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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Advent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Advent. Show all posts

Monday, December 11, 2023

POINSETTIA DAY on December 12

 Guess most people DO love Poinsettias for the Advent and Christmas season.
But do you know its history?

Poinsettia Day ←click link

The date marks the death of Joel Roberts Poinsett, an American botanist, physician and Minister to Mexico who in 1828 sent cuttings of the plant he'd discovered in Southern Mexico to his home in Charlotte, South Carolina. Botanically, the plant is known as Euphorbia Pulcherrima.” (Submitted on March 11, 2010, by Brian Scott of Anderson, South Carolina.)
If you click on the above link: Poinsettia Day, you can read: In July of 2002, the House of Representatives created Poinsettia Day, passing a Resolution to honor Paul Ecke Jr. who is considered the father of the poinsettia industry.
These Poinsettias are photographed on the day I became an American Citizen.
On December 3, I forgot to celebrate my 30th birthday...

Joel Roberts Poinsett visited Guanajuato, México in 1822 and both of us were there in the end of March, 1999: Historic Town of Guanajuato, Mexico and Adjacent Mines ←click link

Cathedral Mexico City Zocala poinsettias ←click link for images to enjoy the RED SEA of POINSETTIAS during CHRISTMAS time. We both have visited that Cathedral and it is sad that it is sinking...

We even do have a Poinsettia tree in our garden; see previous blogpost about it below.
Photo from our Poinsettia with leather deer from India.
You can read that previous post below: History of the Poinsettia.
Did you know these facts about the Poinsettia?
Which is your favorite color?

Related links: 
{Today I turned 17!} previous post by me — Yep on December 3 I did turn 30!
{Our Pinckneya Pubens - Poinsettia Tree} previous post by me about our Poinsettia Tree in our garden.
{History of the Poinsettia} previous post by me
{Poinsettia as Tree in Indonesia} | previous post by me

Are poinsettias poisonous to cats and dogs? | poinsettias are one of the best pet–friendly houseplants

Saturday, December 17, 2022

May your 4th Advent Week lead towards a REAL CHRISTMAS

Yes, the year is getting thinner and we all are preparing for Christmas 2022.
May this 4th Advent week lead us towards a REAL CHRISTMAS
Far away from the commercial holiday it has become...

 The green cotton Zweigart Aida tablecloth now with a Mason's Mandalay Chartreuse plate for the brass spiral candle holders.

May the Enchantment fill our hearts.
If we do not live, speak and think in the language of enchantment, including naming angels and recognizing spirits... then the soul will go out of our lives and communities, and we will wonder why nothing seems to hold together and nothing seems to have value anymore. ~Thomas Moore

In the back is a group of angels looking on, all from South Tyrol, Italy.
The one on the left is a ceramic one and was a gift from Italian friend Maria from Ristorante da Maria and the others are all wooden angels from Italy.

Now two sterling silver candle holders with fluted bobèches have joined the Royal Selangor pewter ones that we bought in Singapore.
Royal Selangor is established in 1885 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
The silver crocheted doily has been hand made by a former Turkish neighbor in The Netherlands.
Incredible work, I would not be able to copy that!
The silver tray was handmade for us in Kotagede, near Yogyakarta in Indonesia.

Two Mason's Mandalay Chartreuse ←(click it) candle holders and two silver plated tall ones with tapers and bobèches.
Each of them also holds a Hugger Candle Snugger.
Candles are Dutch Gouda. Yes, Gouda is a city that produces fine cheeses and candles!

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Wishing you ALL a MEANINGFUL 3rd Advent Week

 As time is passing quite fast—may I wish you worldwide:
 a MEANINGFUL 3rd Advent Week!

This is a time for burning our fire place and for lighting candles—our huge pillar candle from our 25th Wedding anniversary is also visible.
To the left you see a typical Austrian or Italian Tyrol region nosegay made out of spices and tiny cones—called Gewürtzsträusschen.
I tied raffia around my gilded magnolia grandiflora leaves with some Nandina (heavenly bamboo) berries...
A perfumed pillar candle with some holly and real cranberries on the green Hardanger table topper.
My red Hardanger tablecloth with the beautiful table runner—done in Portuguese Guimarães white work. 
We bought this in Coimbra, Portugal during our 19–day trip by bus from Limburg/The Netherlands to Spain and Portugal in September, 1994.
On eBay I once got a hold of this Baccarat Crystal Vesuve / Vesuvius Caviar Server (2 pcs) because the inset was missing—it was a bargain...
Perfect for filling up with cranberries and floating candles!

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Mary The Most Powerful Woman in the World

In the December 2015 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, Mary was on the cover...
She is also well known in the Koran, named Maryam (Mary) and is the holiest woman mentioned.
She is a direct link between Christians and Muslims.

How the Virgin Mary Became the World’s Most Powerful Woman ←just click for reading the full story.

Perfect for her Feast of Immaculate Conception on December 8

Mary has been Patroness of the United States of America since mid–19th century.
Already in 1584, one of the U.S.A.'s first Catholic Churches in Jacksonville, Florida—Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, was dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.
Both of us have been fortunate for having been there a few times, see below post.

Wishing you also a Blessed Advent Season!

Related link:
{W.A. Mozart Composed this Heavenly Mass in C, K 167 at Age 17} | previous post by me about Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Jacksonville, FL

Monday, December 6, 2021

Dad Sang Avé Maria from Bach-Gounod

 One of the many digitalized treasures I've come upon, is this almost complete Avé Maria from Bach-Gounod, sung by my Dad on October 9, 1994.
Husband Pieter joined Dad and the neighborhood choir AMC, as they sang during a Mass by request of then Roman Catholic Pastor Thijssen, the brother of Dad's neighbor, for videotaping segments.
This was at the Onze Lieve Vrouw Geboorte (Our Lady's Birth) Roman Catholic Church that had been restored after the damage from WWII.
A building by architect Pierre Cuypers 1827-1921.
In 1236 there was already a small Romanesque style Church.
In 1460 a new Gothic style Church got built on this site.
In 1869, during the demolition of the old Church, a Roman tri-god stone was discovered, dedicated to Minerva, Hercules and Juno. 
The stone served as a pedestal for a Jupiter column and is considered one of the most beautiful in the Province of Limburg.

This was inside the beautiful Roman Catholic Church alongside the River Meuse...

Onze-Lieve-Vrouw Geboortekerk (Kessel) click link

Dad's Avé Maria is quite appropriate with the upcoming Feast of Immaculate Conception on December 8!

Avé Maria (Bach/Gounod). In 1853, French composer Charles Gounod improvised on Johann Sebastian Bach's piano music from 1722

Ave Maria gratia plena
Dominus tecum, benedicta tu in mulieribus
Et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus
Sancta Maria, Sancta Maria
Maria, ora pro nobis, nobis peccatoribus
Nunc et in hora, in hora mortis nostrae

Hail Mary, full of grace
The Lord is with thee
Blessed art thou among women
And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus
Holy Mary, Holy Mary pray for us
Us sinners, now and in the hour of our death
If we do not live, speak and think in the language of enchantment, including naming angels and recognizing spirits... then the soul will go out of our lives and communities, and we will wonder why nothing seems to hold together and nothing seems to have value anymore. ~Thomas Moore

Especially at present times we need this!
Wishing you and your family a meaningful Advent Season

*Dad started singing in the Church choir at the age of 17, and later joined the Horster Mannenkoor (the big choir). Dad received two royal awards for being 70 years and 80 years a singer; unique for The Netherlands.
Dad only joined Mom's elderly choir Levensvreugd on October 9, 1997 at the age of 76... as he never felt being an elderly... 😉

Related link:
{Mary The Most Powerful Woman in the World} | previous post by me
{Vintage Religious Paper Lace from France and Immaculate Conception} | previous post by me
From CitizenM Hotel on Delta Airlines from Amsterdam to Savannah, Georgia | previous post by me
AMC koor op zondag 9 Oktober 1994, H. Mis in Kessel, Limburg | longer video

Friday, December 9, 2016

{Vintage Religious Paper Lace from France and Immaculate Conception}

December 8, is officially the feast of Immaculate Conception and since this is also the name of our R.C. Church here in Dublin, Georgia, I would love to share this little treasure.
This beautiful Religious Paper Lace, I bought in the medieval town of Tours, France.
Strolling alongside Place Plumerau I found it!
Also I enjoyed lunch on my own at a 16th Century Restaurant, while husband Pieter was conducting business with his French mushroom colleagues.
We were staying on Tuesday October 28 and Wednesday, October 29 of 1986 at the LOGIS HÔTEL DES CHÂTEAUX DE LA LOIRE in FRANCE where we could walk right into the center of the old town VIEUX TOURS.
Immacolata Concezione
O! Maria giglio immacolato di purezza, tripudio di gioia, pensando che dai primi istanti della vostra solenne concezione, foste ricolma di grazie e preservata da ogni macchia di peccato. Rosa mistica d'innocenza e d'amore, gloriosa trionfatrice dell'infernale serpente, specchio di virtù, astro luminoso che foste causa della salvezza del genere umano; le Grazie che vi furono concesse nel momento della vostra immacolata concezione, sorpassano tutte quelle che ebbero i santi ed i beati del cielo. Voi siete o Maria, un arca d'alleanza, una fonte sempre limpida lo di cui acque non vennero mai intorbidate, un giardino sempre chiuso all'antico serpente al quale avete vittoriosamente schiacciato la testa, voi siete il flore il più bello, il più suave, che sorge e s'innalza in mezzo alle spine. Cosi sia.
Lamarche, 207 editore, Paris.

Translated from the Italian above:
Immaculate Conception
Oh! Mary Immaculate Lily of purity, riot of joy, thinking that from the earliest moments of your solemn conception, you were full of thanks and preserved from all stain of sin. Mystical rose of innocence and love, glorious triumphant of the infernal serpent, mirror of virtue, luminous star that you were because of the salvation of mankind; the graces that were granted at the time of your immaculate conception, you surpass all saints and blessed ones in heaven. You are oh Mary, an Ark of the Covenant, a source of always clear waters in which never can become muddy, a garden always closed to the old serpent which head you have successfully crushed, you are the most beautiful flower, the most soft, one that rises and is raised in the midst of the thorns. So be it.
Lamarche, 207 Publisher, Paris.
Such Vintage Religious Paper Lace is a treasure in itself!
It seems that this has been created from the 13th Century on, by French nuns at first, and cut out of parchment.
In French it is called Canivet, Christian iconography.
It became quite popular in the 17th Century.
Many old pieces are still available, for the collector.

Hope you enjoyed this piece of history.
Thanks for your visit!

Wishing you a meaningful Advent Season.

Thursday, December 10, 2015

{Glass Christmas ROSE Ornaments from Anonymous Blogger}

We ALL love parcels in the mail don't we?
Well, especially if a sweet Blogger Friend is sending such a perfect gift!
Look here: Glass Christmas ROSE Ornaments... and all 8 of them arrived in perfect condition.
A true BLESSING in many ways.
Lavender being my favorite color, together with the teal, these glass roses made for a perfect wreath with some fresh Rosemary sprigs.
Thank you ever so much for this precious gift dear Anonymous!
Someone knowing very well about my addiction to Roses and Angels...
Took this photo outside in the last rays of sunshine.
We both went with two of our kitties to the Vet, before I could make my photos...
This LED Pillar Candle did just perfectly fit the wreath that I created with some florist wire.
Flameless candle is also kitty-safe!
I've placed them on a large 12.25 inch or 31 cm Pillivuyt serving plate.
Don't you love these colors?!
With the lavender they are also most fitting for the Advent Season.
How very thoughtful in multiple ways...

Wishing you all a blessed Advent Season!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

{Mary The Most Powerful Woman in the World}

In this month's NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, Mary is on the cover...
She is also well known in the Koran, named Maryam (Mary) and is the holiest woman mentioned.
She is a direct link between Christians and Muslims.

How the Virgin Mary Became the World’s Most Powerful Woman just click for reading the full story.

Perfect for her Feast of Immaculate Conception on December 8

Wishing you a Blessed Advent Season!

Monday, December 22, 2014

{Fourth Week of Advent 2014}

Our fourth and final week of Advent for 2014!
Wishing you all a meaningful time of the final days before CHRISTMAS!
Our hand carved wooden Cherub Angels from Italy are all lined up...
The singing angel to the left is a ceramic one from Italy, gift from a dear friend!
Click above link, to my on line Boutique; only ONE  still available.
Little golden candles with spriral brass candle holders on a Mason Mandalay Chartreuse plate.
Wishing you all a very Happy 4th Advent!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

{Third Week of Advent 2014}

Wishing you all a very cozy and happy Third Week of Advent 2014!
Creating a warm and cozy atmosphere works wonders for the colder season.
Used our cotton Zweigart Aida tablecloth with the German Arzberg porcelain votive candle holders in white with real gold.
My sister Diny, was so kind for getting these for me in The Netherlands, when I found them in a Dutch magazine.
Having our own Magnolia Grandiflora trees, does also provide leaves that I have sprayed with gold paint.
Added Nandina berries with a few Ilex berries as well.
Nosegay from spices, seeds and hazelnuts, made in South Tyrol, Italy.
Thanks Johanna from +Silber-und-Rosen-Shop  for the name: In the Salzburger Land "Gewürzsträusschen".
Our gold sprayed Magnolia leaves tied with raffia. 
The big candle is still from our 25th wedding anniversary, it was a gift from dear friends.
This fireplace is from The Netherlands, Doensen Sfeerhaarden & bouwbedrijf in Venlo.
On eBay I once got a hold of this Baccarat Crystal Vesuve / Vesuvius Caviar Server (2 pcs) because the inset was missing... But it works perfect for floating candles with fresh flowers.
Here I used fresh cranberries for inside.
The table runner in Portuguese Guimarães white work, we bought in Coimbra in 1994,  while on tour through Spain Portugal for 19 days.
Used on top of this red Hardangar tablecloth it looks perfect.
Making photos during the dark days of the year is hard in itself but trying to capture those flames of burning votives is even harder...
Don't you love the hand embroiderd detail of that Portuguese Guimarães white work?

Wishing all of you a very warm and meaningful 3rd Advent Sunday and a great week ahead!
Stay warm and healthy...

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

{Second Week of Advent 2014}

Time is slipping through our fingers during December... or is it just us?!
Wishing all readers from whatever country, a very warm and meaningful 2nd Advent Week!
Fragrant star candle and French Point A La Ligne candle.
Ribbon fabric is French and has roses on it...
China is Mason's Mandalay Chartreuse
Angel clinging onto a candle with bobèche in a Royal Selangor candle holder.

Anyone having problems with Word Verification showing up; change your Settings for Comments to: Embedded instead of Popup Window...

Sunday, November 30, 2014

{First Advent Week 2014}

Already Advent Season for 2014... 
Can't believe it but it is TRUE. 
Wishing you all a Meaningful First Advent Week.
Just using a red Point A la Ligne candle from France with fresh Rosemary sprigs from the garden.
Rosemary emits such a lovely fragrance!
The beautiful pineapple doily was hand crocheted by my sister-in-law Elly VandenMunckhof, she is a loyal reader of this blog.
The red rose ribbon is French too.
And so is the Baccarat vase...

For such a Perfect French Baccarat Crystal Candle Holder with etched mark including the fragrant red candle, you can have a look on my online Boutique. Just click the above link.
Sorry all sold out...

Related link:

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

{Wishing YOU a Happy 4th Advent 2013!}

However short, we can light candle #4 for a couple of days before we reach our Christmas day...
Wishing YOU a Happy 4th Advent 2013!
Wishing you all a meaningful time leading up to Christmas 2013!

Monday, December 16, 2013

{Wishing YOU all a Happy 3rd ADVENT Week!}

The time is passing ever faster it seems like... It is gray and dreary looking outside with some rain. But inside we can create a cozy setting with the use of some votive candles and with natural things from our own garden. Wishing you all a Happy 3rd ADVENT Week! Stay cozy and warm.
On eBay I once got a hold of this Baccarat Crystal Vesuve / Vesuvius Caviar Server (2 pcs) because the inset was missing... But it works perfect for floating candles with fresh flowers.
Here I used fresh cranberries for inside.
To the left you see our Rösle Universal Fire Lighter which works great to light candles or whatsoever.
Also a WMF silver candle snuffer...
To the right you can see some yellow Ilex berries from our Ilex decidua 'Finch's Golden'
The berry yield this year is poor, also on the red Ilex, shown to the left with barely any berries...
The Pyracantha Firethorn berries we had plenty and also the red Nandina or Heavenly Bamboo berries.
The table runner in Portuguese Guimarães white work, we bought in Coimbra in 1994 while on tour through Spain Portugal for 19 days.
Used on top of this red Hardangar tablecloth it looks perfect.
Closeup where you see those Heavenly Bamboo berries to the left and the Pyracantha Firethorn berries to the right. 
You also get to see the great quality of fresh cranberries we got from Costco Wholesale.
I've made Cranberry Conserve out of them. Below you find the link to my post with recipe.
Making photos during the dark days of the year is hard in itself but trying to capture those flames of burning votives is even harder...
Don't you love the hand embroidered detail of that Portuguese Guimarães white work?
Wishing YOU all a Happy 3rd ADVENT Week!

Related links:
{2nd Advent & Great Family Time} | previous post by me
{3rd Advent} | previous post by me
{Silk Brocade for our PRINCE OF PEACE} | previous post by me
{SUPERFOOD For Your HEART ♥ CRANBERRIES} | previous post with cranberry conserve recipe

Monday, December 2, 2013

{First Advent Week}

Already Advent Season for 2013, and also the beginning of December... 
Can't believe it but it is TRUE. 
Wishing you all a Meaningful First Advent Week.
Just using a red Point A la Ligne candle from France with fresh Rosemary sprigs from the garden.
Rosemary emits such a lovely fragrance!
The beautiful pineapple doily was hand crocheted by my sister-in-law Elly VandenMunckhof, she is a loyal reader of this blog.
The red rose ribbon is French too.
And so is the Baccarat vase...

Related link:
{First Week of Advent 2012} | Last year's post by me

Sunday, December 23, 2012

{Wishing YOU a Happy 4th Advent 2012!}

All of us will be very busy in the few days before Christmas 2012. Therefore we like to wish You all a Happy 4th Advent Sunday. That is a very short 4th Advent, as we go straight into Christmas Eve! Enjoy this time with family and friends and wishing you safe travels for those that still are in transit to meet with their loved ones. We know how much traffic there was on the road on Friday when we went to Atlanta for stocking up. Stay warm and cozy!
May the Angels keep you and your loved ones safe...

Related links:

{4th Advent} previous post by me, 2011
{Wishing you a Happy 3rd Advent 2012!} previous post by me
{First Week of Advent 2012} my previous post
{Second Week of Advent 2012} my previous post
{2nd Advent & Great Family Time} last year, 2011 post by me
{Silk Brocade for our PRINCE OF PEACE} last year about 3rd Advent, post by me
Christie's Mandalay by Masons showing you the Mandalay by Mason, as is my plate above...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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