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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Our Balcony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Our Balcony. Show all posts

Monday, December 27, 2021

Extending the Joy of ROSES

 Guess by now, you all know how much I do love ROSES...
Sadly we no longer have our own roses, but once in a while we enjoy a nosegay.
When doing our usual shopping round in Atlanta at Trader Joe's, Whole Foods Market and Costco wholesale, I grabbed a dozen of these perfect yellow roses.
When this dozen of yellow roses was showing signs of letting down, I salvaged several of the best and placed them inside this Wedgwood Cream Color on Cream Color compote bowl.
Together with a placemat from Le Jacquard Français they looked stunning!
For best light, I went onto our balcony on the round teak table...
Lovely buds that never fully opened!
Do you love ROSES?

Thursday, December 16, 2021

Found one of our bats on the driveway and it recovered!

 On May 31, I found a bat on the driveway and I picked it up.
So soft with brownish fur...
It was around 20:00 o'clock and I had dipped my finger in the cat's water bowl, for letting it drink.
No idea if they drink or what the cause of it laying on the driveway was....
It was so tiny inside my hand and it reacted to my calling and talking.
I took it upstairs, and then onto the balcony, no kitties there!
It was so very special for being able to video tape it in daylight and it seemed okay.
I was checking if it had a tail... and noticed its big ears.
Such soft fur!
Calling it Vleery Vedder (Vleermuis is the Dutch word for Bat).
They are oh so tiny, these little brown bats but ferocious mosquito and other insect hunters.
Vleery, looking at me from the top of the teak table on our balcony.
And yes, a little while later it was gone!
So for whatever reason it was down on the driveway; maybe dizzy...
Glad it got revived.

Related post:
Wet Monsoon - Magnolia Namnetensis Flore Pleno and BATS | previous post by me showing where the BATS live

Monday, August 14, 2017

Tiggy Dreaming of and ALMOST Tasting a Birdie...

It is such a WET Monsoon here in the Heart of Georgia... Oh my!
Need to build an ARK soon.
On May 21, it was so pleasant on the balcony, together with my tiny Tiggy-Tiger girl.
She is 10 years but looks like a kitten, also her weight is like that of a kitten.
SUPER smart and FAST!
While I was reading magazines, she was watching a BIRDIE...
Birdie sat in one of our Italian Cypress trees.
Oh, how Tiggy would love to CATCH that Birdie!
Following it everywhere...
If only Tiggy could fly too!
Mom, Birdies TASTE so good...
Far better than my next cat-supper...
Oh and Birdie is CALLING me too...
Mom, your magazines are not as much fun as my Birdie!
Mom, Birdie tastes DELICIOUS!!!
Yeah, Mom will bribe me with a treat instead...

Being a Feline is so TOUGH...

Do you enjoy your feline fur babies?

Thanks for visiting and commenting!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

{Summer Bliss on our Balcony - Indian Summer}

On September 5, we snapped these photos on the balcony.
The lawn has seldom been this green; true Summer Bliss!
It makes one happy to see a lush garden!
Wearing my green Marc Cain top and green Escada stretch cotton skirt.
We do enjoy our Vintage Woodworks balustrades out of polyurethane. 
Looking at our felines, down on the driveway...
My shoes are also Escada.
Wearing my silver hair barrettes from Bali, Indonesia.
Fond memories!
Showing you my long(er) hair as I have it short now!
Will show you later...

Happy New Week!

Sunday, September 21, 2014

{Our Brown Jordan Chaise & Wolford Bathing Suit Score}

Don't know about you, but things in life seldom go as planned... at least not for both of us.
After Pieter finished last year with the tiles on our balcony, we did order a Brown Jordan Chaise after we fell in love with it at the HYATT house Atlanta/Cobb Galleria during our stay of July 17.
First we had to search the internet and than order ONE.
The question over and over was; how many do you need for your resort?! 
It took all summer though... On September 24, finally we drove to Atlanta to the warehouse where it had been delivered. I came back with this very chaise on TOP of my cute ute; the now 17-year old Ravy, my Toyota RAV4!
BUT no more summer use for 2013, only this year after a LONG wait because of a wet spring and big part of the summer, I got to use our new Brown Jordan Chaise!
This is it; different color frame however.
Ours is: Brown Jordan Patio Stacking Adjustable Flight Chaise 3940-7000 in White Lite color 055 with Versatex Mesh in Latte 1079
Yep, that's me wearing my Outlet Score from May 3, when we went to The Colonnade Outlets at Sawgrass Mills in Sunrise, Florida...
Just keep in mind that I am 3 x the age of your average model of 21 years young!
The sun is way too harsh to even look...
My natural gray hair; never ever used any dye...
THIS is a professional model and a lot younger!
But this triple-age girl was mighty proud for having snatched up a Wolford Forming Swimbody in Black, size Small, in cup B, with a whopping 75% Rebate!
Now that's what I call Outlet Scores; high quality for a steal.
Yep, my Egyptian feet...
Now each of us has a chaise on the balcony...
Love this new Brown Jordan Chaise & my Wolford Bathing Suit!
I had to laugh because: Wolford will discontinue its swimwear in spring 2015 (just click it)
Even though, I never will be making over–time on the balcony like this...

Related links:
{'Ravy', my Toyota RAV4 is 15 today!} | previous post by me from 2012...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

{Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger with Cushioned Velour Cover}

In a comment on: 'Our now WHITE Barlow Tyrie Ltd Capri Lounger with Wheels', there was concern that I would have to lie on it like a fakir... Rest assured Marianne from Biebkriebels (Library-jitters) we do have a very lovely white Cushioned Velour Cover...
This is IT. 'Our now WHITE Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger with Wheels' and a very soft Cushioned Velour Cover... on the Italian Cerdomus tiles.
Marianne from the blog Biebkriebels (Library Jitters) did write: Everything is ready to enjoy, but with a pillow I hope... To which I replied: Yes sure, there is a very pretty and soft chaise cover in white... Otherwise you would be lying down rather fakir like!
There are even three handy side pockets...
Heaven for reading some magazines while snacking on some cherries!
The Velour Cover looks still a bit wrinkled here, as I just had taken it out of its plastic storage bag for winter.
All in the softest 100% cotton with Polyester filling.
Not too bulky for propping it inside the washer.
 Complete with pillow...
Another great find!

Related link:
{Our now WHITE Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger with Wheels} | previous post by me

Thursday, July 31, 2014

{Our now WHITE Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger with Wheels}

On Tuesday, July 23 of 1996 we got this teak Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger delivered, complete with cushion. It served us well, all those years but last year we had it professionally painted WHITE, together with the teak round table.
Yes, we still support the color 'Orange' being Dutch by birth and American by choice!
We found this umbrella with stand at Tuesday Morning and the stand got painted green, like our outdoor shutters.
We love the round teak table and the Capri Lounger being painted white.
This is how our Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger with wheels used to be...
The Italian CERDOMUS ceramiche tiles are being put on last year by husband Pieter.
The entire balusters and railing are from Vintage Woodworks in Polyurethane, reinforced with aluminum. In late summer they too got professionally painted. They will last a lifetime!
Not bad for an 18-year old Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger; don't you think?

Related link:
{Our Balcony} | previous post by me showing the original teak Barlow Tyrie Capri Lounger + table
{Our Cerdomus Italian GREEN Tiles} | previous post by me showing the new tiles

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

{Do you know Dutch DWEILEN for Mopping up Water?}

When we had the Flash Flood problems we were using 17 Dutch style DWEILEN for mopping up the ground water that came in our basement. Besides the two wet vacs that we ran all the time. What a job. I ended up ordering 6 more of these Dutch Witte Dweilen, from Michigan's VanderVeen's also called: The Dutch Store. Just click on both links and you also might want to get their Dutch Chocolate Letters in time for the holiday season.
From Albert Heijn
A 50 x 60 cm DWEIL in white cotton...
It is woven such that it has a high absorption of water.
The way I use this is with a squeegee that I place over the wet 'dweil'. This one is dry, just for demonstrating on our balcony.
Next you turn the 'dweil' over the squeegee  and now you can move over your tiles.
I do this with a wet 'dweil' then I rinse it out and wring it dry and go over the same spot again for drying it off.
Those cotton dweilen (plural for dweil) I throw into my Miele washer and they get laundered on 170°F for cleaning and disinfecting them for the next use. This is a very hygienic way of mopping floors.


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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