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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Fairmont Hotels. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fairmont Hotels. Show all posts

Sunday, September 18, 2022

Meeting with Mushroom Grower Nick Pora in Metcalf, Ontario Canada

 We did rise early at our Fairmont Château Laurier, for having breakfast and to get on our way. 
Nick Pora Sr. on the left, with Pieter at his Continental Mushroom Farm
On Tuesday, August 18, 1998 we had received a fax at the Fairmont Château Laurier, for our meeting next day.
So after breakfast we got on our way for FINALLY visiting Nick's mushroom farm!
Nick Pora, was also a loyal customer of my Lacquered Brass Window Decorations 'Mushrooms' in two sizes.
Below post you find some links for actually seeing them.
Guess Nick came to the Dutch Mushroom Days in June of 1988, where I had a stand for selling those.
Nick Pora, also had enclosed these cards with that letter...
Producers of some of the best mushrooms in the world
Nick Pora, hailed from Romania and in 1972 he came to Canada with only $ 5.00 in his pocket.
With hard work, he managed to build himself up and run a successful mushroom farm.
Already during the 1st NAMC at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco he met Pieter in 1979.
See link below this post with his photo.
Again, at the 12th NAMC Conference in Vancouver he begged us to visit him.
But Ottawa is not a city we often flew into...
So this time, when using our frequent flyer miles for a vacation to Canada, we planned it such, that we would end in Ottawa and then drive to his place.
We first met at the mushroom farm's office where we also briefly saw Virginia Pora, Nick's lovely wife.
Nick Pora Jr. and Nick Pora Sr. at almost 82 years of age (September) and Pieter.
In February, Nick had lost 40 lbs (18 kg) of weight after their return from a vacation in Aruba.
Me, Nick Jr. and Nick Sr. at the restaurant for lunch.
Nick Sr. had taken us via the compost slab, to a first break room, full with product.
His skills for mushroom cultivation proved to be good.
Then he took us to the Packaging area.
They used a barcode with ratings: 1–2–3–4 or cannery (for worst quality). Beautiful white product!
A Chinese 'mama' ran the packaging including a clean floor; no spills! 
We were both very impressed and told Nick so.
They daily handled 13 tons of fresh product.

Both of us felt very happy for finally having fulfilled his request to visit him!
Fond memories of a long time friendship.

Next day we did check out from the Fairmont Château Laurier, drove to the airport and returned our Herz rental car after driving our 987 km or 613 mi. 
By 11:00 o'clock we flew via Newark, New Jersey on Continental Express, to Atlanta, Georgia.

That was the end of our memorable Canada Vacation!

Related links:

Friday, September 16, 2022

Fairmont Château Laurier in Ottawa and Parliament Buildings

 On Tuesday, August 18, we got up in time.
Packing up and breakfast at our Novotel in Montréal Center.
Just as I walked with two glasses of grapefruit juice to our table, a kid bumped into me...
Now I had a wet right bosom.
The mother kind of stupidly asked if I wanted water. 
I said rather angry; NO—making it even wetter?!
With a paper napkin in–between to suck up the juice, I drove to Ottawa.
Back then we used the old State Farm map as there was no GPS yet...
It were 160 km on a rather flat area with lots of corn.
We arrived at Rue Rideau 1, where our Fairmont Château Laurier is.
Right on the Rideau Canal, another WORLD Heritage Site.
Lots of road work and also in front of our hotel...
From our room 403, we video taped the Rideau Canal and its sluices with the Ottowa River visible as well.
Then we walk around and taped the Parliament Buildings that were right next door of our hotel, visible to the left in above image.
West Block was adjacent to our Fairmont Château Laurier as part of The Canadian Parliament Buildings – Ottawa, Canada ←click link

Related links:

Sunday, September 4, 2022

Montréal Windsor Station and Mary Queen of the World Cathedral

Our final day at Fairmont Le Château Frontenac Québec City, was a Sunday on August 16, 1998.
We were already at the indoor pool on the 6th floor by 8:15 o'clock.
There also was a beautiful roof garden with seating areas!
We both enjoyed swimming together.
Then we went to shampoo our hair and enjoyed brunch by 10:30 o'clock.
We checked out from this jam–packed hotel with its 620 rooms!
All the costumed people from Maine (for the re–enactment) also appeared to be staying there.
We waited, as someone from valet parking retrieved our car.
As always, it was quite an art to get out of the old city with its one–way traffic and finding the Interstate.
In front of the beautiful Québec City Train Station (Gare du Palais) with its green roof.
By the way, many green roofs, including Le Château Frontenac, where we stayed; all made of copper!
This seems late medieval—quite beautiful.
And guess what we have on our roof since 2013?
Interlock Metal Roofing, Interlock® Aluminum Slate in Aged Copper—Made in Canada!
So NOW you know what influenced us for doing that; except ours does not turn green from old copper patina... 😉 Our Home Freshly Painted ←click link.
On August 16, 1998 we drove the 240 km or 149 mi by car from the capital of Québec City to Montréal, both within the Province of Québec, Canada.
Next day on the 17th, we started walking around, in Centre–Ville or Downtown Montréal.
The French language gave us a very 'close–to–home' feeling as we have so much French in our own language due to history under French rulers.
Especially my Province Limburg is very much French.
After first having visited the Saint George's, Anglican Church from 1870, we then walked upon Montréal Windsor Station, one of Montréal's most beautiful buildings.
Such a beautiful neo–Romanesque architectural style by New York architect Bruce Price who also did Le Château Frontenac, where we came from in Québec City and the most famous Banff Fairmont Hotel where we stayed during our Rocky Mountaineer Journey Exploring Banff with Brewster Sightseeing ←click link.
One only can admire such marvels of architecture!
We then entered Mary Queen of the World Cathedral.
There was noise from the lawn mower outside and the doors were wide open.
They also were doing some restoration work.
Bumped myself terribly on front of thigh... when I did slide into one of the old wooden pews.
Montreal's Spectacular Vatican Replica (1894) ←click for 2:54 minute informative video viewing outside from above and around as well as inside explained.
Indeed, successfully created for achieving a sense of sanctity!
It is balm for the soul to see that SO MUCH TALENT by the world's BEST ARCHITECTS AND CRAFTSMEN was put together in HONOR OF MARY, the MOTHER OF JESUS!
Feeling so grateful for having been there... 

Has any of my readers visited these places?

Related links:

Friday, September 2, 2022

Sainte Anne de Beaupré Basilica, Québec, Canada

 Beautiful neo-Roman style Church of 300 feet or 100 meters height.
We happened to visit there on August 15, 1998 on the feast of the Assumption of Mary...
Well, with my baptismal names being Maria–Anna–Martha, this was very special!
Sainte Anne was the Grandmother of Jesus and I'm named after her and my Godmother Anna Maria (my maternal Grandmother...).
The original shrine was built in 1658...
The present Basilica is built in the 1920s in a much larger scale, for being able to accommodate all the thousands of pilgrims!
Sainte Anne de Beaupré Québec City, Québec, Canada ←click link for short video explaining more.
Sainte Anne de Beaupré Basilica is the oldest pilgrimage site in North America!
Both of us were so very lucky that at the time we got there, a stretch limousine with bridal couple arrived and we enjoyed the entire French language wedding ceremonial Mass, with organ music and singing in this heavenly Basilica! 
Part of it, Pieter captured in this short video, ending with the Avé Maria.
Unexpected soul food in many ways and we were so grateful.
No miracle happened, except that it DIDN'T RAIN... 😉
Photo by Guy Lessard
Sainte–Anne–de–Beaupré Shrine ←click link.
We ended our day with a delicious dinner at Fairmont Le Château Frontenac in Québec City. The French influence is so obvious, even in the meat sizes, compared to the USA. And the vegetable servings are more generous—which made us feel like being back in Europe again.
Feeling grateful when we returned to our room by 21:30...
Body and soul well nourished!

Virtual Tour of the Basilica of Sainte–Anne–de–Beaupré ←click for very informative video with original history from 1646

Have any of you had the privilege for visiting there?

Related links:
{Grandma Kurvers' Grass Linen Twin Sheets Repurposed} | previous post by me about my Godmother Anna Maria...

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Cathedral–Basilica of Notre Dame de Québec from 1647

 We continue with our highlights from trip to Québec, Canada...
On August 14, 1998
This time we stepped inside Québec City's Cathedral–Basilica of Notre Dame from 1647.
Pope Pius IX elevated its rank in 1874 to minor basilica, being it the oldest Church in Canada.
The Cathedral–Basilica is a National Historic Site of Canada and also located within the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Historic District of Old Québec.
We were in awe when viewing this breathtaking neo-Baroque interior with lots of shimmering gold leaf on the many gilded objects...
It kind of shows us humans a glimpse of heaven!
WHY is it that always the BEST artists have lend their talents for creating something to honor God?!
It has been restored and rebuild numerous times...

Next on our video is The Cathedral of the Holy Trinity (Anglican).
That is the oldest Anglican Church and the first Anglican Cathedral built outside the British Isles.
Nestled in the heart of Old Québec and as you see, not far from our hotel Château Frontenac.
We so much enjoyed walking through this historic city!
Finally on our video, I approach the oldest school for girls in North America ←click link
L'ÉCOLE DES URSULINES DE QUÉBEC was founded in 1639!
Still it remains a school for girls but the Ursuline Monastery no longer is active.
True treasures for North America and we felt fortunate for having walked there and seen it...
Both of us also did visit the Ursuline Convent in New Orleans, Louisiana; the oldest institution for learning for women in the present USA: We DID go back to New Orleans! ←click link.

Have any of you been to those three special and very historic places in Québec City, Québec Canada?

Guess our personal love for places like Québec, Montréal, Ottawa and Saint Augustine in the USA is because of the earliest history one can find there—just like age–old Europe, where we both came from.
AND not the least, the language as so much is similar because the Dutch have been under French rule...

Related links:

Sunday, June 12, 2022

Fairmont Le Château Frontenac — Québec City, Canada

 Both of us traveled with Continental Airlines, on free tickets for miles, to Newark, New Jersey and on to Montréal in the province of Québec, Canada.
That was August 13, 1998 and we always wanted to see the mighty St. Lawrence River and Québec City in Vieux Ville as well as Haute Ville...
So there we went in our bright blue Pontiac rental car from Herz!
Our home for 3 nights high above the St. Lawrence River
Québec City, a UNESCO World Heritage treasure.
Approaching our home and we will reside in room 5178
In reality it all is far more beautiful than on the brochures...
Le Château is over a century old.
We enjoyed a rather salty soup, served by a waiter in 17th century livery costume. 
Soup together with a mixed salad.
We slept well!
On Friday, August 14, we both went on foot after a very good breakfast buffet; including fresh red currants (my favorite!)
Screenshot from video where I indulge in the red currants...
We soon walk La Rue du Trésor, where artists have displayed their paintings.
We both fall for a copper etching with very fine and detailed colored Château Frontenac. 
It just looked lovely and we bought it from the son of artist Pascal Gravel d'Autane (24.04.1943) for Canadian $ 304.00 including tax.
Later we had it framed in my Dutch home town by expert Irok gallery, in museum quality frame with matting.
Artist Pascal Gravel d'Autane
Opposite the Château Frontenac...
Then we walked down to the famous Rue Champlain, the oldest shopping alley of North America!
Both of us felt like being back in France, in the Old World...
Found some treasures in a store with handmade paper poetry albums from cotton.
After a coffee on a terrace and a chat with a nun from Antwerp, Belgium we walk via Boulevard Petite Champlain to Rue St. Paul.
All tips from Victoria Magazine....
A nice street, full of antiques where we find a silver berry spoon for sister Diny (who collected them!) after having enjoyed an ice cream on yet another terrace.
It was such a bright sunny day!
Lots of people from Maine, in old costumes for the battle re-enactment tomorrow...
Since 1675...
Oldest restaurant in North America!
Postcard from Le Château Frontenac in winter time...

Stay tuned for more from this trip!

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Fairmont Hotel, San Francisco, CA 1st North American Mushroom Conference

September 23-25, 1979 the 1st North American Mushroom Conference was held at the San Francisco, CA Fairmont Hotel.
Husband Pieter did give his presentation about 'Shelf Plants' P.J.C. Vedder just click link for his publication.
At the time Pieter was still Principal of the Practical Training College for Mushroom Growing in The Netherlands.
Discussions after Pieter delivered his presentation.
A thank you letter from the American Mushroom Institute:
Dear Pieter:
Thank you very much Pieter, for participating in the program of the 1st North American Mushroom Conference. Your presentation was superb, and it was quite obvious we all benefitted from the experience. It was, indeed, our pleasure and very generous of you to help us make the conference the success that it was.
On behalf of the A.M.I. its Board of Directors, and the Conference Committee, I would like to extend  to you our sincere appreciation. I hope that your visit to the United States was enjoyable. We look forward to working with you again in the future.
Best regards.
Charles J. Ciarrocchi
Conference Chairman
P.S. Enclosed find our check covering travel expenses.

Charles J. Ciarrocchi was a long time mushroom friend, who was the President of Modern Mushroom Farms, Inc. which was founded in 1970. Now it is under Giorgio.
We have been to their farm at Toughkenamon in Pennsylvania.
Pieter was always in his element at such Conferences.
Here he is seen during a coffee break, cup in hand.
To his left is an unknown person, maybe someone could fill that in...
Pieter, Aron Kinrus a longtime Polish-American agronomist, Alex Overstijns who was one of the very first teachers at the practical Training College for Mushroom Growing in Horst, The Netherlands and to the right Paul Rutten a former student of Pieter, who immigrated to North America.
Aron Kinrus, Alex Overstijns, Shyfra Kinrus and Pieter with an unknown person standing behind them.
Husband Pieter to the left, Shyfra Kinrus, unknown person and Alex Overstijns.
Husband Pieter, unknown person, Alex Overstijns, Nick Pora who came from Romania in 1972, with only $ 5.00 in his pocket and build quite a mushroom emporium in Canada, that we managed to visit in person. Aron Kinrus.

Fond memories of happy times spent with mushroom related friends!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

ROYAL UPDATE: Fairmont Château Lake Louise provides the highest courtesy in every way!

Yes indeed, a ROYAL UPDATE was received on December 28, 2018 from the Fairmont Château Lake Louise - AccorHotels Group!
A very courteous note, for letting me know that the correction has been completed.
Even with snapshots, which I use in this post.
The CORRECT info above.
Now the info about H.R.H. Princess Louise is historically correct with her being the fourth daughter and NOT the oldest as I've found it written, while staying at the Château Lake Louise in September, see my post about that below.
Feeling very proud of this accomplishment!
Had to share this with my readers...

Thanks for your visit and comment!

Related link:
From Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise via Banff to Calgary | previous post by me

Friday, November 16, 2018

212 Countries Visited - Welcome American Samoa + UPDATE Fairmont Château Lake Louise

On November 9, my humble blog got visited by the 212th Country - American Samoa! 

According to the World Factbook, American Samoa is situated in Australia-Oceania.
 As for our renovation, bathroom is almost done, we are waiting on the glass shower door which had to be custom ordered. The threshold and safety bar need to be put in and DONE!
Bedroom painting is done also.
Office will get some painting done next.

AND a late reply from Fairmont Château Lake Louise in regard to the error about H.R.H. Princess Louise...
 From Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise via Banff to Calgary click the above link and scroll down as I've put it in.

Again an update was received on December 28, please click the above link to see the added 'corrected text's' photo!

Thanks for your visit and comment!

Related link:
211 Countries Visited - Welcome Marshall Islands  & Hurricane Michael visited us... | previous post by me

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

From Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise via Banff to Calgary

Our final day, as organized entirely by Canada Rail Vacations - bye bye Rocky Mountains!
 Also this 6th day got organized excellent!
This photo I've taken from our room 237 at Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise at 7:29 in the morning.
Not quite daylight... but later that morning I felt so good for having captured this as it was rainy and rather cloudy!
The Victoria Glacier in the center is visible here.
View to the left... with still the Victoria Glacier visible to the right.
View to the right with the Painter Wing of the hotel visible.
An almost magical surrounding!
This was the early morning view from above... Finding Pieter's iPhone.
It is a huge hotel, with the Glacier Wing to the right of our Barrott Wing as well as the newest Mount Temple Wing.
We were in the BARROTT WING
Our room 237 was more than likely below room 537 in this layout...

We both felt like having half a day vacation so we stayed in and went for brunch at the POPPY BRASSERIE.
That was quite a treat and we felt pampered for not having to rush!
Check out at 1:00 PM and we had to wait still till 2:00 PM till the Brewster Express came to pick us up and brought us to Banff from where we left on a big Brewster Sightseeing bus to Calgary Airport.
Both of us found the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise rather drafty...
Constantly when the big double doors in the parkade or big entrance went open you got treated by very cold air.
Also the previous night, when we dined in the entirely open Lakeview Lounge with spectacular view but very drafty entrance around the corner.
They should learn from the Alpine style double vestibule.
So, avoiding all that draft, we went to the Lower Level of Mount Temple Wing, where no doors opened.
Here, husband Pieter even could take a nap close to the Beehive Room...
Also some time for using my MacBook...
This wing of the Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise also was kind of a museum, with so much on the wall to study...
Early Trails - Of Steel
Trails can also be made of steel. The railway was completed in 1885 and within a few years the Canadian Rockies culture was forever changed. Tourists came to the area, resorts and trails were built and word of this beautiful place spread to the rest of Canada, the United States and Europe.
There even hung a photo from H.R.H. Princess Louise
Princess Louise Duchess of Argyll, G.B.E., was the eldest daughter of Queen Victoria, The Princess was born March 18, 1848 and lived until 1939.
She was married in 1871 to the ninth Duke of Argyll, and they had no children. The Princess was left a widow by the Duke's death in 1914
Photograph March 18, 1935

The highlighted eldest daughter of Queen Victoria is WRONG!
Princess Louise was the Queen's 4th daughter.
On September 13, blogger friend Debbie did write a blogpost about her: Princess Louise, Duchess Of Argyll and it is quite interesting to read, just click the hyperlink.
For both of us it was great information about the very hotel, named after her, we soon were going to stay on our trip through the Rocky Mountains.
But surprising to see that at the hotel they got it WRONG!
Glad to add that as of today, November 16, just received a reply about this error:
Hoping to be able to once check it out in person...!
Yay! Today, December 28, received an update about the correction on this.
Have to say that Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise provides the highest courtesy in every way!
Great customer service.

We'd booked us a room at Delta Hotels by Marriott, at the Calgary Airport.
One only needs to cross the road for entering the airport terminal - very convenient!
No photos made during the trip, except our Relive video of 1 min. 44 sec.
This was the entire trip with Brewster Sightseeing, on Express bus and large bus, just click the link below:
The next morning we got up early and it was cold!  
-3 ºC or 26.6ºF...
Departing from Calgary International airport was a breeze.
Clearing through US Customs and through Security Check went fast!

Thanks again for your visit and comment!

Related links:
Entire Day with Brewster Sightseeing from Banff to Lake Louise, Mountain Lakes & Waterfalls | previous post by me
Exploring Banff with Brewster Sightseeing | previous post by me
Our Kamloops to Banff Trip Aboard the Rocky Mountaineer via Canada Rail Vacation | previous post
Our Canada Rail Vacation Aboard the Rocky Mountaineer Vancouver to Kamloops | previous post
Vancouver British Columbia, Canada in 1996 and back again in 2018 | previous post by me


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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