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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Etiquette Training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Etiquette Training. Show all posts

Friday, November 27, 2020

High Tea Prepared and Baked by Me and History taught by Pieter J.C.Vedder

Like to show you yet another Hight Tea Table, our donation to the local Rotary Club's bi-annual auction. 

Yep, the day before I'd been rather busy in the kitchen as I did all the baking, except for the 3 varieties of cookies and 4 kinds of European Chocolates.
As I was about to mention all I'd created, for capturing on video and for my Parents back in The Netherlands, I got interrupted... 
By someone, not dressed appropriately for a High Tea! Ignoring any etiquette...

Did not have the time on June 28, 1998 for making photos, so these is a still shots from the video.
In the center you see my Stracciatella Cream Torte; Bottom center is my Peach Cheesecake (actually a real Quark Torte) on a Baked Bottom; Bottom Left is my Mocha Ice Cream Torte garnished with Pirouettes Wafers and Chocolate Coffee Beans.
On the Left with Red Ribboned Bow is my Tiramisu-Charlotte Torte. 

Top left are cookies... a total of three European varieties I had.
Tablecloth used is our Portuguese Guimarães white work, we bought in Coimbra in 1994 while on tour through Spain Portugal for 19 days.

Top Center in white square is my Italian Tiramisu, made with Mascarpone and dusted with Dutch Chocolate
Top Right is my home baked Open Fruit Pie.
Bottom Right is my Dr. Oetker Chocolate Cream Torte garnished with Swiss Chocolate and Maraschino Cherries.
A total of 7 different Tortes and Pies...

There were Dark Chocolate Non-Pareils and three more European Chocolates.

While I captured this little memory of all the work, husband Pieter was giving a general lesson on the etiquette and history of a High Tea in the living room.
He always will remain a teacher!

Have you ever hosted, prepared and singlehandedly baked a High Tea?

Previous Hight Tea by me:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

{Etiquette Tips by Replacements Ltd. by Etiquette Coach Jill Slatter}

Just love to share with you this video from Replacements Ltd. 
Miss Slatter does a great job and I only can emphasize this kind of approach.
Wish more of this could be done!
Those that don't live in my immediate area, for attending some of my 'Learn from Mariette' etiquette classes, can always pick up some great tips from this classy lady! Enjoy video below.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

{Difference Between Coffee & Tea Cups}

Yesterday I did mention in my post that those chevrons, pointed at the particular cups in the end of my TV Interview's video, were wrong. So here I like to point out to you the visible differences between Coffee & Tea Cups. 
Sorry for the poor photos, because of the camera focusing in on the windows... I placed each time two cups on an oak tray, placed on a ceramic pedestal. LEFT you see a Coffee Cup and to the RIGHT is a Tea Cup!
  • Coffee cups are more narrow and mostly straight up. Teacups are lower and wider and often tapered down. 
  • The reason that teacups are wider at the top and more shallow is because a good tea is set with BOILING water. 
  • The bigger surface lets your tea cool down faster, to a consumable temperature.
To the left I also placed a smaller spoon than to the right. These cups are German Seltmann Weiden Mirabel in white.  Spoons are Gero Zilmeta 528 Menuet.
Frontal view of Coffee Cup to the left and Tea Cup to the right.
Europeans brew their coffee a lot stronger than people here in the USA and or Canada.
We do use a dark French roast, that also makes the coffee darker but always mild and never bitter.
Nowadays the famous Dutch JACOBS DOUWE EGBERTS coffee, since 1753, is widely available in the USA as well.
These I do use as Coffee Cups; demitasse and regular size Coffee Cups. What is your guess? These are more tapered down.
This is WEDGWOOD CREAM COLOR ON CREAM COLOR (PLAIN EDGE). Even Replacements Ltd. does not specify the difference. It names the one to the left footed demitasse and the other footed cup & saucer.
Frontal view of the two cups & saucers.
This again is easier to judge. To the left is a demitasse for coffee and to the right a demitasse for tea. The French word Demi Tasse means Half Cup. This is ROSENTHAL SANSSOUCI ROSE-IVORY (GOLD TRIM).
Frontal view of the demitasse Coffee Cup to the left and demitasse Tea Cup to the right. For both I used the demitasse spoons from Gero Zilmeta 528 Menuet.
Again an easy to judge set. To the left is a demitasse Coffee Cup and a regular Coffee Cup and to the right is a regular Tea Cup in MASON'S MANDALAY-CHARTREUSE.
Frontal view of the demitasse Coffee Cup to the left, regular Coffee Cup center and regular Tea Cup to the right. I used a demitasse Gero Zilmeta 528 Menuet spoon for the demi and regular spoons in gold plate for the coffee and tea cups.
This one is again easy to judge. A demitasse Coffee Cup to the left and a demitasse Tea Cup to the right with regular spoons in gold plate. When I mean regular, it is NOT a regular American size spoon but a much smaller European size teaspoon. This is ROYAL ALBERT THE GARDENIA.
Frontal view of demitasse Coffee Cup to the left and demitasse Tea Cup to the right.
Again easy to guess: to the left a regular size Coffee Cup and to the right a regular size Tea Cup. Both with gold plated teaspoons. This is ROYAL ALBERT PRINCESS ANNE (BRUSHED GOLD EDGE).
Frontal view of regular size Coffee Cup to the left and regular size Tea Cup to the right.
Again somewhat difficult to analyze... The one to the left is called an After Dinner Cup and the one in the center a Coffee / Tea cup. The one to the right is named a Breakfast Cup...  Guess we can either pour coffee or tea in them! This is French GIEN ROSE.
Frontal view of those three cups... Here I used two demitasse spoons from ALVIN BRIDAL ROSE and to the right a five o'clock spoon.
Frontal stacked view and clear view of size difference.
Though these are not tapered down I presume that the one to the left is a Coffee Cup and to the right a Tea Cup. This is from POTTERIE DE DRIEHOEK in Huizen, The Netherlands. Spoons are demitasse and teaspoon by Gero Zilmeta 528 Menuet.
Frontal view of this Coffee Cup and Tea Cup.
Here we are facing our final set of in my opinion again a demitasse Coffee Cup to the left and a regular Coffee Cup to the right. I used Alvin Bridal Rose demitasse spoons for both. This is ROYAL DOULTON ENGLISH ROSE.
One last frontal view of a demitasse Coffee Cup to the left and a regular Coffee Cup to the right...
Now you also know what I am using when hosting a High Tea. We have quite a choice on china. Will show you photos from such a High Tea later. My idea is that more people are using Tea Cups than Coffee Cups. What is your take on that? You might be able to reflect on your own stock or maybe heirloom pieces that you got handed down.
Worldwide, it seems that numerous people look for the 'right' cup... 
A total of 94,813 views so far.

Related links:
{My Etiquette Training Interview with WGXA.TV (FOX24/ABC16)} | yesterday's post (from WGXA.TV) by me referring to the cup differences in video
So, What's This About Coffee "Cans," Reggie? | previous post from Blogger Reggie Darling with interesting facts
{Our last Datura Angel's Trumpets and TEA with a Twist} | previous post by me, showing also Japanese tea
Learn from Mariette | Classes used to being offered by Mariette's Back to Basics
The World in your Teacup | book by Lisa Boalt Richardson

Monday, April 8, 2013

{My Etiquette Training Interview with WGXA.TV (FOX24/ABC16)}

On July 29, 2011, Morning Show Anchor/Producer Rick Devens from WGXA-TV (FOX24/ABC16) Middle Georgia News & Weather, did an interview with me about Etiquette Training. I want to react on the final segment about the difference between tea cups and coffee cups. Video is shown below.
  • Interview was done inside our dining room. Click the arrow and enjoy!

    • It was a hot summer day...

    • Rick Devens promised to send me the DVD but till today, I never got it...
    • BUT he was so kind to upload it onto YouTube and that's even better!

    • In front of my porcelain cupboards...

    • Pieter took this photo from the kitchen area...

    This is what WGXA.TV (FOX24/ABC16) Morning Show Anchor/Producer
    Rick Devens ended the video with.

    Not quite correct as pointed to with those chevrons but more about that tomorrow... see link below.

    Related links:
    Off Beat: Etiquette Training | Publication of video by Middle Georgia News & Weather WGXA.TV
    {Difference Between Coffee & Tea Cups} - post by me about correct tea and coffee cups

Monday, August 1, 2011

{My Etiquette Training Interview with WGXA.TV (FOX24/ABC16)}

Love to share with you this Etiquette Training interview with WGXA-TV (FOX24/ABC16) Middle Georgia News & Weather, by Morning Show Anchor/Producer Rick Devens, who did call on Friday, July 22 and asked if I would be available during the weekend too. So a time for Saturday the 23rd was set. It was fun to work with him and you can see the actual video below. Before that, I show you some screenshots and one photo that Pieter took while I was being interviewed.

It was all taped inside our dining room...
Below you can click on the arrow and watch it.
Too bad that the indoor shutters had to be closed because of the bright sun light.

Relatd links:
Off Beat: Etiquette Training - Publication of video by Middle Georgia News & Weather WGXA.TV (FOX24/ABC16
Mariette's Back to Basics: Learn from Mariette

Books shown in video:


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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