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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Cherubs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cherubs. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Our Permanent Resident Angels & Cross Stitch for Christmas

Just reposting this 2011 post...
On November 9, I did already write about Our Living Room ANGELS - CHERUBS that have taken up permanent residence, not only for the Christmas season. All our ANGELS - CHERUBS are the REAL thing, made out of special wood and hand carved in South Tyrol, Italy. So here they are shown once more to you as they sure belong to the Christmas season.
The golden wreath we added for the Christmas season...
Quite an angelic population on our mantle... They are our Permanent Residents!
From Bad/Münstereifel, Germany I did bring this pure linen cross stitched Christmas bow back home.
The edging of the linen band is done in gold and the hand embroidered cross stitching also used gold for the stars as well as for some contrast stitching.
Hard to capture on photo.
I've just finished a scan from this bow & stars cross stitch pattern, for those of you that are interested in it.
Look for it below and feel free to print it out.
My German friend Marlene, did bring me a second one when she and her husband Egon did visit us after their tour through Mexico.
They are hung each year in the living room from the doorknobs of the oak wall unit.
This is the scan and I put it as a larger size. The width of the linen band is 7 cm or 2.8"
The entire cross stitch pattern is 11 cm long or 4.3" so you can determine the thread count accordingly.
If you love it as much as I did at first sight, okay - here is the pattern for you.
Just a small Christmas gift from me—to my loyal readers!
Obviously many visitors loved this... 11,044 views.

Related links:

{6 Antique & Vintage Italian Angels, Cherubs Putti} previous post by me
{Our Living Room ANGELS - CHERUBS} previous post by me
{Our Living Room} previous post by me
{5 Angels - Putti from Italy & Germany} previous post by me

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Our Wreath with Silver Christmas Balls and Angel

Out comes of course our favorite wreath with Silver Christmas Balls and Angel...
LOVE the Silver Angel especially!
Love this quote:
'If we do not live, speak and think in the language of enchantment, including naming angels and recognizing spirits... then the soul will go out of our lives and communities, and we will wonder why nothing seems to hold together and nothing seems to have value anymore. ~Thomas Moore'
This is where I got the idea... from the hardcover book of Argenterie Giovanni Raspini, Florence/Italy.
Those wooden shutters remind me of my childhood as we used to have them like that!
Used to sell those silver Christmas Balls but they're all gone—only these silver gifts remain→click link: Spectrenoir
Oh and certainly candles belong to Christmas!
Different wreath as the natural moss one did not last...
But these are our solid oak indoor shutters. 
Only ONE final Angel Cherub is hanging around in Spectrenoir ←click link.
A very sweet French door knob lavender sachet...
Yes, made in France that is!

Sunday, November 15, 2020

R.I.P. Sweet Barty Boy

 On October 28, 2020 we had to let our sweet Barty boy go...

Tried hard to comfort him and to keep him healthy, with some more meds from vet Amanda.

He did not eat his wet food with the antibiotics after two days of 'accepting' it being added.

Other meds, I managed but there was no improvement.

I'd stayed with him for a total of two weeks, in the Rose Suite, a kind of a kitty hospice... for letting him have his rest, feeling loved and cared for. Yes, like a baby, feeding him many times little meals.

But on Wednesday, October 28, we had vet Amanda come to our home and inside the Rose Suite, in my arms he went to eternity... peacefully.

I'd carried him outside one final time to meet all of his siblings by adoption and for being one last time inside the gazebo, his favorite spot. 

Then I let him lounge on the lawn, close to the walkway from the driveway towards the Rose Suite.

He was so happy, so at peace and that felt good!


Before supper time for his siblings, I placed him inside the kitty bed in the garage so they all knew he was gone... We have done so also with Sacha girl before.

After having our tea and mixed nuts, we went together to the spot behind the greenhouse, for his burial.

That was it. 

Barty Vedder: March 17, 2004 - October 28, 2020

16 years and 7 months...

On Thursday afternoon, June 17, 2004 over a cup of tea, we spotted this adorable kitten 'SALEM'... (right) in our local newspaper.
He so resembled my Dutch kitten Bartje...
So next day, after Rotary Club lunch, Pieter went to the Humane Society to look at them, he got to see also NOISY, his sister.
Then we both went back to get SALEM!
It was love at first sight, Barty as we called him instead, did suck on my earlobe while holding him and also on my pinky... 
We took  this 1.4 kg (3 pound) kitten home with us.
I held him and never put him back in his cage. His sister already got adopted, so I've never seen her.
We took him home to our other Spooky boy, who met his baby brother with such love.
He gave him a 'bath' and cuddled him like he was his Mama, and that for a male cat.
June 27, Spooky our tuxedo boy with Barty-baby on the oak hocker with cotton mat, in front of our veranda door.
On July 08, 2005, Pieter holding our now mature Barty boy...
He had big eyes!
August 11, 2005, me holding Barty
His big eyes could look right into one's soul...
Barty had a few white hair on his chest and also his whiskers on one side were lighter.
Here he is on March 29, 2007 on the wood trail in our garden.
This is so adorable!
Barty holding and comforting his baby brother Bandido on August 13, 2007 after Bandido got neutered...
Like: 'Come here; I know how that feels!'
Seen here is Barty's white pluck of hair on his under belly...
June 30, 2008 shows Barty on top of the oak wall unit in the living room.
He jumped on top, from the backrest of our leather love seat!
Barty was quite an artist in jumping high...
September 12, 2008 Barty in the gazebo, his favorite spot...
Photo taken by Anita, our Foster Daughter from Indonesia, who stayed with us at the time.
She also stayed with us when Barty still was a young kitten and they both loved each other very much!
Barty on his 5th Birthday, March 17 of 2009, in front of the  open window with screen, in our bathroom.
He sure loved that spot, where he could hear and watch the birdies...
August 16, 2011 on the walkway to the Rose Suite with our gazebo in the back.
Just about 20 minutes before his death, I had let him lounge in the grass, exactly in this spot, seen to the right...
Whenever we were in the garden, most of our kittens were following us.
So did Barty on October 7, 2011 when he wanted to show off his climbing skills.
He rushed up into this Crepe Myrtle tree, behind our gazebo.
Here too, you clearly can see his white spot on the underbelly...
October 7, 2011 after Barty jumped down and looking like; did you see this Mami?
Yes, we saw you do this and we also see your white underbelly...
A pensive Barty on August 18, 2012 on the lawn...
Here Barty is in dreamland... underneath the wooden cherubs.
He slept on the European square pillow, which is under our standard pillow.
Photo from July 13, 2012
July 13, 2012 closeup of Barty smiling... He sure was a happy kitten!
March 10, 2013, once again on the wood trail...
Barty lounging in front of our gazebo on April 3, 2014. 
He also loved to lounge on the two side benches or on a chair.
Barty on his Birthday, March 17 of 2015, on the tiny brick patio below the stairs to our veranda.
In the evening, Barty very much was my office kitty!
Here he lounges on my previous office chair on August 24, 2015
Barty was a perfect lap kitty!!!
Barty on February 20, 2016, on top of the retainer wall alongside the driveway.
Lounging inside the gazebo on April 2, 2017...
Barty lounging on top of the guest bed, on one of their kitty blankets.
This was April 5, 2018
This is Barty on May 5, 2020... already a lot skinnier and you clearly can see his white whiskers.
On his final day his weight was 3 kg or 6.6 pound...
This very sweet and gentle boy will be so missed!
He has been my special cat nurse, see post below: Angels Birthdays & Fortunes.
No doubt they do have a great sense for feeling someone's well being!
He could literally put his 'arms' around my neck, so comforting... Will sure miss that but we both are grateful for having had him this long. 
He was like a special black angel; almost hard to believe that he was a kitty!
Those that never have had such a special pet, probably can't understand, but those that do know, will recognize this special affection and their loyal love.

R.I.P. Sweet Barty Boy

Related links:

{You like to meet our 3 Feline Boys?} | previous post also about Barty with Anita

{Our Felines - Sweet Barty...} | previous post with daughter Anita and Barty

{Our Copy Cats} | previous post about Barty the alpha male cat

{World Cat-Day 2013} | previous post showing our cat dining room with Barty in front...

{Pipe under Brick Walkway & Trench for Water Control} | Helping their Papi out with dirty work, Barty leading...

{Angels Birthdates & Fortunes} } Cat nurse Barty... the sweetest thing EVER!

{CATWALK} | previous post as they followed us through the wood garden and rolling in the sand...

{Cat Dining Room} | All six kitties lined up...

Daycare for Kitties | previous post showing Barty

LOVED singing in Händel's Messiah | bottom photo of Barty at Christmas day...

Spoiled Fur Babies Chilling Out | Barty on Pieter's lap...

{Our Rose Suite Bedroom} | Where Barty stayed his final 14 days with me, exactly with the same rose bed linens... 

{Goodbye Gibson...} | Barty dreaming that he too would live as long as Gibson... and HE DID!

Monday, November 28, 2016

{LAST Solid 925 Sterling Silver Cherub Angel}

Well, it is not yet Christmas but I would love to show you this unique solid silver 925 Sterling Silver Cherub Angel. You don't have to use it as a Christmas angel of course. 
Beautiful Cherub Angel in solid 925 Sterling Silver
It is such a lovely Cherub!
Closeup below:

Silver marks are Dutch and there is one with the 925 flanked by two scales, as seen below.
Top right you see the scales with the 925 silver mark that is on this angel.
This is how I have used mine.
Together with my Giovanni Raspini silver Christmas balls hanging from red ribbons.
My moss wrapped wreath.
Don't you love this angel?
Sold out...

Related link:
925 Sterling Silver Cherub Angel Zen Cart powered on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics
{Giovanni Raspini Silver Christmas Balls + 500 Posts} 925 Sterling Silver Cherub Angel
{Giovanni Raspini Silver Christmas Balls} 925 Sterling Silver Cherub Angel is shown here as well, with silver Christmas Balls from Giovanni Raspini, Italy.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

{SHOPSTYLE - Decor Silver Ball Ornament}

Showing you our present wreath with Silver Ball Ornaments.
Angels, Cherubs and Candles are sheer magic don't you agree?
This was my inspiration from Italy...
Giovanni Raspini from the heart of Tuscany, creates these Heirloom Silver Balls, filled with red satin.
I've opted for this Silver Trio!
There is only ONE left of this beauty!
Click:→ Spectrenoir for going to my  online Boutique.
Got one out in the mail today, for a client in Germany.
Sold out...
The red satin is so perfect with the silver!
Lucky for having some natural light today, as the sun is out and shining bright!
This is the other, larger Decor Silver Ball Ornament in our wreath...
Cherub Angels!
Sold out...
Each Decor Silver Ball Ornament arrives in such a signature red box from Giovanni Raspini, Italy.
This Decor Silver Ball shows TOYS
From the trio being shown here, I have only the two on the left, inside our wreath.
From each of these three is only ONE still available... #1859
At ShopStyle  you could have bought some very plain ones.
When you select: Decor and put Silver Ball Ornament in the search box you can further select from the drop down menu: Seasonal Decor and Store. All is marked yellow.
Neiman Marcus did sell out completely!
Are you also having any special Silver Ball Ornament


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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