About Me

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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Cathedral/Basilica/Church. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cathedral/Basilica/Church. Show all posts

Sunday, June 2, 2024

May 10, 2024 Pieter J C Vedder's Memorial Service

 On exactly the day that WWII started in The Netherlands—May 10 of 1945—we held a meaningful Memorial Service for my Pieter.
Most has been chosen by Pieter himself and got listed in his Last Will as such.
Shortly before the service started...
Fresh white fragrant stock got delivered as they were Pieter's favorite flower.
He told me of growing them with his Dad in the greenhouse for use at the annual Sacraments Procession. 
I've used the fine silk batik tablecloths, gift from Indonesia in 2004.
Center cloth covers the cremated remains.
Turned out they fit perfectly with the chairs in the loft and with the carpet.
Indonesia meant so much for both of us so this was Perfect!
Left photo shows brother Toon, me and Pieter in Saint Augustine, Florida.
Toon's daughter Myriam was here with me and helping me set up everything...
Myriam was Pieter's only Goddaughter!
Christy's from East Dublin did such an excellent job in arranging these white stock or Matthiola incana inside a white vase.
Pieter J.C. Vedder
April 29, 1929 – April 30, 2024
Don't forget to turn on CC = Closed Captions!

Pieter's Requiem Choice

Pieter had requested in his Last Will specific music to be played at his Memorial Service.
That also included a request of participation from my former chancel choir music director, Michael Dwain Little and our former Pastor Keith Goodlett.
Catering a full luncheon would be done by Roy Grenade.
The usual technician handling the two big video cameras and the sound board with different microphones to be turned on during Michael Dwain Little's organ play and chanting... was not present during the Memorial Service.
We can never go back and do it over again and it sure was painful! We had it so well planned, set up and worked out. 
Oh, the book for registering names was not at the entrance of the Church but on a side table in the fellowship hall where the lunch was served.
She never used the cameras the way she was supposed to do. Only showing the front pews on the right side of the Church...
But after cutting out the spots without image or sound, I got this.
Dear long–time friend of both of us, Gil Gillis, who used to run the local TV station agreed to use the photos that I'd prepared for showing. 
That too was NOT done, only a few during the luncheon.
Pieter's favorite piece of music Adagio (Albinoni) that strikes a chord...
Also, Mozart's Lacrimosa (Tearful) was one of Pieter's favorites and he himself sang often DIES IRAE A Capella with some other boys from the impressive 100–member choir in Groessen, The Netherlands.
It just is SAD, that some insignificant people abused their power for denying my very humble, but larger than life Pieter, his final wishes.
Knowing that from Heaven, Pieter still is pleased with Keith Goodlett and Michael Dwain Little's efforts to adhere to his Last Will.
Kathy Jones as soprano, as requested by Pieter.
Also dear friend Mary Louise Goodie McRae added to that in a touching way.
Mozart's Lacrimosa (Tearful) was not audible...
It has such a depth of human emotions and thus transcends all languages and cultures!
See link below post.

I Believe, Mark A Miller
I believe in the sun, I believe in the sun, even when, even when it's not shining.
I believe in love, even when, even when I don't feel it.
I believe in God, I believe in God, even when, even when God is silent.
Indeed, the final Musical Moment – Hungarian Dance #4, Johannes Brams very much reflected the way we both lived...

Music is the shorthand of emotion~Leo Tolstoy quote
Thank you
Words cannot express how grateful our family is for your generous support, encouraging words, and thoughts and prayers. Your kindness will always be remembered with deep gratitude.
The Family of 
Pieter J.C. Vedder
If you would like to provide a memorial donation,
checks can be made out to Mariette Vedder for 
the Leprosy Project in Indonesia which was near to his heart.

Related links:
Lovely White Stock & Baby's Breath from Trader Joe's | previous post by me
Mozart – Lacrimosa | YouTube video
Gregorian Chant : Dies Irae (Lyric Video) | YouTube video as the microphone was OFF when Michael Dwain Little played it on the organ and chanted it...
I Believe SATB – Mark Miller – CGA1310 | YouTube video and SATB = Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass
My Pieter went to Heaven on April 30 | previous post by me and THANKS for your replies!!!
Our Final Easter Together | Previous post with link to Father Seán Coyle from Dublin, Ireland
Husband Pieter was the 3rd VEDDER Ensign Bearer in Groessen, The Netherlands | This shows another image of Pieter in his historic uniform, tailor made for him in Amsterdam. Gil Gillis found it the most impressive photo...
Pieter a Former Motorcycle Guy ALWAYS Remained one at Heart! | previous post by me
1958 Tragedy for Pieter's Mushroom Friends in Zichen-Zussen-Bolder in Belgium | United Again!

Feeling carried by LOVE from around the world and countless private messages 💞
Since Pieter's passing I have regained 2 kg or 4.4 pounds — weighing now 45.3 kg or 99.8 pounds.
In the end of March I was 45.9 kg or 101 pounds

A True Love Story NEVER ENDS | previous post by me...

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

My Pieter went to Heaven on April 30

This photo I selected for his obituary as it embodies him so perfectly!
A happy and humble man 

Pieter J.C. Vedder SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation and Education passed away on Tuesday, April 30, 2024 at his home.

Pieter was born on april 29, 1929, in Duiven, the Netherlands during the Great Depression, the youngest son of three. He was baptized the same day in the Catholic St. Andreas Church of Groessen. There he was a member of the Church choir, from his youth on.

The war years left a deep impression on Pieter's entire life. Being evacuated and finding the house half bombed when they returned home, as well as the glass greenhouses in shards. Pieter's Dad grew peaches, plums, grapes, and tomatoes under glass.

Pieter played the accordion for the recording of a spoken letter to his two brothers who were deployed in Indonesia during the national revolution.

Training partially interrupted for his military service, from 4 October 1950 to 1 February 1952. Graduated in 1957 with university education in Wageningen, for horticulture and horticultural engineering, with excellent grades. Pieter also had a degree in teaching.

In 1957 he became assistant A of the Research Station for Mushroom Cultivation.

In 1961 he published his first publication Modern Mushroom Growing; 5 more editions followed.

In 1962 he became an instructor and head of the Education Department and was involved in the establishment of the Center for Mushroom Cultivation Education.

Pieter's Dad died on April 21, 1967, so he knew that his youngest became principal!

By 1978, his book had been translated into 5 languages and was called a unique achievement by the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Directorate of Agricultural Education. Total of 9 languages now and has been called the MUSHROOM BIBLE.

Pieter was very active as a Committee Member for Youth Affairs, in the municipality of Horst.

Also, as Chairman of Youth and Nature

Member of the Board of Housing and Management, Venray–Horst region

Member of the Dean's Financial Committee of the Deanery of Horst

Member of the Diocesan Financial Commission Limburg

Pieter was a member of the Rotary Club Venray, since May 11 of 1976 and President Rotary Club Venray 1978/1979

Honorary President Rotary Club Royal Forest of Dean in U.K. 1978/1979

Rotary member Montebelluna, Italy

Rotary member Dublin, Georgia and Paul Harris Fellow 1996/1997 now Honorary member for several years.

In 1982, Pieter received the Sinden Award from the Mushroom Growers Association in the U.K.—the highest accolade in the Mushroom Industry.

Worked for Campbell Soup International as Vice President Training and Development from August 1983 to March 1989.

People to People Citizen Ambassador in March/April 1987. Pieter, being a world renown mushroom expert, got chosen for joining a group of 10, to visit Universities, lecturing and making field trips on behalf of the Mushroom Industry. His employer Campbell Soup did fully cover his expenses.

Head of the Technology Division at Fungi del Montello in Italy from 1 March 1989 to February 1990.

Dieng Djaya in Indonesia from 1 March 1990 to April 1992 and until 2001 as a consultant.

International Consultant with partner Mariette from 1992 to 2004 and only then time for our own house and garden. Pieter played the Es–trumpet and trombone while in the military. Pieter also played the organ for the Catholic Church, and he played the accordion. Music was one of his hobbies, as were photography and gardening. He also loved cycling and did so on his E–bike until April 7, 2024
In 2020, we together self–published our book 'modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting' for print on demand worldwide. In this way, Pieter's intellect has been preserved and thousands more can benefit from it. Quite proud that it is listed in the U.K. as a university textbook.

Thus ends an intensive but very humble life, focused on Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education and also a life of always being there for others and often pro bono. We both have always been very committed to lifting the stigma around leprosy, something Princess Diana did so intensely. A biblical disease of people who have no voice. We visited the same leprosy hospital near Jakarta, Indonesia that Princess Diana did visit and helped raise funds for those voiceless.

Pieter was a great supporter and board member of the local Heart of Georgia Community Concert Association and the Dublin Association of Fine Arts, Inc. Under his leadership and diplomacy, the two merged.

Pieter's Dad died in 1967 and his mother in 1989. Middle brother Toon in 2006 and eldest brother Thé in 2012. He has an adopted daughter Liz Vedder in Rotterdam, The Netherlands and foster daughter Anita Anggraeni in Semarang, Indonesia. His goddaughter and niece Myriam with daughters Sanne and partner with great–great niece Bobbie, Lotte and son Auke, and niece Judith (Hems) and great–niece Nienke.

His wife of over 40 years, Mariette VandenMunckhof–Vedder

A memorial service will be held at 11:00 AM on Friday May 10, 2024 at Dublin First Methodist Church.

Stanley Funeral Home and Crematory/Dublin Chapel has charge of the arrangements.

Related links:
Our Final Easter Together | wrote my final letter to Pieter...
Pieter's Music Booklet from WWII Era | how Pieter learned to play his first accordion

Monday, March 25, 2024

Our Acapulco, Mexico Vacation II

Yes, we did go back...!
Monday, February 20 of 2006, we did drop off our kitties Spooky and Barty at Country Lane Pet Lodge. 
They only got a small cage this time, near the window—which was good. One bigger cage was not cleaned out yet.
Tuesday, February 21, I did wake up Pieter at 2:00 AM as we need to drive off at 3:00 AM due to our 7:00 AM take off with Continental.
Figured out that my frequent flyer number did not get accepted so I had to write a letter to Continental with a copy of the boarding passes and itinerary for rectification.
Always the same—they omit Van den—thinking it is just a kind of middle initial.
Hoping they will credit me for these miles because we calculated it in such way that we fly next year for free to Acapulco.
Via Houston we arrived at Acapulco in a small plane around 11:37 AM.
We found a shuttle for US $ 50.00 roundtrip and after half an hour waiting we could check in to our room 929, with a much better view and more quiet, farther away from the street. 
We now could overlook the entire bay where they did the fireworks etc., for weddings.
A very romantic setting for a wedding or anniversary!
They build a platform on the beach for placing the tables and chairs...

On February 23, when we came inside from a walk in the tropical garden, after having watched the set–up for a formal dinner at the beach, we ran into a man holding a pole with clavelitos—the old fashioned double clavelitos in many colors (carnations thus).
I could not hold back to exclaim: clavelitos and oh my, the man beamed with joy. He was so happy that I recognized them and he eagerly went on to explain the one yard long pole from roble (oak) that came from his daughter's home. 
There also were lilies used in that arrangement—massively around that pole. First time we ever saw anything like that!
He explained further that the reason was his 50th wedding anniversary and he quickly pointed at his wife who stood nearby in a long formal dress. Both were beaming, so no doubt that turned out into a beautiful wedding anniversary!
Down on the beach with blue sky...
On Saturday February 25, we took a taxi to go to Costco for checking out how Mexicans do live.
Even though we could not buy much, being in a hotel but we did get some items.
Sunday, February 26, for Mom & Dad's 57th Church Wedding Anniversary we attended Mass on the 3rd floor at the top of the hotel. 
There were quite a number of people attending.
Wednesday March 1, we got up around 5:00 AM and had breakfast in our room with some flax seed whole–wheat buns, Yakult and coffee. Our mini cool box filled with bananas, drink yogurt, some snacks and Colombian coffee candies for the trip. 
At 6:30 AM the drivers came with different vans and minibuses. We were in a van with four other passengers and the driver–tour guide with his son—alternating the 280 km (174 mi) one way to Taxco.
First we pass through a 3 km (1.9 mi) length tunnel to go from the 1,500,000 Acapulco Bay Area to the next city of 1,000,000 with industries and lots of job opportunities. 
Whereas in Acapulco they depend for 70% on tourism resulting in certain months of the year in quite a lot of unemployment.
The Autopista is not as smooth as our Interstates here in the USA and not crowded at all due to the rather high toll rate.
We stop at a dam where the driver points out they have langoustine.
I'd never seen in my life some thirty vultures sitting in the median—stripping a carcass. 
Lots of wild horses were running alongside and on the Autopista—despite the fact that there was supposed to be a fence alongside. 
Sure, it got put up once new and never looked at again—neither for repair nor mending.
Cows were also roaming on the Autopista and it often resembled India, especially in this semi–dessert landscape going north from Acapulco.
Taxco, Mexico ←click for short 2 minute video
Taxco was a nice colonial style city with lots of Spanish influence.
The Santa Prisca Church, which was donated by a Frenchman who enriched himself on the silver and gold mines.
A local young man from the mountains around Taxco, who was actually illiterate, did paint the frescoes in that Church and also several oil paintings on canvas with all the clergy and the Frenchman in question—None of those gentlemen had a sympathetic face!
The Church was baroque and that looked way too overdone—for our taste—but of course beautiful artwork!
The huge organ that had to be shipped from Spain and taken apart to be carried on the backs of mules to the Taxco area—poor animals in those days.
Our lunch was included in the $ 70 per person, for the trip and we enjoyed it upstairs in a rustic old building of del Angel restaurant.
We'd started out our walk with a visit to some silver shops.
Around the pool (one of 3) of the Hyatt Regency we spotted some very skinny cats. We walked and we fell in love with one beautiful cat in particular.
She was in the botanical garden and looked so pretty, but very, very skinny! We would have loved to take her home with us, but I touched her and felt that her nipples were rough, kind of crusty... 
She was so friendly and came to our chair—even sat with us.
We fed her some left over French fries from a neighboring table between lounge chairs. 
She was so sweet and while she ate, I could stroke her belly and I figured out that she had scratchy nipples, indicating that she was having kittens somewhere...
Also, she was slightly swollen, full of milk?
Poor thing, barely able to stay alive herself and yet having to give it all to her little ones.
Thursday March 2, we did collect salmon and some other sliced meat, putting it inside the small Ziploc bags in which we keep our vitamins. When we got to the pool area, Pieter made his special 'kitty calling noise with his lips', she came running towards us. Jumping over the opening where the concrete stairway goes down to the beach!
In no time she ate all of it.
So, we did go in the evening to the fish restaurant near the beach and the pool, which is open all around for a spectacular Bay View.
We took a hygienic bag from the bathroom with us. Did put bread inside, rice with fish and we brought it to her—well she came walking up to us before we even left this open restaurant...
Now we got to see two of her kittens as well. They hid near the restaurant under some shrubs.
The skinny mama cat sat back while she let her little ones feast—what a loving mama!
Feeling good about having fed her and the babies, we go to the room. We would love to take one of them home with us—but how? You need paperwork to proof that they have been vaccinated, e.g. for rabies, 3 months prior to entering the USA. They were not even born yet...
The mama is black with a kind of tuxedo marking, like our Spooky boy but more symmetric. She also wore gloves and white boots. Her whiskers were so long and light colored, like the eyebrows. Taller ears and they were raised, making her very cute.

We indeed fell in love with her.
Pieter named her Spicy

Friday March 3, we again filled our hygienic bag heavily at our breakfast table. From the buffet we took bread, soaked with milk, tiny sausages (she liked one the other day, so we repeat that), smoked salmon and some scrambled eggs as well. Eagerly we first go to the pool area to feed her and now we got to see her third kitten as well; an exact clone of her! So cute and it becomes harder and harder to see them over there, not knowing their fate (management only would tolerate 3 on their property–the yard crew informed us...) knowing that we would depart next day.
After we did read at the pool under our umbrella and swam in the pool, we did go back to the fish restaurant one more time and filled our bag for them.

Next day we flew home together—heavy hearted as we could not take our kitty home with us.
But we will be back!!!

Related post:

Monday, December 11, 2023

POINSETTIA DAY on December 12

 Guess most people DO love Poinsettias for the Advent and Christmas season.
But do you know its history?

Poinsettia Day ←click link

The date marks the death of Joel Roberts Poinsett, an American botanist, physician and Minister to Mexico who in 1828 sent cuttings of the plant he'd discovered in Southern Mexico to his home in Charlotte, South Carolina. Botanically, the plant is known as Euphorbia Pulcherrima.” (Submitted on March 11, 2010, by Brian Scott of Anderson, South Carolina.)
If you click on the above link: Poinsettia Day, you can read: In July of 2002, the House of Representatives created Poinsettia Day, passing a Resolution to honor Paul Ecke Jr. who is considered the father of the poinsettia industry.
These Poinsettias are photographed on the day I became an American Citizen.
On December 3, I forgot to celebrate my 30th birthday...

Joel Roberts Poinsett visited Guanajuato, México in 1822 and both of us were there in the end of March, 1999: Historic Town of Guanajuato, Mexico and Adjacent Mines ←click link

Cathedral Mexico City Zocala poinsettias ←click link for images to enjoy the RED SEA of POINSETTIAS during CHRISTMAS time. We both have visited that Cathedral and it is sad that it is sinking...

We even do have a Poinsettia tree in our garden; see previous blogpost about it below.
Photo from our Poinsettia with leather deer from India.
You can read that previous post below: History of the Poinsettia.
Did you know these facts about the Poinsettia?
Which is your favorite color?

Related links: 
{Today I turned 17!} previous post by me — Yep on December 3 I did turn 30!
{Our Pinckneya Pubens - Poinsettia Tree} previous post by me about our Poinsettia Tree in our garden.
{History of the Poinsettia} previous post by me
{Poinsettia as Tree in Indonesia} | previous post by me

Are poinsettias poisonous to cats and dogs? | poinsettias are one of the best pet–friendly houseplants

Thursday, October 5, 2023

6th NAMC and Niagara Falls

 For the 6th North American Mushroom Conference we both traveled on July 15 of 1986 to Pennstate, Pennsylvania where we had the reception at Elks Country Club.
Always great to see many international mushroom friends.
We had lectures at Penn State next two days.
On July 17 we got up at 6:15 AM and after breakfast Pieter's colleague dropped us off at the 1st charterbus stop and we rode by bus towards the Niagara Falls 
Baljit Nanda, Pieter and myself
After lunch near Buffalo, New York, chatting with mushroom friends.
Klaus Grabbe from Germany, me and Pieter
We laughed about the size of that sundae!
We arrived by bus around 17:15 and did walk around
View from our room...
Beautiful gardens below...
Quite a view...
It was already getting dark...
But nevertheless an awesome experience for being there!
Quite a sight
Different angle
Pieter with his Pennstate Unitversity sweater
Sure the climate is perfect for a lush garden!
We enjoyed a nice dinner with view of the Niagara Falls.
Several people from my home town of Horst, The Netherlands were attending the Conference as well.
By 22:00 we went to our room.
Pieter is center photo in plaid shirt and I'm opposite him.
 Next day we left by 10:00 for Vineland Research & Innovation Centre where we got to see their horticulture and fruitgrowing under glass such as kiwis and peaches after wine and beer in their garden with a good barbecue.
Lots of wedding couples came to take pictures in their beautiful garden. Situated 100 m from Lake Ontaria, a peninsula with mild climate.
From there we went by bus to Toronto to our Hilton Harbor Castle and after unpacking we walked into the city.
On Sunday July 20, we got up at 10:00 and went on foot to St. Michaels Cathedral for the 12:00 Mass.
St. Michael's R.C. Cathedral opened in 1848
No iPhone back than with GPS info...
We further enjoyed the Conference where Pieter was speaker and panelist.
Had hoped to receive his lecture from Geoff Price but nope...
Did partially post about it: {Toronto Canada Then and Now} ←click link.

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Mary The Most Powerful Woman in the World

In the December 2015 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, Mary was on the cover...
She is also well known in the Koran, named Maryam (Mary) and is the holiest woman mentioned.
She is a direct link between Christians and Muslims.

How the Virgin Mary Became the World’s Most Powerful Woman ←just click for reading the full story.

Perfect for her Feast of Immaculate Conception on December 8

Mary has been Patroness of the United States of America since mid–19th century.
Already in 1584, one of the U.S.A.'s first Catholic Churches in Jacksonville, Florida—Basilica of the Immaculate Conception, was dedicated to the Immaculate Conception.
Both of us have been fortunate for having been there a few times, see below post.

Wishing you also a Blessed Advent Season!

Related link:
{W.A. Mozart Composed this Heavenly Mass in C, K 167 at Age 17} | previous post by me about Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in Jacksonville, FL

Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Thank You Lord — Horster Mannenkoor

 Just like to share another song that my Dad loved to sing with his Horster Mannenkoor in Horst, Limburg/The Netherlands.
He has been a great 1st tenor—Dad's voice is easily heard!
In begin 1990s Dad gave us a cassette tape with some of the songs they sang.
Did digitalize a few of those songs—wish I had the original but this already made my singing heart happy...
Dad is seen 2nd from left, bottom row and my Uncle Jan is on the left.
Horster Mannenkoor during their Mass for 100 years Horster Men's Choir November 9, 1894–1994 at the St. Lambertus Church in Horst, Limburg / The Netherlands
Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul
Thank you, lord, for making me whole
Thank you, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free
Thank you Lord, Thank you Lord

Thank you, Lord, for saving my soul
Thank you, Lord, for making me whole
Thank you, Lord, for giving to me
Thy great salvation so rich and free 
Thank you Lord, my Lord

Related links:
Soon Ah Will Be Done With The Troubles Of The World | previous post by me about Dad singing with Horster Mannenkoor
Dad Sang Avé Maria from Bach-Gounod | previous post by me about Dad singing solo
Thinking about Mom and Dad on Saint Cecilia | Dad also sang Thank You Lord with Pieter at the organ

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Wearing Mom's Wedding Dress to Church

 One of the treasures I did bring home from Limburg was Mom's wedding dress!
October 15, I wore it to Mass after I had it dry cleaned at Presstine Cleaners in Atlanta.
The dress was made out of a nice rayon georgette and I wear my black patent Escada sandals.
The dress originally came with train.
Mom's bridal bouquet looks like she was holding white stock or Matthiola Incana—also very fragrant!
In Dutch white stock is witte violieren...
Dad with a hat in his hand and gloves...
The day of the beginning of a Blissful Relationship—blessed by Dad's maternal Uncle—Heeroom.
Mom and Dad more up close.
Mom sure had lovely hair here and wearing her golden cross on a short necklace.
Those were the days of hats and Mom has worn many hats, especially when going to Church.
Her dress with train got later altered to a shorter version.
Can't recall if she wore it to certain events...
Dad had no camera of his own in the early years!
Photo taken after Mass by a friend.
Pieter wearing his silk Burberry suit that I also did bring back from Limburg...
The side seams of the top were let out by my sister, some 3 inches (7.5 cm). The dress is too wide for me now. 
At home one more WeFie in bright daylight...
Pieter wearing his Escada silk elephant tie.
This photo is from March 8, 1968 when I wore the dress with boots in Horst, Limburg...
Funny, I was 17, and above I am 71... just reversed numbers.
But I'm the only of 3 daughters that still can wear Mom's small sized dress!

Guess Mom was smiling down from heaven to see her wedding dress go to Church once more...
Not in white
It used to be unthinkable to buy a dress for one day. That only happened at court. 
Well into the twentieth century many brides married in black.
Even Pieter's late wife Thea did...
In front of the Church—also with hat and gloves in hand...
Don't understand where she left her gorgeous bridal bouquet.
Pieter with the bridal bouquet, full of orchids...
In 1983, when it was the rage to wear such black jackets—Pieter's 19 year old adopted daughter Liz, begged for the jacket of his wedding suit and Pieter gave in...
A handsome groom that stayed with Thea for 27 years—living like brother and sister...
BUT thanks to that, he wrote the mushroom bible and helped thousands to make a better living!
Everything has a reason in life and we both are grateful that God made us meet 53 years ago and we are happily married for a long time.

Related link:
{The Little Black Dress & My MOM} | previous post by me with Mom in her bridal gown
Both of us LOVE Elephants | previous post by me with Pieter's Escada elephant tie
FAMILY Treasures from Chef of Smulhuis in Brunssum/The Netherlands | previous post with Pieter's Mom also wearing a black bridal gown
Dad Sang Solo on Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary | previous post with Mom & Dad on their wedding day photos with Heeroom


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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