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Here I would love to share with you our travels and adventures as international mushroom consultants. MEMOIRS about husband Pieter Vedder, who was a SCIENTIFIC PIONEER in Commercial Mushroom Cultivation Education. His practical handbook is in 9 languages and is called the MUSHROOM BIBLE: https://mariettesbacktobasics.blogspot.com/2020/08/modern-mushroom-growing-2020-harvesting.html
Showing posts with label Gillis Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Gillis Video. Show all posts

Sunday, May 28, 2023

Husband Pieter Talks About His Experiences during WWII in TV Interview

Memorial Day is on May 29 so it is again important for the young(er) generations to hear first hand stories from people that were deprived from ANY FREEDOM:

If you view this on YouTube you will find clickable links below video from the segments where Pieter is mentioned with photos and where he speaks. Also don't forget to click on 'CC' for seeing English caption...

Related link:
By Husband Pieter: MY LIFE AS A TEEN DURING THE WWII ERA | previous post by husband Pieter

Saturday, January 28, 2023

TV Interview by Sue Colter with Pieter J.C. Vedder about Leprosy Project in Indonesia

Sunday, January 29, 2023 is again World Leprosy Day...
So I like to share with you this local TV interview by Sue Colter (and Gillis Video) with Pieter J.C. Vedder about Leprosy Project in Indonesia.
Pieter got quite emotional in telling his/our story...
Click CC for subtitle/closed captions.
It sure IS heartbreaking and if one reads today on World Data Atlas that it is even inside the USA—that is scary!

World Leprosy Day 2023: Stories of persons affected by leprosy ←click link.

Each year there are 200,000 people diagnosed with leprosy...
With our open border—it might even be higher than that...!

Related links:

Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 31 With Pieter J.C. Vedder Visiting Sitanala Leprosy Hospital in Indonesia

 Just wanting to take you back to Indonesia during the time we did still consulting, after having lived and worked there for about 3 years.
So you get to see how we spent New Year's Eve...
December 31, 1998
Grateful for Gil Gillis from TV 35 (at that time) for putting this together for us to show to the Rotarians and others.
En route to our work, on December 31, 1998, we visited Sitanala to deliver a donation from the Dublin, Georgia Rotary Club and Friends. 
Hand delivering the cash US Dollars to Father S. Binzler, a Jesuit, who worked with the leprosy patients on their designated compound.
On November 04, 1989 Princess Diana visited the very same Sitanala Leprosy Hospital.

On the following video you also will see shocking images of the damaged and burned buildings of the Chinese Christians, who ran the businesses for the majority.
In May and November of 1998, those 'rioters' damaged some 6,000 buildings and tortured, raped and killed some 1,200...
It was for me personally the closest I've ever come to a war zone.
Pieter starts out with his finger on the map showing our route of flight for reaching our 'work' destiny:
Atlanta, Georgia/USA on KLM Royal Dutch Airlines to Amsterdam, then on to Singapore and finally reaching Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia.

Happy New Year to ALL!

Thursday, August 27, 2020

modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting

Yay, we finally got them all uploaded as of this morning!
Becoming an Indie Publisher and Co-Author is NOT an easy task...
But we can rightfully say: Mission Accomplished 
Photos are made at the studio of Gillis Video click for info.
We both are grateful to Mr. Gil for his excellent work and above all, for having a photo with both of us together.
Here we proudly show the Hardback.
Uploaded the EPUB this morning, with IngramSpark, so now all 3 forms are available.
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting Ebook: ISBN 978-1-7352413-2-6
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting Paperback ISBN 978-1-7352413-0-2
modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting Hardback ISBN 978-1-7352413-1-9
All, for Worldwide Print On Demand and in English, not American English.
Once more we went back to our roots as we both studied Oxford English... 
We had the help of a professional graphic designer: Elisabeth Heissler Design from the U.K.
Found her via Reedsy.com and we selected her, because of her academic and educational publishing experience. Click on link above.
She got me started, after doing the interior design for me, to type away for my 12 chapters and many sub chapters, which I did send her one by one via WeTransfer.
For several days I got this message 'Welcome back! as I continued typing ahead...
Aside from the Interior Design she also did the Typesetting and inserted all Figures and Tables and helped with the more complicated Tables that I could not do... too old for learning it all!
Yep, that's a lot of words! And complicated ones due to the scientific nature of the book. 
But I got to the end of its 12 chapters.
We did the final corrections and editing of the Proofs, using Adobe Pro, for placing sticky notes for Elisabeth, to change.
At times you can laugh, like here, with the funny abbreviation of thresholds. You see my sticky note next to it.
Yes, our entire book is done in metric, as that is for us the natural way, being Dutch by birth and also in regard to worldwide publishing.
Funny is that legally, the US also is metric, but it only is being used in the medical world and some other industries...
Final print ready PDF for uploading...
And after Elisabeth's vacation, she did the conversion and formatting for the Ebook
It sure was quite a challenging task with its 448 pages, some 240 Figures and lots of them in full color. Also 30 Tables.
Husband Pieter did the illustrations and most of the photos. Some he got from a University such as an electron microscope enlargement 80.000x of virus particles.
We are grateful to the special people that created the Forewords.
We had NO SPONSORS... this is by no means a book for promoting certain mushroom spawn companies, ingredients, any machinery or turn key projects.
We tried to offer a combination of scientific facts with a good portion of practical (personal) experience, gained over a lifetime. 
Also using profound mushroom growing terminology.
Doing it all on our own; purchasing the ISBNs from Bowker Identifier Services for use with each format.
 Also going through the very tedious and complicated process of applying for copy rights.
Guess, all government offices are complex! Sure, they make you pay up front... Haha.
The good thing was that after speaking first with a very helpful and friendly lady, I knew I only needed to apply once for all three formats!
We really were so happy after having received the proof prints of our book!
Thanks Mr. Gil for capturing us together... as Team Vedder
Pieter holding the Hardcover book in his hand
P. J.C. Vedder and M. Van den Munckhof-Vedder the authors for Modern Mushroom Growing 2020 Harvesting
It started out in 1961 with the 1st Dutch edition, a total of 5 Dutch editions.
Center bottom row shows the compact German edition
Husband Pieter J.C. Vedder also wrote for elementary schools about paddestoelen (mushrooms) and subject matter for Agricultural Schools.
We produced numerous training manuals for Campbell Soup and other companies we worked for...
Aside from the 5 Dutch editions above and the German, here are the other foreign languages, including our newest edition.
Hardcover front and spine
Hardcover back
Hardcover flap
Excerpt from foreword by Jack A. McDaniel, Pennsylvania/USA
Both of us worked with him for Campbell Soup's Mushroom Division
Excerpt of foreword by Ir. P. Jan Smits
We all three worked for the Practical Training Centre at that time when Pieter was still its Principal

Yes, our books are available POD (Print On Demand) worldwide and also via Universities and Libraries.
We opted for publishing with IngramSpark for this reason and for lowering the shipping cost.

ISBN-13: 978-1735241319

modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting hardback at Amazon USA but scroll down to the information they provide! You can also look inside. Not all international book sellers show this info...
That's where I also published the 6 Mushroom Editorial Reviews from, they're all listed here below this post.

Look for our book in your own country at any Big Book seller, Library or University! We published worldwide print on demand (POD) for keeping shipping costs LOW!!!
 modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting click link for viewing some worldwide distributors via BookFinder.com.

On September 4, our Hardback modern mushroom growing 2020 harvesting book is listed as #53 Best Sellers in Crop Science (Books)
On September 6, in the United Arab Emirates ranking #2 in Agricultural Science...
When I woke up, it was #3 in Agricultural Science; #12 in Technology and #28 in Engineering in the UAE
The above is from the UK, also on September 6. #44 in Crop Husbandry; 200 in Agricultural Science and 311 in Agriculture Industry
As of January 25, 2023 there now also is a Russian translation. We granted our Ukrainian friend Maksym Yenchenko legal permission for translating our book, together with his UMDIS team.
Not an easy task during the ongoing war in the Ukraine but they finally managed.
Russian speaking people can find it here: vedder.umdis ←click link.
With thanks and appreciation to Maksym Yenchenko and his team!

Those that never met husband Pieter, can see and hear him here: P.J.C. Vedder on Mushroom Cultivation during Technology Transfer Seminar part 1

Related links:
Editorial Review by British Mushroom Journal: P.J.C. Vedder as an Eminent Mushroom Expert, and a Gifted Teacher is Greatly Valued and Admired Internationally | previous post
The Three Most Important Items for Mushroom Production 'Compost, Compost, Compost!' | editorial written by Campbell colleague upon Pieter's resignation and departure to Italy...

1982 Sinden Award for Pieter at The Hotel Majestic, Harrogate, England | about highest recognition in the mushroom industry

Thursday, January 30, 2020

72 Years Later... Gevaphone Spoken Letters to Marine Brother Employed Overseas

Pieter's Mom and Pieter himself went again to the special studio for a spoken letter to Marine Brother Toon
Marine Antonius (Toon) P.M. Vedder
The second son  had to go overseas in 1947 to Dutch Indonesia, for the Indonesian National Revolution. He'd joined the Marine on March 5, 1947 and after some special training they left for Indonesia.
On July 30, 1947 he left on the old 'Volendam', from Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Once again: Grateful to NIMH The Netherlands for extracting its contents! See for more info link below from first post at bottom where I explain about donating these records to the Dutch Institute for Military History 
Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie
Ministerie van Defensie
Pieter still being only child at home and this was with Easter, on March 28, 1948, a goose egg being boiled and  painted.
Pieter on the left, his Mom and his Dad.
This is my hand, holding the thin paper envelope around this Gevaphone record mailed out to Marine Antonius Vedder...
The Gevaphone record with spoken letter by Pieter's Mom and by Pieter himself, written down in Dutch.
Again it turned out to be 'speed-speech' for trying to say as much as possible in 1.5 minute!
Thanks to the help of Gillis Video we could hear it in slow motion for capturing the words!
Translated into English above:
Mother: And now I'm going to talk to you, it's not going to be that smooth yet, but I'll do my best.
First, Toon, everything is still going well with us. What are you saying? Are you as healthy as chicken? Yes you looked like you used to look like you were with us and now, according to the picture, I can't say you've changed a lot.
And now that you’ve become assistent cook now your tummy will grow in size. 
Because the proverb says who's closest to the fire warms himself best.
Has everything been repaired again that they don't need so many technicians and bench mechanics anymore?
Then you're ahead of us here in Holland.
And now I first want to move to our own surroundings.
We slowly are moving into summer.
Now I'm glad we've had the winter behind us because sitting in the cold isn't always fun either.
If only we had a bit of the cold here (she means warmth!) from you!
We live in the country for heat you can say, so every human has something.
East West, it's not that good at home.
To stay in Groessen, we are gradually sowing and planting again.
In the greenhouses, the lettuce and cauliflower are fine and the plants under the flat-glass also.
Finally, Toon,  thank the nuns on behalf of your parents for all the fun time you have spent there.
And now I end up with a firm handshake from your Father and your Mother and Piet will fill the rest of the record.
the plants under the flat glass... like in this photo showing flat glass gardeners click it
Yes, that is to say the voice of mine.
I'm talking to the microphone here for a minute and a half, but that's not that easy.
Oh, dude, you should have seen and heard those preparations! You'd have roared with laughter. 
You’ve lost your mind says one, you can't put that in, who knows who's going to be there when they play that record.
You know what you're doing, said another, you can just write everything you said to Theet, you'll change a few things. 
Yes, that's all well, but if they ever will switch it, you'll end up looking stupid.
We're all fine, you've heard that.
And a lot more, I don't have a towel for you either.
If you start picking on someone, you'll say exactly as Willem Kruis: 'You don't get any supper tonight.'
But then Thé, who writes that they're not so generous with the food. I told him see to it that you're pretty much back home again with Henk Lubbers, by then we'll make sure we have fattened a pig.
We are now also in the big fasting (Lent)!
But now no nonsense. I'll take the accordion and play a tune.
For Theet I played the Blue Danube but for you I have to turn down a few others because you're not that classic and then you can always trade it.
Well there it goes with the best greetings of your brother Piet Vedder.
Genbat is genie bataljon or genius battallion...
Pieter still only child, with his Mom to the left and Dad to the right, while his older brothers were at war for almost 2.5 and 3 years...
Pieter's Mom enjoying her cup of tea while reading one of her son's letters from Indonesia...
Pieter's Mom, penning letters to her two eldest sons at war...
Difficult times but they made it back home safe!
Listen to Pieter's Mom (side A) and Pieter talk (side B) to Toon... All merged together.

De Indië-Gangers 1945-1950
The Indonesia-Goers 1945-1950
A book with compilation of stories by e.g. A.P.M. Vedder about his Marine period.
He proudly shows his received copy on December 9, 2003.
Pictures from his eldest daughter Myriam, Pieter's Goddaughter.
Toon died almost 3 years later but he leaves quite a legacy behind for his descendants...

Next post is about Pieter playing his accordion for his Marine Brother.

Related links:
1948 Gevaphone Record with Young Pieter Playing his Accordion for Brother in Uniform | previous post
72 Years Later... Gevaphone Spoken Letters to Military Brother Employed Overseas | previous post

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

72 Years Later... Gevaphone Spoken Letters to Military Brother Employed Overseas

It is hard to imagine the feeling of touching those Gevaphone records.
Even more so when finally HEARING THEIR CONTENT!!!
Spoken Letter was for Pieter's eldest brother Thé (Theodorus) Vedder who was in the military for nearly 3 years, during the Indonesian National Revolution, without ANY time visiting home!
Tough times for Pieter's Parents who managed to live through the Depression years with their three little sons.
Lived through WWII and the Evacuation while their home got severely damaged and ALL greenhouses flattened...
Then the eldest had to go overseas in 1946 to Dutch Indonesia for the Indonesian National Revolution.
Gevaphone Record
These came from the Belgian company Gevaert and they produced them in large numbers in the late 1940s.
They consist of a carrier of cardboard with a layer of (nitro) cellulose lacquer. In this coating the grooves were cut.
NO WAY you could play those with a regular record player...
Nederlands Instituut voor Militaire Historie
Ministerie van Defensie
So for years, since the death of Pieter's eldest brother Thé, in 2012, when we received them (had no idea they still existed) we searched for a possibility to extract their SECRETS...
Finally, the day before flying to The Netherlands to see Dad one more time while he was still alive, I got a tip from a Dutch history writer whom we had helped with info about Horticulture and Mushroom Cultivation in my Province of Limburg after 1945.
We packed all 7 Gevaphone records carefully and took them with us on the plane to The Netherlands and mailed them from there.
They got received by May 25, 2019 and we agreed to donate them to the Dutch Institute for Military History and in return receive anything that could be extracted from them.
The wait was long till December 18, 2019 when I finally got them via WeTransfer!
Now the speed was such that Pieter could not understand it...
Found a dear friend Gil Gillis from Gillis Video click it, who slowed the audio down so we could understand it.
For about 3 years, Pieter was the only child.
This is at Easter, March 28, 1948, peeling a decorated goose egg and Pieter is almost 19 here!
Pieter's Dad wore a hat often and hence his skin coloration difference.
Thé's task was in the military liaison element...
The Gevaphone record with spoken letter by Pieter's Mom and by Pieter himself, written down in Dutch.
With the slower version, I did manage to capture it and write it down.
Sure, they did try to cram as much as possible into their given 1.5 minute!
Not easy to understand at an old age with hearing difficulties...
Translated into English:
Hello Theet (his Mom called him that always!), here's your Mother's voice.
I've already written a lot of letters to the East but now there's something new under the sun.
And I'm here to have a chat with you.
First, we're all still doing excellent.
What are you saying? With you, too? Yes, I believe so!
Especially if you're making a trip to the Bandung with your boss in such 125 Horse Power truck.
Along the sawas and those beautiful overgrown mountains, a beautiful natural beauty.
And then again in a short time, eight days on leave to that beautiful city from Cirebon to Bandung.
If you let your eyes absorb a little bit of  it, then you can enjoy a lot.
The three of us have talked so many times about Indonesia and said what do these guys benefit in such a beautiful country.
Not only the population but above all the beauty of nature.
We've made the plan by bike, but because the bike's saddles are too hard we opted out.
Now Thé, another point; winter is almost past and sleeping in is over with.
Now pressure is again on horticulture with sowing and planting and in the greenhouses the lettuce and cauliflower are beautiful, and the plants under the flat-glass as well.
So you can see, we're busy again and we'll get a green leaf soon.
Well Thé, now I have to say goodbye with a firm handshake from your Father and Mother and Piet and he will fill up the rest.

Pieter: I’m here with the assignment for chatting one and a half minute into such a thing you call microphone, but I’m sure that is by far not easy to do, at least you should have seen and heard the preparations.
You're crazy said the one, how can you put that in now?
That doesn't make sense, who knows where these things are being played, and especially at your office, there’s a big chance in the presence of some high ranking ones. 
Yes, but that then says another - oh go away that is of absolute no value for him and so on.
That we're all doing well, you've already heard and the same you are writing, so in that regard we're even.
You have to see Toon in a few months.
You reckon that in his capacity as a cook-assistant he will not do bad, at least as far as belly gaining is concerned.
What I can gather from your letters, they're not so generous with food at your location. 
But yes if you can only get along, a human does not easily starve as you can see in Gandhi!
If you're going to last as long until you get back home, by then we'll make sure we have another pig fatted.
It's not going to be that easy to bite into a skinny piece of bacon with a mouth still tasting of chili sauce.
Ah well, I'll grab the accordion and play for you “ON THE BEAUTIFUL DANUBE"
If the musical performance isn't that great, it might still be good for ousting extremists.
Well there it goes with the best greetings from your brother Piet Vedder

This photo is from all three brothers with Parents during the 1940s...
Husband Pieter is to the left and his middle brother Toon is next to him and Thé is seated next to his Mom, with Dad on the left.
Those were scary times, not knowing when and IF they would return home safe; so many lost their life while overseas.
For Pieter it was also hard, especially at his young age for dealing with all the emotions and for helping out as much as he could; being the only one.
Here, his Mom's sister with husband and children are with them.
They lived across the street, and were very close.
Luckily in Indonesia, the two brothers somehow got to be together at times... as seen in this photo!
But none of them could get home for all those years!
It has been quite a job for putting some old photos with text into a slide show and then adding the audio in order to upload it as video on YouTube
Audio is in the original speed, not the slow version!
A little part of history being preserved...
Next post you will hear Pieter playing his accordion !
Related link:
{MEMORIAL DAY - FREEDOM HAS ITS PRICE} | previous post by me mentioning the flattened greenhouses and home...


MARIETTE'S BACK TO BASICS © 2009. All rights reserved - Text and images may not be copied for distribution or sale.

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