About Me

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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Blog Award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blog Award. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

{Blog Award from Serbia}

From dear Natasha (lawyer) from Serbia who writes the blog: SMILJE-art by heart, I did receive another Blog Award on April 15. How is that for two awards on one day? One from Canada and one from Serbia. Thanks Natasha for thinking of me. Again I want to thank every one of you; old and new readers; silent ones or those that added their name to the list. Thanks for all your comments over the years and for your input. I have leaned so much from each one of you. It is a constant blessing for visiting different blogs!
One can tell how fast the viral world goes as this is the very same award that came from Canada and again, it is in Spanish. 
'Thank you for being part of my world'
 Wishing all my readers, world wide a very happy week!

With appreciation,


Saturday, May 4, 2013

{Blog Award & Update}

On April 15, I did receive an award from Laura, from the blog: Casita By The Lake. Thanks again Laura! 
I have written to her that I would mention this after our vacation on the Island of Curaçao in the Caribbean. 
So here it is; finally posted.
Funny that this is in Spanish but it says: Thank you for being part of my world.
That's exactly what I like to say to all my loyal readers that leave comments for me; even when I can't get to my PC at times for visiting them. 
We are a special world and there is a lot of bonding going on.
Together we try to exist in an economy that is not the same as in the 80s.
But I do admire the thousands of women, world wide, that create the most beautiful things for their home, for themselves or for others. So many talents about!
For that very reason I will not pass it on to others as all of you are very deserving of an award!
Welcome to my newest followers and I hope you find something of your interest here.

In Curaçao I did do some cross stitching but being there, together as a family, there was not that much time for doing so. My special +6.00 reading glasses did help me tremendously though, considering that I have to always work with only one eye. One day I will be able to show you the results. Last year in Curaçao I did finish the edging around the Antique French Knotted Filet Lace.
Wishing you all a happy weekend and thanks for visiting!

Related articles:

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

{Travel with me to Southeastern Europe & Blog Award}

From the very talented Anavi, from: Pletionica.blogspot.com I did receive another Blog Award. Thank you ever so much dear Anavi and it is a pleasure to mention you here. So let's travel to her country...
As many of you know by now, I worked together with my husband and partner Pieter, in Italy where we lived outside of Venice. Our household belongings all came in through the Italian port of Trieste on the border of Slovenia and close to Croatia. Anavi is from Croatia, so you have an idea now where that is located. We did drive with our manager, Dr. Gigi Bagnasco, to Trieste, in order to pick up our cars at the harbor and driving them home. We imported all our belongings to Italy at that time, from Pennsylvania, USA to Italy and later back over land to The Netherlands via Rotterdam to Charleston, South Carolina/USA...
Working in Italy I had many harvesters that came from former Yugoslavia, so I actually worked with many of them. They spoke some Italian and I mastered Italian fluently at that time, still can read and understand it with ease but it takes more time for speaking and writing it. 
This is the Premio (Italian for Award)  that I got from Anavi.
A lot of young bloggers have no idea about the hardships in this world, far worse than what some are facing here in the USA. Growing up in a war-torn country is no fun and the outlook for the future is most times very dim. No chance for education, no chance for realizing almost any dreams.
It is with pleasure that I have seen more sewing, knitting and crocheting all around the world; that is a great come back to living more frugal (or shabby as it is now called...). 
Please do me a favor and visit Anavi's Pletionica.blogspot.com and scroll down to see what this young lady is able to make with her crochet hook!
Also on Facebook you find: Pletionica and you can make me happy if you like this girl!
We CAN CROSS BORDERS and pass some LOVE!
Let's do it and learn from one another.
Thank you all; wherever you are 

I like to pass this blog award on to:
Jagoda from LifeisShabby.blogspot.com from Slovenia
Susan from AvaGracesCloset.blogspot.com who lives in Canada but speaks still Croatian and Slovenian

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

{2 Awards from Bloggers I Admire + Update}

Are you also behind on things? Not yet fully adapted to the fact that it is now officially autumn and only 12 weeks away from Christmas?!
A heartily welcome to my newest followers, hope you will make yourself here at home. 
On September 23, I just managed to spot this funny number of 299,999... Just could grab its tail as of course time is racing on with everything. 
But this is NOT what I wanted to write about. Instead, I got 2 awards from special blogger friends that I admire. On September 29, I did receive a cat award from dear Tammy from T's Daily Treasures (click). She is a girl of my heart as she writes so pure about her daily but meaningful treasures of life. Tammy does for sure not fall into the category of The Pretenders. Her blog followers have been growing steadily and she always has something of interest to share with her loyal readers. A pleasure visiting with her. 

Another award I received on October 02, from a very talented blogger friend in Spain. Her name is Véronica from Nikavintage (click). Obviously she also first did receive this award herself and did pass it on to 15 others with this criteria: Give the award to fifteen blogs you think are worthy for their creativity and originality in writing, among other values.

For sure both ladies fall into this categorie of creativity and original content writing. No photos used from elsewhere on the Internet but just genuine moments of their own lives and life style. Please do give them a visit as they deserve it. Those two awards I will not pass on but those of you that write in the personal, creative and original style know that I mean to honor you as well.

The Future of Pro Blogging
For full article, click on above link!

There are two more special bloggers I admire and I will write about them next. Of course our Rose Suite will be revealed to you soon! Stay posted and I wish you a lovely autumn season, if you live in the northern hemisphere. And for the southern hemisphere a lovely spring time.

What is your thought about pretenders and those that constantly use material from the Internet, or worse from other bloggers; scraped content. For me it often feels like wasting my precious time. I'd rather connect with real people that live with real problems and struggles in this difficult time of recession. A joy it is for me to see so many talented women (hey, where are the men...?) out there who show us ways of re-purposing vintage things and creating romantic pieces for their homes. A few of them are selling it to others, while some just use it as an economical way of decorating their home. Also the cooking and baking at times is very refreshing to read and above all, to learn from.
See you soon!

Monday, June 18, 2012

{My 18th Blog Award}

First off I need to mention another Blog Award, my 18th. While on our 4-night cruise to the Bahamas I already did receive this, from the lovely Sesè in Italy from Semplicemente Femminile. Thank you Sesè!
As with my previous awards, I am not going to pass them on. I feel like we're going in circles within the same group over and over again and it is quite time consuming for searching out new recipients. Hope you all agree on that one.

Just like to welcome all new followers! Welcome on my blog and I hope you will find something you like. You always can type in a word at the top of my blog, to the right where it reads: 'Search This Blog for any Word! That will help you find special subjects.

There are such talented bloggers like Manuela from Agulha Mágica (Magic Needle) in Portugal. Check out the beautiful open work embroidery, crocheting, embroidery and a lot of ton-sur-ton works like white on white. She has a translate button to the right and she herself is able to handle English well. A very talented lady! No wonder that we did bring back home the prettiest tablecloth and table runner with open lace embroidery work from her country...
Hope you all are enjoying a great summer and are getting your projects done.
Till next time, with love to you all and thanks for being loyal!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

{17th Blog Award & 169 Countries Visited}

From Nataša, who writes the blog smilje-art by heart from the city of Pančevo in Serbia, I got my 17th Blog Award. Thank you so much for passing that on to me! Nataša is a lawyer and she lives not too far away from Belgrade, on the beautiful river Danube. We love that part of the world, especially for its melancholic classical music. When I lived and worked in Italy, near Venice, I did train several women from the former Yugoslavia. So I'm not a complete stranger to that part of the world. We also traveled to Hungary a few times, which is on the same river Danube. 
This lady bug is supposed to bring good fortune...
Glad that I'm feeling better and at least I got to mention Nataša as a courtesy, for thinking of me.
Wishing all blogger friends in Eastern Europe the very best and sending lots of love over to your area.
May you all continue to make beautiful hand craft and exchange your art and culture with the world.
So many people have no idea how other countries look like, how they live, what they eat, what they do for a living.
 Nataša is a lawyer, without a job; life is not always easy over at her side of the world.
Thanks for visiting and for following. The world is big but through Internet and Blogger it is becoming small. 
I am very much honored for having 407 followers and readers from 169 countries. On May 6, Gibraltar became the newest country.

It was July 10, 2011 that I put that flag counter on... 
Thank you all very much!

To those that like to take this lady bug home; you are free to do so.

Wishing you a lovely Pentecost weekend and a Happy Memorial Day.

Interesting to read my previous posts:

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

{16th Blog Award + Challenge & Personal Update}

On May 18, I did receive my 16th Blog Award from Melanzana but I had no time to post about it right away. Also on May 11, I received a Challenge from Elna Sudden. Thanks ladies but frankly, I am not at all in the mood for passing them on... Got back on medication for my auto immune disease. That puts a bit of a damper on the 'happy' feeling. Let's hope that in a week the inflammation will be gone.
At the time when Elna listed my name on May 11, I was facing the challenge of getting the garden ready, together with my husband Pieter, before going on a 5-day cruise to the Bahamas. That is fun but you work your tail off prior to 'relaxing' time. Garden care, house cleaning, laundry, packing and off we went. Our best friends had asked us to join them and their clinic personnel, as we've also done so in 2009. A great team and we had a fantastic time. Lots of reading, healthy food and elegant dining as a group of 13 together. From Port Canaveral, Florida we first went to CocoCay Island, Bahamas. Strolling around this secluded little paradise in the sun was nice. Next day we arrived at the harbor of Nassau, also in the Bahamas. This 'Sunny Smiley' as Blog Award is therefore perfect for a cruise to the SUN!
Thanks again Melanzana!
This was our 4-night trip from Port Canaveral in Florida to Cococay Island and than to Nassau, both in the Bahamas.
Those Islands like CocoCay are like a tropical Paradise!
Hope you all are doing well.
THANKS for all my new followers and for your visits and comments.
As soon as I feel better (side affect of my medication also...) I will visit more blogs.
Yeah, let's hope it will soon be: Mariette's Back to Basics...

Related article:
Challenge Accepted + Easter Photos previous post by me

Friday, February 17, 2012

{My 14th Blog Award}

From Nani in Macedonia I received my 14th blog award, click Kajnani-nani blog. THANKS Nani and I will try to work it out but I will not list 15 for passing it on as that is way too many... Nani had her birthday on February 15, so you might want to congratulate her on that. Belated yes, but still pretty close.

I am also expected to reveal 7 things about myself...
1) Just like Nani, I am a WATERMAN.
2) Am very HAPPY that my Mom reached the age of 88 on February 12! She is a WATERMAN too.
Despite her having almost 4 years of kidney dialysis, from March 18, 2008 on, she has reached this blessed age.
3) LOVE the warmer weather and can't wait for spring to really start; not just 'teasing' and back to cold again.
4) Felt happy with our new Italian Coffee and Wine Bar 'Via Col Vento' (Gone With the Wind).
Dear friends Heinz & Maria from Ristorante da Maria run it.
I got a special treat on Monday from a sweet 93 year old role-model friend, who invited both of us for lunch at 'Via Col Vento' for my birthday on February 6.
This made us feel like being back in Italy, in the Veneto area...
5) LOVE the State where we live! For an idea of how Central Georgia looks like, see: Georgia Traveler.
6) Am so pleased with the delicious Chocolate Recipe for diabetes type 2, see my previous post: {Our Liz & Telepathy + AMAZING Chocolate Recipe!}.
Had another yummy chocolate heart today after coming home from Atlanta...
6) Proud of my husband Pieter who built a sturdy 3rd bridge across the creek. High enough for high water levels, IF it will rain a lot like previous years.
7) Bought several super healthy rose bushes at Costco today because we lost almost all of ours last year due to the heat and drought. Look forward to some real home grown roses for filling a vase. 
And now... passing it on to several lovely blogs. That is always the hard part as there are so many deserving recipients!

1) Princesa Nadie A most romantic blog with flowers and porcelain cups & saucers etc.
2) Anna from The Doll House A highly talented lady with great styling!
3) Valentina from Les Cotrions Another highly talented lady with a lovely blog full of inspiration.
4) Marian from Schunsland Yet another highly talented lady!
Please do pay them a visit and wishing you all a lovely day; anticipating SPRING...

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

My 13th Blog Award - Reader Appreciation Award

On Christmas Eve, Miyako from Orchid's Daily Voice in Japan, did pass on another Blog Award to me. Mighty sweet of her but it was too much for last year to sort this out...

For those that need to pass it on again, here is the link for the photo.

I want to limit this to only four names as it becomes quite a chore for selecting more people. It is already hard to find someone that does accept an award, let alone making the selection. But for me it always is a joy to think of someone else who would feel honored for having a little attention, even if it is just for a day...

1) Wendy from Once Upon A Rose Haven from Tennessee, USA
2) Nicole from Rêve en blanc from Limburg, The Netherlands
3) Johanna from Silber+Rosen from Germany
4) Jennifer from Feathers in the Nest from the North of the same Peach State where I live: Georgia, USA

All four are great blogs to read and you pick up ideas of love, special attention and warmth.
Wishing each one of you a great week and happy reading.

Friday, November 25, 2011

{My 12th Blog Award}

On November 15, I did receive a 'Best Blog' Award from Veronica, in Spain. THANK YOU VERY MUCH VERONICA!
Veronica has a very lively blog with great photos, called: Los Mundos de Nika Vintage. Showing the most precious vintage and antique items, interlaced with her incredible garden. A joy to visit her and she also can be found on FB with her Page: BookAntic - Libros Antiguos. Quite refreshing to see her items. Don't forget to pay her a visit.
Okay, it's time for passing this bouquet on to others who's blogs I do enjoy tremendously.

Julie Marie from Idyllhours and by the way, I'd love to find out how one can be spending some IDLE hours... For me the time is always gone before I manage to do all I WANT to do. Do you have that kind of problem too?

Lene from THE GREEN GARDEN GATE with her beautiful Norwegian blog. You have to see her inspirational Christmas Decorations.

Bea from Modern Country Lady who is such an incredible talented lady! Check her out and don't forget to follow her. Scroll down for finding her Google Friend Connect.

That's it!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

{My 11th Blog Award}

Exactly one week ago I did receive another award from Laura's blog Casita By The Lake, in Canada. She is a very talented blogger friend of mine, whom I admire for her crafts. She too enjoys nature and gardening as much as I do. Thank you so much Laura for passing this on to me!

Well, do I need to tell some more about me? Guess by visiting my blog regularly you by now have figured out who I am and what I love. Still the ROSES and ANGELS score high. And of course people are always of interest. Sharing fond memories, finding virtual soul mates that cherish the same values and high morals as I do, is such a reward! In an economy that is in a downward spiraling mode it is important to find our abilities for creating with our own hands. For stretching the dollar and making use of fine old antiques in a new way. I have been admiring several ladies that manage painting and restoring old pieces of furniture into lovely new family heirlooms. Knitting, crocheting and certainly sewing is on the rise again. That is exactly the way I was raised and taught; luckily. Nowadays the young girls are not being taught all this, unless a parent or grandparent will do so. But this economic downturn is playing a role in reexamining those values and focusing on nesting, making and re-purposing things, to save money.
This is also the aim of my own business: 'Mariette's Back to Basics' as this is what it is all about. Not for showing posts with luxurious dream homes that only a few percent of the population can afford. It is about showing something from ourselves, from our hearts and our own hands. Be it in baking things or creating clothes, gifts, restoring old pieces of furniture and building a nest that reflects oneself. Not copying something from a magazine or posting like some self proclaimed interior designer.
In this respect I always have admired Guy Kawasaki, the former chief evangelist of Apple. He certainly does have some Japanese back ground but he was born in Honolulu.
Guy Kawasaki uses 5 Secrets of Success for trying to stand out from the Personal Branding herd:
  • Make Meaning, Not Money.
  • Make a Mantra. In three words or less, what are you all about? Kawasaki believes that mission statements are useless. He says, make a mantra instead. FedEx stands for “peace of mind.” What do you stand for, in the simplest terms? Guess my Mantra is: Good Taste and Simplicity.
  • Polorize People. He suggests being great for some people rather than trying to please everyone. Do not be afraid to make people react strongly for or against you. As my former business partner used to remind me, you’re not doing something right unless you’re pissing someone off. That doesn’t mean be a jerk. That means just don’t try to appeal to all people, or you’ll end up a mile wide and an inch deep, mediocre to everyone. -- I certainly can attest to that one! Some people who signed out because I do Polorize People!
  • Find a Few Soul Mates.
  • Don’t Let the Bozos Grind You Down. Not everyone is going to like you. Not everyone will always agree with you. That’s a fact of life. So don’t let criticism or doubters bring you down. As you live out your mantra, it’s your responsibility to be strong in the face of “no,” and “you can’t do that.” Guy says, ignore people who say you won’t succeed. Use negative words as motivation. Prove people wrong. (See a picture of full text at the end of post...)
Now I would like to pass this award on to the following bloggers:

1. A Lovely Journey She suffered a spinal injury in 2009 and needs some visits from all of us!
2. Zaa The Grand Lady from Japan
3. Mari A Pocket Full of Roses She lost her furbaby Pebbles on May 6 and in June her furbaby Bella... Scroll down for following her and leaving her a message to pick her up.
4. Carolyn from ...just one more stitch She has a fabulous GIVEAWAY till midnight October 1st!
5. Denise from All Over Roses
6. Anna from Annashusidingtuna from Sweden

Content Creation Tips from Guy Kawasaki 

Friday, July 29, 2011

My 10th Blog Award

Carolyn in New Zealand from Draffin Bears Little Bear Studio, passed on yet another award. Thank you so much Carolyn!
So this award I'd like to pass on to:
  • Sue and her handyman from Beach Bungalow
  • Biene from Schlaflos in NRW with her Adoption Office for the most unique bears and other cuddly toys (English too!)
  • Adrienne from The Rich Life (on a budget)
  • Gwenny from Gwenny's Way
Please do have a look at these ladies' great blogs and you might want to follow them.
Wishing you a great weekend ahead!

We were blessed with some much needed, heavy rains on Thursday after a very hot Wednesday.
Look at the RealFeel around 3:17 PM...
Oops, that chocolate for sure did melt...

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

{My Atelvia with its side effects and the 9th Blog Award}

  • This time I will not post much as it is my weekly 'Atelvia' day and the side effects take much away of my productivity. 
  • Heart burn and a down feeling. Often even the day after... But there will be five good days left of each week! 
  • I need to take this to prevent bone loss, as the Prednisone is causing that... 
  • One way medication is great and the other way it causes side effects. 
  • Does anyone out there have experience with Atelvia or with Actonel? (I took the Actonel once-a-month, prior to this).
  • Just an update: after this post, I started taking it with a glass of milk. You have to take the Atelvia also AFTER breakfast; to me that is in itself a huge improvement instead of on an empty stomach with the Actonel. 
  • Guess I have somehow adjusted to it better now, still look forward to the day I'm free of this medicine!
Don't want to complain but sorry if I did not visit your blog or left a comment.
So let's go on with the 9th Blog Award that I received from Rose Marie from El Arte de Rosiña. Even though I am not up to passing it on to someone, not feeling like it and there are so many things that need to be taken care of. So I leave this Pink Lady for anyone who wants to take her home...

  • Thanks a lot Rose Marie!
Related links:

Thursday, June 30, 2011

{My 8th Blog Award - Sunshine from Japan}

From the talented Orchid in Japan I received this Sunshine Award on June the 24th. Just have a look at: Orchid's Daily Voice blog.  She is a lady I admire tremendously as she masters our English language so well. I say 'our' even though it is not my mother tongue either. The award goes together with revealing something about myself. Well, over time now I have revealed bits and pieces about little me. 
Probably you know by now that I love animals and also that both of us have always fought for the underdog. We found it always challenging to train the difficult-to-train by spending some extra time with them. It is so rewarding to see how they eventually do turn out after years of coaching and guiding. That makes ones heart swell for pride and joy. 
We went also numerous times to our Dublin Rotary Club's Leprosy Project in Indonesia, while working and living there. Providing the Club photos and video from what we encountered. Visiting the state hospital in Indonesia, with all the disfigured people. Such a biblical disease and still around in our time; claiming half a million new victims each year by leprosy infection. Sad fact that the Leprosy STIGMA is still alive and that people get ostracized...  And yet the world seems to turn away from it. Everyone is caught up in their social media toys and often one becomes more self-centered instead of reaching out. We feel enriched by having done so and we also are grateful for living the life we have, as we have seen so much misery... Living and or working in Indonesia, India, Chile, South Africa and Mexico has been a blessing in many ways!
Keeping up with that, I also want to pass this Sunshine Award on to five others by literally giving them some Sunshine in their difficult days. Are you joining me in visiting them and maybe giving them the gift of Following?
A big THANK YOU from my end for taking the time to do so.
Let's go...

  • Bea from Modern Country Lady who's needing some extra Sunshine for he days ahead as her 16-year old cat is having kidney failure.
  • Carolyn from Draffin Bears as she literally needs Sunshine for her winter days...
  • Johanna from Silber-Rosen needs some extra Sunshine.
  • Laura from Casita By The Lake who created Sunshine for her Down Syndrome niece...
  • Wendy from Once Upon a Rose Haven needs Sunshine as she just recently lost her Daddy...
Let's all be a little Sunshine for one another!

Related links:
{We saw FOUR Armadillos at Lunch Time!} | Humans can acquire a leprosy infection from armadillos by handling them or consuming armadillo meat, and are a presumed vector and natural reservoir for the disease in Texas and Louisiana. - previous post by me 
{World Leprosy Day} | previous post by me

Monday, May 2, 2011

My 7th Blog Award

On Sunday, April 17, I got this Kreativ Blogger Award passed on by Doris from "Hold my hand"  A social worker's blog. We were in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at that time... So finally I want to share it with my readers and also pass it on to others. I felt honored by Doris for receiving this! This Kreativ Blogger Award obviously came from the German branch of bloggers...
So, here are the rules:

1. Link back to the person who gave you the award.

2. Tell 5 facts about myself... 

3. Give this award to others.
Okay the 5 facts about myself:
1)  I love people and their culture.
2)  Animals I love... could run a zoo!
3)  Being outdoors in nature makes me happy.
4)  Love to crochet, especially the fine DMC thread.
5)  History and Geography are two favorite subjects.
Sure, I could list many more here! But if you broaden your horizon by paying these a visit; you already learn a lot. I feel privileged myself for being able to interact with them!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

{My 6th Blog Award & Secret for my Size and Weight}

Okay, it is long due but I had way too much on my plate for doing this right away. On March 15 I received notice from Rose Marie, from the blog El arte de Rosiña about my Stylish Blogger Award...
Well, it is not that easy as I am supposed to tell seven things about myself and than pass this on to 15 other bloggers... That takes time to work this out.
There are 4 duties to perform to accept this award:

1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.

2. Share 7 things about yourself.

3. Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers.

4. Contact these bloggers and tell them about the award!

So here are 7 things about myself:

1) Dark chocolate is my favorite.
2) Avocado is yummy for breakfast (we eat a half one each day!) and great for skin.
3) Love to set a pretty table with fresh flowers and candles...
4) Love china with roses and linens with roses...
5) Love people in general.
6) Love languages as each one is a window to the world.
7) Love to read and love to write!

These are the 15 bloggers that I want to pass it on to:

1. Janny from Roses pour toujours
3. Christie Chateau De Fleurs
6. Lilo Moment
8. Victoria Slightly Shabby
9. Celia's FurBaby Dolce's Adventures
10. Cecilia desde my ventana
11. Chelle French Charmed
12. Spreading the Love Roba Dolce
13. Michela Mami G Maison
14. Rosabella 'Rosabella ~ la vie en rose'
15. Zondra Zondra Art

Please do have a look at their blogs!

Related links:
{SUGAR is your #1 enemy!} | previous post by me
Foods that Support the Skin | previous post by me
Natural Healing Chart for almost all Sickness | previous post by me with a wealth of information!
{9 'Harmless' Habits That Age You} | previous post by me with great tips

Friday, March 11, 2011

My 5th Blog Award from my 150th follower

I've missed reading your blogs and could not produce any writing as planned, due to a severe bladder infection. But the antibiotics are kicking in and I'm starting to feel better. The pain is gone and I can concentrate again on my work. On my BlackBerry I did receive a very surprising comment from my 150th follower and she wrote that she'd passed on an Award for me. That was very pleasant medication for me to take today! THANKS A MILLION MARIAN from SCHUNSLAND Blog.
Virtual Friendships...

Marian, van Schunsland nogmaals hartelijk dank!

That makes it is my 5th Blog Award... Love the heart in it and I will try to pass it on to others, using my heart as best as I can. The request was that I do select those that don't have that many followers yet... in order to help them get acquainted in the blogger's world. The number of followers might not reveal everything, but I'd like to add my own version of judgement for passing it on to those that I do admire. For a reason of bringing personal content to their readers. Not just copied from some place else on the Internet. No, for using their own personal view on life or on how they share their way of making a home more cozy and like a real nest. Not trying to copy the majority, but by being themselves and creating a safe haven for their family; children and pets. Friends included of course. We cannot all be artists or creative photographers let alone designers of posh homes and interiors, that only a few can afford right in the middle of an economic crisis world wide. No -- common sense, and that shared with others, is far more reaching than some pretentious bloggers that only look down from their imaginary pedestals. Sorry, but I'm kind of allergic to anything fake.

  1. There is Marcia from BlessedMom's Simple Home whom I admire. Check her labels out -- she writes refreshing about True Life's blessings! Nothing pretentious and she does this by being a mother to SIX! Guess we all can learn from her. She ought to have millions of followers as she is a LEADER!
  2. Go with me on a journey and travel to Italy, just south of Rome where Rosetta has her beautiful blog The Romantic Rose with some PURE postings about her lovely way of building a nest and giving love to those dear to her. That is INSPIRATION! 
  3. Lets go to England too where the very smart and creative Bea is posting very worthwhile blogs about how she is enhancing her home and garden in Modern Country Lady. Most of us can learn a lot from her. She's also a leader in common sense aproach.
  4. There is Victoria from the West Coast of Canada who has a lovely, meaningful blog called appropriately for these difficult times: The Beauty of Balance. She has some good and much needed soul food to share! Nothing to impress or brag about but from the depth of her heart.
  5. Or going to France for Janny's incredible Rozen van Papier (Roses made of Paper!) that will sooth you mind and de-stress in a way that you never have experienced before. Don't let borders keep you from visiting, they do have a Google Translate bar and photos of their own unique material do speak volumes... She even has a French language blog Roses pour Toujours (Roses forever) that you can follow from the button at the top of her page.
  6. California is another trip I want to take you on, for visiting the multi-talented Olga from Olga's Home and Garden. She is the kind of centipede lady that can create a wide variety of things with her gifted hands. She does so in a very pleasant, way without being pretentious.
  7. Okay, I'm going with the biblical number 7... There is one other blogger from Canada whom I admire tremendously: Celia from Celia M. High Heeled Life & Resilientista We all could learn from her!
Guess this will do as it gives lots to read, lots to visit and share and above all: to ponder about. Hope you enjoyed this little journey with me. For sure I could add several more but let's keep that for next time. Have a wonderful weekend and thanks for your visit(s) to Mariette's Back to Basics as that's truly my life's motto.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Quite a surprise today, receiving a message from Rosetta from The Romantic Rose that I should check her blog. There it was: a Blog Liking Award which I show you here below.
Rosetta is from Latina, which is south of Rome.
Having lived and worked one year in Italy, of course I do have a soft spot for the country and always will. Our area was near Venice, quite a journey away from Rosetta's central Italy section.
She started her romantic blog the end of December, last  year and she does have a translator on her blog. Even though that never works perfect but together with the photos, that will do for anyone who doesn't master that particular language.

Those that I do pass this blog on to are required to do three things:
  • Posting this blog liking award photo on their own blog (click on the photo to get its URL)
  • Tell about 'that' day you began blogging...
  • Identify other bloggers for passing this award on.
  • So let me tell first about 'that' day. It was in November of 2009 that I wrote my first blog. On the 23rd about {Romancing the Home}. This first blog had my first link to my website Mariette's Back to Basics. That feeling about romancing has not gone away since than! My very first comment ever, was given to me by Johanna Gehrlein, from Silber+Rosen  (Silver+Roses) in Germany. That makes her my 1st recipient. Before I did write my first blog, I got already Johanna's Splendid book about {Splendid book about Silver Rose Flatware}. You can read about her book here in English: Rosen-Bestecke The Book.
  • Staying in Germany, but now going to the north, I like to pass it on to the very talented Elvira from Rosengärtchen (Rose garden) who makes the most romantic Christening gowns one can imagine, among other things. 
  • Going back to Italy, you must visit this incredible fashion blog by Elisabetta Mikapoka.  She is a fashion designer and illustrator herself and it is interesting to read her blog in English!
  • Now from Italy to France, to Versailles where I want to introduce you to Chantal from Abacaxi & Hortelã her blog is in English as well.
  • Crossing the Channel, we now travel to England to meet another very talented lady that studied Interior Design and she's also an excellent landscaper too. Her name is Bea from the blog Modern Country Lady.
There are so many others I would like to pass this award on to but the list would get too long...
Thanks for your time and to all the winners; congratulations and thanks again Rosetta!

Monday, January 24, 2011

{LIMBURG is Getting a Large Piece of the Cake on Blogger}

This is a complete different subject as I did receive a 'Liebster Blog Award' recently from Nicole from Rêve en Blanc. Nicole is from the Dutch Province of Limburg, where I am born. And so are several of my Blogger friends. Nicole did pass the award on, to 4 more ladies from Limburg, including me. Look at this yummy cake picture, so you can see that we all are from the south of the Kingdom of The Netherlands.

This Blog Award I will not pass on but if there are more bloggers from the Province of Limburg; please make yourself known!
Now let me introduce those Limburgers to you, so you can pay them a visit:
Click on the RED as those are hyperlinks.

There is Chantal from Abacaxi & Hortelã (English) she lived in Brasil and now in France.

Lynda from Een klein stukje van mij (English + Dutch)

Nicole from Rêve en Blanc  (Dutch + German + Google Translate)

Patricia from All Seasons  (Dutch + Google Translate)

Sandy from Van zuid naar noord who lives in Norway (Dutch)

Saskia from Join my Joy (English)

Gustaviana from Gustaviaans-Gustaviana  (Dutch + Google Translate)

If you are visiting these different blogs, please do me a favor and also visit and join my friend Rose Marie from My Romantic Treasures (Spanish + English + Google Translate)
Rose Marie is very ill and often cannot even get to her PC because of her pain. She would really love to have more visitors and followers. Several of you did already so, after my request in an earlier blog: {Our Rose Suite with Angels + a REQUEST}. THANKS A MILLION for honoring that request. 

One more day for winning the high end 925/000 Silver Alphabet Angel from Giovanni Raspini Charms & Co from Italy.
To the right of my blog at the top you can click on the button and get straight to the blog for sign up.

 Click on the image to enlarge.


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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