie's Mandalay by Masons showing you the Mandalay by Mason, as is my vase above...

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Our Permanent Resident Angels & Cross Stitch for Christmas

Just reposting this 2011 post...
On November 9, I did already write about Our Living Room ANGELS - CHERUBS that have taken up permanent residence, not only for the Christmas season. All our ANGELS - CHERUBS are the REAL thing, made out of special wood and hand carved in South Tyrol, Italy. So here they are shown once more to you as they sure belong to the Christmas season.
The golden wreath we added for the Christmas season...
Quite an angelic population on our mantle... They are our Permanent Residents!
From Bad/Münstereifel, Germany I did bring this pure linen cross stitched Christmas bow back home.
The edging of the linen band is done in gold and the hand embroidered cross stitching also used gold for the stars as well as for some contrast stitching.
Hard to capture on photo.
I've just finished a scan from this bow & stars cross stitch pattern, for those of you that are interested in it.
Look for it below and feel free to print it out.
My German friend Marlene, did bring me a second one when she and her husband Egon did visit us after their tour through Mexico.
They are hung each year in the living room from the doorknobs of the oak wall unit.
This is the scan and I put it as a larger size. The width of the linen band is 7 cm or 2.8"
The entire cross stitch pattern is 11 cm long or 4.3" so you can determine the thread count accordingly.
If you love it as much as I did at first sight, okay - here is the pattern for you.
Just a small Christmas gift from me—to my loyal readers!
Obviously many visitors loved this... 11,044 views.

Related links:

{6 Antique & Vintage Italian Angels, Cherubs Putti} previous post by me
{Our Living Room ANGELS - CHERUBS} previous post by me
{Our Living Room} previous post by me
{5 Angels - Putti from Italy & Germany} previous post by me

Saturday, December 17, 2022

May your 4th Advent Week lead towards a REAL CHRISTMAS

Yes, the year is getting thinner and we all are preparing for Christmas 2022.
May this 4th Advent week lead us towards a REAL CHRISTMAS
Far away from the commercial holiday it has become...

 The green cotton Zweigart Aida tablecloth now with a Mason's Mandalay Chartreuse plate for the brass spiral candle holders.

May the Enchantment fill our hearts.
If we do not live, speak and think in the language of enchantment, including naming angels and recognizing spirits... then the soul will go out of our lives and communities, and we will wonder why nothing seems to hold together and nothing seems to have value anymore. ~Thomas Moore

In the back is a group of angels looking on, all from South Tyrol, Italy.
The one on the left is a ceramic one and was a gift from Italian friend Maria from Ristorante da Maria and the others are all wooden angels from Italy.

Now two sterling silver candle holders with fluted bobèches have joined the Royal Selangor pewter ones that we bought in Singapore.
Royal Selangor is established in 1885 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The silver crocheted doily has been hand made by a former Turkish neighbor in The Netherlands.
Incredible work, I would not be able to copy that!
The silver tray was handmade for us in Kotagede, near Yogyakarta in Indonesia.

Two Mason's Mandalay Chartreuse ←(click it) candle holders and two silver plated tall ones with tapers and bobèches.
Each of them also holds a Hugger Candle Snugger.
Candles are Dutch Gouda. Yes, Gouda is a city that produces fine cheeses and candles!

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Our Wreath with Silver Christmas Balls and Angel

Out comes of course our favorite wreath with Silver Christmas Balls and Angel...
LOVE the Silver Angel especially!
Love this quote:
'If we do not live, speak and think in the language of enchantment, including naming angels and recognizing spirits... then the soul will go out of our lives and communities, and we will wonder why nothing seems to hold together and nothing seems to have value anymore. ~Thomas Moore'
This is where I got the idea... from the hardcover book of Argenterie Giovanni Raspini, Florence/Italy.
Those wooden shutters remind me of my childhood as we used to have them like that!
Used to sell those silver Christmas Balls but they're all gone—only these silver gifts remain→click link: Spectrenoir
Oh and certainly candles belong to Christmas!
Different wreath as the natural moss one did not last...
But these are our solid oak indoor shutters. 
Only ONE final Angel Cherub is hanging around in Spectrenoir ←click link.
A very sweet French door knob lavender sachet...
Yes, made in France that is!

Friday, November 25, 2022

Long Lost Friend Rita FOUND!

Yay—we found RITA after 30 years!
In this regard, social media can be a great help for finding long lost friends.
Just like with our previous lost person from our Life in Italy...
Read below post.
Rita Ruzwan...
It was her husband who first found my post on FB Page and he reacted.
What a joy to find such a comment...!
Rita sure has not aged since we met in 1991.


Related link:

Monday, December 6, 2021

Dad Sang Avé Maria from Bach-Gounod

 One of the many digitalized treasures I've come upon, is this almost complete Avé Maria from Bach-Gounod, sung by my Dad on October 9, 1994.
Husband Pieter joined Dad and the neighborhood choir AMC, as they sang during a Mass by request of then Roman Catholic Pastor Thijssen, the brother of Dad's neighbor, for videotaping segments.
This was at the Onze Lieve Vrouw Geboorte (Our Lady's Birth) Roman Catholic Church that had been restored after the damage from WWII.
A building by architect Pierre Cuypers 1827-1921.
In 1236 there was already a small Romanesque style Church.
In 1460 a new Gothic style Church got built on this site.
In 1869, during the demolition of the old Church, a Roman tri-god stone was discovered, dedicated to Minerva, Hercules and Juno. 
The stone served as a pedestal for a Jupiter column and is considered one of the most beautiful in the Province of Limburg.

This was inside the beautiful Roman Catholic Church alongside the River Meuse...

Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Geboortekerk (Kessel) click link

Dad's Avé Maria is quite appropriate with the upcoming Feast of Immaculate Conception on December 8!

Avé Maria (Bach/Gounod). In 1853, French composer Charles Gounod improvised on Johann Sebastian Bach's piano music from 1722

Ave Maria gratia plena
Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus
Et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus
Sancta Maria, Sancta Maria
Maria, ora pro nobis, nobis peccatoribus
Nunc et in hora, in hora mortis nostrae

Hail Mary, full of grace
The Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus
Holy Mary, Holy Mary pray for us
Us sinners, now and in the hour of our death
If we do not live, speak and think in the language of enchantment, including naming angels and recognizing spirits... then the soul will go out of our lives and communities, and we will wonder why nothing seems to hold together and nothing seems to have value anymore. ~Thomas Moore

Especially at present times we need this!
Wishing you and your family a meaningful Advent Season

*Dad started singing in the Church choir at the age of 17, and later joined the Horster Mannenkoor (the big choir). Dad received two royal awards for being 70 years and 80 years a singer; unique for The Netherlands.
Dad only joined Mom's elderly choir Levensvreugd on October 9, 1997 at the age of 76... as he never felt being an elderly... 😉

Related link:
{Mary The Most Powerful Woman in the World} | previous post by me
{Vintage Religious Paper Lace from France and Immaculate Conception} | previous post by me
From CitizenM Hotel on Delta Airlines from Amsterdam to Savannah, Georgia | previous post by me
AMC koor op zondag 9 Oktober 1994, H. Mis in Kessel, Limburg | longer video

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Brother Jan with Wife Wilma Rode his BMW Motorbike for 15 Hours to Visit us in Italy

While living and working in Italy, we had only one family member ever visit us...
Brother Jan Van den Munckhof, on his BMW Motorbike with his wife Wilma in the passenger seat, and it took him almost 15 hours, just 15 minutes short.
That was on Saturday, July 29, 1989 and they arrived around 19:00 after we'd worked, as usual till after lunch.
Sunday, July 30, Wilma and I walking as we just purchased a water melon 5.5 kg (12 pound) that Wilma craved for! Photo by Jan L.G. Van den Munckhof.
This was earlier in the morning as Jan & Wilma hiked up the hill behind our apartment, discovering our surroundings.
Both of us looking out of the bathroom window...That day we took them to medieval artist city of Asolo where we walked around and had an ice coffee on the terrace.
We of course took them to our lot, across Madonna di Rocca, where we were supposed to build our home.
We spotted Bambi near the Runero Creek.
Back at home I made Babi Pangang...
On Monday, July 31, Jan & Wilma drove to the Dolomites and even lived through a thunderstorm... Both of us worked, and then we wanted to drive to Montebelluna for finding us a restaurant.
That proved to be quite an adventure as everything was closed!
WORSE was that we were running out of gas...
After Pieter spoke these words: 'IF we just make it over that final hill with Essy (my white Ford Escort) at least the downhill pushing of the car will be a lot easier', it became dead silent inside the car.
Miraculously we made it till the mushroom farm where we swapped Essy for Merc, our Mercury Sable, as he had a full stomach!
As bonus we even managed to find us a Pizzeria that was OPEN...
On Tuesday August 1, a normal working day and Jan & Wilma had a lazy day at and around home.
We went to the Silos Supermarket in Treviso.
On Wednesday, August 2, Jan & Wilma went to Venice for the day... We had a regular workday.
Thursday, August 3, regular work and Wilma had cooked a delicious meal for all of us at home.
Friday, August 4, I did my 5th training class with slides etc. and Jan & Wilma came to the mushroom farm by 11:00 and we went home together for lunch. Jan & Wilma next went to the River Piave for sun tanning as we went back to work. Pizza dinner in Crochetta del Montello.
Saturday, August 5, we both went to work as usual and Jan & Wilma came to the mushroom farm and also Ruud & Monique Thielen from Thilot for a machine demonstration.
With Tommaso we went to a restaurant near Montebelluna and afterwards we all visited Tommaso and Rosella at their villa.
Ruud & Monique followed us till Treviso, on their way back to Venice and we went shopping in Treviso.
That yielded us an angel, that is still with us, but Pieter has chipped off nearly all its fingers... Haha!
In this still shot from home movie 1999 it is still reasonable.
This is what he (yes!) looks like now...
It is a numbered Unterweissbach 1882
We ate a Pizza and got home just in time for a thunderstorm.
Sunday, August 6, Jan rode home on his motorbike with Wilma, they left at 5:30 and reached Horst aan de Maas in The Netherlands by 19:15... It sure is a vast distance!

Related posts:
Living out of our Suitcases - BUT we LIVED near Venice, Italy! | previous post by me
Our Historic Christmas in Italy - END of Romania's Communist Dictator | previous post by me
{Our Apartment in Cornuda, TV, Italy} | previous post by me
{2013 Fiat 500 versus Fiat 500 Topolino} | previous post by me
Visiting A.G. Linfield Mushroom Compost Facility in England  | previous post by me about Thilot and GTL Europe as it is called now

Saturday, June 17, 2017

{Angels engraved on lucky calendar coin of 1969}

It was in June of 1969, when I had read the weekly local paper 'De Echo van Horst' and spotted an advertisement from the practical Training College for Mushroom Growing. So before lunch, I did go over there to apply for the job; and got it. The founder and principal, Mr. Vedder, told me that with my long hair I reminded him of his daughter Lizzy... Later I got to know that cute little daughter of age five. Well, I loved the job, attended also the very first ladies course ever given on the subject of mushroom growing. That was in 1970! Sounds like ages ago that women were not considered to do the very same things as men do... Mr. Vedder turned out to be one of my most favorite teachers. Over the years, thousands of students would agree with me on that! His book, translated into eight official languages, has often been called the Mushroom Bible. It is still available in print in Spanish, as well as in English, at least here in the USA and in Spain. He wrote his first Dutch edition in 1961. And our new English version: modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting is available worldwide. 
There certainly was a mutual sympathy but nothing else. As I've mentioned before in the blog: {Our Daughter Liz}, that my first cousin Bertie was Lizzy's friend; my paternal grandmother was Pieter's Mom's best friend and my paternal uncle was Pieter's friend at the photo club... I had no inkling that fourteen years later I would become his wife! 
Up till 1980 I didn't even know his first name as we always referred to him as Mr. Vedder...

Okay, let's pull the curtain of that special year 1969 and have a look: 

Angels are my favorites and on this huge 3.75" (9.5cm) bronze coin they playfully open the curtain ~ so the year can begin! Famous French Engraver G. Simon, designed it and he also had become instantly famous with the design of the 50 cents (centimes) coin for Prince Rainier and Princess Grace of Monaco. That made him become the Royal Engraver! He has done numerous coins.
My angel coin is in French, listing the beginning of Spring; Summer; Autumn and Winter. As well as the dates of Pentecost and Christmas.
Things have changed in 41 years!

As the angels pull the curtain at the end of the year 1969, let's have a look at some of the highlights since then:

That's me with the long hair at that time... loving roses already! Some antique French roses from an elderly lady that I helped out for some pocket money at the time.

Pieter at the same age as I am in the above photo... in the Dutch military.

Pieter a couple of years later with a head full of hair...

Our civil wedding at the City Hall in Horst aan de Maas, The Netherlands

Happily married, regardless the jet–lag, as we landed the day before from a flight back from Atlanta, Georgia USA to The Netherlands...

After our Church wedding in a parish near Osorno, Chile
Wearing my Laurèl, Escada lace blouse.

Honeymoon in Chile, looking into Argentina. I am proud to have readers from both countries!

Pieter wearing his wool Burberry tie and I the silk Burberry plaid scarf.

At the harbor of Cape Town, South Africa on November 24, 1985.

In front of The White House, Washington DC 1987.
Pieter in his Burberry suit.

After having lived and worked in Pennsylvania and Italy, we moved back to Georgia, USA into our new build home and my Dad from The Netherlands helped us move in.

With our foster daughter Anita, in Indonesia where we lived and worked in Central Java.

Photo taken for the book: A Profile of Dublin & Laurens County Georgia where our story appeared.

At the banquet of the millennium Rotary District Conference.
Wearing a silk Escada top with Majorica pearls.

Trip to the Geuldal in South Limburg (my former Province), The Netherlands during the May 2000 Mushroom Science International Congress.
Wearing my Laurèl Escada suit with top.

Going to our annual Crescendo of the Dublin Laurens Arts Council.
Wearing my favorite Escada silk rose evening gown with Majorica pearls.

Even get to wear my Dirndl to go to the Oktoberfest that was held bi-annually by our best friends Col. John A.Whigham and Dr. Rebecca Whigham.

Picture taken by our foster daughter Anita after midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. Spooky our cat is in the picture too, on the left of me... he passed away because of heart-worm!
Wearing my Escada calf hair skirt and leather coat with calf hair boots.

Again for a reception of the annual Rotary Club's District Conference. Since we no longer are International Consultants we at least get to go! We missed so many opportunities while being abroad someplace else... weddings of friends and such.
Pieter in his Ermenegildo Zegna suit and I'm in Escada.

This picture is taken at a wedding in Dublin, Georgia.
Pieter's matching silk tie with gray roses with my Escada dress and jacket with rose embroidery and Majorica pearls.

Another Rotary District Conference banquet where they always ask for wearing the 'Dublin' green jacket. Got Pieter a Brioni 30% silk with 70% cashmere jacket from Neiman Marcus Last Call that is a brighter green than they wear here. The Dublin green jacket we once took to the Rotary Club of Dublin Viking in Ireland to the their Club meeting. When they asked what an ugly color green Pieter was wearing we got cured! They were not in agreement in Dublin, Ireland with that being their Irish green. Indeed, from my fashion education I also know better — so I've taken care of that one.
Wearing my favorite Escada leather jacket with rose embroidery cut work on silk with silk top.

Anyway, Pieter looks a lot sharper in his Burberry tuxedo than in the green jacket! I am wearing a silk batik top that I've made from an Indonesian formal shawl, being hand painted with gold. Added frogs closures (Brandenburger sluiting in Dutch or Brandenbourgs) that I found in Spain while on a tour there. Lined it with black silk lining from my favorite West Coast specialty store (HUGE!) in San Francisco Britex. That are the perks when you travel the world; you find all the luxury that is out there and happen to come upon the most unique stores... For those of you that sew or design, check out Britex Notions at the very top from their home page.
Let's end with this and toast to many more happy years in good health!


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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