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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label DNA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DNA. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Pieter Wearing his Silk Ascot with his Dad's Tie Stick Pin

 Pieter loves wearing one of his tweed suits during cooler weather...
Like this McGregor.
Guess it is in his DNA... see post below.
January 15 was cool enough for wearing his lambswool vest under tweed jacket with his Silk Ascot from Salvatore Ferragamo and using his Dad's Tie Stick Pin
McGregor used to be a Dutch Fashion brand.
Detail with the Gold Tie Stick Pin
A little seed pearl is being set in this antique gold tie stick pin.
This fine antique gold tie stick pin is still complete with butterfly clutch.
Short 40 seconds video showing how the tie stick pin is being inserted.
Be aware though that in this shortened video, there is NO BUTTERFLY CLUTCH!
The fine silk ascot is from Salvatore Ferragamo, made in Italy.

Does any of you have an ascot for yourself or your spouse?

Related link:
Husband Pieter's Roman–Greek feet and His DNA Outcome | Pieter is 18.1% British and Irish...

Monday, February 7, 2022

Husband Pieter's Roman–Greek feet and His DNA Outcome

Okay, as promised on February 1, here comes Pieter's DNA test
From the post: What Type of Feet do YOU have? see link below, it was clear that Pieter has one Roman and one Greek foot!
To the left you see Pieter's Greek foot (longer 2nd toe) and to the right it is Roman...
On October 29, 2019 Pieter's DNA sample by 23andMe read this:
58% French & German
18.1% British & Irish
6% Scandinavian
15.5% Northwestern European
1% Italian
0.3% Spanish & Portuguese
0.3% Southern European
0.3% Eastern European
0.5% Broadly European
Pieter's map and indeed, his Greek and Roman foot is visible here!
On March 4, 2021 Pieter suddenly had become 77.5% French & German
11.9% Scandinavian
5.6% British & Irish
Pieter increased in French & German from 58% to 77.5%...
 But he lost quite a bit of his British & Irish; from 18.1% to only 5.6%...?
His Scandinavian went from 6% all the way to 11.9%...
Also his Italian, Spanish & Portuguese, Southeren European (Greek), as well as Eastern European and Broadly European all vanished!

Just like with my experience, 1.5 year later it all looks different.
NEVER again 23andMe!

Do you have a similar experience?

Related links:
{What Type of Feet do YOU have?} | previous post by me

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Having Egyptian Feet I knew but I'm also 0.2% Broadly Sub–Saharan

 Okay, we both fell for the DNA test and had one done...
We watched on Fox with the Five a program about their tests with 23andMe, so we ordered ours.
Since my skin is rather yellowish and my bones also fine, I was curious to know more.
Sending the material all in and waiting for their report.
This was the main part of my DNA 61.2% is French & German.
16.5% of my ancestry is British & Irish.
And, 6.2% of my ancestry is Scandinavian.
Even 0.3% is Spanish & Portuguese...
This is the total summed up by percentages.
On October 3, 2019 we paid for a test for both of us, the above sum of USD 172.95
On October 29, 2019 Pieter's DNA report was ready.
And on October 31, 2019 the above DNA report about me...
So, that's my DNA all MAPPED out.
Both of us were happy and felt good about this outcome for each of us (will post Pieter's later).
But 23andMe never left us alone, they kept pushing for more and more.
Maybe as a punishment (?) I did receive on March 4, 2021 some NEW percentages:
My DNA went up from 61.2% French & German to 93.6%...?
My British & Irish DNA just vanished...?
And my Scandinavian DNA went in only one-and-a-half year down from 6.2% to only 5.0%!
Here comes the surprise, they must have viewed my post about me having Egyptian Feet (see link below post) and changed things.
All of a sudden I'm 0.2% Broadly Sub-Saharan African.
No longer 0.3% Spanish & Portuguese?

SO... our TRUST in 23andMe ended right there.
It has vanished, just as my 16.5% of British & Irish...
That's the END for any DNA 

Have you had a similar experience?

Related link:
{What Type of Feet do YOU have?} | previous post by me

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

{March 2, 1809 and My French Connection}

While working with husband Pieter in Australia in June of 1988, I did visit my uncle Louis (Dad's younger brother) and aunt Gerd in Broken Hill, NSW. Pieter had a program at the University of Melbourne on Saturday, so he dropped me off at the airport on Saturday morning and I flew solo.
Talking about our family heritage, my uncle Louis handed me three copies he had from a distant relative. We had been talking about the French influence in our southernmost province of The Kingdom of The Netherlands; Limburg. 
Napoleon Bonaparte ruled the French Empire, including The Netherlands.

Strasbourg 2 March 1809
French Empire
The mayor of the city of Strasbourg Department of the Lower Rhine
To Sir Mayor of the municipality of Horst Department of the Roer


According to the article 80 of the Napoleon code, I have the honor to pass on to you a copy of the death certificate of Pierre Van Munckoff who died at the military hospital of this city and who had his place of residence of right in your municipality.

I have the honor to greet you

The officer of the State – Civilian

Pierre, was the elder brother of my great great great Grandfather and he died at the age of 19. There was another brother, Nicolaus, who was one year older than Pierre who got dismissed from war, due to wounds. He did live to be 66.

This is the extract of the registers of death certificate for Pierre van Munckoff and below is the copy of the envelope. Funny for receiving this while in Australia at work consulting and visiting an uncle...

My 4th cousin, Fred Van den Munckhof from Venray in Limburg, has put together our family tree from 1560 - 2000
My Dad gave it to me on my 50th birthday.
Fred did contact my Dad for the info and that did not work out very well...
Dad told Fred over the phone: Peter Fedder instead of Pieter Vedder and he did NOT mention our adopted daughter Liz...

Here is the mention of Nicolaus who got wounded while serving under Napoleon... He got dismissed and managed to live till age 66.
This was Pieter the one year younger brother of Nicolaus.
He was registered as Pierre van Munckoff while serving under Napoleon and he died in Strasbourg.

Since there are no other Van den Munckhofs in the USA, I was keen enough to keep my maiden name as I am very proud of it.

Related link:
Having Egyptian Feet I knew but I'm also 0.2% Broadly Sub–Saharan | Showing my 61% French and German

Sunday, October 6, 2013

{What Type of Feet do YOU have?}

Have you ever looked at the shape of your feet? 
There are different Foot Types and I found out that I have Egyptian Type Feet.
Voilà -- My Egyptian Type Feet!
Yep, that's ME: Egyptian Foot - The Egyptian Foot tends to be a narrow foot. It has a longer big toe and the rest of the toes taper down from longest to shortest. It is the most functional of all the foot structures.
However because of the long big toe, you must be careful in your choice of shoes.
Ha, being careful with choice of shoes?
Even more careful with choice of panty hose. 
That's one reason I wear Wolford hosiery as they last and last.
All other brands I can trash after doing some walking or God forbid; dancing... 
Which Foot Type Are You... Egyptian Roman Greek... 
Tell me in the comment what yours are... I am anxious to know your DNA.
Egyptian Type Feet with shoe size 8... Or European size 38. 
Guess if my big toe would not be that long I had a size 7 or 37.
This photo is taken at the Camino Real, hotel in México City. 
This is how consultants relax during the weekends. 
The above was my all time favorite bathing suit with wrapped skirt from La Perla, Italy.
I was so proud for finding it at the Aventura Mall, Aventura FL (near Miami).
Sadly it vanished from the Camino Real Mexico City hotel... 
The above picture is from the Dutch magazine Nouveau where I found it.
Looking down on my toes from my chaise at the Hyatt House Miami Airport while at the pool last month...
On our balcony...
No change; they definitely are Egyptian!
Elite Feet Tapered toes or Egyptian feet | link to Urban Dictionary
Female feet where the big toe is the longest toe. The most attractive type of feet. (Hello, how many pair of panty hose they pierced?!) They are fairly uncommon, but that's one of the reasons why they are so great. Also sometimes called tapered toes or Egyptian type feet.
Putting my best foot forward still does not change it...
Big toe is LONGER!
See my left foot below; it's very obvious.
Mummy's False Toes Helped Ancient People Walk Like an Egyptian (click link for reading full and very interesting story...)
I start feeling very ANCIENT myself...
Maybe, just maybe—this is why I LOVE these toe loop sandals?
What is your favorite sandal?
Before I start feeling like an endangered species, I want to compare my toes with others...
By the way, Perfect Ten Salon & Spa did a great job on the pedicure!
But are my toes also perfect ten?!
One of my favorite toe loop sandals from Indonesia... WISH I had bought several pairs of these!
Do you ever regret you didn't purchase more of something that proves very comfy?
Here we stand: My husband Pieter as a true Roman (?) and I as an Egyptian...
Pieter's right foot even looks like GREEK, with the 2nd toe longer than the big toe. Not so his left foot.
Long second toe
Indicates leadership qualities. Rulers from ancient Egyptian and Hawaiian royal dynasties all had long second toes. You need to be in charge.
That is TRUE for my Pieter!
For sure, husband Pieter has not a narrow foot...
He stands on this earth very firmly!
Had to add this as it already did confuse me with Irmi's small sized German feet in a size 4.5 but that is 37.5 European or a 7 in the US. Got confused once again with all these differences...
Guess this is an interesting subject with 28,061 views.

Related links:
What Do Your Feet Say About You? interesting info
Wolford atThe Colonnades Outlets
{My First Trip to the City of Romance | VENICE, ITALY} | previous post by me

Saturday, July 14, 2012

{1789 - Bastille Day and the French Revolution}

July 14th of 1789 was the storming of the Bastille, in Paris, France, the political crisis lead to a revolt. This revolt was also the beginning of the French Revolution. Since then it has been annually celebrated as Bastille Day on July 14th. This was also the French period for The Netherlands. It belonged to France from 1795 till 1813, first as a vassal state and from 1810 as part of France. Thus it really did affect us as a nation and also Limburg, as a Province where my ancestors and I grew up, in the very south. So many Dutch were drafted to fight for Napoleon. Pierre, was the elder brother of my paternal great-great-great Grandfather and he died at the age of 19, serving Napoleon. Below you will find a link to a previous post: {March 2, 1809 and My French Connection} 
For years, Le Jacquard Français has celebrated Bastille Day on July 14, here in the USA.
For their customers they served French wine and cheese and we were also gifted with a beautiful all cotton tea towel from Le Jacquard Français. Unfortunately, due to the economy this no longer is being celebrated.
The store in Atlanta, Georgia has been closed; one less French Connection for me...
But there is an Yves Delorme outlet in Chattanooga, TN and that is only 4 hours away.
You can also order on line at the Yves Delorme Online Outlet (click link) or call in at one of the stores listed: Yves Delorme Locations (click link).
Starting on July 14, in celebration of Bastille Day they are having a hefty 20% off!
Just ordered our 100% Egyptian Cotton Batiste twin comforters in Caribbean Light 14 oz goose down.
We have one on our bed for the summer and it makes you dream like being on a cloud. As light as a feather...
1789 RF 
Did you know:

The political reference right and left, derived from the time of the French Revolution, the Christian monarchist conservatives sat to the right of the King, the progressives sat to the left of the King.
July 14
French Republic
LIBERTÉ - Liberty
ÉGALITÉ - Equality
FRATERNITÉ - Fraternity (Brotherhood)

Santé to La France!

Related link:
{March 2, 1809 and My French Connection} | previous post by me


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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