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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Limburg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Limburg. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Giant Bovist as a HUGE BUTT

True story and we actually ATE it.
September 27 of 1995, back in Limburg, The Netherlands, Mom did spoil my Pieter by having rice pudding and at clickable 0:42 (view it on YouTube!) Mom proudly shows one of Dad's cauliflowers and...
A huge BUTT!
That happens when you have a son–in–law who is involved in mushroom growing, they even show up on your own land.

On August 3, blogger friend Darla showed an Agaricus bisporus in the form of a butt...
Seriously Silly & Silly Seriousness ←click link
But this one is even more pronounced!

{Papa is 90 today!} | photo of Dad's cauliflower as he was called the Cauliflower King for his superior quality product...

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Pieter's FINAL Atlanta Holland Club Food Event in Atlanta

The Atlanta Holland Club had organized De Hollandse Hap or The Dutch Bite for December 9, 2023
Even though we were no longer formal members due to Pieter's age and my accident, we decided to go this time.
Did figure out that The Residence of The Kingdom of The Netherlands in Atlanta was only minutes away from the Grand Hyatt Buckhead Atlanta, so I booked us a room and off we went.
My foldable wheelchair in the trunk, with the luggage.
The Residence with its royal emblem is where the Consul General with his wife and family reside.
From the parking area below, we had to push the wheelchair up the hill to the residence.
There were more additional steps, as seen in first image.
The Consul General and his son and daughter graciously helped us with the wheelchair!
My Pieter to the left, wearing his Burberry sweater. Ellen Claessen from my home town Horst, Limburg in The Netherlands and me in my Escada roses sweater.
Pieter with a bitterbal and the Dutch Consul General.
There is a funny shade of Pieter's face, looking like a double face...
Bitterbal is a typical old Dutch snack being served with their bitters (alcohol), hence its name.
It is made with a creamy meat filling, beef, veal or chicken and  formed into round croquettes and then fried and served piping hot!
 Mustard on the side...
Hollandse Nieuwe or New Catch Holland Herring 
New Catch Holland Herring served with raw onions
The food is being put out and we eat off china plates with the Dutch royal emblem.
Red cabbage with apples and raisins is a typical Dutch dish.
There also was hash, sauerkraut and pea soup.
Ending with a home baked Limburg pie—kersen kruimeltjes vlaai or cherry crumbs pie.
Pieter at bottom left and me center bottom.
Indeed it was a most pleasant happening where Pieter knew so many for decades and being able to converse in Dutch!
Next to Pieter on the right top, in the greenish polo shirt is the Chairman of the Atlanta Holland Club, Cor Tadema and his wife Ineke is seen at the bottom left.
Both of them drove down to Dublin, Georgia all the way from Marietta to attend Pieter's memorial service and that meant a lot to me!
History now...
Our stay in room 2003 on December 9, 2023

Related link:

Monday, April 15, 2024

Silver Clock and Oak Wall Clock repaired by Pieter

 From Mom & Dad's Estate in The Netherlands, also came home a silver clock that we once gifted Mom.
It was also a double photo frame...
Here it is — three parts
Sorry for the glare... Placed it on our Corian window sill in the kitchen near the Stephanotis Floribunda.
This did come home with me on June 17, 2022 when I took my final trip home from Limburg...
More items that were inside my suitcase: Mom & Dad's Trio of Crucifix with Corpus and Plaques with Red Copper Relief Statues ←click link
A very elegant set—except the clock had stopped working...
A better view—without glare...
Photo is from Pieter and me on September 5, 2002 
Pieter wearing his Burberry tuxedo and I my silk Escada rose gown and shoes with Majorica pearls.
Pieter always has been an excellent photographer!
In our office, our oak Meubelfabriek Oisterwijk clock also had stopped working...
But my Pieter did repair both of them!
Wrote him a thank–you letter on October 14 of 2022
English translation follows below...
Dublin, October 14, 2022

Dearest Pieter,

My rock–my intellectual–hardworking, down–to earth 'better half'!
We first saw each other 53 years ago. An inexplicable sympathy that grew into a pure—real love.
More than that: a fusion of two souls.
With the same feelings and drive – never lazy or too tired to do anything.
Committing yourself to many and only thinking of yourself at the end... And that even reluctantly!
A deep faith and with the help of God's blessing, has yielded us so many years.
Also, undoubtedly many souls of loved ones who have accompanied us on our path together.
You asked so little for yourself. Often even pro bono for so many.
We are convinced that God will one day settle it! Our behavior and that of those who scarred your heart. We can only pray and ask: Father, forgive them—they don't know what they are doing—just as Jesus said in all his sufferings.
You are still good to all the birds and animals on our estate. You feed and protect them.
Even more intimate with our cats—they don't hang onto you so much for nothing. Animals feel how you really are and love you unconditionally. How proud I am of you—as I walk through the garden, where your hard work is visible everywhere. And no less in the house—what you've done yourself!!!
There is no second Pieter.
Even the little oak clock that you recently managed to repair. And the silver clock! No, such an intelligent person, who still reads so much, is immortal—if it weren't for the body's inaction.
Thank goodness we captured your intellect in our book in 2020—for others especially. I was also able to highlight some things about our life together. You like to read it on your iPadPro and enjoy it. Makes me feel good and especially because I know there was never time for it before. Always doing a mega job or often driving someone else around and proudly showing our new homeland.
All those memories will remain—that is my anchor when you leave me behind to receive the final reward for your soul. I know you'll still be with me until I get to follow too.

Thank you for so much real love and see you later!

L.L. is Lieve Lieverd or Dear Sweetheart

Related links:
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting | Pieter's intellect captured in book...
Niagara Falls with Sister Diny | one of the road trips made with family and friends
under labels below my blog, scroll to Mega Task and see the many projects Pieter accomplished

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


With all that is going on in the United States of America right now—open borders where millions have crossed, one often wonders WHY?!
When we came here, we got checked out thoroughly—checking if we had paid our Dutch taxes and we had to show our diplomas in person to a lawyer that came to our home. No copies!

We only had our B–1 Visa at that time...
You must never have been in any trouble by the law.

So, in November of 1983 going to the town hall in Duiven, Gelderland. 
Yep, another trip across the Atlantic
On to the municipality in Bergen and Arcen for a certificate of good conduct for Pieter's stay there. All this for the U.S. Consulate to get our Green Card... our first step towards United States Citizenship later in 1993.
Pieter's Certificate of good conduct over the years 1946 through April 12, 1955 
Pieter's paper for immigration from Ministry of Defense
Pieter's Certificate of good conduct from Bergen in Limburg
Pieter's Certificate of good conduct from Arcen in Limburg
Pieter's Certificate of good conduct from Horst in Limburg
My Certificate of good conduct from Horst in Limburg
Letter of CONSULATE GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES for the appointment on April 24, 1984.
April 24, 1984 again back in The Netherlands. 
Early rising at 5:00 AM and with the 5:50 AM train to Rotterdam, where we arrived at 8:30 AM at the American Consulate. 
New building, opposite the eye hospital... (Where Pieter had his surgery for implant lens early July, 1982—reccommended by Dr. Tan Kok Kheng from Singapore. → see previous post at very top: Visiting Dr Tan Kok Kheng in Singapore. Who would have dreamed that?!

 First to the GGD for X-rays. Waiting for the results. Taking the subway to some doctor for medical– and blood tests. At 1:00 PM with this result back to the Consulate. And ready at 4:30 PM after questions; fingerprints and taking the oath that we had filled in the truth. Our long day got rewarded with a heavy, sealed parcel for our permanent visa for the sum of F 800.00 (Florin = Dutch Guilder)
Pieter's x–rays
That is me...
LOTS OF DOCUMENTS and we had to pay a total of F 800 and as you can see here US $ 100 was equivalent to F 310 so it was US $ 258 for April 24 of 1984
Pieter's finger prints... 

Yes, like a criminal we got thoroughly checked out!
Views on March 14, 2024...

Related link:
PIETER'S OATH OF ALLEGIANCE | previous post by me

Sunday, November 19, 2023

Written Compliments and Book Reviews for my Pieter — I

 It sure is nice to get some written compliments from former students and/or book reviews!
Despite all odds, you took pain to pen the guidance. Greatest Consultant, far greater in Humanity.
May GOD shower my Good deeds on you.
Both of us have no PAY MASTER
Very good Article in this Pandemic, I live by the rules which I learned at the Mushroom school CCO in Horst, Netherlands. It was the best school I ever visited, here it was where I learned not only about Mushrooms. But also how the environment where we live in works, including pests and diseases and how to deal with it.
Wanna thank you for the wise lesson you taught us there in Horst at the CCO. Also I can only recommend everybody to read your books. They are really great!
Pieter's reply: 
Thanks for your meaningful comment and indeed in whatever I've taught, I tried to do the very best to explain the matter and no–nonsense. Sure, I also am a strong believer in the natural antagonsim!
I've already read it, it's the best book in the world!!
Pieter's reply: 
Thank you! It often gets called the 'Mushroom Bible'...
Sir just now I get the copy of modern mushroom growing 2020 hope that this would be a great guide for my mushroom growing life. I will refer through this and making improvements in growing, if there is any doubts in this I will go through with you sir. 
Thank you for making this 'bundle of great experience'.
Thank you Amazon for this wonderful Bhagwad Geeta for mushroom growers
Dr Vedder is a world class mushroom grower and trainer. I was so happy to see that Amazon was able to get me this wonderful bible for mushroom growers,
Hi Mariette, I am Ravi Balraj, who was in Pond's India. We always remember your excellent training skills.
I still have my notebook where I had jotted down your valuable advices on mushroom growing. And clearing our doubts. Even to this day, those were the days I learnt the maximum on mushroom growing.
You have contributed much more than your books for the mushroom world.
We all reference your books for anything on mushroom growing & many growers will continue to do so.
You are the best teacher
I am to know that you got gift from Pond's India. Pieter, known for his practical knowledge and his wonder book, I possess.
Great love and regard for both of you.
May God bless both of you.
Please send photo of Pond's gift, I want to have a look.
My reply: In good daylight I will but we better first polish the silver...
Be patient!
Never be weak thinking that you be alone but always stick to thinking
That you alone are enough...!!
Congratulations sir.
Happy 94th birthday
Pieter Vedder sir Grand Father of mushrooms
Pieter's reply: Thank you and yes, being the Grandfather of Mushroom Growing sounds right...
I am such a big fan of yours sir that I cannot tell you.
Pieter's reply: 
Thank you and it is always good to hear that I've meant something to others. May our book still help many for making a living in mushrooms! Did it with all my heart and soul...
After Fred Atkins, Mr Vedder sir you took the mushroom industry to a greater height. 
Pieter's reply: 
Thank you and I owe a lot to Mr. Fred Atkins and I counted him among my very special friends: Fred Atkins' book Mushroom Growing To-Day helped Pieter Solve Yellow Mold & False Truffle Problem ←click link
This birthday message comes 
Deep from within my heart
For everything that you do
And all the wisdom you impart.
I'm ever so grateful
To have somebody like you
Who can educate me
As wonderfully as you do.
Happy birthday to you (2023)
Review on Good Reads:
★★★★★ Loved it, so much wealth of knowledge
Thanks for this profound book you wrote for us. It's a real enchiridion; I'll keep it with my treasure books so I can always have a quick view of questions, difficulties, or discussions. Thank you so much for the lessons which I could learn from you.
Thanks for the profound book you wrote. I'll use it as an enchiridion to skill up my knowledge. Thank you for all the lessons you taught me.
Pieter's reply:
That is the main reason why we wrote and self–published our book. To share our knowledge with others. Hoping you use our handbook often!
Hi Mr. Vedder, I would like to wish You a Merry Christmas, and thank you for all your knowledge, and sharing it by books, videos, audios, etc. 
I have been working since 2005 in mushrooms when I was at the university, and the only one book available was yours.
Since that time starting as an entrepeneur, until now as a mushroom farm owner, it has been so helpful as an engineer in mushroom production, communication with workers, organization, etc. all your help and your wife's too.
I really want to thank you for all development and knowledge in mushroom farm, for all of us, that learn everyday from you!!!
Merry Christmass!!!
Hello Mr. Vedder,
Once upon a time I had the privilege of being taught by you to become a good mushroom grower in the late 70's and early 80's. I have been working in this world for about 25 years. First 8 years as a manager of the tunnel company and then 15 years on my own mushroom farm.
So your knowledge transfer has really helped me. I would like to thank you for that and I look back on a nice period where you taught us the trade in a skillful and humorous way.
We spoke again at the Mushroom Days in Grubbenvorst after you went to the USA.
By chance I came across your name on the internet, hence this message.
Hope all is well with you?
From Limburg I greet you.
Former pupil Jan
As you say, not every farmer can invest huge capital on high–tech equipment. We need to help the farmer to have good yield with less money.
Pieter's reply:
That is so true, even nowadays and that's why I still explain the BASICS in our book! Also both of us have always done our consulting work, based on QUALITY which is market value, instead of just high yields...! A BIG mistake would be an incentive program for the managers (even consultants) based just on kilograms but not on quality, which translates into market value!
Looking forward to receiving the book I ordered.
Pieter's reply:
Hope you meanwhile received it. We were 5 days without Internet so I reply late...
Hello Mr. Vedder, I wanted to tell you that I was able to read the last book you wrote on mushroom cultivation, what a great work, every day I admire your work more.

If you scroll down on this blog, under labels: Mushroom Editorial Review you will find more posts with meaningful compliments!

As both of us always said:
It is not important what YOU say about YOURSELF — BUT WHAT OTHERS SAY ABOUT YOU...

Related links:
{Part XVI of Husband Pieter's Trip to East Asia - Taipei, Taiwan} | previous post by me with great complimentary letter at the end
1978 - P.J.C. Vedder's Modern Mushroom Growing Book Published in English | previous post by me and showing ALL LANGUAGES of Pieter's book!
1982 Sinden Award for Pieter at The Hotel Majestic, Harrogate, England | previous post by me about PRESTIGIOUS AWARD IN THE MUSHROOM INDUSTRY
SOME VIRUS FACTS AND QUESTIONS | previous post by me
Grateful to Friend Gil for Capturing Pieter's 93rd Birthday | previoius post by me about Pieter's 93rd B'day


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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