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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Curaçao. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Curaçao. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

{Architecture is Frozen Music ~Goethe}


HUSBAND PIETER against the beautiful Architecture of Willemstad, Curaçao during one of our vacations.

Like music, this lifts up our spirit and memories are often music for the soul!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

{Benjamin Moore Golden Mist for Our Home}

One of the hardest things to do was picking a color for our home's exterior paint. But we did select it two days before going to Curaçao. Sitting on the balcony, in bright daylight I did go over all of Benjamin Moore's color charts. What a task! Since husband Pieter is color blind, it mainly did rest upon my shoulders to select. We went for Benjamin Moore's Golden Mist! Pieter was quick to purchase one quart in this color just to try it out and see how it would look in reality... 
Yeah this is AFTER we decided on this Benjamin Moore Golden Mist. That got professionally done on May 22, as the first coat of paint, by our two painters.
So what do you think? To the left you can see the house as it was... kind of a Bone color but very much faded...
Benjamin Moore Golden Mist
This is what Pieter did put on early morning on April 18, below our veranda window...
Only one coat!
The house still needed to get pressure washed and prepped for the big paint job.
Photo taken at a bit more distance but with different light...
It is awfully hard to capture those results, as true to real color as possible!
This is under the shade of our holly tree.
So a second spot got done, in the sunshine now, below the bay window of our kitchen to the side.
Looks better already.
We went for it since the windows and all the ginger bread trimmings would stand out far better in white, when using this 'Golden Mist'...
What do you say?
Let's try one more sampling though. Tiggy-Tiger our mini-cat loves to take naps inside this cat-house in the front porch. Pieter used some scraps from the Interlock® Aluminum Slate Roof material in Aged Copper. So we could see how that would blend in with the Benjamin Moore Golden Mist. 
We liked it; that was a good marriage... Don't you think so too?
Now we could happily leave two days later for our vacation to Curaçao where we stayed together with daughter Liz and her husband from April 20-30 and back on May 1st in the wee hours of the morning. 
Funny how much our home now does resemble the warm and sunny colors of the Caribbean.
Like this 1708 Penha building in Willemstad, Curaçao...
Even Pieter is wearing his sunny yellow t-shirt; My Home is My Garden with a photo from himself in the front and in the back - gift from our German 'son' and his family after they did visit us in 2008, following their Florida vacation.
Benjamin Chrome Green we selected for the shutters and front door...
Now back to the chaos on May 22nd. 
Pieter had stripped the wooden balusters off the balcony since two sides had a lot of rotted wood.
He also used a craw bar to remove the tiles. That had to be completely redone.
To the left you already can see the new Interlock® Aluminum Slate Roof in Aged Copper being added on. So far for Going Green.
Do you like it?
The house is neatly pressure washed and the gutters cleaned out; all the sand from the old shingles that had clogged them up, got removed.
Quite a difference already. 
Oh, Pieter also gave this huge Live Oak a major 'hair cut'. Lots of big branches cut off and the view is so much better now. Also the big tree in front of the house got a major hair cut. 
Now you also understand WHY we removed last year our Confederate Jasmine that grew around the French sliding doors on our balcony... All in preparation for this major renovation.

Related links:
{Bye-Bye Confederate Jasmine...} | previous post by me 
{Our Home on March 24 of 2013} | previous post by me showing the BEFORE look

Thursday, May 16, 2013

{Curaçao Vacation was also about Going Back in Time}

For my husband Pieter it was the 5th time that he went to the Island of Curaçao in the Caribbean. For daughter Liz it was the 3rd time (in December 1973 and again in 1978 from July 3–24)). Also for me the 3rd time and 1st time for Liz's husband Hans. Husband Pieter gifted them both with a flight from Amsterdam, The Netherlands to Curaçao.
With Google it is great for looking up former places where you have been. When I did scan old slides I did come across this one from December 1973, where Liz is sitting on the terras of the bungalow where she stayed with her Parents. It was than called Arthur Frommer and the crew from KLM Royal Dutch Airlines used it as well. Close to the airport and along Piscadera Bay. When we did rent a car and Liz driving us around the island, we literally did go back in time. It no longer is under the same name, but now it is the Floris Suite Hotel and it is designed by the famous Dutch designer Jan des Bouvrie. We did visit and had a cup of coffee near the pool. Liz could remember by the smell that it was the very same place where she stayed twice before. Indeed, we could hear a plane on the runway nearby and we also did pass on the way over the former Shell Oil Refinery that now belongs to a Venezuelan company since 1985. The very first trip Pieter made to Curaçao was on behalf of the local government. They asked him to do a feasibility study for growing mushrooms on the island of Curaçao. For that he also went by boat to Venezuela where they would have to purchase the straw. Long story short; it was not feasible mainly because of lack on ingredients. Pieter and his family did go back one more time on vacation, together with his best friend Harry and wife Suzette. Harry passed away at the age of 59 and his wife Suzette is suffering from cancer. Just talked to her and shared some fond memories...
Here Liz(zy) is sitting on the patio of the bungalow. The house number looks like 51 when enlarged...
Typical Agave and other tropical Curaçao vegetation.
From the staff we learned that still a few of those bungalows were there... So we did snap these photos and the one on the left has house number 52. So probably the one to the right was the 'old' one with number 51!
It looked like not much had changed! 
On the car parked next to number 52 is written: bluehelicopters and we had no idea you could have such fabulous helicopter tours over the island!
Have you ever gone back in time during a favorite vacation with loved ones?

Related links:
{Comment about Killer Legs - Daring to Pose in my Escada Hot Pants} | previous post with photos taken in Curaçao
{Curaçao Airport on Coronation Day King Willem-Alexander} | previous post by me
Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort Curaçao | Where we were last year and again this year (formerly Hyatt)
{Flora from our Curaçao Vacation} | previous post by me
{Our Curaçao Vacation II} | previous post by me
{Back Home from Curaçao} | previous post by me
{Our Curaçao Vacation} | previous post by me
{Hyatt Regency - Santa Barbara Plantation Curaçao} | previous post by me
{Trupial or Orange Breasted Oriole - National Bird of Curaçao} | previous post by me

Sunday, May 12, 2013

{Comment about Killer Legs - Daring to Pose in my Escada Hot Pants}

It was Zosia from Polonica: Home Again, who did comment on my March 13, 2013 blog post: {My Green Sewing Creation}, saying that I had Killer Legs... Just scroll down by clicking on this hyperlink and you find her comment at the bottom, as the last one. Well, Zosia sure did encourage me to take my Escada Moc Croc Hot Pants with me to Curaçao and daring to pose in them!
Posing in Paradise at the Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort Curaçao with the Dutch Caribbean Sea behind me, only 35 miles north of Venezuela...
Two days before departure. We enjoyed our 10 days of great relaxing.
Our free trip on American Airlines miles... one of the perks of having been consultants!
Zosia from Polonica: Home Again, did write on March 14: What a nice spring outfit. You look lovely in green and, may I say, you have killer legs and look fantastic in shorter skirts.
Thanks for the compliment Zosia! You did encourage me to wear my Escada Moc Croc Hot Pants!
The cotton t-shirt is also from Escada.
We had a very happy time together as a family in this tropical paradise!
Marc Cain sandals.
Holding on to this Caribbean dream...
This was a day before husband Pieter's birthday. The reason of our get-together as a family.
Pieter gifted his adopted daughter Liz and her husband Hans with a ticket and a stay at this resort.
This Escada set also comes with a jeans jacket in moc croc...
Here we are at the other side of the hotel...
Turning around for you.
Natural hair; never ever had any dye... Not bad for 62+ I guess.
How I miss those palm trees...
That jacket is really not needed out there!
Those legs did lots of walking around the resort... very healthy lifestyle we followed.
Yes, we ate a lot too! Step-daughter Liz could not believe how much I actually ate...
Not that we ought to turn away from that lifestyle, but at home it is different...
You need to prepare all the healthy food yourself!
At least climbing stairs we also do a lot here at home!
This is inside the hotel, going down to the MIDI or to the Bella Italia restaurants...
Yes, seriously...
In the lobby there was JUN'S SUSHI BAR where we also ate one night.
Already miss the sea wind blowing through my hair...
It is VERY hard to turn your back to PARADISE...
Okay, here is the real runway model from Escada...
Have any of you worn, or are wearing hot pants?
As of August 1, 2024 11,756 views

For those that celebrate Mother's Day (not the entire world); I wish you a very Happy Mother's Day!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

{Blog Award & Update}

On April 15, I did receive an award from Laura, from the blog: Casita By The Lake. Thanks again Laura! 
I have written to her that I would mention this after our vacation on the Island of Curaçao in the Caribbean. 
So here it is; finally posted.
Funny that this is in Spanish but it says: Thank you for being part of my world.
That's exactly what I like to say to all my loyal readers that leave comments for me; even when I can't get to my PC at times for visiting them. 
We are a special world and there is a lot of bonding going on.
Together we try to exist in an economy that is not the same as in the 80s.
But I do admire the thousands of women, world wide, that create the most beautiful things for their home, for themselves or for others. So many talents about!
For that very reason I will not pass it on to others as all of you are very deserving of an award!
Welcome to my newest followers and I hope you find something of your interest here.

In Curaçao I did do some cross stitching but being there, together as a family, there was not that much time for doing so. My special +6.00 reading glasses did help me tremendously though, considering that I have to always work with only one eye. One day I will be able to show you the results. Last year in Curaçao I did finish the edging around the Antique French Knotted Filet Lace.
Wishing you all a happy weekend and thanks for visiting!

Related articles:

Friday, May 3, 2013

{Curaçao Airport on Coronation Day King Willem-Alexander}

On Tuesday, April 30 was the Coronation Day of the Dutch King Willem-Alexander. We were lucky for being still on the Island of Curaçao, for our family vacation of 10 days at the Santa Barbara Resort. Enjoying our tropical environment, together with daughter Liz and husband Hans, who flew in from The Netherlands to be with us for celebrating Pieter's Birthdays on April 23 and 29. THANK YOU SO MUCH for all the comments on Pieter's Birthday! It meant a lot to all of us and I will be back soon at your blogs.

  • By the way, on April 23, Pieter turned 20, as a USA citizen!

  • We could watch the Coronation ceremonies from our hotel room via Live TV stream of NOS Journaal; Dutch broadcasting. When we did arrive at 1:00 PM at the airport we were in for a Royal Treat in honor of King Willem-Alexander's Coronation Day.
  • Cupcakes with an orange crown made for some great treats to all passengers willing to take one!

Image by Vogue on my Pinterest
King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima in her elegant royal blue gown by Dutch designer Jan Taminiau.
The Dutch have a new Queen of Fashion by the Argentine blonde, Máxima!

  • Husband Pieter enjoyed it very much. He ate already an orange glazed Tompouce (Napoleon) pastry and now the cupcake goes down as sweet lunch food! Just click the link above for recipe and historical information...

  • The colors of the Dutch flag: Red - White - Blue were shown as well as tiny flags on each cupcake.
  • There were two flights going to Amsterdam but the one showing at gate 3 was not the one for Liz & Hans... 
  • We got so lucky for arriving almost at the same time; only 15 minutes after KLM landed, we got there on our American Airlines flight for frequent flyer miles. Great service by that airline we must say!
  • Our departure was also 20 minutes apart from each other. We departed from gate 4 and Liz & Hans from gate 1...

  • Orange balloons on the floor; it looked very festive!

  • Very nice presentation...

  • At another table, ladies in orange shirts were offering the typical Dutch 'Bitter Ballen' from which I did taste one. Long ago that I had one, typically being served at weddings during reception and at parties.
  • Customary these Bitter Balls were being served alongside Bitters such as Dutch Gin or in this case, Dutch Oranje Bitter (Orange Bitter). Click the above link for Dutch Beef Bitterballen recipe and info.

  • Another Dutch treat are Poffertjes or Pancake Puffs.
  • Click above link again, for recipe of Classic Poffertjes.
So that's why I have been missing several blog posts... We're back home since yesterday morning at 2:30 AM. It took us about as long as it took Liz & Hans for flying home to Amsterdam, The Netherlands. For us with a stop in Miami for going through immigration, re-check of luggage and on to Atlanta.
A very happy Daddy Pieter, who was feeling great for having gifted his girl this nice vacation, together with her husband.

Related articles:
Curaçao Airport | Find out more about this great tropical destination.
Willem-Alexander sworn in as king of the Netherlands after his mother abdicates | Dutch Caribbean Legal Portal
King Willem-Alexander will be inaugurated, not crowned | Dutch Caribbean Legal Portal
Maxima's parents will watch Dutch coronation on TV | Hello Magazine - Royalty
Queen Maxima gives nod to Dutch flag with cobalt blue gown | Hello Magazine - Royalty
Willem-Alexander Becomes New Dutch King After Queen Beatrix Abdicates The Throne (VIDEO, PHOTOS) | Huffington Post
Santa Barbara Beach & Golf Resort Curaçao | Where we were last year and again this year (formerly Hyatt)

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

{Crochet Edging on Antique French Knotted Filet Lace}

Yesterday I did write about my new SUPER POWER READERS for Fine Needlework. Here I show you how I painstakingly finished off the Crochet Edging on an antique French Knotted Filet Lace embroidery with cherubs. Only using my +2.00 reading glasses. This was in the end of February while on vacation in Curaçao.
Using the DMC Cordonnet Spécial with a VERY fine crochet hook.
How would I have loved to use my SUPER POWER READERS here!
DMC Cordonnet Spécial in a size 80. It is a mercerized 6-cord cotton and one of the very finest.
Used for tatting and lace crochet around linen batiste handkerchiefs.
The crochet hook is only 0.75 mm. You do pinch yourself with it, as it is that sharp and fine.
 The reason that I did add a crochet edging on this antique French knotted (by hand, like knotted fishing nets!) filet lace is to have it framed between acrylic sheets.
Sheltering it from getting soiled and thus preserving a nice heirloom.
From Milan, Italy came my transparent acrylic bolts & nuts.
You will see the finished project in another post!
Yeah, for doing the linen stitch on such knotted net, I definitely would have needed my SUPER POWER READERS. One can only admire the woman's hands that created this in the previous age(s)...
Such fine work in the linen stitch!
Below this post is a link to a blogger friend who owns a tablecloth with cherubs, done on machine made net. Have a look at it!
Closeup of the knotted net and the embroidered linen stitch + my minor accomplishment of the crochet edging all around...
Laundered and pressed it is now ready to be framed. 
You will see that in another post!
Does any of you have some antique filet lace pieces?

Related links:
{TIP for Fine Needlework SUPER POWER READERS} | previous post by me
Filet Lace also known as Embroidery on Knotted Net, Lacis, Filet Brodé and Point Compté) is a needle lace created by darning on a ground of knotted net or netting. Shown on this link is the linen stitch on knotted net.
Filet Lace is... some history and info
Mezza Mandolina and Embroidered Netting very clear example of hand knotted netting in excellent photo
Netting shuttles see the needle and shuttles used for knotting

Saturday, April 21, 2012

{Flora from our Curaçao Vacation}

Just like to show you a bit more from the flora that we found on the Caribbean Island of Curaçao while on vacation at the Hyatt Regency. We did a lot of walking around the Santa Barbara Plantation, Curaçao ←click it . Around this finest golf course and marina resort community in the Caribbean it is nice hilly. 
Here I am standing in front of one of the many towering Kadushi cactus  ←click it.
The Cereus Repandus ←(click it), better known as the Kasushi cactus is more like a multi-trunk tree with thousands of needles!
Surprisingly hard indeed. Click→ Christoffel Park, Curaçao for more info on this unique cactus.
Observing birds and everything else that came on our path...
I do need some help with identifying this large leafed plant or shrub with its amazing flowers. 
Any hint is appreciated as we are curious!
Thanks to a courteous reader (see comment below) I got a link to Dutch Caribbean Species Register with this photo by Gerard van Buurt showing the Katuna di Seda. Is Papiamento name.
Pieter is showing you here the Acacia dealbata or Silver wattle, Mimosa ←(click it) flowers. Did you notice that this shrub also does have needles? One better watches out for it can really hurt you. 
When we visited the capital of Willemstad, we of course did go also to the floating market. Fresh fruits from Venezuela are being sold every day on the quay. We bought several varieties and here I want you to see the yummy Sweet Calabash, Sweet Cup or Calabasi. Botanical name: Passiflora maliformis. 
A typical fruit for Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean Islands...
We certainly did enjoy this paradise and we will be back!
Have you ever been to the Caribbean?
Tell me do you love exotic fruits as much as we do?
Would love to hear from you...

Related articles
{Our Curaçao Vacation II} | previous post by me
{Back Home from Curaçao} | previous post by me
{Our Curaçao Vacation} | previous post by me
{Hyatt Regency - Santa Barbara Plantation Curaçao} | previous post by me
{Trupial or Orange Breasted Oriole - National Bird of Curaçao} | previous post by me


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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