About Me

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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Leprosy Project. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Leprosy Project. Show all posts

Saturday, January 28, 2023

TV Interview by Sue Colter with Pieter J.C. Vedder about Leprosy Project in Indonesia

Sunday, January 29, 2023 is again World Leprosy Day...
So I like to share with you this local TV interview by Sue Colter (and Gillis Video) with Pieter J.C. Vedder about Leprosy Project in Indonesia.
Pieter got quite emotional in telling his/our story...
Click CC for subtitle/closed captions.
It sure IS heartbreaking and if one reads today on World Data Atlas that it is even inside the USA—that is scary!

World Leprosy Day 2023: Stories of persons affected by leprosy ←click link.

Each year there are 200,000 people diagnosed with leprosy...
With our open border—it might even be higher than that...!

Related links:

Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 31 With Pieter J.C. Vedder Visiting Sitanala Leprosy Hospital in Indonesia

 Just wanting to take you back to Indonesia during the time we did still consulting, after having lived and worked there for about 3 years.
So you get to see how we spent New Year's Eve...
December 31, 1998
Grateful for Gil Gillis from TV 35 (at that time) for putting this together for us to show to the Rotarians and others.
En route to our work, on December 31, 1998, we visited Sitanala to deliver a donation from the Dublin, Georgia Rotary Club and Friends. 
Hand delivering the cash US Dollars to Father S. Binzler, a Jesuit, who worked with the leprosy patients on their designated compound.
On November 04, 1989 Princess Diana visited the very same Sitanala Leprosy Hospital.

On the following video you also will see shocking images of the damaged and burned buildings of the Chinese Christians, who ran the businesses for the majority.
In May and November of 1998, those 'rioters' damaged some 6,000 buildings and tortured, raped and killed some 1,200...
It was for me personally the closest I've ever come to a war zone.
Pieter starts out with his finger on the map showing our route of flight for reaching our 'work' destiny:
Atlanta, Georgia/USA on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to Amsterdam, then on to Singapore and finally reaching Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.

Happy New Year to ALL!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

{My 6 Min Presentation The Truth About Leprosy for GPDLI, AtAmerica U.S. EMBASSY JAKARTA}

In commemoration of World Leprosy Day I got invited by Mr. Nuah Tarigan Sahing from GPDLI (Disability Care Movement & Leprosy Indonesia) to be a speaker at the Talk Show from AtAmerica, U.S. EMBASSY JAKARTA. Of course I felt honored but it was impossible to be present for the actual presentation in Indonesia on Friday, February 28... 
We were coming home from The Netherlands to the U.S. on February 25. Knowing full well that it was the LAST time I would ever see my Mom — but I agreed for having a professional video made with the help of a dear friend and great donor for the Dublin, Georgia/U.S. Rotary Club's Leprosy project in Jakarta, Indonesia. Below this post you will find the two previous posts that I did write about our visits to the Leprosy hospital where also Princess Diana did visit.
Coming home by 22:15 on the 25th, I did dedicate the 26th for writing the transcript for my 6 minute video presentation. The video was made in friend Gil's studio Gillis Studio (click link) on the 27th. 
Not quite recovered from my jet-lag and seeing my Mom for the very last time, but it was not about me but about Ending the Stigma.
Real video is further below...
'Advocate for ending the STIGMA of Leprosy'
The above is just a screenshot; not the actual video for clicking on! That is further down...
The time of 2:00 - 4:00 PM or 14:00 - 16:00 would have been in the middle of the night for me in U.S. time. No way I could have done this in real time...
So uploading my 6 minute video onto YouTube made it possible for them to show it for the Presentation.
This you can click in the center for viewing!
If you like to watch this on YouTube you also find the link to my complete transcript as well as here below:
The Truth About Leprosy - Experiences by a USA Citizen for GPDLI & US EMBASSY Indonesia.pdf
Direct link to YouTube: The Truth About Leprosy - Experiences by a USA Citizen for GPDLI & US EMBASSY Indonesia
This is my contact person Nuah Tarigan Sahing, from the GPDLI, Jakarta, Indonesia.
He is a warrior on behalf of those Leprosy victims and we need more people like him that are active on social media for raising awareness.
All participants in this Talk Show are seated and here the Host is introducing me as a friend of GPDLI... This is where the Live Stream (just click hyperlink) will be showing my YouTube uploaded video.
This is me in the Leprosy hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia.
In 1989 this lady received a prosthesis from Princess Diana and then in 1997 from the Dublin, Georgia, USA Rotary Club.
Ending my 6 minute presentation with the words:
The Stigma of Leprosy has to STOP!
We need to raise more awareness in the media and with journalists.
Pleased that this @america video Presentation The Truth About Leprosy yielded 4,798,000 viewer minutes so far. It has been taken off the air later...
Related links:
{World Leprosy Day} | previous post by me
{Like Princess Diana, I also Tried to Tackle the Leprosy Stigma} | previous post by me
{My 8th Blog Award - Sunshine from Japan} | previous post by me mentioning our fight for the underdog
{We saw FOUR Armadillos at Lunch Time!} | Humans can acquire a leprosy infection from armadillos by handling them or consuming armadillo meat, and are a presumed vector and natural reservoir for the disease in Texas and Louisiana - previous post by me
{Mom & Dad's 65th Wedding Anniversary} | coming home from The Netherlands—seeing Mom for the LAST time...‏

Sunday, February 2, 2014

{World Leprosy Day}

French philanthropist and writer, Raoul Follereau, initiated World Leprosy Day in 1954. It is being observed around the world on the last Sunday of January, or the nearest Sunday. This year that results in Sunday, February 2 for 2014 as it is the nearest Sunday. On December 20, I did write a post about both of us visiting the very same Leprosy Hospital in Jakarta, Indonesia where Princess Diana visited in 1989. You find that link below this post for those that missed it.
At the Amsterdam taxfree airport shop, Pieter bought me this long necklace of Majorica crema rosa pearls and in Singapore the matching Christian Dior pearl earrings.
Wearing the necklace here double.
This is me, back in 1997 in the Jakarta, Indonesia Leprosy hospital with a male patient.
Look at his disfigured hands... and skinny arms!
We both have been passionately involved in this Leprosy Project.
Indonesia belongs to the 3 billion people on this earth that have people that make less than US $ 2.00 per day. How would a leprosy patient who is also an outcast, make enough money to afford any surgery?
Immigration, World Poverty and Gumballs - Updated 2010 BEST video to show you this reality!
As if two affected hands would not be enough... look at his foot!
Showing you that due to this infection, the entire leg becomes swollen.
This man's feet are also affected... They are not able to wear shoes with such severely disfigured feet and thus they are even more prone to infection and open wounds.
November 20, 1999, I am holding here the hand of a poor man who lost already one hand and half of the other one... Seen is only his thumb and his palm; fingers are gone! Just imagine having to live like that!
People in the Western world complain about poverty but that is a far cry from those 3 billion, making LESS than US $ 2.00 a day. They cannot afford anything. 
Because Leprosy still has this Stigma about it, people that have the initial signs of this dreaded disease from biblical times, hide...
This young woman is lucky for having come to the hospital with her skin rash that is the beginning of Leprosy. Usually those untreated, loose their nose and part of their face and turn blind as well.

above text is from the Dutch Leprastichting. 
Sure, from the comments I received, there might be the need for providing some figures about annual new cases of leprosy world wide. In 1997 that was 600,000 annual and in 2010 less than 250,000 but keep in mind the millions that became disfigured because of leprosy!

The Dutch Leprastichting (Leprosy foundation) link also tells us about the human rights issues for ex leprosy and leprosy sufferers.
Did you know that the Leprosy foundation in The Netherlands receives money from De Nationale Postcode Loterij (The National Zipcode Lottery) and since 1996 they received 19.5 million Euro for the Leprastichting.
Wikipedia about Leprosy for above info, just scroll down.
The worldwide ILEP Federation is another help program.

Let us not turn away from those pour souls and educate others to tackle the harsh Leprosy Stigma and Ostracism!

Related links:
{Like Princess Diana, I also Tried to Tackle the Leprosy Stigma} | previous post by me
Why is it hard to eradicate leprosy? | article in The Economist November 11th, 2013
{My 6 Min Presentation The Truth About Leprosy for GPDLI, AtAmerica U.S. EMBASSY JAKARTA} | post by me with video + Pdf transcript link
{My 8th Blog Award - Sunshine from Japan} | previous post by me mentioning our fight for the underdog 
{We saw FOUR Armadillos at Lunch Time!} | Humans can acquire a leprosy infection from armadillos by handling them or consuming armadillo meat, and are a presumed vector and natural reservoir for the disease in Texas and Louisiana - previous post by me

Friday, December 20, 2013

{Like Princess Diana, I also Tried to Tackle the Leprosy Stigma}

So many people have told us that they envied us for all our travels. Well, let me share with you our trip # 3 to Indonesia for Consulting. That's right - NOT vacation!
It was the exact same day that Princess Diana was staying in Jakarta, she did visit the Sitanala Leprosy hospital to shake hands with those patients in order to tackle the stigma.
1989, November 04, Princess Diana at the Sitanala Leprosy Hospital Indonesia—below you will see link to short video.
We flew on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines, from Treviso, Italy where we were living at the time, via Amsterdam, The Netherlands to Dehli, India and on to Singapore for one last stop before reaching Jakarta, Indonesia.
By 18:00 o'clock we sat in our taxi on our way to the hotel and we departed Jakarta on the 7th of November, 1989 to the center of Java where we actually worked.
We had no idea that we were spending those two nights in Jakarta while Princess Diana was there at the same time.
Below you see me, at the very same Leprosy hospital where Diana visited, only several years later...
This is on November 16, 1997 and trip # 19 to Indonesia for work.
From Atlanta, USA to Amsterdam, The Netherlands where we had a layover of 12 hours.
We killed that time by making phone calls with my Parents. Called my youngest sister Gerd and obtained from her the telephone number of the hospital where my sister Diny just had had surgery on her shoulder. Calling with Pieter's brothers and on to Singapore, non-stop in some 13 hours.
One hour layover and the last 1-½ hour to Jakarta, Indonesia. Two nights on the plane...
You bet that once we arrived at the hotel by 19:00 o'clock we only needed some fruit, a good shower before finally hitting the mattress.
Next day around noon we went to the Jakarta leprosy hospital and to the compound where about 800 leprosy families were living. We knew a German Jesuit, Siegfried Binzler, with whom we worked for handing him the money we collected from our local Rotary Club, Rotary Club of Savannah West and friends. I say 'our' even though I myself have never been a member but for decades I've always supported husband Pieter with these international projects. Pieter has been a Rotarian since May 11, 1976.
We did hand Father Binzler US $ 9,030 on November 16, 1997 and he was quite surprised.
This was on June 3, 1997 when we did hand over the very first US $ 1,000 in cash to the administrator of the Leprosy compound, an ex leprosy patient himself. Look at his hands... He was lucky that they saved his fingers and hands by surgery. Splitting the tendons in two for functioning in another finger, with lots of therapy over the duration of several years. Most people don't have the money for it so they just have no choice other than to amputate...
Here the ex-leprosy administrator is signing the receipt for the US $ 1,000 for us to carry back home to our Rotary Club. Mission accomplished...
100% being used for the cause!
Now back to November 16, 1997...
This poor soul has one leg amputated and the other foot is severely infected, and also both her hands... Just imagine having to live like that!
We never complained about jet-lag after sitting two nights in a row on the plane; that is pure luxury compared to the life of all people with leprosy!
We did this always the next day after arrival, to get the money and other goods to safety first. Then we would travel on to our work area.
Talking about luxury, me happily wearing the Majorica crema rosa pearls, that Pieter gifted me at the Amsterdam tax free shop...
It really hurts when you see a girl covering her face (that too was affected!) so I signaled to Pieter that he had to put the camera away... But we HAD to bring home material in order to raise more awareness for the need of money to support the poorest of the poor for giving them a prosthesis.
This girl had had surgery on her leg.
Speaking their language, I engaged in conversation in order to distract them from the camera.
Husband Pieter had to zoom in as you absolutely cannot hang with your camera above their misery. 
This hurts like hell and when you return to the hotel, with a mega headache you need time for getting all that misery out of your system. And yet, you want to SCREAM at the world for awareness. These poor souls become OUTCAST of society due to the stigma around leprosy. Also their family becomes outcast. But behind the hospital there are only a few square kilometers where already at that time about 800 families lived... and how can they make a living?! 
Do you recognize the exact same beds and room? Mind you, there is NO air conditioning and only the bare minimum as you can see.
Diana Princess of Wales was Patron of The Leprosy Mission England and Wales... ←click link. Princess Diana made huge strides in tackling the stigma surrounding leprosy by touching those affected by the disease. She brought the plight of leprosy affected people to the world's attention and dispelled one of the myths surrounding it – that it can be passed by touch – by visiting hospitals and touching patients.
Below post you can also see a video from Princess Diana's Leprosy hospital visit in Jakarta, Indonesia... 
Back again on New Year's Eve of 1998.
That's right; December 31, 1998.
This girl lie there moaning, just out of surgery on her hands... Look at that foot.
A beautiful teenager and so mutilated for life!
Worse; being OUTCAST for life...
This woman received a new prosthesis from our Rotary Club.
In 1989 she received one through Princess Diana's visit and it was worn out.
We did deliver US $ 8,500 this time and $ 1,100 from other friends.
We also had started to collect those toiletry bags from KLM which we received aboard our flight when we got an upgrade into business class when economy was sold out. We saved them up and brought them all with us to hand out to these poor souls.
BUT, how you want to dissolve after having handed out the LAST one...
You would need a truck load for actually giving something to all!
Yet, they always smiled and were so happy and when I asked them they were quick to reply: 'We believe in a better life after this!'
Those leprosy patients taught us so much. 
They really understood to give back so much with their gratitude.
Sorry for the poor quality scans, this is not from an actual slide as I have yet to find it.
This is Sanah, she had her leg amputated and was told the other foot had to go and also her hands.
That is when we stepped in for saving her hands at least through surgery and tedious therapy and more surgery by splitting the tendons.
Speaking the language has proven to be very beneficial.
Who would have thought that I would be in the country of my Great-Uncle 'Heeroom'; guess he has guided me from heaven, many times! See post about him below...
 What can you do?
What to say... there is so much suffering and it looks like the entire world is looking the other way... ostrich politics. When you don't want to see it; it is not there.
These poor souls have no voice and their disease is not political correct for receiving aid; like for HIV. 
This New Year's Eve of 1998 was quite shocking for us.
There were still military on the leprosy compound for protection.
Also near our hotel were military patrolling and they had their tents set up.
To me that Thursday trip looked closest to a war zone that I ever saw. Of course, husband Pieter lived through WWII but the video tape we took from some 6,000 burned and vandalized banks, shops, car dealers (mostly Chinese Christians) made quite an impression. The riots from May and November totaled 1,200 deaths.
We did go shopping, for my niece Maartje I got 2 dresses and we were in bed by 21:00 o'clock after a little bite - WORN OUT! That was our non-glamorous New Year's Eve for 1998...
Saturday, November 20, 1999 with German Jesuit Siegfried Binzler.
Back again for delivering some Cashier checks and US $ 13,120 this time. Our local Rotary Club has supported the Leprosy victims in Jakarta for years. Photo shows US time, hence the different date as Indonesia is 12 hours ahead.
You bet that I felt so relieved each time for arriving safe with all that cash in my purse... quite a responsibility.
Again, making the rounds in the Leprosy hospital as so many times before...
Aside from cash money we always did carry as many clothes and things we could take with us. 
Our allowance with the Royal Wing Card from KLM was like that for business class and we did carry each 2 heavy suitcases (at that time 32 kg each was allowed!) + heavy carry on + totes etc. 
We never did shun the load as it brought so much joy to so many. Here are lots of clothes we received from a Jewish friend. for taking with us; some were new and all in a small size, so the Leprosy male could wear them. 
Most US sizes nowadays would be way too large.
We no longer went to Indonesia after 2001, our trip # 21 but the Dublin Rotary Club has continued for many years to send funds, now using our liaison John H. G. Soe from Rotary Club Jakarta Sentral. 
Photos posted on Flickr ←click link our combined Leprosy Project for which we earned a Matching Grant from Rotary International in 2010, you can see when clicking on the hyperlink. Many wheel chairs and prosthesis could be provided in order to make life more bearable for those poor souls.

All those years of involvement in charity for the poorest of the poor, did change us quite a bit.
We cannot participate in the hype for shopping and more shopping around Christmas. 
It is a harsh world with too stark contrasts and most people never even stop for a moment from their ongoing rush to more, bigger, better—their Credo for the twenty–first century.
There is more in life and being content and trying to share and reach out provides us with real happiness.
We always have shared and given to others freely. Since we do live off one pension with three adults; Pieter's ex and both of us, we no longer can afford to generously gift relatives the way we used to. 

What we learned from it is that they became kind of dependent on it and more or less expected us to bring each time special gifts for them. They smiled but did it foster gratitude? 
I doubt it, as we seldom hear from any of them. They are all so involved in their own little world of racing with all others through the never-ending WANT...
May you all have a blessed Christmas in the true meaning and may you find Peace!

Related links:
{March 14, Written Life Message for me by my Favorite Great-Uncle} | previous post by me about my Great-Uncle (Heeroom) who spend 30 years in Indonesia
{Winter Sale | At the time we were Millionaires} | previous post by me when I bought those 2 dresses for niece Maartje on New Year's Eve in Jakarta, Indonesia + Versace jeans on January 1st
{World Polio Day - Nobody's child everybody's man - Jakarta Post} | previous post about John H.G. Soe our liason from Rotary Club Jakarta Sentral
{3 Hibiscus Varieties 'KONA' - 'CONFEDERATE ROSE' and a RED variegated} | previous post about our stay at the Hyatt Regency Pier Sixty Six, Fort Lauderdale, FL at the time of Diana's funeral...
Former Lepers struggle to survive after crackdown | The Jakarta Post article from 09 09 2009
Leprosy sufferers face social stigma | The Jakarta Post article 01 28 2009
Plans leprosy center tangerang rejected | The Jakarta Post article 08 18 2009
{We saw FOUR Armadillos at Lunch Time!}Humans can acquire a leprosy infection from armadillos by handling them or consuming armadillo meat, and are a presumed vector and natural reservoir for the disease in Texas and Louisiana. - previous post by me
{World Leprosy Day} | previous post by me
{My 6 Min Presentation The Truth About Leprosy for GDPLI, AtAmerica U.S. EMBASSY JAKARTA} | post by me with video + Pdf link of presentation
{My 8th Blog Award - Sunshine from Japan} | previous post by me mentioning our fight for the underdog

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

{Winter Sale | At the time we were Millionaires}

When we were living and working in Indonesia we instantly became Millionaires too. At the time we resided there, it was 2,000 Indonesian Rupiah to every US Dollar. Adding three digits to our salary made us feel rich indeed! By the end of 1998 it went even as high as Rupiah 8,500 to every US Dollar. So when we did arrive from the USA in Jakarta, Indonesia on one of our consulting trips, we did go SHOPPING. Winter Sale was a bargain for us. 
We just had arrived the previous day in Jakarta, Indonesia. Here we are at the Hyatt Aryaduta hotel for a coffee/tea after we went to the Leprosy Project in Tangerang with our driver. That is about an hour to the west from the capitol of Jakarta, Indonesia. We always hand delivered cash that got raised by the Dublin Rotary Club and by some private donors. That time we safely handed over US $ 9,600.00 to Father Binzler, a German Jesuit that was the head of the compound. Sadly he got killed by a car in Jakarta a couple of years later...
We went to Plaza Indonesia for our shopping.
Just back from the Sogo Department store in Jakarta. Sogo used to be a Japanese department store in Indonesia and targeting the upper-class market. Its name has now changed and we have not been there since 2001. From niece Maartje in The Netherlands, we had a very sweet drawing and a note on bear stationery, the morning before we departed from the USA. So we did stop at the Versus Versace boutique and found her a beautiful Young Versace jeans in black, that was marked down from Rupiah 940,000.00 to Rupiah 470,000.00. Maartje got lucky! We also found her a nice hibiscus dress at Sogo and matching hair bows for all outfits.
Wearing my Majorica 14mm pearls.
Brother Martin made a picture of her dress, without the matching top that we bought with it.
Rupiah 940,000.00 for half off is only 470,000.00
BUT that was no more than US 58.78...
Weird for having to deal with that many numbers!
Sogo Department Store at Plaza Indonesia in Jakarta Center
This was for the dress...
Not too bad for the dress, converted back into US $
Sogo Department hair bows and barrettes
Hair bows and barrettes converted into US $

We have always traveled with suitcases full of things to Indonesia, to give to the poor Leprosy patients and to the deaf children that visited our home frequently from the boarding school.
When traveling to the Netherlands we had always one suitcase full with GIFTS for nieces and nephews etc. 
Weight in the luggage and number of luggage pieces was not that restricted as it is now. 
 Coach Class did allow Two (2) pieces of 70 pounds / 32 kilograms each!
At that time we also frequently did send parcels but with the very high postage, that is no longer possible.
We both loved to be generous and make others happy.
Even though once we stopped arriving with full suitcases to give to family members, they stopped being interested. 
We seldom hear from them... 
Sorry, but living off just one pension with three people, we no longer can afford playing Santa Claus.

Related links:

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

{We saw FOUR Armadillos at Lunch Time!}

Wow, just now when reading about Armadillos I know that I've risked something. First of all, these nine-banded Armadillos do have  four genetically identical quadruplets being born in each litter. AHA, that's why we spotted four! For quite a while we noticed the damage they did to our lawn, digging up the grass in search for grubs and other insects. They also make burrows in which you easily can step and trip. When I rushed outside with my camera to capture them, I had a hard time, as they move so fast!
The North American Nine-banded Armadillo tends to jump straight in the air when startled, and consequently often collides with the undercarriage or fenders of passing vehicles. In this case, one of them scared me when I tried to lift it up with one hand, in order to get a better shot from its face. It jumped straight up under me, I kind of sat squatted down. No luck for a close-up shot while being held... Today I read about this 'jumping up' in the above link (click on Armadillos at the top):
Humans can acquire a leprosy infection from armadillos by handling them or consuming armadillo meat, and are a presumed vector and natural reservoir for the disease in Texas and Louisiana. See link below post for more about the Leprosy STIGMA and our Leprosy Project.
Next time I know better!
Funny ears they have and indeed, they are nine-banded. But look this one has an X to the left in its bands!
 It was nearly impossible to capture them on camera. I do better with our cats...
Hind sight...
We spotted four with our eyes but when I hurried outside I only managed to get TWO before the camera lens...
Boy, were they in a hurry!

Related link:
{World Leprosy Day} | previous post by me
{My 8th Blog Award - Sunshine from Japan} | previous post by me mentioning our fight for the underdog

Thursday, June 30, 2011

{My 8th Blog Award - Sunshine from Japan}

From the talented Orchid in Japan I received this Sunshine Award on June the 24th. Just have a look at: Orchid's Daily Voice blog.  She is a lady I admire tremendously as she masters our English language so well. I say 'our' even though it is not my mother tongue either. The award goes together with revealing something about myself. Well, over time now I have revealed bits and pieces about little me. 
Probably you know by now that I love animals and also that both of us have always fought for the underdog. We found it always challenging to train the difficult-to-train by spending some extra time with them. It is so rewarding to see how they eventually do turn out after years of coaching and guiding. That makes ones heart swell for pride and joy. 
We went also numerous times to our Dublin Rotary Club's Leprosy Project in Indonesia, while working and living there. Providing the Club photos and video from what we encountered. Visiting the state hospital in Indonesia, with all the disfigured people. Such a biblical disease and still around in our time; claiming half a million new victims each year by leprosy infection. Sad fact that the Leprosy STIGMA is still alive and that people get ostracized...  And yet the world seems to turn away from it. Everyone is caught up in their social media toys and often one becomes more self-centered instead of reaching out. We feel enriched by having done so and we also are grateful for living the life we have, as we have seen so much misery... Living and or working in Indonesia, India, Chile, South Africa and Mexico has been a blessing in many ways!
Keeping up with that, I also want to pass this Sunshine Award on to five others by literally giving them some Sunshine in their difficult days. Are you joining me in visiting them and maybe giving them the gift of Following?
A big THANK YOU from my end for taking the time to do so.
Let's go...

  • Bea from Modern Country Lady who's needing some extra Sunshine for he days ahead as her 16-year old cat is having kidney failure.
  • Carolyn from Draffin Bears as she literally needs Sunshine for her winter days...
  • Johanna from Silber-Rosen needs some extra Sunshine.
  • Laura from Casita By The Lake who created Sunshine for her Down Syndrome niece...
  • Wendy from Once Upon a Rose Haven needs Sunshine as she just recently lost her Daddy...
Let's all be a little Sunshine for one another!

Related links:
{We saw FOUR Armadillos at Lunch Time!} | Humans can acquire a leprosy infection from armadillos by handling them or consuming armadillo meat, and are a presumed vector and natural reservoir for the disease in Texas and Louisiana. - previous post by me 
{World Leprosy Day} | previous post by me

Friday, July 9, 2010

{Share this Profile}

Below is the profile I had on National Association of Professional Women.

Owner Industry: Selling Upscale Silver Jewelry from Giovanni Raspini Charms & Co, Italy ~ Basics & Lifestyle Classes
Location: Dublin, GA

Associates in Fashion Design - NTI Netherlands Language Institute in Roosendaal, College in The Kingdom of The Netherlands.
Fashion and languages. My family history and culture has inspired my career. 

Published booklet for Sylvan Inc.; Recipe contribution for Southern Living; Partner with husband Pieter J.C. Vedder at The Vedders Mushroom Consulting; Written articles & publications for The British Mushroom Journal; Written articles for Australian AMGA Journal - Official Journal of the Australian Mushroom Growers Association; Written articles for Canadian Mushroom World; Translation of my English Harvest Booklet into Dutch Oogstboekje by Sylvan, Inc.; "THREADS OF LIFE: INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S TEXTILE ART" at Georgia State University; Journalistic contributions for Atlanta Holland Times; Training for Harvesting and Post Harvesting at Funghi del Montello, Italy; Free lance writer and features for The Courier Herald, Dublin Georgia; Practical training at Vedder Consulting (Self-employed); Teaching how to Crochet and how to Knit at Home Training; Best in show "Roses" by Mariette Vedder won in three-dimensional media at Fine Arts Association; Features & Ads at Article in Courier Herald; Harvest Department manager at Practical Training College for Mushroom Growing CCO; Published poems in Saturday edition at Dutch Newspaper Dagblad van Noord Limburg.

PEOPLE, Maintaining a botanical garden with my husband, Decorating, Fashion, Cooking for Friends, Making Pâtisserie and Chocolates Healthy Style, Giving Teas, Arranging Fresh Flowers From Our Own Garden, Filet Lace Crocheting and Bridal Handkerchiefs, Nature, Traveling, Animals, Reading.
About Mariette:

For complete profile see also LinkedIn

Being born in The Kingdom of The Netherlands, in the southern most province of Limburg I finished my formal education in Fashion design. Then I joined the Practical Training College where I met my husband Pieter J.C. Vedder. My husband, who was the founder of that first and only Practical Training College in the world. Editing his English book Modern Mushroom Growing, was one of the language related things I've done. Continued with studying foreign languages as that is a must when educating people from around the world. The College did provide courses in Dutch, German and English beside the three year formal education. We came to the US in 1983, as my husband was being asked by Campbell Soup to work here in the US. So in that function as VP Training & Development he continued his job as teacher. When he retired from Campbell's we lived and worked in Italy, in the Venice region. Since then we lived and worked also in Indonesia on the island of Java. Working in India, South America, South Africa, Australia, Canada, Mexico as well as in Germany.

After having traveled the world, as international mushroom consultants with my husband and partner, I did want to bring home to the US all the fine upscale gifts that I'd discovered on our many trips. So now I can offer you the fine Italian solid silver from Giovanni Raspini Charms & Co as well as their silver frames and desk items. Bringing this exceptional quality jewelry to the US market from Europe. We have lived and worked in Italy and know their design and superior quality. Charms have always been produced by the greatest jewelers of the world, yet jewelery today is more personal and individual. A sort of identification code.

Further I did find rare vintage Lampe Berger in France as well as the sought after Limoges porcelain table lamps and items by famous ceramic artist CamilleTharaud, for Limoges. Antique Christofle silver.

An artist friend Françoise, who lives outside of Paris, does intricately hand paint beautiful wooden boxes and such, with romantic real life roses.

Another French friend Agnes, makes one–of–a–kind linen sachets, linen bags, hearts and other items with roses and angels from French and Japanese fabrics. Making your Home more Romantic in this hectic Cyber Age time with the highest quality gifts. You are welcome to visit my Zen Cart powered on line boutique: Mariette's Back to Basics for more detailed info.

Other things I offer are my Basics & Lifestyle Classes.

**Discovering Lost Arts Class Series about Pen & Paper: In a fast-paced world where it seems every idea is communicated via email or text message, penning a special note or beautiful letter by hand becomes an art to be preserved. Join me for an afternoon class where I introduce the basics of good penmanship and heartfelt communication. Learn why creating an artful communication on paper can lead to deepened thoughts expressed with grace. Includes Crane & Co Paper and warm conversation over coffee/tea.

**Manners do Count: The basics of good etiquette, speech, grooming and table manners is information every individual should master… and the younger, the better. Each class ends in a dinner event. Especially designed for 10+ year-olds, but older teens and adults are also welcomed.

**Creating Heirloom Pieces: Learn to crochet lovely filet lace that can be used as a perfect, decorative touch to garments or as a stand-alone work of art to be handed down through the generations. Framing services with clear acrylic is also offered for your finished piece or for preserving Grandma's heirloom.

**"A Stitch in Time" Wardrobe Care: It’s not difficult to hem a garment neatly and invisibly; sew on, reinforce, or change out buttons; and other everyday sewing tasks. Preserve the good looks of everything you and your family wear by mastering these sewing basics and learning how to care for fabrics properly – washing, ironing, storing. A wonderful gift class for brides-to-be or newlyweds!

**Especially for New Brides and Brides-to-be- Class Series; Learning About Linens: All the secrets of choosing, using, and preserving fine linens that your grandmother and great grandmother were taught as young ladies. Discussion includes choosing environmentally-friendly fabrics for the home, proper linen care and more.

**Setting a Pretty Table: Is anything more satisfying than setting a beautiful table for family and guests? Learn artful napkin–folding techniques, the use and care of silver and linens, silverware and crystal placement, and how adding special touches like place cards and fresh flowers can make the meal an even more delightful experience.

**Consulting Services: A sense of personal style is needed to create a signature look, but how do you know if your taste in fashion enhances your look or detracts from it? Allow me to assist you as your personal fashion, image, and wardrobe consultant.

**Your Own Clothes, Only Better! Color, style, fit and more! I can help you restyle your existing wardrobe to create a fresh, new look that’s right for you. I will peruse your existing wardrobe and suggest ways to alter selected garments for a better, more flattering fit. I will also provide personal shopping advice, giving tips on shopping with thrift and quality in mind.

**Foundations of Style/2-Day Shopping Trip: Eighty per cent of all women wear the wrong bra, resulting in a poor silhouette and ill-fitting outfits. Knowing that every woman should have a wardrobe of several bras to wear with various styles. Learn how to build the most flattering foundation for everything you wear. This 2–day trip to Neiman-Marcus/Atlanta, with an overnight stay at Hyatt Place Hotel includes expert bra fitting at major department stores, lots of excellent “girl talk,” and lunch at the Grand Hyatt. This fun-filled, memorable trip will make a great bridesmaids’ or debutante party gift!

New Netherlands Institute; Member of the Dublin–Laurens County Chamber of Commerce; Netherlands American Chamber of Commerce for the Southeastern US

We've guided and educated a deaf girl in Indonesia. While living and working there, we got to know her, and many other girls at the boarding school. She's a young woman now and got her associates in graphic design and administration just by reading lips. Later we provided her with a state-of-the-art Danish hearing aid from Oticon for both sides so she could hear for the first time ever. The phone call came and she said: "Mama I can HEAR you! Made for misty eyes of course...
Another charity that is very close to our heart is the Leprosy Project through our local Rotary Club. Also going to Indonesia where we personally hand delivered the moneys for years. It is so rewarding and this year we managed to pull off a huge Matching Grant Award from Rotary International where our club provided 75% and the club of Jakarta Sentral 25%. Then that got doubled by Rotary International. So we feel thrilled about this accomplishment. Leprosy exists since biblical times but so little is being done for them. It seems to be more politically correct to spend it on HIV related projects, even though that is often related to lifestyle. Leprosy is not because of lifestyle, but fate! Annually about half a million new cases are added globally.

It opened our hearts and eyes and yes, we also learned to listen from the deaf... by paying close attention and reading a persons body language too. That has helped me tremendously in doing training in seven languages...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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