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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Dialysis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dialysis. Show all posts

Monday, February 13, 2023

Happy Saint Valentine's Day!

This is a photo, taken on Friday, February 14, 2014 on Saint Valentine's Day when we were in The Netherlands and visiting Mom during her long hours of Dialysis. 
We did visit her 5 times during dialysis, one afternoon we missed — as we were visiting a 1st cousin—but that was when Dad was with her.
Mom has been a great role model all her life and I pray that I too will remain in such high spirits till the end of my CKD.
Oh, Mom so enjoyed our visits...

Happy Saint Valentine's Day to all of my readers! 

Friday, March 20, 2015

{Mom was only 50 days short of her 7th Dialysis Anniversary}

Mom was so very close to making it into a record for completing her 7th Dialysis Anniversary; only 50 days short!

My beautiful Mom, opening the front door of Afhangweg 8 in Horst, The Netherlands for my 'late' husband -– on my wedding day. 
She is so happy looking and this is the house where she came back to, for her last breath.
Mom in Church on my wedding day, with my baby-brother Jan to the left...
It was on February 9, 1973...
Mom congratulating me after Church... 
Looking oh so happy and for sure she is now together in heaven with my late husband Frans...
“The things you can take with you: Love, Trust, Respect, Joy. The things you leave behind: Everything else.”  ― Robert Charles Waldron
Mom during the reception, where guests do present the gifts.
My Paternal Grandmother is seated here and the lady with the black/red dress was my aunt, married to Dad's younger brother. She too went to heaven after having had kidney problems and going through dialysis...

My hair was till my waist at that time!
I will show you my self made simple wedding dress another time.
“We should keep the dead before our eyes, and honor them as though still living” ― Confucius

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. - Harriet Beecher Stowe

Those are great quotes...

Those that attacked us for NOT showing up at Mom's funeral, due to Pieter's health issues because of heart cramps, and me still going to rehab for my hand, we forgive their act of bitterness.
May they too find the Peace that is in our hearts!

Friday, February 13, 2015

{Mom Lived 16 Days Short of Her 91st Birthday}

Mom did get so very close to a lot of milestones...
Reaching her 91st Birthday was only 16 days away on February 12!
Mom, being in heaven now, I love to envision her like she looks here, on Friday, February 21, 2014 during her dialysis. That's our 64th trip to The Netherlands and together with Pieter, we came to visit her during each 4-hour dialysis! Time spent together went by so quickly and it sure did cheer her up. 
Yes, we went 64 times to The Netherlands for visiting Mom and we also had her 4 times come to the USA for staying with us.
Below is what she wrote in our guest book, after her 2nd visit from March 20 till April 17, 1996.
Mom's words: April 17, 1996. Thanks for an unforgettable vacation - Mom Van den Munckhof and Dad Van den Munckhof...
Bedankt voor een onvergetelijke vakantie van Moeke Van den Munckhof en Papa Van den Munckhof
Most precious words, for having in our guest book... It makes us feel warm and fuzzy for knowing that our gift of those two tickets from Amsterdam, The Netherlands to Atlanta, USA got that much appreciated!
Received sympathy card from a dear friend, a woman who is born in my hometown and lives now near Atlanta, Georgia. 
Last trip for Mom & Dad, together with us from Amsterdam to Atlanta, her Dad was on the very same flight. That meant 5 people from Horst, The Netherlands!
He went to heaven before Mom did...
The heart remembers most what it has loved best.
But it is good because my heart does remember my sweet Mom forever!
February 12, is her first Birthday celebrated in heaven, together with her Angel daughter Mariet.
Like in this photo, I will forever have my Mom at my side...
April 24, 2001 - Dearest Mariet and Pieter.
Thank you so much for the hospitality we received here in the five times that we were here. Who would have ever thought that our eldest daughter would end up living in the United States of America and even become an American citizen. And we certainly never would have thought we ourselves too, would visit there. The United States of America, you did hear so much about and you would watch a movie about
Heel hartelijk bedankt voor de gastvrijheid die we hier mochten ontvangen in de vijf keer dat we hier waren. Wie had dat vroeger ooit gedacht dat onze oudste dochter in Amerika zou gaan wonen en ook nog Amerikaanse werd. En we hadden zeker nooit gedacht dat we er zelf ook eens zouden komen. Amerika daar hoorde je zoveel over en je zag wel eens een film over
the Wild West but that was so far away over the Atlantic Ocean that you could only dream of it.
Yet the great miracle came about and in 1987 we flew in a large Jumbo 747, for the first time together with the two of you to the U.S.A. and since that first flight we did come four more times here or rather, four more times for me and for Mom two more times. 
It was terrific for us.
het wilde westen maar dat was zo ver weg over de grote oceaan dat je er alleen maar van kon dromen.
Maar toch het grote wonder geschiedde en in 1987 vlogen we in een grote Jumbo 747 voor de eerste keer met jullie samen naar de U.S.A. en sinds die eerst vlucht zijn we nog 4 keer hier geweest of liever gezegd, ik nog vier keer en Moeke nog twee keer. Het was geweldig voor ons. 
For us as down to earth market gardeners from the Afhang (hamlet) to be able to experience this ourselves. I will not go into details because then this book will be full but you ought to read my travel journal at home then you know how intense I've experienced it all, it was terrific.
Once again, thank you so much for the hospitality that we enjoyed in Dublin, as well as at your friends'. 
With best regards and best wishes from Dad and Mom.
Om als eenvoudige tuinder uit de Afhang zoiets mee te mogen maken. Ik zal maar niet in details treden want dan is dit boek vol, maar je leest maar eens mijn reis verslagen thuis dan weet je hoe intens ik het allemaal heb beleefd, het was geweldig. Nogmaals heel hartelijk bedankt voor de gastvrijheid die we genoten in Dublin ook bij jullie vrienden. Met heel veel groeten en de best wensen, van Papa en Moeke.
From Mom's final stay with us, we have no guest book message as their departure came by surprise due to the fact that the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines plane got claimed for transporting U.S. military to Europe.
Mom & Dad had to depart on an Air France flight, via Paris... but since Mom needed wheel chair assistance (as requested by us) and both of them not speaking any French, I managed to get them on an earlier flight; non-stop on Royal Dutch Airlines.
So this we learned around 7:30 PM that next day their flight home was to be and in this rush, they completely forgot to write anything...
Complete with wheelchair assistance and for Pieter and me a gate pass, we did see them off at the gate. 
Then came the final goodbye with tears and all... 
They had to pre–board and thus we had to do it early. 
Dad thanked and thanked us over and over for the good times and for all we’ve done for them. 
Mom said over and over how much she appreciated it and that she couldn’t find words for it, she couldn’t tell us how much it meant to her. 
Glad that we could see them off and Dad emphasized on the fact that on their own they would’ve been completely lost.
That was the very last time that we gifted them with a ticket, for coming to visit us.
We've come 64 times long distance to The Netherlands and had Mom come 4 times and Dad 6 times to the U.S.A. of which we paid twice the ticket for both, twice for Dad alone and half for the first time.
That means a lot more than flying over to attend a requiem mass! 

The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again. - Charles Dickens quote.

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. - Harriet Beecher Stowe quote.

Those that attacked us for NOT showing up at Mom's funeral, due to Pieter's health issues because of heart cramps, and me still going to rehab for my hand, we forgive their act of bitterness.
May they too find the Peace that is in our hearts!
Yes, this post has been lovingly visited by my siblings; now 4797 times...

Related links:
{Mom Lived 11 Days Short of her 66th Wedding Anniversary} | previous post by me
{R.I.P. Dear Mom} | previous post by me
{My Angel Sister & Mariette's Back to Basics Explained} | previous post by me
{HAPPY Mom on her 90th Birthday - THANKS TO ALL OF YOU} | previous post by me and LAST time I got to see Mom in person...
{Happy 90th Birthday Mom} | previous post by me

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

{R.I.P. Dear Mom}

Dear, loyal readers... this is not a happy tiding but I want to share with you that I have lived through 17 days of guiding my dear Mom in The Netherlands on her final journey home. Guiding her from Georgia USA...
Home to heaven and home to the place where 7 of her 8 children were born. 
Being in an ambulance four times, and twice with my youngest brother at her side, she finally came home.

The last night in the hospital my dear youngest brother, together with my second brother sat at her side until 1:00 PM today, January 27, when she finally got to ride home...
I feel so blessed for having these two brothers that included me, on a distance of 8,436 km by doing FaceTime, so I could actually see my sweet and brave Mom. I could hear her and talk to her. Unforgettable experience and with that I can live till I die; feeling very fuzzy and warm.
When my youngest brother rode on the ambulance home with her, she died shortly upon arrival.

R.I.P. dear Mom!

 On March 22, 1996 when Mom stayed for 4 weeks with me, her eldest daughter, and Pieter, her son–in–law, I had professionally made a complete series of photographs of my Mom.
Those photos I treasure forever, with her soft and happy smile!
Here with us in Georgia, she could relax, feel pampered and loved and as a result of that, look beautiful.
Our dear friends invited us for dinner and she was the hit of the evening.
Everyone found her looking much younger than on her previous visit in 1987.

Mom did stay a total of 4 times with us and last time she stayed 6 weeks and thanked me over and over for all we did for her. Words cannot express what you did for me she said.

With that and such soft, happy photos, I can age happily as this is living proof that I managed to give her something back, after so many years of TLC (Tender Loving Care).

She's now with my Angel Sister in Heaven and never will have pain again, or lie lonely on her bed during dialysis...

The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words left unsaid and deeds left undone. - Harriet Beecher Stowe

Those that attacked us for NOT showing up at Mom's funeral, due to Pieter's health issues, because of heart cramps, and me still going to rehab for my hand, we forgive their act of bitterness.

May they too find the Peace that is in our hearts!
Feeling humbled for the 2558 views of this post...

Related link:
{My Angel Sister & Mariette's Back to Basics Explained} | previous post by me
{ANGELS We Know By Name} | previous post by me
{My 6 Min Presentation The Truth About Leprosy for GPDLI, AtAmerica U.S. EMBASSY JAKARTA} | next day presentation after seeing Mom for the FINAL TIME...
{Mom Did Wear Many Hats} | later post by me

Friday, March 21, 2014

{Mom's 6th Dialysis Anniversary}

March 18, was the 6th Anniversary of Mom's Kidney Dialysis! 
We are so grateful for still having her with us. This is a photo, taken on Friday, February 14, on Saint Valentine's Day when we were in The Netherlands and visiting Mom during her long hours of Dialysis. 
We did visit her 5 times, one afternoon we missed as I was visiting a cousin but that was when Dad was with her.
Mom has been a great role model all her life and I pray that I too will reach her blessed age of 90 and not get problems sooner with my own kidneys.
Let's try to keep my chronic kidney disease in stage II for a long time to come!
Well, in 2017 I moved from stage II to stage III...
As of August 2019, I moved into stage IV...

Related links:
{HAPPY Mom on her 90th Birthday - THANKS TO ALL OF YOU} | Mom on her B'day at Dialysis
{Mom's 5th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me
{Mom's 4th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me with childhood photos Mom & me...

Thursday, March 6, 2014

{HAPPY Mom on her 90th Birthday - THANKS TO ALL OF YOU}

As some of you already knew, I have been away for 15 days. Flying to The Netherlands once more, actually our 64th trip to see family and friends in those 30 years as immigrants. A long journey home and this time it was very much in honor of Mom, for her 90th Birthday!
In the morning we'd stopped by Mom & Dad's home to see her and later we visited her during her dialysis in her with garlands decorated room.
Pieter took this photo from my Mom in bed, during her dialysis while she is reading all your comments on my {Happy 90th Birthday Mom} post. 
Which indeed made her so happy and lifted up her spirits as you can clearly see from this photo! 
It was very touching for her to see that 863 people from around the world had viewed this post about her and several left a comment. As well as 264 viewers with several more that had left a comment on my FB Page. This was for my dear Mom quite a milestone; it meant as much to her, as to those winning the olympics at the same time...
We'd picked up Dad at their home and spend the time with Mom at the hospital. Dad treated the staff to yummy birthday cakes. Such a visit makes her boring dialysis session pass quickly.
Next time when we did visit her, without Dad, our daughter Anita made a video call from Indonesia with her Oma in The Netherlands. What a joy for both! 
Our daughter Anita did actually visit her Oma several times, with us together in 2008, when she went with us to The Netherlands. This trip we did visit Mom five times during her dialysis. 
Wish I could keep doing that as it makes the time go so pleasantly fast for her...
Everywhere they had Mom's photo with the magical number 90 hung on the walls, above the door etc.
For a 90 year old dialysis patient she still looks mighty good!
  Flowers everywhere as this is quite a Dutch custom to 'SAY IT WITH FLOWERS!'
This is on a table in the veranda... 
Table cloth is being embroidered by my dear Mother-in-law.
Yes, it was worth our 64th journey home to The Netherlands; sitting on our butt for 8,500 km or 5,281 mi one way...
We came this time for a very, very special reason (more to follow in my next post!) which made us very proud.
Fond memories in our hearts forever!

And once more; THANK you all so much for giving Mom such a special day!!!

Bloggers are the most caring and loving bunch.

 viewed 528 times.
And 3008 times here...

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

{Happy 90th Birthday Mom}

Happy 90th Birthday dear Mom; you made it, regardless your kidney dialysis!

Mom, with her soft face...
This photo I took on October 27, 2009 when we visited my Parents during our 62th trip to The Netherlands.
Don't have a more recent one of her yet.

This photo is from March 22, 1996 when Mom & Dad were here with us in the USA for about one month.
She was so happy with these photos where she only got her hair curled, her face powdered to make it less shiny and lipstick on. NOTHING ELSE!
When I gave her this photo in a silver frame, together with some others that were taken of her, she told me it was the best gift she ever received.
Dad could not get over the fact how good looking she was and when we had dinner at our friends' home, she was the star of the evening. All our friends found her looking so much younger than the previous visit in 1987.

Made me feel proud of course; and I still have my Mom!
As of today, 2121 have viewed this post...

When Mom viewed this post with us during her dialysis and at that time 863 people had already viewed this post...

Related links:
Mom got called MOVIE STAR for once she was the CENTER of ATTENTION! | later post about Mom's best gift on video...
{Mom's 5th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me
{Happy 89th Birthday Dear Mom} | previous post by me
{The Little Black Dress & My MOM} | previous post by me
{Humble Gifts of the 1950s}| previous post by me
{Mom's 4th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me with more pictures of Mom
{60 Years Ago} | previous post by me with Mom's pictures

Sunday, November 17, 2013

{Dutch American Heritage Day 2005 with Mom & Dad}

On October 22nd of 2005, when Pieter and I flew back home to Atlanta, USA from Amsterdam, we had Mom & Dad in tow with us. We'd gifted them another trip to the USA and they would stay with us in the Rose Suite till December 3rd.
So naturally when we got the invitation for the Dutch American Heritage Day celebration in Atlanta, we did take Mom & Dad along with us.
November 16, 2005 at the Oglethorpe Museum in Atlanta.
We had no clue that just a little over two years later, Mom would be on dialysis...
In this photo Mom already is having body swelling, caused by fluid retention due to kidney problems not yet known.... 
It took the local doctors years to figure out what was wrong. 
So much about socialized medicine in The Netherlands...
Wearing my Escada Leather Coat.
In the back, you see husband Pieter, me, Mom and Dad at the reception table.
The lady with the green vest is the wife of the former Dutch Consul whom Mom & Dad met already on May 1st of 1987, at the Consul's mansion in Atlanta for Dutch Queen's Day.
The very first official Dutch American Heritage Day reception was held in Atlanta at the Occidental Grand Hotel, now Four Seasons Hotel Atlanta
We went there on Tuesday, November 16, 1993 together with the Director of our Chamber of Commerce, Ms. Willie Paulk.
  • The 2-½ hour drive also yielded a nice door price!
  • I'm wearing my Escada leather coat and matching leather tote with Escada skirt and blouse.

  • The Holland Times in which Dutch American Heritage Day is explained.
  • Also is mentioned that in 2005 the Netherlands has become the second largest investor in the United States and the largest foreign employer in the State of Georgia!
  • Reason for bringing our Dublin Laurens County Chamber of Commerce director along!
  • I'm also a proud Chamber Member; just click on above link to see my listing:
  • Jewelry Store | Upscale French Gifts | Boutique
There are even 3 pictures of Mom & Dad with us, that got published in The Holland Times from the Atlanta Holland Club.
See bottom left and bottom center...
Again, husband Pieter to the right towards bottom with his door prize and me at the left center bottom.
This will be always a very special happy memory as we went there together with Mom & Dad!
That literally seals our Dutch American Heritage...

Related links:
Oglethorpe Museum in Atlanta where the Dutch American Heritage Day reception was held
Four Season Hotel in Atlanta used to be the Occidental Grand Hotel in 1993
The Atlanta Holland Club | link
{1903 Ladies Home Journal by Edward Bok - The Mother of America & Dutch American Heritage Day} | previous post by me
{Dutch - American Heritage Day: November 16 since 1991} | previous post by me
{The Dutch 1st to Salute to the Flag of The United States in 1776} | previous post by me
{Mom's 4th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me
{Mom's 5th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me
{Our Rose Suite Bedroom} | previous post by me

Monday, March 18, 2013

{Mom's 5th Dialysis Anniversary}

March 18, is Mom's 5th Dialysis Anniversary! She has made it more than one year past the statistics, according to the American Association of Kidney Patients, for people above 80. We are certainly grateful for having her still with us here on earth. On Sunday, after coming home from Church we did call Mom & Dad via Skype. On her 5th anniversary day she is having again her kidney dialysis.
This is how she is in her hospital bed during the dialysis treatment.
Weekly 3 x about 4 hours on her back...
Boring time and she is longing for some visits of course!
We did go each time when we went to the Netherlands. Also Anita our foster-daughter from Indonesia did visit her together with us.

If we calculate the time she's spent in her dialysis bed that would be non-stop 130, 24-hour days so far...
Quite a challenge but the alternative is no option!

Related links:

{Happy 89th Birthday Dear Mom} | previous post by me
{The Little Black Dress & My MOM} | previous post by me
{Happy 92th Birthday Papa!} | previous post by me - Mom was having dialyis on that day as well.
{Humble Gifts of the 1950s}| previous post by me
{Mom's 4th Dialysis Anniversary} | previous post by me with more pictures of Mom
{60 Years Ago} | previous post by me with Mom's pictures

Friday, November 16, 2012

{The Little Black Dress & My MOM}

Ever since I read this page in The Costco Connection of May, 2012 I had this post in mind. Writing about The Little Black Dress and fond Childhood Memories of my dear Mom.
It is so true that FASHIONS COME and go but the timeless little black dress has survived decades of trends.
My Mom got married in a black dress in February of 1949. After WWII there was not much, therefore they had to postpone everything. Working hard and saving for their big day, finally after dating for seven years, my Parents could marry. 
My sister Diny still has that wedding dress, a beautiful black rayon georgette.

When I was about 9 years old I had to travel by bus with my Mom each year for a check up for my eyes. That was in the city of Venlo, The Netherlands at the hospital where the eye doctor was. Afterwards Mom always went with me to the large department store of V&D, for a cup of coffee with something sweet. It was also for her a special day off. That was so much fun; just the TWO of us... At the next department store of C&A she found a beautiful Little Black Dress in velvet (also available in a Bordeaux color). Mom asked me to zip up the long zipper in the back, which I did. She loved to be elegant but it was nearly impossible with seven kids, me being the 2nd born and eldest alive out of eight. But I can close my eyes and see her turning proud and pretty in front of the mirror...
I found her SO beautiful, she radiated such happiness, just for a moment enjoying the other, more elegant world. Then she would ask me to open up the long zipper again and she stepped out of her Little Black Dress. Gone was the moment of glamour and luxury and with the bus she rode back into her own world of hard work in the greenhouses, on the fields and in the house. Never an escape, no vacations, pure devotion to her family. Nothing luxurious, but wearing her apron with pride and only on Sundays she would dress up, complete with an elegant hat for going to Church with us. Guess that I'm the only one with my hats to enjoy the same...
We are blessed for still having her with us, even with her limited freedom due to the kidney dialysis three times weekly.
My Mom... She lived a hard life, as during the Great Depression she was sent to a big farmstead as a maid; at the tender age of 14. Just imagine... being away from your Parents and on your own in servitude.
She worked hard and long days, and her dream of studying and becoming a seamstress, never materialized. No money, no time and with WWII coming all dreams were shattered.
Everybody at that time had poverty, there was absolutely no luxury.
The young generation would not be able to live through such times.
In a way, my Parents have been away from their Parents as a teen. Dad too, at the age of 15 he went into servitude, and they worked long days and for that they got food and shelter, a simple bed and a little pocket money. They still managed to save. 
I have always admired Mom's skills, from her great hand writing, to knitting sweaters and socks. Also crocheting fine lace doilies or baking the most delicious pies for us on Sundays. She was a great cook and when we came walking home from school for lunch (12:00-13:30 o'clock) the smell of her home made tomato soup with sauteed onions made us put a spring in our steps. 
On Sundays she cooked a soup that is still being served at fine restaurants and for weddings. 
She felt so proud for feeding her family and I learned a lot from her!
A true role model and of course I wish she could have enjoyed her younger years more.
But she was not alone... so many of her age never had any luxuries.
There are even today many countries where there is nothing but the basics of life.
A good thing for pondering about, as once again our Thanksgiving is coming close.
A feast for family, for being grateful to God for the love, the strength and high ethics that stayed with our Parents and Grandparents and let us pray we will keep their exemplary culture alive.
Closing with a photo where Mom is proudly wearing a beautiful brocade suit that we together found in Atlanta at the Outlet of JC Penney when they were in the USA with us. And I, with my Apriori7 suit from the Escada Company Store.
Mom also wears her Majorica pearls that we gifted her in December of 1983.
This was at my Parents' garden.
Fond memories...

Monday, April 9, 2012

{Challenge Accepted + Easter Photos}

On March 19, I already did receive a challenge request from Alessandra, in Italy, for listing 10 things that make me feel good. She is writing the blog: Shabby but ohh so chic!! ←click for getting to her blog.
Okay, now it is my turn for listing those 10 things, after having waited till first several other challenges got taken care of. 
After our trip to Curaçao we first got our tax papers done. Will write about our Curaçao vacation soon; promise! 
Our garden was also begging for weeding and still needs lots more done. 
On Saturday we finally hung the long crocheted peacock curtain at our friends' home. That was a gift from us and after I designed them, a sweet elderly lady in The Netherlands did crochet them for me. My task was for sewing on numerous brass rings for hanging. My husband Pieter, did hammer in the brass nails for the rings... Mission accomplished and even before Easter!
Happy Mom in the USA...

Okay: 10 things that make me feel good...
1. Looking at Mom's photo, taken while here in the USA, still makes me smile when thinking about all the great times when we had Mom & Dad over to visit us in the USA. Seeing Mom so relaxed and happy in this photo, being on vacation and enjoying it. She worked hard all her life, gave birth to 8 children and had her health issues.
She looks like an angel with her pink feather boa. A nice transition for when she really will become an angel...
2. Calling each Sunday after Church with my Mom & Dad and hearing their voices. Feeling blessed for having Mom still around after 4 years of kidney dialysis.
3. Happy times when video calling with Liz or Anita, our daughters.
4. Having my soul mate Pieter still with me and healthy and strong again after his open heart surgery in September 2010. Enjoying the trips we make together, while talking for hours on end in the car or when walking.
5. Enjoying a cup of coffee, or our version of Chocof (Chocolate from Dutch Cacao + Coffee) with some dark chocolates with pomegranate (from Costco).
6. Getting into a fresh made bed with clean linens, it makes me sleep like an angel under the down duvet and on the down pillows.
7. Having breakfast in our bay window in the sunshine and having fresh flowers from our garden.
8. Having friends around the table for dinner and enjoying a home cooked meal together.
9. Gardening together at our great property that we can claim all as our own. Such a treasure compared to what you can own in the Old World.
10. Watching our seven felines frolicking in our garden and being purrfectly happy - just like we!
Ten things is by far not enough for listing it all... 
It is a joy for reading your blogs and for visiting you around the world!

Now I would like to pass on this 10 point challenge to:
1. Kerri from Artisanbella
2. Claudia from NuNu's Garn-und Stofflabor a multi-talented lady that is also great in English.
3. Véronica from Los Mundos de Nika Vintage who is also very artistic.
4. Michiko from Michiko who needs ALL our help and support after her severe accident on December 15. We need to give her lots of BLOG-LOVE. 
5. Ginger from Savannah Granny who has been having health issues and today is her Birthday so she needs some BLOG-LOVE too.

Okay, mission accomplished in about three weeks...
Don't feel pressed for taking this on. But it is my aim always for helping some others by sending visitors and hopefully followers, their way. A friendly word goes a long way!
Hope we soon will have flowers again like here, from our own garden. 
We lost most roses last year due to the heat and drought but we do have the first ones blooming already.
Happy Easter setting from previous years...

  • The book from which I  made the organdy ribbons for the eggs...

High Tea/Coffee for friends...
The bay window is a favorite breakfast area and for all settings.

Have a nice week!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

{Mom's 4th Dialysis Anniversary}

On March 18, 2008 was Mom's 1st day of having her kidney dialysis. She seems to be the oldest patient among the two regional hospitals in my birth area in The Netherlands. Even though the statistics, according to the American Association of Kidney Patients, state that an 80 year old may expect less than five years of additional life from ESRD treatment. ESRD being End-Stage Renal Disease. It truly is a blessing for having her still around at the age of 88 as of February 12, 2012

Life changed drastically with this three times weekly treatment of the dialysis. She did have some problems like fainting and being nauseated after the treatment but for the time being, she has overcome that. Let's hope and pray that she will be granted some more time with us! When we did hug Mom & Dad goodbye in September last year, it was quite emotional, given her condition. Will I ever see her back alive...? But we have peace of mind with our 63 visits back home from the USA to see her. What more can we do besides the weekly calls, after getting home from Church on Sundays.

Mom looking happy upon seeing us back in The Netherlands...
Photo taken by husband Pieter upon our arrival in Horst.
Our Sunday routine, back from Church with a coffee, calling Mom & Dad...
One of our feline girls is on the window sill...
Mom as a little girl between her Dad's knees, next to her younger brother.
How sweet Grandpa is holding their little hands...
Thanks to my 1st Cousin Thea, from the blog: CREA by THEA I have this precious photo of Mom.
She's shown in the center with her older sister to the left. 
Their Mother knitted them some identical sweaters...
A leap in time. 
Mom with 1.5 year old me and she's pregnant with my sister Diny.
Mom at the 60th Wedding Anniversary of her Parents.
She proudly wears a green brocade dress, one of my sewing creations for Mom.
Mom and I, when we just got back from Church together, where Mom sang with the elderly choir 'Levensvreugd' (Life's Joy) for a 40th Wedding Anniversary Mass.
We were flying back to the USA the next day.
Mom wears again a beautiful brocade suit here that we bought the same year in the USA while they were visiting us. 
Mom did visit us in the USA a total of four times. 
While visiting us in the USA, our Thai-American friend Somai did invite them for dinner at their home.
My husband Pieter on the left, Dad, Mom, Somai and me. Somai's husband Bob took the photo.
Mom and I, in The Netherlands during one of our visits for her Birthday...
During that visit I obtained the photos from below—very friendly staff!
Jan Mauriks was very helpful.
Mom in the hospital during her dialysis. She gets flowers for their 60th wedding anniversary.
A publication about Mom in the Dutch Kidney Foundation's magazine as she was one of the first patients being treated in the other regional hospital. 
On my birthday in 2009, she receives flowers for their 60th wedding anniversary which was the next day.
Mom had a long-time wish for being able to see her birth place and their current place from the air. So all of the children, including me, did present them with a half hour helicopter flight. Last year on February 24 they realized that wish. You can read about it: Helicoptervlucht voor Piet en Gerda

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