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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Dessert. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dessert. Show all posts

Sunday, August 7, 2016

{Yummy Cheesecake}

Okay, last post I showed you the Quark dessert which I often used for making my own Quark Torte, not as heavy as the American Cheesecake, more like a Mousse.
But here some photos from Whole Foods Market where they show different slices of Cheesecake at US $ 4.50 per slice or US $ 63 for the entire cake!
Chocolate Peanut Butter Cheesecake
at $ 4.50 per slice...
Looks yummy!
Strawberry Shortcake Slice and Tuxedo Cheesecake slice

Hope you enjoyed this window shopping; very low calorie!

Friday, August 5, 2016

{Do you know Quark?}

Of course most Dutch, German, Swiss, Austrian, French and Italian know about Quark.
But I wonder about people here in the USA or in Canada... Do you know Quark?
By the way, in Belgian it is called 'Platte Kaas'
In Austrian: 'Topfen'
In Hungarian: 'Tóró'
In French: 'Fromage Blanc' or 'Fromage blanc lissé'
In German: 'Quark'
In Italian: 'Quark'
In Dutch: 'Kwark'

When we had lunch at +Whole Foods Market in Savannah, in the end of October, we were thrilled to find they had our favorite dessert: QUARK!

I've used the plain Quark often for making dessert; Quark Torte.
At the time that we still traveled frequently to Europe, I came home with such Dr. Oetker Quark Torte... Makes one drool by the thought of it!

Often indeed a combination with Yoghurt and Quark
Just look for Google images: Dr. Oetker Quark Torte

It is quite different from the American Cheese Cake, a lot more like a Mousse I would say.

Wondering who knows this delicious dessert that pairs so well with fresh fruits!

Thanks for visiting.

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

{Won-Ton Wrapper Shells + Strawberry Rose Petal Cream Recipe}

Home grown fragrant roses are perfect for using in this favorite dessert!
Important is that you got pesticide free rose petals!
Won-Ton Wrapper Shells + Strawberry Rose Petal Cream (Recipe below post)...
In this photo I did use Perfume Delight Rose petals.
Our Chrysler Imperial Rose below is such a large size red beauty and perfect with strawberries!
We had two blossoms to place on this little Baccarat vase (actually a perfume bottle without stopper!).
In comparison with my hand.
Again this is the very fine hand crocheted table topper from blogger friend Susan from: Ava Grace's Closet
Fully opened up...
Such highly fragrant rose petals are perfect for use in the above Won-ton-wrappers with rose petal strawberry cream.


Romantic Rose Petals and Strawberry slices in home baked shells.
 Using won-ton-wrappers and brushing them with melted butter; than dusting with a mixture of (Coconut Palm) sugar and cinnamon, then place the wrappers, sugared side up, into a muffin pan.
Only about 5 min. in the oven on 200°C or 400°F and voilà.
Take out of the oven and let completely cool.

Next you whip up some whipped cream with a few drops of Rose Water (Eau de Rose) and add carefully the pesticide free Rose Petals and sliced Strawberries... Dust with powdered sugar.

Instead of Whipped Cream, you may want to use Coconut Cream instead.
Place a can of Coconut Cream in the fridge, overnight.
Carefully open up and scoop out the hardened top layer and all creamy substance, leaving the liquid for other uses like in smoothies. Just whip it with the Rose Water drops and proceed like above.

Oh, from the same won-ton-wrappers I did cut out hearts for decoration...

Using a Muffineer or a Sugar Sifter Spoon to dust off with powdered sugar! See in link below.

Related link:

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Due to still dark weather and rain... I still cannot make my photos so here is a post with the recipe for the CANDIED ROSE PETALS below:
This is a page I did scan from the book: Christmas with Victoria 1997 and it is still available at Amazon, just click the hyperlink.
The text with this photo on page 137 reads: Petal Crown
To create a small masterpiece, garnish a cake with colorful flowers.
This photo with Candied Rose Petals is from Southern Living February 1998, page 122.
Another idea came from Atlanta Magazine, June 1997...
That's how I got my idea for garnishing the chocolate heart & rose shaped dessert with candied roses.
Took a photo (today, on a dark day...) from my candied roses, see below.
Presented on a Royal Albert Princess Anne handled bon-bon dish.
Now the recipe for you:

18 small rose petals (pesticide free from your own garden)
1 cup sifted powdered sugar
1½ teaspoons meringue powder
3 tablespoons water
½ cup superfine sugar

  • Rinse rose petals, and let dry on paper towels.
  • Beat powdered sugar, meringue powder, and 3 tablespoons water at low speed with an electric mixer until blended; beat at high speed 4 to 5 minutes until mixture is fluffy.
  • Brush mixture on all sides of petals; sprinkle with superfine sugar. Let stand on wire racks 24 hours.
Yield: 18 petals
This is rather easy to make!

  • If you don't have the meringue powder, try this recipe:

3 large pesticide free roses
½ cup egg substitute, beaten lightly
½ cup superfine sugar
1. Pull the petals free from 1 rose. Lightly coat each petal on both sides with the egg substitute, using a small paintbrush.
2. Sift a small amount of the sugar over the coated petals, turning them carefully to coat both sides. Set on waxed paper to dry at least 1 hour. Repeat the procedure with the remaining roses, egg substitute, and sugar.
Yield: 1½ cups.

Instead of ROSE PETALS you can also use edible flowers from your own garden such as; NASTURIUMS, SNAP DRAGONS, PANSIES, VIOLETS or DAYLILIES.
Good luck with your version...
Also interesting to try the STRAWBERRY & RED ROSE PETAL WHIPPED CREAM DESSERT; see link with recipe below.

Related link:
{INTRODUCING GUNNAR LLOYD; DAPHNA & RAYMOND'S LOVE-CHILD} | previous post by me with stawberry & red rose petal whipped cream dessert...
{Edible Flowers} | previous post by me about Edible flowers with recipes
{Lisa Boalt Richardson another Georgia Tea Aficionado!} | previous post by me with RECIPE for STRAWBERRY & RED ROSE PETAL WHIPPED CREAM DESSERT
{Violets from our Garden and on French Country Style Wooden Tableau} | previous post by me with candied violets
{FOND MEMORIES} | previous post by me showing candied violets

Sunday, January 15, 2012

{Elvira my 1st and only Goddaughter}

Okay, back to the subject Goddaughter... here is my 1st and only Goddaughter, Elvira, of whom I am very fond and proud! She is the daughter of my almost life-long friend Ellie. We did pass our Ruby friendship-anniversary a couple of years ago. That is loyalty at its very best; through thick and thin and without borders!
Above you see little Elvira, biding us farewell with her Mom Ellie, prior to our departure for Georgia/USA... at my Dad's garden in The Netherlands.
We did come to Elvira's First Communion on May 4th of 1989, all the way from Cornuda, province of Treviso in Italy. 
For one year we only lived 12 hours driving away... Instead of having to fly across the Atlantic Ocean.
I'd made her a beautiful handkerchief with crocheted lace edging in pink.
Will show you my hand crocheted items in a later post...
Elvira meanwhile has developed into a charming and energetic Maître d' who is welcoming you at the romantic restaurant of René Brienen, Brienen aan de Maas, on the river Meuse in Middle Limburg, The Netherlands. Indeed, the word charming in the text of this former ferrymen's café, converted into a delicious up-to-date restaurant with lovely neo-retro dining rooms and terrace facing the river, is referring to Elvira! She also successfully finished her study of vinology at the wine academy, so she can help you out as a sommelier, for making decisions at table!
We were lucky to have her as our personal guide, with our American friends touring Maastricht the old capital of my birth Province Limburg, in The Netherlands, and birthplace of the EURO. Elvira, lived and worked there, so she knew its gastronomical highlights thoroughly.
Here we are for a break at the Kruisherenhotel in Maastricht. From left: Pieter; friends Johnny and Hannah; Ellie (Elvira's Mom); Elvira; Mathieu (her Dad) and me...
We were very lucky for having the perfect weather on October 10 of 2005. This picture is taken at one of the Vrijthof square's terraces. In his younger days, Pieter used to conduct courses there at Restaurant Grandcafé Momus about Mushroom Growing. Our Georgia lawyer friend Johnny, and his wife Hannah, did enjoy this day in Maastricht but I must admit that it barely scratches all of the Burgundian culture...
In 2009, early March, we were able to visit Elvira and Bob in their lovely apartment. They do (did) live in the center of Venray, Limburg in The Netherlands. Plans are in the making for building or buying a home and having their wedding* subsequently. That of course would be another reason for us to cross the Atlantic Ocean!
*Editor's note: that very wedding took place on September 2 and 3 of 2011...
A baby is due in August of 2012...
And they did move into their new home; lots of milestones reached.
These two lovebirds were ready to move into their new nest. They live near the romantic river Meuse, that offers tranquil scenic boat trips, near the Interstate and near the beautiful forests of the river Meuse valley. In the Burgundian province of Limburg, things sound more French then elsewhere!
Both of us have been looking forward to the day that these two love-birds would have their big day and we certainly were part of it on September 2 + 3, of 2011! Will show photos soon...
Wishing you lots of love and the best of luck for accomplishing all of your dreams!
Your far away, but nearby Godmother.
PS: Talking about The Netherlands; Limburg is by far the best piece of the cake!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Saturday, October 30, 2010

{Finally, a Lemon Pie WITHOUT Butter or Cream ♥ Healthy ♥}

Anotherhealthy recipe for you:
Bon Appétit!

Recette Tarte au citron sans beurre ni crème | Original French recipe from Le Journal des FEMMES

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

{Lisa Boalt Richardson another Georgia Tea Aficionado!}

Today I want to share with you a special lady that lives only a couple of hours away; therefore it is close to HOME! Lisa Boalt Richardson  is as much a Tea Aficionado as I am.  Please read about her new book and her being featured in nwi times: Author celebrates tea in charming books!

This is one of my favorite desserts. Romantic Rose Petals and Strawberry slices in home baked shells; using won-ton-wrappers and brushing them with melted butter; than dusting with a mixture of sugar with cinnamon. Only about 5 min. in the oven and voilà. Next you whip up some whipped cream and add a few drops of Rose Water (Eau de Rose) and add carefully the pesticide free Rose Petals and sliced Strawberries... Dust with powdered sugar.
Oh, from the same won-ton-wrappers I'd cut out hearts for decoration...
Silver is Alvin Bridal Rose, available at Replacements Ltd.
China is Royal Albert Princess Anne also available at Replacements Ltd.

Just a yummy High Tea that I did from my home...
Tea cups from Mason Chartreuse with golden 4" paper doilies.

Another Tea for Friends...
Using a lace doily as invitation. (click to enlarge)
And YES, Tea goes very well with Chocolates too!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


What a surprise to receive today an email with the message that Gunnar Lloyd is born in The Netherlands, with accompanying movie of him (click above pink link). It is such a perfect baby on this futuristic movie and no wonder as he's already born on April 7! Never have seen anything like this, quite a space-age movie; what an art work done by his Daddy Raymond who is after all a software architect. Gunnar of course is a Swedish name, we know that they went to Sweden for a vacation and they must have fallen in love with that country and even more with themselves... then or at a later moment. At least a very special name for such a deep and true love.

Now the rest of the story... a very special one to share with my readers. On June 5 of 2006 we got a phone call from our friend/Judge Helen Harper. She said to me: "Guess what I did this afternoon?" I had no idea... So she told me that she'd married a Dutch couple who were staying at the romantic Page House B & B in town after having been to Savannah. Helen said, oh I realized too late that you were Dutch too. That's alright I said, now they felt at least more at ease without any countrymen around.
Of course I did call, to congratulate them in Dutch and invited them over for next day, to have dessert with us. They were quite surprised for finding two Dutch born Americans here in town! For their wedding day dinner they did go to the best Lady Chef in the region, to Ristorante da Maria. Quite fittingly for the occasion!  Spending the night after dinner at Dublin Farm, Come Home to the Country, so they would not have to do any more traveling to find a romantic place to sleep.
I did bake a very special dessert for them: Phyllo dough shells with Strawberry-Rose-Whipped-Cream... and pastry hearts on the side. Got my Royal Albert Princess Anne china out and quite fittingly; the Bridal Rose by Alvin silverware, all from Replacements Ltd.
Made special flower arrangements from fresh, highly fragrant gardenias in a Cream Color on Cream Color by Wedgwood footed compote white Lathyrus odoratus (fragrant sweet pea) and white gladiolus flowers. 
Alvin Bridal Rose silver spoons
Romantic home baked hearts from Wonton Wraps with Strawberry & Rose Petal whipped cream
 We were ready now to welcome the newly weds  Daphna and Raymond into our home!
We did enjoy it as much as they did. It was very special and for me it was just labor of love to make the dessert with edible, red rose petals from our own garden, with strawberries and whipped cream. So romantic with only a few drops of rose water added. 
Like on the movie where Daphna and Raymond welcome Gunnar Lloyd into the world, so did we welcome Daphna van Zoeren and Raymond Roelands into our home and one can see that things started out very rosy but more important is it did last. 
We wish you lots more years in good health and happiness together as a young family.
If you ever find the time to visit Dublin again, to see Judge Helen who married you and to see the Page House again and our home; more than WELCOME!

P.S. One interesting point that Raymond made that afternoon when we moved out into the gazebo for a bite and a glass of wine. "My Mom has the very same Gero Zilmeta 528 Menuet flatware as you have!"
He must have felt right at home...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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