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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html

Friday, August 31, 2012


Yes, sorry YOUR TEA is getting cold... It didn't work out as planned for my 8:00 PM launch. It shows up on my NetWorkedBlogs but not on the sidebar... Since I will be reposting several subjects from the time when I was very ill and became paralyzed. So here below it is.
Please do enter, using this link for {STIR UP ANGELIC TEA FOR TWO} 

Thursday, August 30, 2012


May I invite you for a TEA FOR TWO? Just thought you would like that... For the occasion I made some special handmade chocolates in the shape of an angel and a rose. Stirring up an angelic tea party!
Also I would like to show you this very special high end solid silver spoon by Giovanni Raspini, Italy. A very unique solid silver spoon with two angels, I want to share with you today. It would become a lovely heirloom piece for your family, if this spoon, with twin angels, is given in honor of a new born baby or any occasion involving LOVE. Like I said before, Giovanni Raspini makes High End Silver Gift items that are equal to the Tiffany & Co quality and style. I feel fortunate for being able to bring their unique boutique style items to the American, Canadian and world-wide public. See my Zen Cart powered Mariette's Back to Basics Boutique link, below this post.
From France I have this heavenly angelic tea doily. A vintage treasure done in filet lace needle embroidery on handmade netting.
Sold out...
The silver twin angels do have company... Filet lace doily with angels and roses and a beautiful French cross stitch embroidery on pure unbleached linen in tone-on-tone and framed by my most favorite home town Gallery IROK galerie lijsten kunstuitleen FOTO ALBUM , in Horst aan de Maas, The Netherlands. They do a museum quality job and I will get back on that in a later blog, with more of their exceptional work. We're loyal customers for about three decades; even from the USA!
French Country
The Giovanni Raspini silver spoon is showcased together with my first wedding china from Germany, Mirabell White by Seltmann Weiden
Of course, even Replacements Ltd. does have some of its discontinued pieces!
The paper doilies are from Europe as you cannot find the 4" (10 cm) size pieces here... Everything is bigger in the USA.
Well, I must admit that we do live the Going GREEN way as those smaller pieces of China fit more items inside our dishwasher... great for the environment.
More angels on the solid silver napkin holder. 
You can also use it on a desk, for holding cards and letters! 
My passions are angels and roses and this is a nice way of showing that.
Sorry Sold out...
I TOLD you I love angels and roses and I even do EAT them alive... 
Are these hand made chocolates not divine? It is so much fun making them and even more fun to eat, as I use the 70% and higher special dark chocolate for making those. That is supposed to be good for your health as well! Will write more about that later... So much to do still! Subjects will be endless. But bit by bit you get to know what I'm doing...
French Country
Of course, I did search for the book with the beautiful TOI & MOI Angel embroidery. It is in French, but languages are no barrier for me, so I found it on the German Amazon and ordered it from there. 
As said before, this is the Museum Quality Gallery of Irok that does all our framing for three decades already. You can visit Ingrid's Irok Gallery blog below, she  also has a translator.
I like to make a mention here as to the fact that Irok also provides art work for the Hospice facility near our former home town. In that facility on July 22nd of 2010, Mrs. Dora Van den Bekerom passed away. She used to be the secretary of my husband Pieter, at the world's first and only Practical Training College about Mushroom Growing; the one he founded.
Therefore I like to name this blog in honor of her. She was a dear colleague to both of us, very loyal and she not once forgot a birthday. Since she went to heaven to re-unite with her husband who passed away of cancer in 1967 and is now living amongst angels; this will be quite appropriate for ending this blog...
Republished today.

Are you stirring up things with angels at your home?
Would love to know about it.

Related links:

{Our Home in Wonosobo, Indonesia}

As promised, I will show you our home in Indonesia. Yes, we did live about three years in Indonesia while working there. Our Home in Wonosobo, Indonesia. In Central Java at an altitude of approx. 760 m or 2493 feet and therefore pleasantly cooler than in the plains. During the wet monsoon, you could expect a daily down pour in the afternoon. That made listening to music even impossible... But, it was a very fertile area. Mornings were best, sunny and light with spectacular views of the great Dieng Plateau, of which I wrote in an earlier post, where we actually worked. 
My husband Pieter, standing in front of the gate. Guess this looks like a typical home for the tropics. We stayed here for two months at the time, than flew back to Atlanta, Georgia/USA for one month off. Not that we were home, but away from Indonesia. We still did other work for Campbell's Soup in the USA, large mushroom plants in Germany, India and Italy during our month off...
That's the life of an international consultant.
To the right is the garage. Bedroom to the left and living room with entrance in the center.
There was another kind of parlor room that had its entrance to the left of the house.
Did you notice the very HIGH side walks? That is for being able to walk 'dry' when we had those tropical down pours. The street changed into a little river. At first I laughed about this strange high side walk. How come for people that are shorter, thus shorter legs...? But I learned the hard way!
I often walked on bare feet through the rain, holding my leather shoes in my hands, under the umbrella. 
 Here you can see that entrance to the left. Also that gate gave access to the area where the servants remained. We did not have any servants of course. Just managed it all on our own.
A 2-bedroom house with two bathrooms. Tiled floors and bedrooms carpeted.
This is me, in front of the house. On a Sunday, our only day off...
While in Indonesia I've done a lot of lace crocheting as there was not as much of a social life besides the job. But those were very happy years. A kind of 'Back to Basics' life-style.
Hence the name of my business and blog.
View from our front door across the street...
View from the side, in front of the garage. You can see the tiled and covered patio that leads to the front door where the living room is. It was not an advantage to have the bedroom at the street side and also on the corner of another very busy main street. But you get used to the hustle and bustle of a never sleeping big city with lots of traffic noise. They honk their horns a lot. Each time when coming home to Georgia/USA, we felt ourselves very odd and out of place for waking up in a quiet and peaceful place where we live... A tremendous difference!
But, what a population difference. The island of Java is the size of the state of Georgia and has roughly about 13 x as many people living there! Called the most populous island in the world.
Traveling over there is more of a hazard as the traffic can be dangerous. Don't forget, due to the volcanic mountainous area, it is even more densely populated as most people do live in the plains and that's where the main roads are.
Neighboring house, across the street...
That was our home on Jalan Tirto Aji 1
in Wonosobo, Jawa Tengah (Central Java)

Sorry that most of you missed my post from yesterday: {USEFUL TEA REGIME FOR A SLIMMER YOU} 
For some reason it never showed up in the sidebar... only on NetWorkedBlogs.

Related links:
{Our arrival in Jakarta, Indonesia} | Previous post by me
{Fly with us to Jakarta, Indonesia} | Previous post by me

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


From my favorite French language  Le Journal des FEMMES, again some great tips.
Learn from Mariette.
For those of you that don't have a translater, I have translated it for you below:
Use the TEA to lose a few pounds, while eliminating toxins from your body...
There is still so much to be learned about tea... Like Lisa Boalt Richardson writes: Tea Twist or Tea Travesty? and:  
Tea with a Twist! 
This is yet another aspect of TEA.

Are you using tea for slimming down?
Let me know.
YES, I drink tea every afternoon, it is a ritual here and we both enjoy it!
Those two books are a MUST have... 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

{Dieng Plateau Indonesia - Where We Worked}

It is about time that I take you up into the mountains of the Dieng Plateau, The Heart of Central Java, Indonesia; also called the Abode of Gods. This is where we traveled as it was Our Road to Work in Indonesia. With a lot of joy, each morning departing at 6:00 o'clock from our home. As you will see, it looks like paradise, especially in the early morning hours. Daylight is from around 6:00 o'clock in the morning till 18:00 o'clock in the evening, year round. For that reason you have to shift your day into a tropical schedule. We got up at 5:00 o'clock every morning and after breakfast at our home we started the winding journey up into the mountains, which took about 45 minutes. Around noon we would go down again and stop at the office, where we also most times had our lunch with the staff. Than home and working on our manuals for further training at the biggest mushroom plant in the world. We worked 6 days a week and with pleasure.
It looks really like paradise...
To the right you see the Sundoro; Java’s most symetrical volcano.
The Sundoro is: 3136 m or 10,289 feet high.
Lots of terraces where the locals work the fields and resembling a green paradise due to the high annual rainfall. This is right on the equator!
But it is always cool high in the mountains and they even can have frost during the night.
At 6:00 o'clock in the morning the sky is clear and you have a breathtaking view!
Most tourists however start their climb up into the mountains way too late...
Such a pity for that once in a life time trip!
Volcanic soil is very fertile as you can see...
Here you see the twin volcano: Mt. Sindoro and Mt. Sumbing
We lived in Wonosobo; will show you our home later...
By 11:00 o'clock the clouds would come in and your view would be very limited. 
Or worse, a helicopter would not be able to safely fly...
Those grey buildings are the mushroom sheds where we worked.
On the left is the Pasurenan location and in the back is Sumber.
Here I stand overlooking one such area with mushroom growing sheds.
The daily production of fresh mushrooms was at its peak 100 metric tons per day 24/7!
Lots of sheds...
Instead of using air-conditioning, we were using the Lord's free air-conditioning; high in the mountains.
In the distance again mushroom sheds... we had thousands of them.
The spent mushroom compost was an added bonus for all the farmers around.
These are potatoes.
When the owner came for a visit, he landed with the helicopter here...
Everywhere you stood you had a heavenly view!
Beautiful view of those mushroom sheds... 
Pieter actually did climb the surrounding mountains for taking excellent aerial shots.
We did this for about three years, while living there but we never grew tired of this beautiful area.
More sheds... this is the Sumber location.
Our company employed over 10,000 people... 
I had to oversee 2,000 harvesters and take care of quality, hygiene, diseases, post harvesting etc.
In the beginning I often though my goodness, what did I start...?!
So now you know about our 21 commutes from Atlanta, USA to Jakarta, Indonesia to work HERE...
Halfway around the world with a 12-hour time difference.
'Saya rindu sekali ke gunung²...'
I miss the mountains... and the people of course!
Have you ever traveled to Indonesia?

Related links:
{Fly with us to Jakarta, Indonesia} | Previous post by me
{Our arrival in Jakarta, Indonesia} | Previous post by me
DIENG PLATEAU - The Heart of Central Java Indonesia | About the area


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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