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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Millinery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Millinery. Show all posts

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Wearing Mom's Wedding Dress to Church

 One of the treasures I did bring home from Limburg was Mom's wedding dress!
October 15, I wore it to Mass after I had it dry cleaned at Presstine Cleaners in Atlanta.
The dress was made out of a nice rayon georgette and I wear my black patent Escada sandals.
The dress originally came with train.
Mom's bridal bouquet looks like she was holding white stock or Matthiola Incana—also very fragrant!
In Dutch white stock is witte violieren...
Dad with a hat in his hand and gloves...
The day of the beginning of a Blissful Relationship—blessed by Dad's maternal Uncle—Heeroom.
Mom and Dad more up close.
Mom sure had lovely hair here and wearing her golden cross on a short necklace.
Those were the days of hats and Mom has worn many hats, especially when going to Church.
Her dress with train got later altered to a shorter version.
Can't recall if she wore it to certain events...
Dad had no camera of his own in the early years!
Photo taken after Mass by a friend.
Pieter wearing his silk Burberry suit that I also did bring back from Limburg...
The side seams of the top were let out by my sister, some 3 inches (7.5 cm). The dress is too wide for me now. 
At home one more WeFie in bright daylight...
Pieter wearing his Escada silk elephant tie.
This photo is from March 8, 1968 when I wore the dress with boots in Horst, Limburg...
Funny, I was 17, and above I am 71... just reversed numbers.
But I'm the only of 3 daughters that still can wear Mom's small sized dress!

Guess Mom was smiling down from heaven to see her wedding dress go to Church once more...
Not in white
It used to be unthinkable to buy a dress for one day. That only happened at court. 
Well into the twentieth century many brides married in black.
Even Pieter's late wife Thea did...
In front of the Church—also with hat and gloves in hand...
Don't understand where she left her gorgeous bridal bouquet.
Pieter with the bridal bouquet, full of orchids...
In 1983, when it was the rage to wear such black jackets—Pieter's 19 year old adopted daughter Liz, begged for the jacket of his wedding suit and Pieter gave in...
A handsome groom that stayed with Thea for 27 years—living like brother and sister...
BUT thanks to that, he wrote the mushroom bible and helped thousands to make a better living!
Everything has a reason in life and we both are grateful that God made us meet 53 years ago and we are happily married for a long time.

Related link:
{The Little Black Dress & My MOM} | previous post by me with Mom in her bridal gown
Both of us LOVE Elephants | previous post by me with Pieter's Escada elephant tie
FAMILY Treasures from Chef of Smulhuis in Brunssum/The Netherlands | previous post with Pieter's Mom also wearing a black bridal gown
Dad Sang Solo on Mom & Dad's 50th Wedding Anniversary | previous post with Mom & Dad on their wedding day photos with Heeroom

Saturday, October 9, 2021

Hat Elastic for Preventing my Shoes from Sliding OFF

 Just a simple piece of hat elastic helped me keeping my shoes from sliding off my heel!
Sure this hat elastic you can find in different colors too!
But I was glad for finding my 'old' Hat Elastic from The Netherlands...
Without measuring, I cut off two pieces and did tie a knot on both ends.
This Hat Elastic is strong enough for holding that nasty sliding heel band in its place!
Wore this with my long Escada silk satin roses dress and it works well with long jeans.
Haha, my biker-feet with the imprints by the sun from where my Ecco sandals fit... 😉
And... my ugly toe is not yet 'normal'. You can read about how that came to be here: NO WAY!!! ←click link
Shoes are also Escada and they come with a matching small, and a larger tote, as well as with a belt. 
I'd rather have some hat elastic 'visible' then tripping or having difficulty walking...
Do you have any shoes that don't stay put?
Often they look better than they wear!
Wearing my small tote with my shoes and Escada silk satin rose dress + stole. 
Majorica pearl necklace and bracelet with Christian Dior pearl earrings in a matching size; found at Singapore airport...

Related link:
{Back Home from a Wedding in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France} | wearing the silk evening dress with roses at a wedding in France

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

{Happy 4th of July 2016}

Wishing all my United States readers a Happy 4th of July, 2016!
Our nation's 240th Birthday...

Wearing my patriotic Escada top with Escada jeans and belt.
Another of my hats...
Earrings are a sweet Tiffany and Co gift from a friend.

Holding my tiny Tiggy-Tiger girl...
Enjoy this special time of the year and thanks for your visit!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

{Mom Did Wear Many Hats}

Indeed, during her lifetime, Mom did wear many hats.
She was above all a loving Mom, a devoted and submissive wife, a cook, a seamstress, a great housekeeper, and a very hard working partner working in the greenhouses and on the fields; harvesting vegetables and fruits.
The list could go on and on...
For readers from foreign countries who are maybe not familiar with the English saying of 'Wearing many hats', it means a person has different roles or tasks to perform.
Just because Mom made MANY sacrifices during her life time, being a Mom to a large family of 8, of which 7 survived, she NEVER could go on vacation.
So it was a joy for offering her four times this luxury for being able to fly off, across the Atlantic Ocean from The Netherlands to Georgia, USA.
Dad did come a total of six times and Pieter and I did pay for six of their ten roundtrip plane tickets. 
Mom & Dad have been escorted on March 20, 1996 by a dear friend of us who also was flying back from the Netherlands to Atlanta, Georgia!
The very first time, in April of 1987, they flew over together with both of us.
This photo was taken two days after she arrived in 1996.
Mom did not have to cook, clean, launder or do anything.
That is visible in her face; feeling very happy and pampered.
Mom was taken by the lady that gathered outfits for her, and who also did her hair and put lipstick on.
Meanwhile the clever photographer asked me to jot down some basic words in Dutch, for him to use - like 'chin up' - smile etc.
Mom LOVED it that he spoke her language and was so happy about the 'ease' of working with this clever guy. It is quite noticeable in these photos.
She even looks a bit mischievous in my opinion...

Both trips I took alone with Mom, just Mother & Daughter, for having those Glamour shots made and one week later, on April 4, to pick up the one photo that we selected on a computer screen, with several smal ones.
The above photos are taken from small sizes.
When we got home with our photos, Dad was very amazed and had to look at them, over and over...
In my leather bound journal I wrote on Tuesday, April 16 of 1996 that in the evening our friends arrived for coffee with dessert as a farewell to Mom & Dad.
The hit of the evening was my Mom with her Glamour shots!
They found she looked like a movie star and Uncle Bo found Mom now very worth while instead of another 'Mariet'...
Everyone found she also looked younger now than in 1987.
Dad got very quiet... he always had been used to being the center of attention, especially when he sang a solo as a first tenor.
It was great that Mom for once was the center of attention!
Next day we had one last breakfast together and drove to Atlanta to check in World Business class on our courtesy card with KLM Royal Dutch Airlines.
They were even that courteous for letting all four of us into the shared Lufthansa lounge.
Than came a very emotional goodbye, especially Mom was tearful.
The day before she mentioned that those photos were the most beautiful gift she'd ever received...
I did listen to her video tape where she did mention it at the end of that evening with our friends.
She was so very happy.
Fond memories around Mother's Day!
Yes, I too had one photo taken during that session with Mom...
Mom used to wear always a hat to Church when I was a girl, there still was a real millinery in my home town where I loved to peak inside the window.
Maybe that's where my fondness of hats originated from.
At least these pictures do remind me of my Mom when I was a girl.
Hope you enjoyed them too.
Wishing all those that still are fortunate to have their Mom around, a very Happy Mother's Day and also to those that are a Mom themselves.
For each of us it is a day filled with memories, that live inside our hearts forever.
I have been blessed with a sweet Mom and today when I watched the video, I've laughed a lot; so many fun things with lots of humor too.
Here this photo was taken by my Dad as I mostly video taped things.
Mom is waving goodbye, from the Chattanooga Choo Choo, a train in Tennessee from 1880.
So many farewells, for the 4 times that Mom came to the US and for the 64 times that we came to The Netherlands...
This is just 6 months after Mom & Dad went home and we went to Church in the morning, made this photo and then left for the airport on our 42nd trip to The Netherlands.
Me, looking happy for getting to see my Mom again!

Until it was that one final time...

They are not gone who live in the hearts of those they leave behind.
- Native American Saying

{Mom Lived 16 Days Short of Her 91st Birthday} showing Mom's writing in our guest book

Monday, January 11, 2016

{Feeling Pampered with Silk/Wool Cap from Blogger Friend}

Oh my, on Christmas Eve, I was for the last time out of the house and than a very bad flu floored me literally.
Did not even notice that 2015 ended... it went past me.
Only on my Dad's 95th Birthday I managed to be up in the late morning and call him in The Netherlands.
From than on I improved, but did not want to be out in the nippy, windy weather as the warm temperatures from Christmas had suddenly dropped, even getting some night frost.
What a surprise when on Thursday, January 7, the mail delivered a parcel from France.
A sweet hand knitted gift from Anett from the blog: Faden Stille whom I follow since 2010. We have become virtual friends!
Friday, January 8, I did join Pieter for Rotary lunch and afterwards I did wear my silk/wool cap for taking a walk. Wearing of course my coat as well!
Spunky girl looks fluffy during the cold weather.
Me, showing off my crows feet from a great smile...!
Driveway is still damp and the weather dreary looking...
But our Verbena continues blooming inside the fiber glass window boxes from Flower Framers of Cincinnati!
Enjoying my Chanel boots; bought from tip money for consulting work in California!
You can read more about that here: {My Favorite Boots}
My silk/cashmere Jodphurs from Bergdorf Goodman 1994 still fit me perfectly and I love wearing them in winter time.
Matching cables in my Escada silk/cashmere sweater from December 26, 1993 - actually my very first Outlet score bought at Potomac Mills in Prince William, VA. We were traveling by car to the funeral of our Jewish friend in Delaware when we stopped at this Mall for lunch.
Thanks a lot Anett for so much WARMTH!
It warms the heart and the ears on a nippy winter's day...

Monday, October 28, 2013

{My Hat Attack NYC GAVROCHE}

Do you love hats as much as I do? One of my favorites is this white cotton Hat Attack NYC Gavroche. A bit boyish but that's what I like!
Hat Attack NYC with Escada top and kilt.

Related links:
{My Jessica McClintock Hat Again} | previous post by me
{Hats & Me} | previous post by me
{My Jessica McClintock Hat & Christian Dior Suit} | previous post by me
Life is better with a hat | previous post by blogger friend Bea from Modern Country Lady
My Life in Hats | previous post by blogger friend Marie-Thérèse from The French Touch
{Do YOU all know Our Nations Oldest City - St. Augustine, Florida?} | previous post by me wearing a hat
Mad Women and Their Hats | previous post by blogger friend Marie-Thérèse from the French Touch

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

{My Jessica McClintock Hat Again}

On Pentecost Sunday, May 19, I did wear some red and with that came my Jessica McClintock Hat Again. You can find a link to the first post with my Jessica McClintock Hat below.
Jessica McClintock hat with rose too and also black roses on my silk blouse from Escada. Knitted cotton/wool skirt from Escada and purse and shoes; all from the outlet. Wolford pantyhose; also from the Wolford outlet.
  •  There also is a Wolford Outlet at Orlando Premium Outlets at Vineland Ave. 
  • Also at Sawgrass Mills Outlets - 1700 Sawgrass Mills Circle -  33323 Sunrise, FL 
Husband Pieter in his charcoal gray Zegna suit from the Ermenegildo Zegna Outlet Store in Orlando, Florida and Zegna shirt.
Silk tie is from Last Call by Neiman Marcus.
Last Call by Neiman Marcus is for SUPER deals. Check the above mentioned hyperlink!
Watch for their July 4th specials.
Next to my hand you see the clips where the outdoor shutters normally are fastened.
They're off here before the painting. 
Have a lovely summer week; or winter week for the southern hemisphere.

Related links:
{Hats & Me} | previous post by me
{My Jessica McClintock Hat & Christian Dior Suit} | previous post by me
Life is better with a hat | previous post by blogger friend Bea from Modern Country Lady
My Life in Hats | previous post by blogger friend Marie-Thérèse from The French Touch
{Do YOU all know Our Nations Oldest City - St. Augustine, Florida?} | previous post by me wearing a hat
Mad Women and Their Hats | previous post by blogger friend Marie-Thérèse from the French Touch

Friday, April 26, 2013

{Hats & Me}

  • As a young girl I always had to stand on my toes, nose against the window, when walking past the Millinery Shop 'Bonneterie Van de Beuken in the Steenstraat of Horst my birth place. 
  • My favorite Great Aunt Nelly or 'Oud Tante Nelly', the wife of my Paternal Great-Uncle Handrie, brother of my Grandmother and her sister Mia, did make such lovely hats. 
  • I always have admired the special bows, roses, pearls and ribbons they used as embellishment for those elegant hats. Mom used to buy her hats at their shop!
  • The very same Great Aunt Nelly, has instilled in me, my love for fine china and silver ware. 
  • Whenever I did sew for her a dress or suit, I did visit with her after High Mass on Sunday for fitting. 
  • She always did serve me coffee with pastry in her fine china. 
  • One never knows how such early encounters at a young and tender age do impact our lifestyle... For sure, Tante Nelly will be smiling down from heaven...
  • On August 25, 1984 I had found this matching hat, with veil... to go with my Royal Stuart Scottish Tartan plaid. 
  • Husband Pieter went to England for the British Mushroom Days, by himself and he found at the Scotch House in London a wool shawl, matching gloves and this fabric in a Scottish Royal Stuart Tartan plaid. 
  • So I did sew this pencil skirt out of the fabric. Later I have hemmed up the skirt and I still have it.

The shoes and skirt I still have...
Too bad that the Scotch House has been shut up by the end of 2001.
Just read: The Telegraph - Scotch House to shut up shop.
Pieter used to buy several things there; already for his little daughter Lizzy a Scottish Tartan skirt when she was a toddler.
Are you covering your head with a hat? 
If only for the sun in summer; that still counts!

Related link:
{My Jessica McClintock Hat & Christian Dior Suit} | previous post by me
Life is better with a hat | previous post by blogger friend Bea from Modern Country Lady
My Life in Hats | previous post by blogger friend Marie-Thérèse from The French Touch
{Do YOU all know Our Nations Oldest City - St. Augustine, Florida?} | previous post by me
Mad Women and Their Hats | previous post by blogger friend Marie-Thérèse from The French Touch

Sunday, April 7, 2013

{My Jessica McClintock Hat & Christian Dior Suit}

On Easter Sunday it was such lovely weather when we went to Church, so naturally I wore my new Jessica McClintock hat that I found for a steal at Tuesday Morning in Atlanta. Whenever we make our 3-weekly rounds to Atlanta for stocking up on health food, we always check out Tuesday Morning! With this new hat I did wear my old Christian Dior Suit that I received on my 34th Birthday, while being in San Francisco together. I had found it in the Cosmopolitan magazine and fell in love with it. Having studied fashion, I always have been drawn to the great French designers. At the time Christian passed away, I was only six-and-a-half years old.
 Perfect weather and no wind... otherwise you will have to run after your hat. My Mom always wore a hat to Church when I was a little girl; that was so elegant... Fond memories. Our Church ladies asked me just recently WHY I did not wear hats. I smiled and didn't tell them that I had this new one for Easter.
This is the page from the Cosmopolitan magazine that I fell in love with... I was over the moon for finding it at Macy's Union Square in San Francisco. Together with the money that we'd received from sweet Sister-in-law Dora, we went ahead and got it. I was thrilled too that it came in a size 4 or European 34. My size never has been a problem in the USA because of the many Asian women, so there is a market. In The Netherlands I never could find anything...
The only thing I did to this suit, is hemming up the skirt... Please let me know what you think!
This is in our previous home in Dublin, in the veranda. Before we moved to Pennsylvania, Italy, Indonesia and back to Dublin, Georgia again...

  • That's me, 26 years ago... My eyes are not as big anymore!

Don't you think the skirt was too long here? I always LOVED those heavy duty trucks! Would you believe that Pieter came home from a trip with a POSTER of such monster, as a gift for me?!
This Jessica McClintock hat is called: A Rose Is A Rose... And you all know how I LOVE roses!
It is an all natural 100% straw hat... As dear friend Bea from Modern Country Lady wrote in her post: Life is better with a hat. See link below post.
What do you say about the length of my skirt here? I've altered it. The suit is 100% natural rayon and is also lined in 100% rayon which gives a great feel. The wide patent leather belt came with it. My shoes are Escada from the outlet. Scarf is a Christian Dior silk neckerchief that we found in Singapore in the tax free shops at the airport. That is the bonus of a traveling consultant! Guess I never will change in size so I can keep things for eternity, with some alterations and new accessories.
Yes I know that I ought to wear the hat more in my face... but these pictures are taken in a hurry before we drove to Church, using my iPhone... Pieter did wear his matching silk houndstooth tie but you have to be awfully fast for taking pictures of him. He gets out of his clothes for a change, in a blink!
Both in a large houndstooth pattern; the Christian Dior Suit and the silk neckerchief.
Here you see the rose on my straw hat as Pieter did not take the photos from that side...
Made in the U.S.A. and Size 4

Jessica McClintock - 100% Natural Straw
A steal of a deal and that's how we do stretch our dollar...
Do you wear hats and/or suits?
Are natural fibers important to you?

Related link:
Life is better with a hat | previous post by blogger friend Bea from Modern Country Lady
My Life in Hats | previous post by blogger friend Marie-Thérèse from The French Touch
{Do YOU all know Our Nations Oldest City - St. Augustine, Florida?} | previous post by me


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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